
Revision 61 as of 2016-05-04 00:39:59

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I'm Neal McBurnett and I've been an Ubuntu user, promoter, contributor and distributor since the first release (4.10 Warty), on servers and desktops, for myself and several non-profit organizations. I've been active with *nix since 1977 and have never had Windoze on my desktop Smile :)

I've been an Ubuntu member since 2007.


My Ubuntu timeline

Member of

Sample contributions:

I've been involved with related organizations for many years, attending meetings and giving presentations. I often help raise their awareness of each other by cross post meeting announcements, handing out Ubuntu CDs, etc. Here is a sampling.

I was involved with the Front Range Unix Users Group (which was the longest-running UNIX Users group anywhere - April 1981 until 2008) since the 1980's and was on the steering committee for several years. I've been involved with the Boulder Linux Users Group since 1998, and its offshoot the Hacking Society. I'm also enjoying the FrontRangePythoneers, DevOps Boulder and BarCampBoulder, and have been active in the IT security community (as nealmcb). I participate in various data science groups in Boulder.

Other Interests

I taught Artificial Intelligence at the University of Colorado, Boulder in 2012 and 2013, and was on the team that ran the Big Data Analysis with Spark in 2015. I was a co-founder in 1993 of the Boulder Community Network [], active with the IETF since 1995, and a consultant on computer security and web sites. I worked on the IDtrust 2008 symposium and identity and trust for [], after a career at Bell Labs]. I've been an IT professional since 1973, used Unix/BSD/UTS/Solaris/Linux since an early Vax version (32/V) at Bell Labs research in 1977, and have never had Windoze on my desktop Smile :-)

I started the ElectionAudits project to help audit elections, using Python and Django and was instrumental in getting one of the best auditing laws anywhere adopted in Colorado.

I speak English, Esperanto, and a bit of Spanish.

See my home page for lots more details.


  • Neal is a hard core Ubuntu advocate. As one of the original members of the Colorado LoCo team, he has used his expertise to help build our team, expand our member base and educate us all. His most recent efforts include organizing the first Ubucon in Boulder, CO and helping at both the open source session and the Canonical/Ubuntu booth at the Technology in Education Conference in Copper Mountain, CO. -- JimHutchinson [June 27, 2007]

  • As a team leader you're always looking for those unique individuals who will not only be active on your team, but will also take a leadership role when necessary. Neal has done just that for the ColoradoTeam. Besides organizing our recent (and hugely successful) Ubucon-Boulder, Neal frequently takes the reins in helping team members to understand the finer points of GNU/Linux and in spreading Ubuntu to the entire community. -- DavidOvercash [2007-06-30]

  • JoeyStanford: +1. Neal has been a steady and active contributor to the LoCo and Ubuntu. 2007-09-27
