Please use this page to nominate items for discussion by the Ubuntu Community Council. See the [ Ubuntu Governance] page for more information about the Council.
The next meeting of the Council will be on June 21st 2005 at 12:00 UTC. If you put yourself on the agenda, please try to show up to the meeting or let a member of the CommunityCouncil know ahead of time.
People being considered as a LoCoTeamLeader/Contact:
- Add yourself here
MemberCandidates / MaintainerCandidates for consideration:
- Add yourself here
General Agenda Items and Proposals:
- Ops on #ubuntu
- Ops for all Community Council Members, as proposed in previous meeting? Who implements. Also add:
Add FrodeDoeving (uniq) to #kubuntu ops.
LoCoTeamRunning : Someone should write suggestions and tips about LoCo activities, recruiting, in general: How to start and to run a LoCo.
Other LoCo Items?
- Rock the Casbah.
- Any other business
Date of next meeting