
Ubuntu Education Programme : Introduction

RichardWeideman is the Education Programme Manager for Ubuntu. He is a dedicated head focusing on our engagement with the Education Sector and the requirements of this niche audience.

Richard is the 1st line contact for all Education enquiries across all Ubuntu variants:

  • Ubuntu
  • Edubuntu
  • Kubuntu
  • Xubuntu

Education users and stakeholders are interacting with the whole range of Ubuntu products under various academic and education support scenarios. Although they may be using different installs, configurations and desktop interfaces, there are two areas in which they all share common issues:

  • Below the Desktop
    • All the Ubuntu variants are based on the core Ubuntu operating system
  • Above the Desktop
    • Education Tools
    • Education Applications
    • Education Content
    • Open Source in Education issues

LoCo Teams Education Contacts

This a list of volunteer Education Contacts for Ubuntu LoCo Teams:


Education Contact

LoCo Team Wiki Page






United States / Colorado

Chris Yoder

Colorado LoCo

United State / New York



I currently work in K-12

India / TamilNadu






Edubuntu Indonesia established in 2006







Ubuntu and Education : Community

We are currently building a community around Ubuntu and Education.

We are looking to engage the various users and stakeholders in the Education Sector a way which:

  • brings them into our community according to their needs
  • assists them to find guidance and solutions for their specific requirements
  • allows them to share their learnings
  • and helps them to contribute towards an integrated and comprehensive end-to-end Open Source Education solution which is widely adopted and well supported.

LoCo Teams and Education : How to help with Ubuntu and the Education Sector

Education Contact for each LoCo

We would like to ask each loco group to nominate an Education Contact for their territory, to:

  • act as the 1st line Education Contact for their LoCo, and to channel requests to Richard

  • to be listed as the education contact for their territory
    • on this page
    • on their loco page
    • on the Ubuntu Education community space which is being built
  • to stay in touch with Education happenings in their territory

The nominated person would not need any Education background or experience; just a personal interest in Education as well as the willingness and patience to field enquiries from often non-technical education people.

Mostly, you would be:

  • introducing people once off to the Ubuntu and Education community resources and contacts
  • keeping an eye out for local Education Events or Projects or News to pass on to Richard

If you would be willing to volunteer:

Ubuntu Education IRC Channels

We'd also like you all to make your community aware of our two Education specific IRC channels:

  • #ubuntu-education

    • Ubuntu Education : Education Topics Across any Ubuntu Product
  • #edubuntu

    • Edubuntu product Discussions & Support

both on freenode.net

Education Mail Lists

And finally, we'd like you all to make your community aware of our three Education specific mail lists:


LoCoTeamEducation (last edited 2010-01-28 18:24:04 by pppoe)