Work is ongoing on the LoCo Team Portal. Discussed at original at UDS Mountain View called LoCo Directory. It's going to solve a lot of today's problems and make collaboration much much easier.


Get Started

  1. bzr branch lp:loco-team-portal

  2. cd loco-team-portal; less INSTALL

    • Note: If you are doing development on 12.04 you will need to replace python2.6 references to python2.7 in the Makefile

  3. Review our release process.

  4. General development tips and tricks.

Bug Importance

Current Roadmap

Precise Blueprint

Work Items (as of 11/16/2011)

Previous Releases

0.1 release

In its 0.1 release we plan to replace the "big list of loco teams" and make administration of that list a lot easier.

Working features



  1. (./) make ./loco_directory/teams/ work (used within ./loco_directory/templates/teams/team_update.html). It currently explodes when you try to change data. (Efrain)

  2. (./) Ask teams to join ~locoteams (Nick and Efrain)

  3. (./) Add functionality for ~loco-council change of loco contacts, etc. (Daniel)

  4. (./) Add functionality to pull team information to Launchpad. (Daniel)

  5. Make sure that all approved teams end up in ~approved-locoteams (Nick and Efrain)
  6. (./) New view "upcoming re-approvals". (Daniel)

  7. (./) Take care of translations. (Daniel)

  8. (./) Code cleanup and general beautification. (all)

  9. (./) Import Launchpad team owner and team admins (Daniel)

  10. (./) Really let lpupdate script update information (Daniel)


  1. Offer STATEful file. (Daniel)

0.2 release

TODO 0.2

Branch: Events blueprint

  1. Add Venues from within the TeamEvent form.

  2. Offer previous venues in the TeamEvent form.

  3. Arrange so Only Horsemen can add Global Events?
  4. Arrange so only Admins can add Team Events?
  5. On Team Details offer, last 5 events organized by the team
  6. On Event Details page, offer 5 random registered attendees (link to launchpad page) as teaser, full list available at a click distance.
  7. On Events main page offer the last 5 registered by the LoCo team Community

  8. On Event Details page, offer last 5 post in microblogging services (, twitter)
  9. On Event Details page, pull 5 random pictures from a web album in picasa, flickr etc.


  1. Sexy Map. (Ubuntu-Drupal, Chris)

Branch: lp:ubuntu-drupal-locomap
Branch: lp:~christophe.sauthier/loco-directory/0.2-map


LoCoTeamPortal (last edited 2016-02-24 22:16:18 by tsimonq2)