
Revision 56 as of 2006-07-16 06:05:48

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Colorado LoCo Team

The Colorado [wiki:LoCoTeams Local Community Team] (aka CoLoCo) advocates the use of Open Source software and Ubuntu Linux in the State of Colorado. This is done through CD Distribution, Team expansion, user-base support, and outreach programs.

The Colorado Local Community Team is not meant to replace our local LUGS but rather enhance their overall experience by having a dedicated place to discuss, contribute, and gain support from local Ubuntu users.



[wiki:JoeyStanford Joey Stanford] is the current Team Leader. [wiki:NealMcBurnett Neal McBurnett] helps keep Joey on track.

If you are interested in joining our team please apply on our [ Launchpad page]. All that is required is residency in or near Colorado and a desire to see Ubuntu grow.

Members must sign the Ubuntu [ Code of Conduct]. We encourage members to do this via Launchpad.

What We Do

  • Educate the public about Ubuntu
  • Supply Ubuntu (CDs & CD images)

  • Support Ubuntu Locally
  • Conduct outreach programs via local schools

Community Resources

Team Activities

Team Events


  • 2006 June 1 - [wiki:DapperReleaseParties Dapper Release Party] - 18:00 MDT (00:00 UTC June 2) - Location - Ziggy's Cafe, 4th & Main, Longmont. ["/Photos"]

  • 2006 June 8 - [wiki:JoeyStanford Joey] brought CDs and gave a talk at the Boulder Linux User's Group meeting. Neal took ["/Photos"].

  • 2006 June 28 - [wiki:JoeyStanford Joey] to speak at the [ Longmont Linux Users Group]'s next meeting at 6pm.

  • 2006 July 11 - [wiki:JoeyStanford Joey] and [wiki:NealMcBurnett Neal] scheduled to introduce our team at the next [wiki:CommunityCouncilAgenda Community Council Meeting].

  • 2006 Sept 16 - [ Software Freedom Day] Party - Location TBD

  • 2006 Sept/Oct - Team Meeting - Location, Date, and Time TBD. Perhaps to coincide with Eft release and make a release party.

Goals 2006

  • Increase awareness in the community and make our name known.
  • Bring more teachers on board, especially elementary.
  • Further refine, and then document, our outreach program.
  • LUG Talks
  • Develop more relationships like the one Paul Casey has with [ Longmont Free University].


Members of our team





  • 2006 June 02 - Joey, for his boundless enthusiasm, energy, and good humor.
  • 2006 June 01 - Jeffrey Haemer for donating a huge amount of blank CDs to the Dapper Party Burning Session
