This page is dedicated to Ubuntu participation to Fosdem 2010

Ubuntu Booth

Organised by Jan Claeys (JanC) from ubuntu-be.

What we will have at the booth:

  • T-shirts, stickers, etc. to sell
  • some hardware demoing
    • anybody has something cool to show? (remember we don't have a lot of space though)
  • flyers
  • Nice people Wink ;)

Volunteers to man the booth

  • Jan Claeys (parts of the 2 days)
  • Ward De Ridder
  • Mike Morraye (most of Sunday)
  • Rob Snelders (part of days)
  • Laura Czajkowski (parts of days)
  • David Art (2 days)
  • Pierre Buyle (parts of the 2 days, mainly on Saturday)

Ubuntu Developers?

Does anybody have an idea which Ubuntu-related developers will give talks at FOSDEM?

  • Jo Shields ("OSCTool - learning C# and Mono by doing", in the Mono devroom) is a Debian/Ubuntu Mono maintainer
  • Lionel Dricot ("Getting Things Gnome", in the GNOME devroom) started Ubuntu Belgium
  • Manuel de la Peña ("Make your users happy, "cloudify" your app with desktopcouch") is a member of Ubuntu Belgium
  • (please add if you know any more)

Ubuntu Dinner

Just like last year, we plan to do a Ubuntu Dinner for Saturday night.

A reservation was made at the lebanese restaurant Al Jannah (where we had dinner last year) around 20h. Last talks end around 19h, so this should give everybody enough time to gather your stuff and go to the city center. The restaurant is about 10 min walking from the Brussels Central train station (which is also a metro & bus stop), and (normally) there is parking space about 5 min from the train station.

Dinner (food) should be possible for less than 20 € (I think I paid < 20 € for food + drinks last year).

Dinner Attendees

Fosdem/2010 (last edited 2010-02-06 17:30:56 by 13-49-191-193)