Obsolete page, developers please join https://launchpad.net/people/kubuntu-team
Join us
This is a volunteer driven effort and there are many tasks available for you to pick up. If you want to help, contact us and we will help you getting started. If you have an interesting new idea not present on the task list, feel free to contact us as well: new ideas are always welcome!
If you help with Kubuntu at all please add your name here.
AndreasMueller (amu)
AnthonyMercatante (Tonio)
CharlesMajola (d3vic3)
ChrisHalls (haggai)
SeanWheller (froud) working on docs
GregTaylor (gtaylor on IRC) working on docs
JonathanRiddell (Riddell)
JonathanJesse (jjesse on #kubuntu and #ubuntu-doc) working on docs
TorstenRahn (tackat)
MicheleGazzaruso (badguy on IRC) working on Kubuntu Improvements and eye candies
SimoneGotti (motaboy)
FrancisGiannaros (apokryphos)
Matt Filizzi (MattFilizzi)
FrodeDoeving (uniq)
- RajeevJSebastian (insanekane)
SergeyDimchenko (kit)
JeanRemyFalleri (jrfaller)
- KaiFLahmann (KaiL)
VishalMistry (lao_v)
BastianHolst (Oculusaquilae)
TobiVollebregt (tvo)
PatrickDavies (jpatrick)
AndreasMussgiller (muszilla)
KennedyKasina (kasina)
HervéFache (rvfh)
RobertGrønning (norwegian translator)
StephanHermann (\sh) (doing the Python Side of Life
RaphaelPinson (raphink)
AchimBohnet (allee)
- Freeflying (freeflying)
On Freenode IRC network:
- #kubuntu - Main Community Meetpoint
- #kubuntu-devel - Developers Dicussion
- #kubuntu-es - Spanish Community Meetpoint
- #kubuntu-nl - Netherlander Community Meetpoint
- #kubuntu-de - German Community Meetpoint
- #kubuntu-fr - French Community Meetpoint
On ircnet network:
- !kubuntu.fi - Finnish Community Meetpoint
Mailing list: http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/kubuntu-users
Developers: http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/kubuntu-devel
KubuntuPeople (last edited 2008-08-06 16:41:20 by localhost)