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Revision 56 as of 2009-10-02 18:55:41
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Editor: cpe-76-189-210-251
Comment: Fixed minor formatting issues
Revision 57 as of 2009-10-03 01:58:42
Size: 10138
Editor: alderaan
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 * Paul has been a pleasure to work with in UBT and has enthusiastically invited the PennsylvaniaTeam to several of the OhioTeam events over the past few months. He has also spent time with our team in #ubuntu-us-pa taking part in discussions and collaborating with the Western part of the team. This cross-team work is great to see :) [[lyz|ElizabethKrumbach]] Launchpad ID:

paultag Location

Cleveland Ohio, Boston MA Ubuntu Forums:

paultag IRC:

paultag, on Email:, GPG Key

1024D/B7982329 Sites:,,,


About Me

Linux user since 2003, when in the 9th Grade I installed Mandrake 9.1 on an old Desktop. I have since moved between Fedora, Debian, Gentoo, and finally Ubuntu. I have been a recreational Programmer since 2004, Professionally since 2006. I have been working with Embedded Linux (ARM) since 2007, developing software on a debian derived OS for our platform. I have been employed since 2008 as an x86 developer and lead architect at a small company. I have since moved to research since September of 2008, in what can be referred to as AI ( Decentralized Algorithms and Emergent Behavior ). Currently an undergrad with a declared CS Major.

Plans ( If Elected ) for the LoCo Council

  • Local Communities are in a very odd state currently. The Local Communities are suffering from and idle population and a lack of local action. It is far too easy to talk to the other LoCo members in your community over IRC, and never even hold a meeting outside of cyberspace.

  • The Local Communities were put in place to leverage willing and devoted users to really increase the footprint of Ubuntu. In it's current state, there are three kids of Local Communities. First are the active Local Communities. This is the state that one would like to see every LoCo in. It is far and few in between that one can find a really active LoCo for a extended period of time. Second is an Inactive LoCo. The Inactive LoCo does not hold events, members loose interest, and the advantage that the communities provide is lost. Third are the Non-official locos. This last type is extremely active, and will continue to be hyper-active until they become approved. At this point they either fall into the first or second type. My goal is to promote, by maintaining strong communication, LoCo leaders to remain active, and schedule events. This is a very involved goal, and if elected, I plan to start work immediately. I hope to maintain transparency throughout the whole process, and finally start getting inactive LoCos active again.

Contributions to the Community

  • Ubuntu Head of the Ubuntu Beginners Team IRC and Development groups, the former administers team channels, and the latter helps new users begin to code. We also try to create code that will be useful to a more wide user base. Example projects that have come from this are an IRC Bot, Wiimote bindings for D, Perl and C++.

    Ubuntu Creator of Sabre (a Bluetooth plugin for amaroK) Designed and tested for Ubuntu, Published under GNU GPL. At it's peek, the plugin was ranked the second highest of the amaroK plugins.

    Ubuntu Creator of Qube (a CLI into libnotify) allowing shell scripters to use the attractive notification daemon. Found Here: Published under GNU GPL. This has since become a bit obsolete, but I plan to start bringing it back up to speed. The target was to create a quick and easy interface to the library.

    Ubuntu Member of the Ubuntu Forum's Beginner's Team, where we take the time to walk new uses through their new Linux Desktop or Laptop since 2007.

    Ubuntu Part of the Mass LoCo team, although currently inactive, as I have been at school in Ohio. I plan to become more involved locally post College.

    Ubuntu Active Ohio LoCo member, and coordinator of the 2009 October Bug Jam.

    Ubuntu Helped represent the Ohio LoCo at Ohio Linux Fest 2009, or OLF.

    Ubuntu Head of the Ohio LoCo, North East branch, where we work to enhance the Ohio LoCo's footprint in the Cleveland+ Area. Currently a great success, and turning out to be one of the more active LoCos.

    Ubuntu Local activist, getting friends and family to try and keep using Ubuntu, through support.

    Ubuntu Installed a set of two Linux servers, configured them to work with the Design and Technology center in my hometown's High School, controlling a domain of 14 Windows computers, loaded with Architecture software, as well as providing remote filesystem space through Samba. Then took a role as the System Administrator, and maintained them for 3 years.

    Ubuntu Restructured the Ubuntu Beginners Team into what it is today with the help of a few other senior members back in the summer of 2008.

    Ubuntu Head of the IRC UBT Focus Group.

    Ubuntu Head of the Development UBT Focus Group.

    Ubuntu Created the Education UBT Focus Group, now a flourishing team in the community.


  • Ubuntu Become an active MOTU and Debian Developer, and contribute new software to the Repository.

    Ubuntu Work on increasing Linux and GNU's footprint in the wider computer user environment.

    Ubuntu Continue to help and support new users, and to retain more of the user base that tries out the Live CD.

    Ubuntu Create Open and Free software that benefits the Linux community as a whole.


Ubuntu Membership

  • I have worked with Paul extensively since I joined the Ubuntu Forums BT. Paul is a helpful and friendly guy that goes out of his way to contribute in a positive manner. His contributions to Ubuntu (Sabre and Qube), combined with his positive approach to helping people make him an ideal candidate for Ubuntu Membership. Please consider his application favorably. Charles Davis

  • I worked with Paul on both the Beginners Team, and on the development of Sabre (in fact I believe I pushed him to take it further ;)) His contributions to the community are no less than great, and I sincerely hope you approve him for Ubuntu Membership. Joe Barker

  • Paul was one of the first team members I got to know after joining the Beginners Team, and he certainly has been fun to work with. The Education focus group for the BT has a lot of potential, and Paul is working with that to help spread knowledge within the team and community. Much of his work has been done "behind the scenes" through involvement with programming (like Sabre) and other LP activities that don't typically rack up much karma. I definitely support his application for Ubuntu Membership. Connor Imes

LoCo Council Membership

  • I have known Paultag through his activities with UBT, mainly through our leadership of the IRC focus group but also through development of The Whube Project. Outside of his work for UBT he is always doing something to enhance Ubuntu, with his latest project organising the Global Bug Jam in his local area. He also doesn't stop giving help and advice to any who need it. Paultag is very friendly and considerate but still retains an air of authority. These are qualities that make a potent mix and a great leader and even more so a great friend. I wish Paultag every success in all his endeavours and support his application to be a part of the LoCo Council. Silver Fox

  • mmm - paultag - I have know him since I cast myself up on the shores of the UBT and have found him to be one of the most helpful people in that team. Lately I have come to know and rely on his positive attitude and leadership skills in some of the focus groups we are both members in - he would be ideally suited to a council type role, methodical when it is required is a most important trait. I believe that he will make a fantastic addition to the LoCo counil for thes reasons. I am honoured to be able to call him a colleague and wish him all the best with his application for a position on the LoCo council. To summarise I am able to strongly support Paul's apllication without any reservations whatsoever. forestpixie

  • Paul was one of the first people I interacted with when starting out with Ubuntu for the first time just under 2 years ago. Even so early into my Linux journey his leadership and inspirational qualities were clear dispite his studies and lack of internet he always maintained strong sense of identify with the ubuntu-beginners-* teams. Very few things have stopped the tag from keeping up with the his teams he is apart of this is something to be admired by every one. Paul was and is the driving force behind Ubuntu-Beginners-Dev a sub team of Ubuntu-Beginners. He is a natural born leader his charisma and orator skills make him an excellent leader for any community project. I wish him every success with what ever he chooses to do. drubin

  • Paul has been a pleasure to work with in UBT and has enthusiastically invited the PennsylvaniaTeam to several of the OhioTeam events over the past few months. He has also spent time with our team in #ubuntu-us-pa taking part in discussions and collaborating with the Western part of the team. This cross-team work is great to see Smile :) ElizabethKrumbach

Paultag (last edited 2016-03-30 02:09:15 by localhost)