For minutes of previous meetings, please see FoundationsTeam.




Actions from this meeting

  • Robbie to add information about "pet bugs" to internal /QA/BugFixing/TeamBugLists wiki. - Done

  • Colin to deliver 8.04.2 manifest by the end of the week.

Activity reports

Colin Watson

  • Updated tasksel for Steve Kowalik's mobile changes.
  • Merged: dpkg, vim (fixing #296324).
  • Analysis of linux/ubiquity/update-manager #314004; fixed ubiquity side.
  • Added ext4 support to the installer:
    • partman-ext3 extensions to support ext4, committed upstream.
    • parted work to permit the above (sent upstream as http://parted.alioth.debian.org/cgi-bin/trac.cgi/ticket/188).

    • Minor adjustments to iso-scan, os-prober, partconf, partman-auto,partman-partitioning, and rescue, all committed upstream.
    • Backported upstream patch to klibc (#309762).
    • Added mkfs.ext4 symlink to e2fsprogs-udeb (Debian #511207).
  • Fixed apt-setup #314462 (-backports lines in sources.list don't honour "free software only" option).
  • Fixed mobile seeds to stop crashing germinate.
  • apt-setup bug fixes (#256098, #294365).
  • Ported pcmciautils to udev 136.
  • Fixed support for my 3G modem (though some problems to resolve before
  • Adjusted and ran Celso's script to import old package removal data into Launchpad (#159585).
  • Fixed debootstrap --second-stage failure reported by Michael Casadevall.
  • Started watching archive-reorganisation UDS videos (not finished yet).
  • Didn't really get round to the sponsorship queue this week. Sad :-( ichthux-meta #289741 was all I managed.

Evan Dandrea

  • Followed up with Artwork team about slideshow work.
  • Added encrypted home directory support to ubiquity.
  • Fixed the remaining bug preventing the manual partitioner from working in ubiquity since the new partman landed.
  • Tried my hand at upgrading ia32-libs after I ran into 273693 upon upgrading to Jaunty. Still trying to get this right, but appear to be on the cusp.
  • Set up a Windows 7 beta environment for testing Wubi and in the future usb-creator and migration-assistant development.
  • Tried merging and updating the seeds in slangasek's absence, but there were no changes to the seeds that needed an upload.
  • Tried to work out the correct options for dpkg/apt to get gnome-app-install to look at a different root directory, so that we can embed g-a-i in usb-creator for adding and removing packages from the squashfs. Sent an email to mvo, but poking around the code in parallel.
  • Hacking together a python WrapLabel class based off the one from libview to hopefully work around a long standing GTK bug.

  • Started looking into copying out the kernel and initramfs when running from a USB disk.

James Westby

  • Distributed Development
    • Trying to prioritise and plan work for this cycle, no spec yet, but that will be my task this week.
  • Ubuntu
    • Bug fixing, sponsoring, build fixing, bug triage etc., getting back in to the swing of things again.
    • Figuring out how to find bugs that should go on the team bug list for Jaunty.

Lars Wirzenius

Done this week:

  • Back from vacation. Processed e-mail backlog.
  • Finished inventing my PDR objectives for this cycle.
  • Finished https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FoundationsTeam/Specs/JauntyCruftRemover(I hope).

  • Looked at bleachbit, found by Michael Vogt, which does somethings Cruft Remover should eventually do, too.
  • Attempted to make a jaunty virtual machine for me to play in, without complete success: upgrading works, after removing openoffice.org-voikko, see #316754, but X does not work. (Had some networking problems too, since the MAC changed, and udev's persistence management named the new one eth1.)
  • I'm basing the jaunty VM on an intrepid VM, and creating it using virt-clone. Wrote http://liw.fi/rename-host/ to help me remember what to change when renaming a host.

  • Reported #316775 (virt-clone should update <graphics port='xxx'/>).

  • Helped a new developer on IRC to debug a build problem with their new package.

Plans for the coming week:

  • Prepare a new system-cleanear package for upload, with a new (final!) name: Computer Janitor, unless someone comes up with something better. Also, write the three new plugins, and start the integration with update-manager sources.
  • Ask system-cleaner to be installed by default in jaunty, so we can shake out any bugs as early as possible.
  • Make piuparts work on Ubuntu out of the box again, at least when run on intrepid (and jaunty, if I can get a working jaunty VM).

Luke Yelavich

  • Accessibility
    • Started preparing a new upstream release of espeak for upload after alpha 3 releases.
  • Audio
    • Audio bug triaging.
    • Checked Fedora's PortAudio v19 package for a patch to make it play nice with pulseaudio. Included this patch in our portaudio 19 package, and uploaded.

    • Uploaded new revision of PulseAudio with many fixes from git, thanks to Daniel Chen for his help.

    • Prepared pulseaudio 0.9.14 for upload right after alpha 3 releases.
  • dmraid
    • Attempted to update the dmraid kernel module, but found that it froze the virtual machine I used for testing when attempting to load it. Will leave the dmraid kernel module as the forward ported version for now, as it seems to work ok.
    • Thought that dmraid latest upstream was broken due to it not recognising metadata from the BIOS on a motherboard I have, but after updating the dmraid package with new fixes from Debian,everything worked as it should.
    • Updated dmraid package with new revisions from debian.
  • Misc
    • Replied to Michael Casadevall's core-dev application.
    • Installed jaunty, hoping to use it day to day for easier testing.

Matthias Klose

  • toolchain updates
    • update binutils to the 2.19 branch
    • merge glibc with Debian
    • gc[cj]-4.[23] updates for jaunty and intrepid
    • backport GCC fixes for wrong-code issues to the 4.3 branch.
  • IcedTea build fixes

  • OpenJDK updates for jaunty, prepare updates for intrepid and hardy
  • acpica-unix, opie, ggz-server updates (ARM build failures), arm status.
  • write MIR's for packages not building in main due to component mismatches
  • release manager duties for alpha-3 on Friday.
  • python packaging updates (for upload after alpha-3).
  • not too much bug triage.

Michael Vogt

  • update-manager
    • make the upgrade experience for EOL releases better (for releases that moved from archive.u.c to old-releases.u.c) by auto transition from old-releases.u.c to archive.u.c (or a mirror) if needed (this is auto detected)
    • work on a the aufs branch
    • help ahasenbeg with seting up the auto upgrade tester on his box
    • Work on lilo removal on intrepid->jaunty upgrades in u-m (#314004)

    • Upload new update-manager that includes the update-manager-text interface
    • Debug upgrade issue to alpha-3 with liw (#316754)
    • work on the auto upgrade tester for alpha-3
      • kvm in jaunty (both -79 and -82 from the PPA) freeze under jaunty after some time. this makes testing difficult
      • moved the test to my laptop that runs intrepid for now (not ideal)
      • need to evaluate xen/ec2 port
  • i18n
    • gdebi i18n fixes
    • synaptic i18n updates/fixes
    • apt i18n fixes (from sianis)
    • unattended-upgrades i18n merges
    • learned that rosetta does not keep pot files up2date automatically
    • update-manager i18n review/update (POTFILES.in)
  • jaunty-codec-install spec
    • port the bbc totem plugin to the new codec install mechanism
    • discuss performance issues with slomo/tim
    • add checks for successfull package installation
    • some cleanups
    • fix the performance issues in the totem plugin and upload
    • switch Details view from GtkLabel to a subclass of GtkTextView

    • upload/sync gnome-codec-install into jaunty
  • alpha-3
    • app-install-data review/update
    • command-not-found-data review/update
  • python-apt
    • Merge python-apt fix for candidateInstalledSize/aptsources code
    • update the mirror list (from LP)
    • review/merge big patch from debian (jak) that adds a whole lot of documentation (yeah!)
  • misc
    • mail
    • bug triage
    • Merge software-properties fix from pochu
    • Work on apturl, bug triage, patch review/applying, upload
    • Popcon server maintainace
    • fix/forward to upstream trivial bugfix in live-magic
    • reproduce/forward libcompizconfig bug with the desktop integration and alt handling
    • play a bit with xkit
  • specs
  • sponsoring
    • review/sponsor totem/totem-pl-parser update
    • Review/sponsoring scim
    • review/sponsor vte
    • review/sponsor metacity (but dholbach was one minute quicker)

Scott James Remnant

  • udev
    • Updated watershed to install itself into the initramfs
    • After uploading udev 136, I set about making sure all packages that ship udev rules install to /lib/udev/rules.d and include Breaks on udev to force an upgrade.
      • Uploads to: alsa-toosl, alsa-utils, avarice, barry-util, bitpim, bluez, boinc, brltty, comedilib, cpad-kernel, edac-utils, etoken-pro-support, foo2zjs, fuse-utils, garmin-forerunner-tools,gpsd, hal, hama-slide-mouse-control, hdapsd, hdparm, hplip,ifplugd, ifupdown, kino, kqemu-source, kvm, libchipcard-tools, libdjconsole-data, libdlm3, libfprint0, libgphoto2-2, libgpib-bin, libibverbs1, libmtp8, libnjb5, libsane, libsane-extras, libticales2-1, libvpb0, libxenomai1, linux-wlan-ng, lirc, lomoco, madfuload, mga-vid-common, midisupport-firmware, mouseemu, mt-st, multipath-tools, mythtv-backend, nut, nut-hal-drivers, openct, rt73-common, selinux-basics, speechd-up, spectools, trousers, tucnak2, usbmount, util-linux, vzctl, x52pro, xen-utils-3.3, zaptel
    • Rebuilt uswsusp to shed libvolumeid0 dependency
    • Fixed issues with lvm2, mdadm and dmsetup
    • Packaged udev-extras
    • Fixed udev package to remove additional conffiles left over from previous versions
    • Updated saned to drop the scanner group completely.
  • Misc
    • Trying to get RPM to build

Steve Langasek

  • Release management
    • 8.04.2 preparations
      • SRU processing for 8.04.2
      • fix up oversized alternate CDs by dropping more langpacks Sad :(

      • phone call w/ QA to discuss remaining SRUs
    • Jaunty alpha-3 preparations
      • chase down OOo bloat
      • rebuild reverse-deps for libgnome-desktop-2-11 transition (NBS cleanup)
      • start rebuild of libmagick10 reverse-deps, saving 2.1MB on the CDs
  • Packages
    • follow through on pam-config-framework (LP: #275169)
    • merge the latest pam from Debian (fixes LP: #256238)
    • sponsor apport/pm-utils changes that let apport report on suspend/resume failures
  • Misc
    • Monday archive duties

FoundationsTeam/Meetings/2009/0114 (last edited 2009-01-16 18:53:38 by adsl-99-49-33-68)