ScreencastTeam Meetings
The ScreencastTeam meetings are scheduled for every two weeks. Meetings are held at #ubuntu-meeting, They are open for everyone interested and/or participating in the ScreencastTeam.
When: 10 September 2007
Start: 19:00
End: 20:00
Timezone: UTC
Where: #ubuntu-meeting on
Chaired By: AlanPope
Agenda for this meeting
- Action points from last meeting
- Current status
- Month Of Screencasts 2007 progress
- Translation / Sub-titling
- How do we manage the transcription and subtitle translation
- Launchpad?
- How to we serve up the subtitles
- How do we manage the transcription and subtitle translation
- Formats that videos are supplied in:-
- Too many?
- Not enough?
- Matroska and OGM format to hold video and multiple audio streams
- Only one video to download
- Video bulked up with multiple audio files
- Next meeting schedule
- Reviewed action points from the last meeting
- We now have scp/ssh access to the screencasts site which makes uploading easier
Upgrade to drupal 5 can wait until an ubuntu theme is available and MoS2007 is finished
- Current status
We are behind schedule
We have over 1000 subscribers to the podcast feeds
- Plan for the next couple of weeks to be revised
- Comments on the site about sub-optimal quality of the 1280x720 Ogg feeds means we have checked and improved some settings in xvidcap to improve quality
- Drop formal "week 1" "week 2" and just have 30 good quality screencasts, with less restrictions imposed on us, more flexibility
Main team contact (and only person with upload rights) AlanPope will be on holiday from 14th to 21st September. Plan is to make some screencasts up front before the holiday, and upload some after. Announcing a break for the period of the holiday, but catching up afterwards with a view to still fulfilling the plan of having 30 screencasts in one month (hopefully).
- Translation / Subtitling
- Contact LP and DOC team to investigate best way to translate .srt files - and manage the process
- Investigate format required by google and the jw flash player we use
- Upload .srt files and link to them on the screencast pages
- On the page of any screencasts pages that have been translated - have links "Also available in French" etc.
- Create separate pages for each non-English language screencast and categorise them accordingly "fr_audio" "fr_video" to allow non-English RSS readers (planets for example) to syndicate.
- Formats.
- Find out from Canonical system admins which files are most popular so we can determine whether we need as many formats as we have.
- Better categorising of existing screencasts based on subject matter. Maybe add a category browser or tag cloud.
Scheduled next meeting for 19:00 UTC on 24th Sept 2007
19:59:13 -!- Topic for #ubuntu-meeting: Current meeting: Screencast Team | Calendar: | Logs: | 11 Sep 15:00 UTC: Server Team meeting | 11 Sep 19:00 UTC: Technical Board | 12 Sep 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 13 Sep 12:00 UTC: Canonical Desktop Team | 18 Sep 15:00 UTC: Kernel Team 19:59:13 -!- Topic set by ubotu [n=ubotu@ubuntu/bot/ubotu] [Mon Sep 10 19:50:05 2007] 19:59:44 < popey> Anyone around for the screencast team meeting? 20:00:04 < spd106> yes 20:00:30 < popey> cool 20:00:38 < popey> going to be a quiet one :) 20:00:54 < popey> ok, lets make a start. 20:00:59 < popey> BONG! Screencast meeting begins 20:01:20 < popey> Agenda is at:- 20:01:31 < popey> * Action points from last meeting 20:01:42 < popey> ( which can be found at ) 20:02:10 < popey> Ok, firstly, no new non-ubuntu-screencast-team screencasts have been uploaded since that meeting 20:02:18 < popey> when they are they will be categorised as such 20:02:37 < popey> we now have scp (well I do) access to the screencast site 20:03:03 < popey> (this makes uploading much easier but I still "only" have 90K/s upload rate so it still takes an age to upload 6 videos per screencast!) 20:03:17 < popey> site was getting DOSed, this was fixed 20:03:41 < popey> drupal 5 can wait until the canonical system admins have made a theme for it - and definitely until after MoS2007 20:04:05 < popey> The rest is all still in progress 20:04:11 < popey> Ok, onto the next item. 20:04:21 < popey> * Current status 20:04:59 < popey> We have uploaded 9 screencasts each in 6 formats (3 sizes, two codecs), and they're proving quite popular 20:05:21 < popey> we have around 1000 subscribers to the high quality ogg feed through miro/democracyplayer alone 20:05:47 < popey> we have been in the "most popular" slow on miroguide for the last week:- 20:05:50 < popey> yay us! 20:05:54 < Webspot> yay 20:06:07 < popey> (hi Webspot ) 20:06:11 < Webspot> hi :) 20:06:29 < popey> downside is that this week has been madly busy in my personal life - so I am behind - my bad, apologies 20:06:42 < Webspot> I'm also behind :p 20:06:45 < popey> (two kids with birthdays in one week and one starting school means I get called away from the computer a lot) 20:06:52 < popey> however this is not a disaster! :) 20:07:11 < popey> I have decided we need to rejuggle the plan - so we will talk about that in a bit 20:07:25 < popey> we have had a fair bit of feedback in the form of comments on the site 20:07:43 < popey> ranging from "these are great" to "remove this now, you said Linux was an OS, it's a kernel you idiot!" type posts 20:07:57 < popey> I am really happy to get both types of comments 20:08:05 < popey> means people are watching them :) 20:08:29 < popey> Also had a comment about the less than stellar quality of the 1280x720 ogg video - and it turns out I had a setting too low in xvidcap for quality 20:08:34 < popey> i discovered this 5 mins ago 20:08:48 < spd106> Which size video is the most popular? 20:08:50 < popey> so all screencasts from now on from me will be much crisper 20:08:55 < popey> 1280x720 ogg - easily 20:09:05 < popey> and surprisingly 20:09:19 < spd106> Will the new quality bump up th efile size? 20:09:21 < popey> howeveer that is based only on the feed usage, not the actual downloads of files 20:09:37 < popey> shouldn't do too badly no it just means there will be a cleaner master to encode from 20:10:13 < popey> so that's the current status - I have one extra one that's not online yet - "installing ubuntu" 20:10:21 < popey> I have decided to split it 20:10:27 < popey> to have multiple "installing" videos 20:10:39 < popey> one for using the live cd, one for the alternate cd and maybe another for server/netinst 20:10:52 < popey> so we cover all bases - make sense? 20:11:02 < Webspot> yeah 20:11:11 < popey> the good news is this pushes back the schedule a bit - and gives you more time to make yours :) 20:11:19 < popey> bad news is we need to rejig the schedule 20:11:48 < popey> i am coming to the conclusion that we should drop the idea of "week 1" "week 2" and just have a steady stream of the screencasts 20:12:07 < popey> because it restricts us having "week of this" or "week of that", I don't think people care 20:12:13 < popey> I think they just want the content :) 20:12:35 < popey> given we already have the "month of" moniker, having a week of sub-moniker is overkill 20:12:55 < popey> so, I will edit the wiki page after the meeting to reflect this 20:13:01 < spd106> It's nice to have some structure, though you're probably right 20:13:16 < popey> yeah, structure is good, but not when it makes life too hard for us :) 20:13:35 < popey> would also mean we can be a bit more free with the schedule (within reason) 20:13:48 < popey> i.e. we can start talking about specific applications at any time 20:13:57 < popey> we don't necessarily have to stick to a theme for this week 20:14:02 < spd106> I think the introduction week was a good idea 20:14:23 < popey> yeah, and once people are up to speed with what it is, and how to isntall, we can go anywhere from there really, wouldn't you say? 20:14:31 < spd106> true 20:14:49 < popey> although it does make sense to show how to install apps and installing updates early on 20:14:51 < popey> :) 20:14:53 < spd106> As long as the quality remains high 20:14:58 < popey> indeed 20:15:12 < popey> ok, there is an extra spanner I am going to throw in :) 20:15:31 < popey> I am on holiday for a week from 14th to 21st, and will have sporadic very low speed internet access 20:15:54 -!- Netsplit over, joins: nixternal 20:15:54 < popey> so this means we either go mad to make loads, or we just announce a "screencast holiday" on the site :) 20:16:09 < popey> we will still have the total of 30 screencasts in september 20:16:20 < popey> (I plan to record some whilst on holiday but cannot upload due to bandwidth limits) 20:16:28 < popey> so will play catch up after 21st sept 20:16:35 -!- highvolt1ge [] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 20:16:47 < popey> I will of course do my best to make as many as I can, and hope others will before the 14th (this friday) 20:16:58 < popey> but I don't think we should kill ourselves to do it :) 20:17:16 < popey> its all gone quiet :) 20:17:37 < popey> ok, lets move on.. 20:17:46 < popey> we've kinda covered the progress so on to the next subject 20:18:03 < popey> * Translation / Sub-titling 20:18:22 < popey> I really wasn't expecting us to get some transcriptions done so quickly 20:18:52 < popey> we now have quite a few srt files - subtitle/caption files - which I need to upload to the site 20:19:12 < popey> I am thinking we can just put them on the page with each screencast as a link to download - and have a little note that says how to use them 20:19:24 < Webspot> Yeah. Seems the best way 20:19:54 < popey> it's possible to upload them to google and the flash player we use can support them but I'm not sure how to get the format right for both 20:20:02 < popey> it seemed to barf when i tried - on both 20:20:13 < popey> maybe the syntax wasn't right - it's on the to-do list anyway 20:20:26 < spd106> I was wondering about that the other day 20:20:27 < popey> the other thing we have to worry about is audio dubs 20:20:31 < popey> oh? 20:20:43 < spd106> google asks for utf-8 20:20:56 < spd106> I'm not sure how to check for it 20:21:28 < popey> how to check if a file is utf-8? 20:21:33 < spd106> From what I've read it should be standard 20:21:58 < popey> I don't know much about that I'm afraid 20:22:02 < spd106> but when ever I open an srt it says some iso standard 20:22:44 < popey> looking at it I think google is barfing at the blank lines in the srt file 20:22:51 < popey> 20:22:56 < spd106> oh, ok 20:23:07 < spd106> I thought that was a part of the spec 20:23:17 < popey> 1 20:23:17 < popey> 00:00:00,881 --> 00:00:03,426 20:23:17 < popey> This is Alan Pope with the Introduction Screencast 20:23:20 < popey> 20:23:25 < popey> for example, google wants:- 20:23:25 < spd106> 20:23:36 < popey> just the timestamp and the text 20:23:40 < popey> not the 1 or the blank 20:24:49 < popey> I will monkey around with one of the files we have and report back to the mailing list 20:25:04 < popey> see if we can get the format right 20:25:15 < popey> next thing is audio dubs 20:25:48 < popey> for example I have been sent an audio file for one screencast which i can easily dub and re-encode, so we have a french version of the samba screencast 20:26:05 < popey> i guess i could just upload them all and make a french page perhaps? 20:26:13 < popey> maybe link to the french page from the English page? 20:26:17 < popey> and vice versa 20:26:25 < Webspot> Yeah 20:26:26 < popey> rather than chuck all the languages on one page 20:26:55 < popey> so the url might be /samba_filesharing we could have /samba_filesharing_fr and _es _de etc 20:27:18 < popey> as a separate page they would be easier for people to link to 20:27:31 < popey> and it woudl be obvious it's an existing screencast but with french audio 20:27:33 -!- toutouff [] has quit [Connection timed out] 20:27:39 < popey> hmmm, well it's obvious to me anyway 20:27:52 < spd106> sounds like a good idea 20:28:05 < popey> so long as they are linked to, maybe we should have a block on the side of the site that lists translated ones so far, and untranslated ones 20:28:11 < popey> no, untranslated is silly 20:28:28 < popey> because none have been translated to swahili so they are all in essence untranslated 20:28:34 < popey> not sure how to display that 20:28:42 < popey> maybe a simple table 20:28:57 < spd106> Are you going to do all sizes? 20:28:57 < popey> list of screencasts down the side, translations along the top, links (ticks) in the middle for translations 20:29:13 < popey> spd106: it's no extra effort just disk space and time to upload to do all the sizes 20:29:23 < popey> I probably won't setup rss feeds and the like 20:29:32 -!- highvoltage [] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 20:29:35 < popey> maybe have a category 20:29:37 < RobV> Perhaps have a note available under screencasts saying "this screencast is also available in ...", as well? 20:29:45 < popey> which would be useful for non-EN planets to syndicate 20:29:52 < popey> yes RobV, good idea 20:30:04 < popey> "also available in chocolate flavour" 20:30:27 < RobV> i'm more a fan of vanilla, but yeah. 20:30:37 < popey> I could tag all the existing ones with "english_audio" and "english_video" 20:30:43 < popey> and then add extra tags for the non-english ones 20:30:47 < popey> make them easy to find 20:31:08 < popey> ok, this all sounds groovy 20:31:15 < popey> we're SO going to run out of disk space :) 20:31:28 < Webspot> How much do we have? 20:31:48 < popey> /dev/hda1 25G 13G 11G 54% / 20:31:55 < popey> but I don't know if that's LVM - it may be 20:32:25 < popey> it's xen so i would expect it to be lvm'ed, and more space may well be just a request to the canonical admins away 20:32:34 < Webspot> yeah 20:32:43 -!- Balkhog [i=Blomroir@gateway/tor/x-33f8eceafcc7fe43] has quit ["暫離"] 20:32:43 < popey> when I said to them that I figured we would need 8GB MAX for MoS2007, they said it was fine 20:33:23 < popey> ok, so the next question on the agenda is how do we manage the translations 20:33:37 < popey> will it work just having a page on the site showing translation status? 20:33:54 < popey> and ask people to email the srt to the mailing list and/or oggs of dubs to us/me ? 20:34:03 < popey> would be nice to use launchpad/rosetta 20:34:12 < popey> suggestions welcome! 20:34:42 < spd106> I think some kind of version system would be uesful 20:35:00 < popey> I am no expert on these matters 20:35:01 < spd106> People make mistakes, I know I do 20:35:04 < popey> we could use an lp ppa? 20:35:14 < popey> sorry, lp bzarr repo 20:35:32 < spd106> I'm new to this as well, I'm afraid 20:35:50 < popey> maybe a mail to the launchpad-users list might help 20:36:09 < spd106> What do the docs team use? 20:36:14 < popey> i think it might also be useful to mail the loco mailing list - the global one - actually asking for translations 20:36:19 < popey> I don't know 20:36:38 < popey> but if we ask the loco list - we really need a system in place first 20:36:51 < popey> so I think asking the doc team and/or launchpad devs first might be a wise plan 20:37:19 < spd106> Is the screencasts team part of the docs team? 20:37:26 < popey> see if we can organise a revision control system first, then solicit help 20:37:29 < popey> yeah, kinda :) 20:37:56 < popey> they would like to have some screencasts they can link to from the documentation 20:38:20 < popey> brief history.. 20:38:21 < spd106> They have lot's of skilled translators too 20:38:52 < popey> I setup the screencast site as a ubuntu-uk thing, Matt East (mdke) suggested it shouild be a global (not UK) thing and thus adopted us into the doc team 20:39:05 < popey> i recently setup the irc and mailing list channels for us to discuss separate from -doc 20:39:17 < popey> not because I don't want to be part of -doc, just figured we needed a dedicated channel 20:39:33 < popey> if there is any help we can leverage from the -doc team then all the better 20:39:44 < spd106> There was a post to the docs list today asking about screencasts 20:39:48 < popey> yeah :) 20:39:59 < popey> he popped into the irc channel too - seems very keen to make a few screencasts 20:40:13 < popey> which is exactly what we need/want :) 20:40:30 < popey> ok, so summary:- 20:40:58 < popey> Contact launchpad devs (via mailing list) and doc team to see how they manage revisions of non-structured data like our .srt files 20:41:15 < popey> once we can figure some kind of control system we start asking doc team and loco teams for help translating? 20:41:20 < popey> make sense? 20:41:29 < spd106> yep 20:41:48 < RobV> yep; one thing: what about audio files? 20:42:21 < RobV> Is there any structure in place for them yet, or will that need to be looked at - in due time ;) - too? 20:43:04 < popey> I'll ask about that at the same time 20:43:16 < RobV> Okay 20:43:21 < popey> the two are heavily related really 20:43:27 < popey> thanks for reminding me :) 20:43:49 < popey> ok, next topic, unless anyone has anything further on translation... 20:44:18 < popey> * Formats that videos are supplied in:- 20:44:22 < popey> too many, too few? 20:44:53 < popey> i need to get some proper stats from canonical system admins as to which videos most people watch 20:45:29 < popey> we could potentially just have 1280x720 ogg and 1280x720 flash, and upload to google video for everyone else :S 20:45:33 < popey> comments/flames? 20:45:48 < spd106> I like the small ogg 20:45:56 < popey> damnit ;) 20:46:07 < spd106> I only have a 1024x768 20:46:11 < popey> ah, ok 20:46:13 < popey> understandable 20:46:31 < popey> but if you grabbed the 1280x720 you could watch that scaled down? 20:46:41 < popey> which would arguably look better than my re-encoded version 20:46:46 < spd106> Yeah, but it wastes bandwidth 20:47:15 < popey> well.. you say that... 20:47:19 < spd106> I suppose I could cope 20:47:35 < popey> -rw-r--r-- 1 popey popey 85M 2007-09-10 15:00 20070908_places_and_system_theora_400k_vorbis_1280x720.ogg 20:47:35 < popey> -rw-r--r-- 1 popey popey 31M 2007-09-10 14:16 20070908_places_and_system_theora_400k_vorbis_512x288.ogg 20:47:35 < popey> -rw-r--r-- 1 popey popey 50M 2007-09-10 14:26 20070908_places_and_system_theora_400k_vorbis_768x432.ogg 20:47:39 < popey> yeah, you're right 20:47:46 < popey> wowzers, look at those file sizes 20:48:19 < spd106> Does anyone download the medium one? 20:48:41 < popey> tell you what though, I am staggered and amazed we haven't been asked for MOV (H.264/AAC) and AVI (MPEG4/MP3) support! 20:48:50 < popey> dunno, need to get stats from canonical 20:48:52 < spd106> non-free 20:48:57 < popey> well, from the windows weenies 20:49:00 < popey> i mean 20:49:05 < popey> and the apple ipod users 20:49:08 < spd106> they're not here 20:49:09 < popey> ipod video even 20:49:11 < popey> hehe 20:49:50 < spd106> Just provide a link to ogg codecs 20:49:56 < popey> ok, lets defer this item until the next meeting, we'll keep doing what we're doing, and I'll see if I can get some stats about which files are popular from the system admins 20:50:12 < popey> heh, the first screencast in the mos2007 has such a link 20:50:16 < popey> ooo, speaking of which.. 20:50:30 < popey> we did get a request for a "what if I am on windows, how do i view these" page 20:50:49 < popey> would be useful if someone could put together the text for such a page 20:50:56 < popey> maybe a couple of screenshots 20:51:10 < spd106> Surely most people have heard of flash 20:51:18 < popey> well, yes, true 20:51:24 < spd106> There's always one though 20:51:30 < popey> :D 20:51:53 < popey> ok, will put that on the back burner for now 20:51:57 < spd106> There was that guy who asked about matroska too 20:51:59 < popey> it's low priority - only one comment 20:52:01 < popey> indeed 20:52:16 < popey> i don't even know if ffmpeg supports matroska 20:52:24 < spd106> What's support like amongst the media players? 20:52:43 < popey> well, I was surprised that the totem auto codec download thing just worked 20:52:54 < spd106> Totem plays them, but vlc choked on one I made 20:52:58 < popey> I had a copy of $TV_PROGRAMME that I wanted to watch, and totem did the business 20:53:03 < popey> erk 20:53:10 < popey> back burner then :) 20:53:12 < spd106> so did mplayer 20:53:18 < popey> we know ogg and flv work 20:53:41 < popey> i know the suggestion of multiple audio tracks in one video came up too 20:53:52 < popey> this could needlessly bulk up the video sizes too 20:54:07 < popey> I mean, nobody wants to download a video with 10 languages when they only "need" one do they? 20:54:11 < popey> or do they? 20:54:20 < spd106> Something for the future 20:54:22 < popey> then again, do we really want to host 10 copies of the video 20:54:29 < popey> for each of the languages 20:54:30 < spd106> depends on demand really 20:54:35 < popey> indeed 20:54:54 < popey> ok, matroska, multiple audio tracks deferred 20:55:07 < popey> 5 mins left, lets figure out when the next meeting will be now.. 20:55:20 < popey> 24th? 20:55:32 < spd106> Fine with me 20:55:47 < popey> is 8pm good or should we go back to the 4pm slot we had previously? 20:55:48 < spd106> When are you back from hols? 20:55:51 < popey> 21st 20:56:12 < spd106> I prefer this time to earlier 20:56:16 < popey> ditto 20:56:28 < popey> kids go to bed at 7pm, so time for me to grab some food and a glass of vino 20:56:41 < popey> ok, will shedule next meet for 24th@8pm BST 20:56:55 < popey> thanks for the help Webspot spd106 RobV, much appreciated! 20:57:05 < RobV> my pleasure. :) 20:57:06 < popey> I'll update the schedule and will mail the list with the thoughts from today 20:57:45 < spd106> Thanks popey 20:57:47 < popey> (and now I am a fridge editor I can add my own meetings to the fridge calendar Muhahahahaahaha) 20:58:17 < RobV> first the fridge, then world domination 20:58:57 < RobV> popey: one last question/comment from me: are videos already being categorized? I find the website hard to navigate if I'm looking for a specific screencast 21:01:07 < popey> not much, what kind of categories would you like? 21:01:14 < popey> woot, added already :) 21:01:57 < RobV> Installation / Administration / Networking, etc? 21:02:17 < RobV> At least, that's what I'd look for if I were looking for a samba screencast, for example 21:03:18 < popey> ok, will add some extra categories 21:03:37 < popey> i haven't actually categorised any of the MoS ones 21:03:40 < popey> which is daft :) 21:04:14 < RobV> Just noticed that too :P 21:04:30 < popey> well, other than categorising for the purposes ofthe rss feeds :) 21:04:34 < popey> which I had to do
ScreencastTeam/Meeting20070910 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:24:46 by localhost)