
Differences between revisions 247 and 329 (spanning 82 versions)
Revision 247 as of 2011-04-04 09:04:27
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Editor: cpc2-hink4-2-0-cust405
Revision 329 as of 2013-11-30 21:44:52
Size: 15832
Editor: 027f48e8
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||<|8>{{}}|| {{}} Name || Silver Fox ||
|| {{}} Location || [[| United Kingdom]] ||
||<|8>{{}}|| {{}} Name || ||
|| {{}} Location || Somewhere ||
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|| {{}} [[|Registered Ubuntu User]] || #27831 || || {{}} [[|Registered Ubuntu User]] || #27831 ||
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My screen name is partially derived from the colour of my hair, silver. I also like foxes, hence Silver Fox. Nothing else to say really about it, sorry that their is no big mystery :) Ubuntu was first introduced to me by a colleague and since then it has become my operating system of choice. From tentative steps I feel that I am now quite confident with it. At home I run Ubuntu 12.04 on my laptop. I also get involved with testing Ubuntu Development Releases from time to time. I have tested Jaunty from beta 2, Lucid from Alpha 2 and Maverick from beta 1.
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Ubuntu was first introduced to me by a colleague and since then it has become my operating system of choice. From tentative steps I feel that I am now quite confident with it. At home I run two machines running various versions of Ubuntu. At the moment I am running Ubuntu 10.10 on a desktop computer and Ubuntu Netbook Remix 9.10 on my Acer Aspire One. I also get involved with testing Ubuntu Development Releases. I have tested Jaunty from beta 2, Lucid from Alpha 2 and Maverick from beta 1. I have ran various gnu/linux operating systems over the years including Fedora, Crunchbang Linux, Zenix, Arch Linux, Debian, Sn0wl1nux and elementaryOS. I would consider my exposure to other operating systems quite broad.
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Additionally I run a laptop with [[ | #!Crunchbang Linux]] 10 r20110207 installed. I enjoy the stability of [[ | Debian]].

I have also managed to successfully introduce a few friends to the Ubuntu operating system and now serve as their immediate access to help.
I have also managed to successfully introduce a few friends to the Ubuntu operating system and now serve as their immediate access to help. Thankfully my call outs have been few and far between, a credit to the overall quality of the operating system.
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Socially I try to stay fit and active. My fitness regime includes Running, Cycling and Badminton. I am also a keen snooker and pool player. Playing Snooker and Pool for the local pub team is my way of relaxing whilst at the same time socializing with friends. I am not really a film buff, but can appreciate good cinema. I do however like music, especially from the 60's era. Oh I also adopted a basement cat. Pictures can be found [[ | here]] :) Outside of computers I have a few hobbies including fitness, photography and reading. My fitness regime includes running, cycling and yoga. I love taking pictures of the natural world with my camera, I find it relaxing and also at the same time challenging to create that 'perfect shot'. I find it also ties in nicely with my interest in photo editing on my Mac Mini. My interest with books comes and goes but when the interest surfaces it does stay for a while. I usually read fiction, with a focus on sword and sorcery. I also adopted a basement cat. Pictures can be found [[ | here]] :)
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I'm an IT professional working in the United Kingdom. I have been working as web developer and database administrator in a very small development team. We typically follow a DSDM methodology in our development projects as we have multiple skills at our disposal. I'm an IT professional working as a web developer and database administrator. I am familiar with several webscripting languages including: HTML, PHP, XML, XSL, Javascript / Ajax, SQL and VB.NET. I am currently trying to learn more Python. I enjoy coding the backend of web information systems more than doing the user interfaces. I like the challenge of creating code that does something useful.
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At work we also make use of Linux for our projects. We have two machines with WUBI 9.04 installs on them and also a machine dual booting Ubuntu 8.04 with Windows XP. Recently we have been setting up a file server running Fedora 12 (Shh don't tell Bodhi-Zazen ;) ). This has exposed me not only to the operating system but things like SAMBA. I think I am very fortunate to be using these different distributions in that my knowledge and experience can only be enhanced. This knowledge I use when trying to help others. At work we make heavy use of opensource technologies for our projects. One of our servers runs Red Hat and a few work stations have 10.10 installs on them. We have also set up up a file server running Fedora 15. I think I am very fortunate to be using these different distributions, in that my knowledge and experience can only be enhanced. This knowledge I use when trying to help others.
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=== Ubuntu Membership Board ===

I hold a seat on the Ubuntu Membership Board. In this position I am responsible for voting on pottential new ubuntu members, valuing contributions from all areas of the community. It is a great honor to be able to do this and I would like to thank those who showed me support when I applied for a vacant seat.
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I am a member of the [[|Ubuntu Forums ]], where I serve as a moderator. Here is the link to [[|My Profile]]. I consider myself active in the support sections of the forum and always like to help where I can. I tend to post in the [[|Programming Talk]] forum but I do also try to help out where I can in the [[|Absolute Beginner Talk]] and also [[|General Help]] forums. If I see a thread where I can contribute something useful I will definitely post in it. I am a member of the [[|Ubuntu Forums ]], where I serve as an administrator. I am the current co-chair with [[ | Bodhi Zazen]]. Here is the link to [[|My Profile]]. I consider myself active in the support sections of the forum and always like to help where I can. If I see a thread where I can contribute something useful I will definitely post in it.
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I also help keep the forums running smoothly in my moderator capacity, mainly dealing with spam, thread maintenance and trouble makers. I have also got involved with writing small scripts that help enhance the moderator user interface and also speed up some of the more tedious moderation processes. I also help keep the forums running smoothly in my administrator capacity, mainly dealing with spam, thread maintenance and trouble makers. Additionaly as a member of the Forum Council I have the ability to grant Ubuntu Membership to community members who have made sustained contributions on the forum. I have also got involved with writing small scripts that help enhance the moderator user interface and also speed up some of the more tedious moderation processes. I am constantly trying to help my fellow members of the forums staff.
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==== Ubuntu Forums Beginners Team ==== === Ubuntu Book 6th Edition ===
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I am a member of the Ubuntu Forums Beginners Team. Our group simply collaborates together on our forum activity. We sometimes seek second opinions on possible replies to the "harder" questions that users may have about the operating system. We also like to socialize on IRC and can be found on freenode ##ufbt. This is much better than on the forums as it is done in a live environment :) ||{{}}||[[|Matthew Helmke]] asked for volunteers in assisting with the 6th edition of the Ubuntu Book. I was more than happy to give my time and energy to this project. My main role was to read through content, checking for technical accuracy as well as readability. The project lasted for approximately 1.5 months and it is something that I had never done before but would like to get involved with again. I had never collaborated remotely as a group on a single working document. It was a lot of fun and I learned a lot from the experience.||
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==== Interviews I have performed ==== Interviews I have performed:
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|| {*} [[ |System76]]|| {*} [[ |Jane Silber]]|| {*} [[ |CharlesA]]|| || {*} [[ |System76]]|| {*} [[ |Jane Silber]]|| {*} [[ |CharlesA]]|| {*} [[ |Resident Troll]] ||
|| {*} [[ |Starcraft.Man]]|| {*} [[ |Matthew East]]|| {*} [[ |Alan Bell]]|| {*} [[ |Em]]||
|| {*} [[ |Ubudog]]|| {*} [[ |Rubi1200]]|| {*} [[ |Quackers]]|| {*} [[ |Balloons]]||
|| {*} [[ |lovinglinux]]|| {*} [[ |Coffeecat]]|| {*} [[ |Nothingspecial]]|| {*} [[ |Coming Soon]]||
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|| {*} [[ |Resident Troll]]|| === Ubuntu Accomplishments Project ===

||{{}}||I have been trying to get involved with writing code for an Ubuntu project this year. I read with great interest about [[ |Jonos]] [[ |project]] and decided to get stuck in :) I am fairly new to getting involved with development, but that has not phased me at all. I have found the atmosphere very welcoming and the patience amazing by the groups members. Without their support I do not think I could have got very far. So far I have written several Ubuntu Accomplishments, but others are in the pipeline.||

=== Internet Relay Chat ===

My registered IRC nickname is s-fox. I am looking forward to getting to know the Ubuntu community members better through this medium. I am usually present in the following channels:

|| {*} #ubuntuforums || {*} #ubuntu-beginners || {*} #ubuntu-beginners-council ||
|| {*} #ubuntu-uk || {*} ##club-ubuntu || {*} #ubuntu-women ||
|| {*} #ubuntu-community-team || {*} #ubuntu-accomplishments ||

Please feel free to say hello.
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===== Master Admin =====

I administrate the master / padawan system used by the beginners team. It is my responsibility to maintain records of progress being made in the development of new prospective team members. Some minor pressure from myself also helps to keep people committed to the programme.

===== Master =====

I have taken on the role as Master to prospective Beginners Team members. In this role I seek to guide them in their membership application and also to introduce them to the team. Forming bonds early on with the padawan can only help our interactions with one another in the future.

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I am lead of the [[ | IRC Focus Group ]]. My reason for joining this group is twofold. Primarily I joined this group in order to help users in a real time environment compared to the delay in responses associated with forum assistance. My secondary reason for joining this group was to revive its original purpose of being a support channel, as it had become inactive. I also feel that helping others over IRC is also a good way to build relationships with community members. I am lead of the [[ | IRC Focus Group ]]. My reason for joining this group was twofold. Primarily I joined this group in order to help users in a real time environment compared to the delay in responses associated with forum assistance. My secondary reason for joining this group was to revive its original purpose of being a support channel, as it had become inactive. I also feel that helping others over IRC is also a good way to build relationships with community members.
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 ||<tablestyle="" style="border: none;"> '''o''' [[ | Glossary of Terms]] ||<tablestyle="" style="border: none;"> '''o''' [[ | How To Get Help]] ||
 ||<tablestyle="" style="border: none;"> '''o''' [[ | USB]] ||<tablestyle="" style="border: none;"> '''o''' [[ | The GIMP]]||
 ||<tablestyle="" style="border: none;"> '''o''' [[ | Software Management]] ||<tablestyle="" style="border: none;"> '''o''' [[ | VNC]]||
=== Internet Relay Chat ===

My registered IRC nickname is Silver_Fox_. I am looking forward to getting to know the Ubuntu community members better through this medium. I am usually present in the following channels:

 {*} #ubuntuforums

 {*} #ubuntu-beginners

 {*} ##ufbt

 {*} #ubuntu-uk

Please feel free to say hello ( unless I beat you to it :) )
|| {*} [[ | Glossary of Terms]] || {*} [[ | How To Get Help]] || {*} [[ | USB]] ||
|| {*} [[ | The GIMP]]|| {*} [[ | Software Management]] || {*} [[ | VNC]]||
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[[ | Zenix]] is an Ubuntu re-spin with links to Buddhism that was conceived by [[ | Bodhi Zazen]]. I have been involved in this project mainly through taking lead role in the development of its [[ | website]]. I currently host the a set of iso's on my server and act as a mirror for downloads. Zenix also has a [[ | forum]] where I am serving as an administrator.

Currently the project is undergoing a radical change, which will see a major overhaul of the Zeniz website from myself. An early beta of the new site can be seen [[ | here]]
||{{}}||[[ | Zenix]] was an Ubuntu re-spin with links to Buddhism that was conceived by [[ | Bodhi Zazen]]. I was involved in this project mainly through taking on the lead role in the development of its [[ | website]] as others were not able to continue with it. I hosted a set of iso's on my server and act as a mirror for downloads. Zenix also has a [[ | forum]] where I served (and still continue to do so) as an administrator. The project underwent a radical change, which saw it move from Ubuntu to Debian. I have been involved with the softer aspects of the development, such as how it looks. I have contributed artwork for this release, as well as testing the release during its many development stages. Here are some examples of my artwork for the [[|bootsplash]] and [[|installer]]. I also got involved giving the Zenix website a major overhaul, both the website itself and also its forum. The new site is live and can be viewed [[ | here]]||
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I have an account on [[ |gnome-look]], it can be seen [[ | here]]. I like to do photo editing as a hobby. I am attempting to combine my interest in photography with something to do with the community. To this end I am in the process of uploading some of my pictures as wallpapers for people to use. Some thumbnails are listed below: I have an account on [[ |gnome-look]], it can be seen [[ | here]]. I like to do photo editing as a hobby. I am attempting to combine my interest in photography with something to do with the community. To this end I am in the process of uploading some of my pictures and photographs as wallpapers for people to use. Some thumbnails are listed below:
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||<style="background:#592441;color:#FFFFFF;text-align: center;">A Peaceful Place||<style="background:#592441;color:#FFFFFF; text-align: center;">Looking Down||<style="background:#592441;color:#FFFFFF; text-align: center;">Ladybug||<style="background:#592441;color:#FFFFFF; text-align: center;">Blue Fractal||<style="background:#592441;color:#FFFFFF; text-align: center;">Sky Blue Wisp||<style="background:#592441;color:#FFFFFF; text-align: center;">The Bridge||
||<style="text-align: center;">[[ | {{}}]] ||<style="text-align: center;">[[ | {{}}]] ||<style="text-align: center;">[[ | {{}}]] ||<style="text-align: center;">[[ | {{}}]] ||<style="text-align: center;">[[ | {{}}]] ||<style="text-align: center;">[[ | {{}}]] ||
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||<style="background:#592441;color:#FFFFFF;">A Peaceful Place||<style="background:#592441;color:#FFFFFF;">Looking Down||
|| [[ | {{}}]] || [[ | {{}}]] ||
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{*} Continue contributing to [[ | Gnome Look]] {*} Continue contributing to [[ | Gnome Look]] {{}}
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{*} Keep up my activity levels as a [[ | Ubuntu Forum Staff moderator]] {*} Keep up my activity levels as a [[ | Ubuntu Forum Staff]]  {{}}
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{*} Continue to keep the Ubuntu Community Interviews going on my [[ | blog]] {*} Continue to keep the Ubuntu Community Interviews going on my [[ | blog]]  {{}}
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{*} Finish the new Zenix website {*} Finish the new Zenix website {{}}
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== 2009 Testimonials == == Objectives for 2012-2013 ==
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[[Paultag]] ( Paul Tagliamonte ) - Since Silver_Fox's induction to the team, I have had the utmost pleasure in collaborating in several areas of the Ubuntu Beginners Team. He has taken up administrative roles next to me in the realm of IRC administration, and kick-started many initiatives regarding policy, moderation and activity. She is also helping me with the development of a team-wide web application that will be used to integrate the Ubuntu Beginners Team even further. These efforts mark an extraordinary dedication past the average member. His work with the UBT alone is not only noteworthy, but exemplary. Please consider Silver_Fox's application favourably, he is an invaluable member to not only my teams, but to the community as a whole. {*} Keep up my activity levels as a [[ | Ubuntu Forums Administrator]] {{}}
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[[]] - Silver Fox is awesome. Paultag really laid it all out why. Silver Fox hangs around IRC and helps answer questions to members and non-members alike. Silver Fox is both caring and patient with answering people, even when frustrated. Silver Fox has proven Silver Fox's commitment to team by taking on leadership of focus groups and participating in meetings to better the team, among other things. Silver Fox has most of all provided hours of entertainment to yours truly, in between classes, an invaluable service greatly appreciated. You may wonder why is referring to Silver Fox only by full name? The answer is simple, Silver Fox is so awesome, third person pronouns are afraid of Silver Fox. If Silver Fox wanted, Silver Fox could probably become Super Silver Fox, donning a super hero outfit and saving people from boredom and linux problems single-handedly while coding some application with free hand. So, in case it isn't clear enough, Silver Fox '''must''' become a member! That's a fact because said so. :) {*} Continue to keep the Ubuntu Community Interviews going on my [[ | blog]] {{}}
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[[swoody]] - It has been my pleasure to be a member of the Ubuntu Beginners Team alongside Silver Fox. With his full knowledge of Ubuntu, and the way he answers others' questions with patience, it is obvious that he knows his way around the block, but he's not full of himself for it. He does not mind setting aside something he is working on, if he can offer assistance when it's needed. Silver Fox has also become a great leader within the Beginners Team, and a person many others look up to. I have no reservations giving Silver Fox my unabashed support in his application for Ubuntu Membership. I feel he has all the qualities one could wish for of an Ubuntu Member, and I hope that more people can learn and be influenced by this gentleman as he continues being a great leader and role-model for the Ubuntu community. {*} Start getting involved with development projects in the community {{}}
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[[forestpixie]] -Silver_Fox has blasted into the UBT and seemingly set about shining a torch into all the little nooks and crannies and bringing them out into the open again - at least that is how it seems :) It is a somewhat gratifying feeling to see someone who I mentored become a member of the UBT and for them to then go on to apply for Ubuntu membership makes it doubly so, once again I come late to the party and have to tack a testimonial on to the end of a list. Silver_Fox embodies in my mind all the traits that Ubuntu members should have. A sustained contribution on the forums has been joined with a great contribution to the little corner of IRC in which we hang about trying to help people away from the hustle of #ubuntu. In my opinion we need more people in our community like Silver_Fox and I, without reservation, strongly support their application for Ubuntu membership. == Testimonials ==
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[[|DiegoTc]] -Silver_Fox has been a great guy contributing a lot on the UBT. He is always available in helping others. He has been a great master(even he doesn`t like they tell him like that)If you need help just ping Silver_Fox and he will help you and if can't he will help you find the correct answer. He is a great person that has many influenced in guys like me who wants to contribute on the Ubuntu Community. I strongly support his application for Ubuntu Member. Please select the appropriate section below to view / add testimonials. :)
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[[andrew.46]] Silver_Fox is not only an extraordinarily helpful and valuable member of the Ubuntu Beginners Team but he is also a fine representative of the Ubuntu ethos and a man who has made substantial contribution to the Ubuntu community in general. I strongly support his application for Ubuntu Membership.

[[Bhavani_Shankar]] I ve been following Silver_fox's posts on the forums and he is very active and enthusiastic to help people out(even on the IRC) and I think he should be a defacto Ubuntu Member :)

[[jgoguen]] Silver_Fox has been active since day one and shows no signs of slowing down. She is always very pleasant and is a real joy to interact with. Every team within the Ubuntu Beginners Team Silver_Fox has become involved with has benefited greatly from her experience, not just because of her enthusiasm but also because of the great willingness to help she demonstrates that always improves the experience for everyone involved.

[[BodhiZazen]] I has been an absolute pleasure to have SilverFox working with the beginners team. I agree with everything that has been stated above , but would like to add a few words on the "human side". SilverFox has many virtues, but most important, IMO, maturity, patience, and kindness. SilverFox has been most helpful with mentoring new members, helping them integrate not only in the BT but also into the Ubuntu Community. I fully support SilverFox in membership to the Ubuntu Community.

[[Joeb454]] I've spoken with Silver_Fox_ on numerous occasions, about a wide range of things to do with the Ubuntu community (our choice of LUG's is/can be the same). Silver_Fox_'s involvement within the beginners team alone warrants membership (in my opinion), as somebody who is always willing to help, provided they're awake of course, and calm & patient with the most trying of users. Silver_Fox_ is not only a fantastic addition to the Ubuntu Community, but also somebody I'm glad to have met through the Ubuntu Community.

== Ubuntu Beginners Team Council Application ==

[[jgoguen]] - Silver_Fox has been an active contributor since he joined the Beginners Team and '''still''' shows no signs of slowing down. We've all benefited immensely from the experience Silver_Fox has brought to the team as well as the dedication he shows to the team, our target users and our members. Silver_Fox has improved the experience for both team members and users seeking our help through the IRC focus group. I believe it would be a logical next step to move on to improving the overall experience for the entire team and for those people who haven't yet joined us. I fully support Silver_Fox's nomination for Beginners Team Council.

[[talsemgeest]] Silver_Fox_ has done so much for the Beginners Team, especially in his role as lead of the IRC FG, and it is through that role that he has really displayed his suitability for leadership. He has my full support.

[[|DiegoTc]] Silver_Fox_ rocks!! This guys is always available on IRC, if someone has a doubt or a problem he will help you and if he doesn't know, he founds someone to help you. He was a great master :D

[[|mohi]] Well to say about Silver_fox, hes awesome. He impressed me in lots of ways when i needed help. He just surfs the Forums and answers the posts to his best and even takes up those links to the channels. He is one of my "Role Models" to be true :D And I believe in Him that He will do His best, wherever He gets in. I support for Silver_Fox's nomination for Beginners Team Council.

[[leoquant]] A ferm +1 for Silver_Fox. Always active and present on IRC, which is a rare combination. He is truely full of good karma, great ideas and he seems very suitable for leadership of the Ubuntu Beginners Team.

[[Joeb454]] Since the testimonial I left in 2009, I have had the privilege of working with s-fox on the Ubuntu Forum staff, and have had several in-depth discussions on IRC. I can quite confidently say I would support any application from this member of the community for a leadership position in almost any team. My basis for this is the times I have seen comments and actions from s-fox within the [[UbuntuForums]] staff team, where it is quite clear they would be suitable for a leading role in a team.

[[]] - Silver Fox should be on the council because Silver Fox a proven contributor working hard in many different fields. Silver's supported over IRC group (as well as been in charge), become a moderator on forums, checks on mentee's constantly and has plenty of other talents like "The Stapler of DOOM". I don't think it's a very hard choice, even my Zerglings agree. So let it be so! Also, Silver Fox is still too 1337 for me to use anything but full name! PS: If this testimonial didn't exude enough awesomeness to impress, see my 2009 note.

[[Akos]] - Silver does belong in the council, there's no doubt about it. As the IRC Council lead he showed the council muscles, so I'm pretty sure it would be fine to have him as a member.

[[duanedesign]] I have known Silver Fox for a couple years now and in that time worked together on many different things related to the Beginners Team. I can wholeheartedly recommend Silver Fox for the Beginners Team Council. -- [[LaunchpadHome:duanedesign]] <<DateTime(2011-02-28T07:22:49-0600)>>

[[NigelBabu]] I've known Silver Fox off an on throughout my time with the Ubuntu Beginners Team and later on through Ubuntu-UK and Ubuntu-women. I totally support Silver_Fox for UBT Council and wish all success! -- [[LaunchpadHome:nigelbabu]] <<DateTime(2011-03-01T10:55:30Z)>>

piskie/goblin/elfy - well - I almost wish I'd hung about in ubuntu world so I could give a big +1 to this - a definitely positive thing this would be for the Beginners Team in my humble opinion

A more caring and compassionate person you could not wish to meet, I love our chats and the work the fox does is well above the call of duty. The fox would make a truely wonderful council member, just simply applying for it says so much of the fox's commitment and I 100% back the application. [[phillw]] 4th March 2011.

[[BodhiZazen]] OMG is there room for one more ? SF has been an outstanding member of both the forums and the BT. SF is wise and experienced in the ways of the BT, I can not think of a better candidate. Best of luck SF.
[[ | {{ }}]] [[ | {{ }} ]] [[ | {{ }}]] Name Location

Somewhere My Website

Serial-Coder Ubuntu Forums Profile Launchpad Profile

Silver-Fox IRC

s-fox Linux User

#492001 Registered Ubuntu User


About Me

Ubuntu was first introduced to me by a colleague and since then it has become my operating system of choice. From tentative steps I feel that I am now quite confident with it. At home I run Ubuntu 12.04 on my laptop. I also get involved with testing Ubuntu Development Releases from time to time. I have tested Jaunty from beta 2, Lucid from Alpha 2 and Maverick from beta 1.

I have ran various gnu/linux operating systems over the years including Fedora, Crunchbang Linux, Zenix, Arch Linux, Debian, Sn0wl1nux and elementaryOS. I would consider my exposure to other operating systems quite broad.

I have also managed to successfully introduce a few friends to the Ubuntu operating system and now serve as their immediate access to help. Thankfully my call outs have been few and far between, a credit to the overall quality of the operating system.


Outside of computers I have a few hobbies including fitness, photography and reading. My fitness regime includes running, cycling and yoga. I love taking pictures of the natural world with my camera, I find it relaxing and also at the same time challenging to create that 'perfect shot'. I find it also ties in nicely with my interest in photo editing on my Mac Mini. My interest with books comes and goes but when the interest surfaces it does stay for a while. I usually read fiction, with a focus on sword and sorcery. I also adopted a basement cat. Pictures can be found here Smile :)


I'm an IT professional working as a web developer and database administrator. I am familiar with several webscripting languages including: HTML, PHP, XML, XSL, Javascript / Ajax, SQL and VB.NET. I am currently trying to learn more Python. I enjoy coding the backend of web information systems more than doing the user interfaces. I like the challenge of creating code that does something useful.

At work we make heavy use of opensource technologies for our projects. One of our servers runs Red Hat and a few work stations have 10.10 installs on them. We have also set up up a file server running Fedora 15. I think I am very fortunate to be using these different distributions, in that my knowledge and experience can only be enhanced. This knowledge I use when trying to help others.

Ubuntu Participation

Ubuntu Member

My involvement with the community has granted me the privilege to be awarded Ubuntu membership. I would like to thank all those who I have worked with in making this possible and also those who were kind enough to support my application Smile :)

Ubuntu Membership Board

I hold a seat on the Ubuntu Membership Board. In this position I am responsible for voting on pottential new ubuntu members, valuing contributions from all areas of the community. It is a great honor to be able to do this and I would like to thank those who showed me support when I applied for a vacant seat.

Ubuntu Forums

I am a member of the Ubuntu Forums, where I serve as an administrator. I am the current co-chair with Bodhi Zazen. Here is the link to My Profile. I consider myself active in the support sections of the forum and always like to help where I can. If I see a thread where I can contribute something useful I will definitely post in it.

I also help keep the forums running smoothly in my administrator capacity, mainly dealing with spam, thread maintenance and trouble makers. Additionaly as a member of the Forum Council I have the ability to grant Ubuntu Membership to community members who have made sustained contributions on the forum. I have also got involved with writing small scripts that help enhance the moderator user interface and also speed up some of the more tedious moderation processes. I am constantly trying to help my fellow members of the forums staff.

I have signed the Ubuntu Code of Conduct and can be considered an Ubuntero.

Ubuntu Book 6th Edition

Matthew Helmke asked for volunteers in assisting with the 6th edition of the Ubuntu Book. I was more than happy to give my time and energy to this project. My main role was to read through content, checking for technical accuracy as well as readability. The project lasted for approximately 1.5 months and it is something that I had never done before but would like to get involved with again. I had never collaborated remotely as a group on a single working document. It was a lot of fun and I learned a lot from the experience.

Ubuntu Community Interviews

I have revived the Ubuntu Community Interviews as Joeb454 no longer has the time do them. I thought it was a shame to let such a popular project die.

The bottom line reason for doing these interviews is that everyone has a life beyond the nickname and avatar that we see, and it is interesting to find out a little bit more about the human being behind the screen, the blog, or the reputation. To that end, I am picking up on an idea that was borrowed from an idea originally suggested by forum staff member extraordinaire aysiu, and given legs by K.Mandla,further expanded by matthew and then finally Joeb454. I will be asking the same simple series of nine open-ended questions.

Interviews I have performed:

Ubuntu Accomplishments Project

I have been trying to get involved with writing code for an Ubuntu project this year. I read with great interest about Jonos project and decided to get stuck in Smile :) I am fairly new to getting involved with development, but that has not phased me at all. I have found the atmosphere very welcoming and the patience amazing by the groups members. Without their support I do not think I could have got very far. So far I have written several Ubuntu Accomplishments, but others are in the pipeline.

Internet Relay Chat

My registered IRC nickname is s-fox. I am looking forward to getting to know the Ubuntu community members better through this medium. I am usually present in the following channels:

Ubuntu #ubuntuforums

Ubuntu #ubuntu-beginners

Ubuntu #ubuntu-beginners-council

Ubuntu #ubuntu-uk

Ubuntu ##club-ubuntu

Ubuntu #ubuntu-women

Ubuntu #ubuntu-community-team

Ubuntu #ubuntu-accomplishments

Please feel free to say hello.

Beginners Team

I am a member of the Beginners Team. Being a member of this team has allowed me to enhance my Ubuntu education, whilst at the same time help others with their problems. It has also been a perfect opportunity to socialize with the community and get to know individuals better.

Ubuntu Beginners Team Council

I am a member of the Ubuntu Beginners Council, elected by the Ubuntu Beginners Team. In this role I look to take the entire team forward, making decisions that are for the benefit to all concerned. I am also expected to help resolve internal conflict within the team, if the need arises.

IRC Focus Group

I am lead of the IRC Focus Group. My reason for joining this group was twofold. Primarily I joined this group in order to help users in a real time environment compared to the delay in responses associated with forum assistance. My secondary reason for joining this group was to revive its original purpose of being a support channel, as it had become inactive. I also feel that helping others over IRC is also a good way to build relationships with community members.

Wiki Focus Group

I joined this focus group in order to do more for the community.

A list of pages that I have worked on:


Zenix was an Ubuntu re-spin with links to Buddhism that was conceived by Bodhi Zazen. I was involved in this project mainly through taking on the lead role in the development of its website as others were not able to continue with it. I hosted a set of iso's on my server and act as a mirror for downloads. Zenix also has a forum where I served (and still continue to do so) as an administrator. The project underwent a radical change, which saw it move from Ubuntu to Debian. I have been involved with the softer aspects of the development, such as how it looks. I have contributed artwork for this release, as well as testing the release during its many development stages. Here are some examples of my artwork for the bootsplash and installer. I also got involved giving the Zenix website a major overhaul, both the website itself and also its forum. The new site is live and can be viewed here


I have an account on gnome-look, it can be seen here. I like to do photo editing as a hobby. I am attempting to combine my interest in photography with something to do with the community. To this end I am in the process of uploading some of my pictures and photographs as wallpapers for people to use. Some thumbnails are listed below:

A Peaceful Place

Looking Down


Blue Fractal

Sky Blue Wisp

The Bridge

Objectives for 2011-2012

Ubuntu Continue contributing to Gnome Look

Ubuntu Keep up my activity levels as a Ubuntu Forum Staff

Ubuntu Continue to keep the Ubuntu Community Interviews going on my blog

Ubuntu Finish the new Zenix website

Objectives for 2012-2013

Ubuntu Keep up my activity levels as a Ubuntu Forums Administrator

Ubuntu Continue to keep the Ubuntu Community Interviews going on my blog

Ubuntu Start getting involved with development projects in the community


Please select the appropriate section below to view / add testimonials. Smile :)

Silver_Fox (last edited 2013-11-30 21:44:52 by 027f48e8)