
Revision 27 as of 2009-12-18 11:26:21

Clear message

The Ubuntu Server team is working to make Ubuntu Server the best GNU/Linux server platform on the market.

This means working on simplifying the system administrator's life, while focusing on advanced features, rock-solid stability, and high performance. We want Ubuntu Server to be an attractive platform for the entire range of servers -- from makeshift, converted desktop machines, to carrier-grade server hardware. While our CD already comes with a list of standard setups, thus satisfying the most common use case, we're working on incorporating clustering and virtualization technologies for the higher end, and are developing software for simplified management of many Ubuntu servers.

Seems exciting ? Head to the GettingInvolved page to found out how to contribute to the ServerTeam.


List of resources (documentation, forum, how-to's, etc...) available about Ubuntu Server Edition:

