Ubuntu Ireland IRC Meeting, was due to be held at 9pm, 5th April 2009, but was postponed till 9pm Wednesday 15th April
- czajkowski
- ebel
- Mean-Machine
- tdr1121
- Shane_Fagan
- delcoyote
- theirishpenguin
- sherkin
- P2
Feel free to add an agenda item, and don't forget to put your name next to it.
Agenda item
Ubuntu Ireland Press Release Team
Odd Jobs
IRC Tolerance / Code of Conduct
Ubuntu Women
Irish Translation of Ubuntu
insert item here
insert your name
A few items were discussed at the belated IRC meeting
- Ubuntu Ireland press release team. Discussed some of the ideas from the mailing list when it was first raised. czajkowski suggested using the wiki to create a press release about oss events (ossbarcamp, jaunty release party). Shane_Fagan expressed an interest in doing that
- theirishpenguin is thinking of setting up a site listing companies that use ubuntu or floss software
ebel mentioned the OddJob page, for little tasks that would benefit the ubuntu-ie website / community, including adding spam protection to the comments on ubuntu-ie.org. ebel has promised to buy a pint to the person who sets it up. Shane_Fagan had a look.
- czajkowski reminded people about the Ubuntu Code of Conduct, in order to be sure the IRC channel remains a friendly and welcoming place, and mentioned Ubuntu Women.
Mean-Machine brought up the release party for the next version of ubuntu. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrishTeam/IRCMeetings/2009-04-05#preview more info. There are some tshirts available for prizes. An ubuntu releated pub quiz was suggested.
czajkowski mentioned that some of the people running freenode are holding a geek picknic ("geeknic") in dublin in the summer. http://wiki.geeknic.org/index.php/Dublin_2009
- ebel metioned the Irish translation of ubuntu, and floated the idea of a translation jam, to do a practice session on ubuntu translation
Mean-Machine suggested some wiki spring cleaning and pointed people to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrishTeam/Toolbox/Wiki/Menu
- Another OSSBarCamp was suggested, and some tentative thoughts on software freedom day 2009
<tdr1121> we will give shane a few min to turn up <Mean-Machine> ebel, are you still in charge or Shane? <ebel> Oh, er, I dunno <czajkowski> thought you were and it was only as you weren't around * ebel is willing to chair the meeting <Mean-Machine> ebel, cool <ebel> Yeah that's why i needed someone else to chair it the other day. <ebel> But, I'm here now! :) <Mean-Machine> shall we? * tdr1121 is here <czajkowski> yup <ebel> OKies, Ubuntu ireland meeting starting <ebel> please say PRESENT if you're here.. <ebel> PRESENT * Mean-Machine PRESENT <tdr1121> PRESENT <czajkowski> PRESENT <ebel> No-one else? <sherkin> Hi all, PRESENT <Mean-Machine> sherkin, hiya <ebel> hiya sherkin! <tdr1121> yo * ebel is a bit suprised shane's not here, I thought he said he was gonna come.... <ebel> Oh well. <sherkin> it's a few days a wasn't around, but I don't forget you :) <ebel> For the record the wiki page for this meeting is herehttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrishTeam/IRCMeetings/2009-04-05 <ebel> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrishTeam/IRCMeetings/2009-04-05 more like <Mean-Machine> theirishpenguin, yo! <czajkowski> theirishpenguin: welcome <czajkowski> my tweet worked :D <ebel> Like all our meetings that's just a wikipage and everyone's welcome to just add stuff to it. there's a few items on the agenda <theirishpenguin> Ha ha! Tweets are good! <ebel> hiya theirishpenguin <theirishpenguin> Hi ebel <theirishpenguin> Lucky I just turned on tweetdeck! <ebel> Hiya Shane_Fagan <Shane_Fagan> Sorry guys belated present <ebel> We were just starting the meeting <Mean-Machine> Shane_Fagan, eveninkz * ebel is chairing :P <Shane_Fagan> Evening * ebel is tempted to wait a moment or two to see if anyone else turns up, however I'm on battery <czajkowski> lets go :) <ebel> feck it. First item on agenda is ' Ubuntu Ireland Press Release Team ' <ebel> proposed my moi <ebel> That was in relation to a post on the mailing list from Shane_Fagan about setting up a press release team for ubuntu-ie <ebel> ( https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-ie/2009-March/000201.html ) <ebel> My opinion ( https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-ie/2009-March/000206.html ) is that I'm not sure we explicitly need a press release time <ebel> *team <ebel> HOWEVER, whatever you want to do, do. <czajkowski> I don't think so either, maybe in time when the community is larger <ebel> i.e. if you're interested, the go for it. <ebel> By that's just my humble opinion <Mean-Machine> correcto there was further discussion on the mailing list <czajkowski> we can see by even these irc meeting we are small, even though at events more do turn up <P2> PRESENT <Shane_Fagan> I agree too when we get bigger it would be a good idea. <P2> hi tdr1121 <czajkowski> Shane_Fagan: maybe in the mean time as you;ve expressed an interest <czajkowski> an idea would be that if you see folks are organising events, approach them and maybe offer to do something up in the wiki/sites <czajkowski> as a way of drumming up publicity <Shane_Fagan> sure I would have no problem with that <czajkowski> its not a team and others can help and edit <ebel> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-ie/2009-March/000205.html Paul O'Malley has some giid advise here <czajkowski> but that way it's a role for you and also helps Mean-Machine out as cant be leaving it all to him <Mean-Machine> I think a good idea would be to work on a press release type thing on the wiki page, where everyone can contribute <czajkowski> ompaul always has good advice <ebel> Yeah, if it's something someone is interested in, then do it. * ebel used to be reluctant to contribute to ubuntu / linux / floss, but realised that everyone's contribution is welcome, <Shane_Fagan> So not so much a team as just having people who are interested to help Mean-Machine in the website and the wiki <czajkowski> Shane_Fagan: maybe if folks offer .take in turns or work on an artcle for an event or post an event <czajkowski> as a colaboration <czajkowski> an example would be say post ossbarcamp or post jaunty release from the stance on ubuntu-ie <ebel> Well depends what you mean by 'team'. ILUG has a committee and an AGM, Ubuntu-ie has none of that. <Mean-Machine> have an idea? start doing it and let the others know <ebel> even if it's just a bunch of people coaleascing around an idea and working on things, that can be a 'team'. <czajkowski> nods <czajkowski> anyone got anything else to say ? <ebel> So basically Shane_Fagan ( or anyone ), if you want there to be a press team, then do it. <ebel> No-one'll do it for you :P <Shane_Fagan> Yep <czajkowski> ebel: well I wouldnt say that I'd still prefer to not focus on a team as yet <theirishpenguin> Possibly not quite falling under the category of press release but perhaps under publicity, I was thinking of setting up a site listing companies using FOSS... <czajkowski> but if indivivuals want to help folks promote events then yes <czajkowski> theirishpenguin: nice idea <theirishpenguin> ... which would include companies using Ubuntu. Anyone heard of something similar in Ireland? <ebel> czajkowski: well my point is that you can't order someone to do something. people will do what they are interested in. No-one interested in it... <czajkowski> not heard of anything like that <ebel> theirishpenguin: sounds like a good ida. <Mean-Machine> theirishpenguin, someone asked me this question at ossbarcamp <ebel> theirishpenguin: if you do it, let me know, I'll add what companies I know. :) <czajkowski> ebel: oh I know, but using the word team on a community so small making it formalised might makes folks not want to step up as they may think they're "not goog enough" <ebel> true <sherkin> Maybe hands-on sessions for beginners could help much making ubuntu more popular <sherkin> and press could come and see <theirishpenguin> ebel: Sure. That would be great. I will prob try to knock something together in Ruby. Will drop a line when ready. <czajkowski> sherkin: good idea, how would you suggest we do that, informaly or run tutorials ? <czajkowski> theirishpenguin: score <ebel> theirishpenguin: awesome. :) * Shane_Fagan thinks tutorials would be good <sherkin> physical meetings may be easier for beginners <ebel> true. People on IRC are probably already converted ;) and real life has a more familiar classroom approach <Mean-Machine> sherkin, + bug jams ;-] <Shane_Fagan> Anyway next topic? <Mean-Machine> a proper install fest <sherkin> Install parties are periodically organised in Brittany, that why I suggest .. <ebel> sherkin: yeah bug jams are good for that. Our last one was quite successful. : <tdr1121> this is all good talking about it but will it get done , will people go ie normal people <ebel> tdr1121: well there were some new faces at the bug jam. <czajkowski> tdr1121: thats the bit that needs to be worked on imo <tdr1121> we had a drop in place did many people go @ Mean-Machine <sherkin> ebel: Sorry I couldn't be there, one next hopefully <czajkowski> not many, a few <tdr1121> if it is going to work you have to put more word out there <Mean-Machine> tdr1121, myself ebel and czajkowski :P <czajkowski> adn sean <ebel> Yeah. <ebel> :( <Mean-Machine> yup <czajkowski> tdr1121: finding a location is the issue <ebel> Proper events are better IME <czajkowski> also if you chose week days folks wont come and weekends ppl go away <Mean-Machine> we learnt our lesson <Shane_Fagan> I find it hard to get up to dublin <Mean-Machine> czajkowski knows stuff about organizing events ;-] <czajkowski> Mean-Machine: I have something up my sleeve <czajkowski> I've to wait to aob <czajkowski> ebel: next topic :p <ebel> Yeah. <ebel> OddJobs <ebel> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrishTeam/OddJobs wiki page of random small jobs that might be helpfupo <Mean-Machine> ebel, I really like this idea a lot! <ianto> Mean-Machine: Got your T-shirts yet? :) <czajkowski> yes the comments spam is a massive issue <Mean-Machine> ianto, I did <ebel> i.e. sometimes there is little things that people can do. <ianto> Mean-Machine: Cool aren't they? :D <czajkowski> I cleared out 10 pages of them yesterday and there are over 50 there <ebel> small things that you might buy someone a pint for. <czajkowski> meaning we cannot turnn on comments on events and wile WE use irc not everyone does <czajkowski> so to make folks interact via site comments need soe form of moderation or spamassim <Shane_Fagan> Is there a spam control module in drupal? <ebel> And to start the ball rolling, I ( ebel ) will buy a pint to the person who sets up some sort of spam control for the ubuntu-ie website <ebel> Shane_Fagan: There probably is, but I haven't looked into it. * Mean-Machine neither <Shane_Fagan> Ill give it a go tomorrow then I think I saw something in the admin area of the site to handle spam <czajkowski> cool <czajkowski> thanks <theirishpenguin> Spam control in Drupal http://drupal.org/node/206787 <czajkowski> so Shane_Fagan will look into spam issue and comments on our wiki <theirishpenguin> You can never have enough modules :-) <ebel> Cool. :D <Mean-Machine> yay! <Shane_Fagan> Ah I found it <ebel> in general people should add things to that wiki page <ebel> for little odd jobs. <ebel> so if you wanna do something small for ubuntu-ie, then have a look there. <czajkowski> we can send that around the mailing list also <ebel> Yeah. <czajkowski> and maybe Shane_Fagan do a post on it on the wiki/site to drum up some publicity on it and get folks interesteted <Mean-Machine> czajkowski, it was ebel's idea ;-] <czajkowski> eiher or * ebel shurgs <czajkowski> it was just Shane_Fagan who emntioned doin press work so mabye BOTH work on it <ebel> The person who's interested and willing .... <czajkowski> thats the idea <Mean-Machine> yeah * Shane_Fagan was looking at ubuntu-ie. What happened ? <ebel> it's working for me... <ebel> Anyways, next topic <czajkowski> ebel: hows the battery? <ebel> "IRC Tolerance / Code of Conduct " by czajkowski <czajkowski> right bascially added this here * Shane_Fagan ducks <czajkowski> as recently we're had some very heated and not very friendly conversations in here * ebel *does* have a plug somewhere, just trying to use the battery excuse to force the meeting to not drag on for ages <czajkowski> it also relates to the next agenda item -women <czajkowski> you'll notice I'm now the only female in here <czajkowski> due to peoples recent comments one female member has felt it not pleasent to be in here <czajkowski> I would liek to remind folks about the !coc <ebel> !coc <ubot2> The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ <czajkowski> and to respect that people will have different opnions <czajkowski> disussion of course is healthy but please know when to draw the line <delcoyote> a trip to the george will change that atitude <czajkowski> right <sherkin> czajkowski: I'm here too, supporting your "Ubuntu Women" subject <czajkowski> sherkin: thanks <czajkowski> ok <czajkowski> now about ubuntu -women <ebel> See that's the problem with IRC, you can never know who someone is. <czajkowski> the great thing about ubuntu is the diversity of its groups <czajkowski> there is one there for everyone and we welcome everyone <czajkowski> the thing is <ebel> You don't know if someone's male/female black/white settled/traveller. <ebel> So you should be careful who's around when you say something <czajkowski> if you dont respect or agree with a certain group, you do not chastise that person for participating in a group <czajkowski> ebel: exactly this is pixel land <czajkowski> and sometimes yes we know each other <czajkowski> but not everyone has the opportunity to meet one another <ebel> (of course that's also a great benefit of online communication, mixed blessing and all that) <czajkowski> indeed <czajkowski> :) <Mean-Machine> it's all about respecting another human being / ubuntu user <ebel> The other thing is that IRC is very very very low bandwidth. <czajkowski> if you find folks are being rude you can poke a opn on channel <czajkowski> also you cna use the /ignore command <czajkowski> Mean-Machine: exactly <czajkowski> I'm done <ebel> In real life you can turn away from someone or frown or something to communicate that you disappove. <delcoyote> I've been online for years chatting and there are loads of missunderstandings, or feelings hurted for - reasons many <delcoyote> I mean = <ebel> But you can't really do that on irc. <delcoyote> shouldnt be bothered by someones comments <czajkowski> delcoyote: well yes and know <czajkowski> delcoyote: a comment is one thing, but disrespecting someone opinion or reasons is anothter thing <czajkowski> and we need to realse that after events we get more new people in here and their first impressions of in here can make them stay or leave <delcoyote> true czajkowski , but those comments shouldnt affect this people, or just dont "pay" the game they want you to play <Shane_Fagan> czajkowski: I didnt mean to seem like a trouble maker. I was defending -women in the first place because i think it is good to talk with people you relate to. <delcoyote> but I do understand some are more hearted than others <czajkowski> Shane_Fagan: you may have been defending , bu you also trolled. <Shane_Fagan> I dont get what you mean <czajkowski> knowong a converaion had happned when I was away and bringing it up when the other speaker was around and was keeping quiet * ebel is glad ubuntu-ie isn't plagued by the immature trolls you can find online <Mean-Machine> mr. chairman ? <czajkowski> anyways I've said my piece <ebel> right. <czajkowski> just want folks to remember CoC and being polite on irc and resecting <Mean-Machine> czajkowski, thank you for this <Shane_Fagan> Ok noted I didnt mean bad <czajkowski> Shane_Fagan: I know. <Mean-Machine> it's an important thing <ebel> next topic is from czajkowski again <ebel> about ubuntu-womens <Shane_Fagan> I think we just covered that <ebel> *women <czajkowski> ebel: covered that also above <sherkin> question , is this channel logged everyday ? <Shane_Fagan> next <ebel> sherkin: yes. <czajkowski> sherkin: yes <Mean-Machine> sherkin, yes <Mean-Machine> :D <tdr1121> http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/ <sherkin> thanks :) <ebel> sherkin: http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/2009/04/15/%23ubuntu-ie.html <ebel> locobot_5 is logging us. <ebel> czajkowski: really? I thought you'd like to expand more on -women,.... * ebel shrugs, Up to you * Shane_Fagan has a party to get to, next please <czajkowski> ebel: I just wanted it noteed about the groups and peple being in them <ebel> OK so <ebel> Mean-Machine: Jaunty Release Party <Shane_Fagan> Yay <delcoyote> i guess youall have it related jobs? <delcoyote> IT* <Mean-Machine> inf here> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrishTeam/JauntyReleaseParty and here <Mean-Machine> http://www.ubuntu-ie.org/node/25 <Mean-Machine> *info <Mean-Machine> + we have professional ubuntu flyers from canonical <Mean-Machine> 4 t-shirts <Mean-Machine> very very cool tshirts akshuly <Mean-Machine> and some ubuntu stickers <ebel> oh? <Shane_Fagan> Good im exited <ebel> Raffle or prize maybe? <Mean-Machine> ebel, I was thinking of a pub quiz <Mean-Machine> ubuntu-related of course <Mean-Machine> ;-] <czajkowski> Mean-Machine: I added https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseParties here as jonno was talking abotu them today on the video cast <Shane_Fagan> I dont know if I can stay up all day but ill try to appear for some part <Shane_Fagan> I still need a sticker for my new computer <Mean-Machine> czajkowski, cool. <ebel> Mean-Machine: Good idea. * tdr1121 wants some stickers * Shane_Fagan wants stickers too <Shane_Fagan> Next topic? <ebel> Mean-Machine has the chair... <Mean-Machine> anyone else wants to voluteer to burn jaunty cds on the day? <delcoyote> which day? <Mean-Machine> april 25th <Mean-Machine> http://www.ubuntu-ie.org/node/25 <delcoyote> time? might be working till 4:30 pm <Mean-Machine> delcoyote, we'll be in the pub from 3pm <delcoyote> and czajkowski did DIT give you the space? <czajkowski> delcoyote: space for?? <delcoyote> ahh ok Longstone, finally I will make it after 2 years <czajkowski> delcoyote: not longstone, messers <delcoyote> space for the chats? <delcoyote> hub? <czajkowski> delcoyote: bit lost sorry. what do you mean ? <czajkowski> hub has nothing to do with me * Mean-Machine finished <czajkowski> I've one point AOB: <czajkowski> so we're on irc <delcoyote> i saw the video of the introduction and you named DIT <czajkowski> and ubuntu-ie like many channels are on freenode <czajkowski> freenode staffers are coming to visit and would love to have you all there at a Geeknic http://wiki.geeknic.org/index.php/Dublin_2009 <czajkowski> so I'm asking you all to come and to spread the word <czajkowski> please <czajkowski> final AOB: thanks to all those who came to OSSBARCAMP * tdr1121 will be there <czajkowski> I'm runnign a 2nd one <czajkowski> :) <Shane_Fagan> What about irish translations I though that topic was before aob? <czajkowski> just finalising the date for it <Shane_Fagan> *thought <Mean-Machine> ebel, battery stil ok? :P * ebel has plugged in. <czajkowski> :) <ebel> :0 <ebel> :) <ebel> Right, next thing is the Irish translation of Ubunut <ebel> Ubuntu is translatable into many many languages, irish being one <ebel> However it's not fully done yet. <delcoyote> mess maguire ok i like the beer <ebel> At ossbarcam this was mentioned and people were interested. <ebel> So I thought i'd spread the word that it is possible to translate ubuntu into irish. <ebel> I wouldn't mind organising a 'translate day' or something <ebel> try to get more differnt people involved. <czajkowski> ebel: I'd be interested in learning how * Shane_Fagan also cut across mean-machine to make my point about schools in ireland wanting to teach in irish <czajkowski> ebel: if shown once I'd like to see if I could do it, my Irish isnt that great <delcoyote> sorru czajkowski my question was what o were does DIT get involved? <czajkowski> my goddaughter has offered to help me as she goes to school in Irish :) <ebel> czajkowski: my irish is rubbish. :P <czajkowski> delcoyote: dIT was the venue for ossbarcamp <Mean-Machine> I could show how to use launchpad for translations, but no Irish <delcoyote> I see ok * ebel is also vaguely familar with launchpad transltaions <Shane_Fagan> https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+lang/ga <Shane_Fagan> Go here its fairly easy to do. I tried but my irish is crap too <ebel> So would anyone be interested if we did a translation jam? <czajkowski> ebel: yes <Mean-Machine> ebel, I'd be there :D <Shane_Fagan> ebel: I would be cool if we could get a school involved <Shane_Fagan> *it not I <ebel> Shane_Fagan: yeah it would. <ebel> but i don't know any schools.... <ebel> maybe an email to various lists might get some organising going... <Shane_Fagan> Id say pitch it to any school and see what they say <czajkowski> I could ask the guy that comes to a lot of my events <czajkowski> that works with secondary schools <ebel> oh? <czajkowski> and promotes FLOSS <Shane_Fagan> I know the Principal's of 2 primary schools if that helps <ebel> Shane_Fagan: yeah that does help. <Shane_Fagan> In kildare though <ebel> ah. <ebel> Right well it looks like people would be interested. * ebel takes note. <ebel> Right. that's the end of the agenda <Mean-Machine> one more AOB: I was saying that our wiki needs some refreshment so how about a new navigation? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrishTeam/Toolbox/Wiki/Menu of course it's not finished but available to work on and to implement on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrishTeam/ <ebel> czajkowski: has mentioned AOB and geeknic, so unless you want to expand on that... <czajkowski> ebel: I copied in the link and spoke about it <czajkowski> hoping folks sign up and come along <Shane_Fagan> Nice <czajkowski> and also there will be a 2nd Ossbarcamp <czajkowski> late august early september <czajkowski> I just need to firm date up <Shane_Fagan> czajkowski: Ill speak about launchpad if you want <tdr1121> will sfd be around the same time <czajkowski> tdr1121: nope, sorry <Mean-Machine> Software Freedom Day - Saturday 19 September 2009 do we want to run this event again? <ebel> tdr1121: SFD is in septemper AFAIR * Shane_Fagan hit 20000 in launchpad karma and then this morning they cut everyones and mine is back down to 7000 <ebel> Right any other items? <Mean-Machine> Software Freedom Day can also be just an advocacy event. in town with baloons etc. :P <theirishpenguin> Another OSSBarcamp sounds deadly. Ditto on the S/W Freedom day. <ebel> Mean-Machine: do you mean we run it or czajkowski run it? :P <czajkowski> Mean-Machine: it's up to you the talks were good. <czajkowski> ebel: no I'd help but not run it <czajkowski> same as I helped <czajkowski> last year <Mean-Machine> czajkowski, ossbarcamp would be too close <Mean-Machine> IMHO <czajkowski> I'm limited due to May UDS <czajkowski> July GUADEC <tdr1121> that's what I was thinking <czajkowski> August really <czajkowski> September SFD <Shane_Fagan> Its not too bad if they are close <czajkowski> October I know of another event and nov I'm busy <czajkowski> so then January really <Shane_Fagan> One event a month should be alright <Mean-Machine> czajkowski, sounds very busy <czajkowski> Shane_Fagan: not if you want a large audicen I had 150+ @ ossbarcamp and want to aim for the same <czajkowski> Mean-Machine: tis <Mean-Machine> we can discuss sfd at the release party ;-] <czajkowski> nods <Mean-Machine> ebel, wanna wrap it up or is there anything else? <czajkowski> so who's gonna come to geeknic?? <Shane_Fagan> Cant <ebel> yeah anything else? <ebel> If not, that's the end of the meeting <Shane_Fagan> seconded <Mean-Machine> czajkowski, I hope I can. need to check <theirishpenguin> czajkowski: will try to make the geeknic! Think I can. <Mean-Machine> Ubuntu-ie IRC meeting finito
Parent pages: IrishTeam/IRCMeetings IrishTeam
IrishTeam/IRCMeetings/2009-04-05 (last edited 2009-04-21 09:21:03 by 83)