You can use this page to nominate items for discussion by the Ubuntu Community Council. See the Community Council website and launchpad pages for more information.
The CC meetings will now be regularly at:
- 21:00 UTC, 1st Tuesday of the month
- 11:00 UTC, 3rd Tuesday of the month
The next meeting is scheduled for 4 August 2009, 21:00 UTC and will be held in #ubuntu-meeting on Past meeting logs are also available.
Hint: In order to get notified about next meeting's time, you can:
Subscribe to The Fridge calendar page via iCal.
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Fixed Agenda Items
Keep CommunityCouncil/TeamReport updated.
Updating Next meeting time on the wiki
General Agenda Items and Proposals
Please put a brief statement of the issue to be discussed here, and link to a more detailed description or summary elsewhere in the wiki. You can use the /talk page to write about issues listed below.
Who |
What |
Edubuntu. Introducing Stephane Graber for EC approval, changes to LP teams. Community structure. |
Team wiki licensing. Some blog posts recently in the Fedora community have highlighted the fact that material on the Ubuntu wiki is not available under a free license. When the help wiki was licensed some issues were identified which made it too complicated to license the team wiki at the same time, such as the need to license code separately to text. In looking to address this issue, we should discuss the likely difficulties in advance in order to prepare a new spec to license the team wiki. |
Ubuntu One. Bug #375345 "Creates confusion". General ethos of applying "Ubuntu" to something that isn't. |
Ubuntu One. The previous CC meeting determined that there is no trademark issue, but acknowledged that concerns regarding the blurring of online/offline and community/commercial approaches remain. Subsequently, Ubuntu One integration plans were discussed at UDS, and as a result of all those discussions there is a proposal that the services sit more appropriately at This agenda item is specifically to discuss the URL. Comments on the talk page |
Starting 2008-04-15, LoCoTeam approval is handled by the LoCo Council. So please add your TeamApproval to LoCoCouncilAgenda.
Membership candidates
Starting 2008-04-15, membership applications will be handled by regional teams, delegated by the Community Council, as described at StreamlineMembershipApproval. See Membership/RegionalBoards.
Before applying for membership, please see Membership.
Previous meetings
Logs for previous meetings may be found at