
Differences between revisions 12 and 13
Revision 12 as of 2009-07-20 10:07:42
Size: 2085
Editor: p54A13477
Comment: Renamed namespace
Revision 13 as of 2009-07-20 10:39:45
Size: 2080
Editor: p54A13477
Comment: Updated header to new namespace
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 2: Line 2:
<<Include(TranslatingUbuntu/Header)>> <<Include(Translations/Header)>>

Mailing lists

General discussion

IconsPage/IconEnvelope.png The mailing list is the place where all discussion should take place. You can read the online archive of the list, or you could subscribe to the list and get involved in the development of Ubuntu localization or internationalization.

Ubuntu Translations Coordination

IconsPage/IconEnvelope.png We try to provide a transparent coordination process. As such, for discussions of any problem you encounter with translations, we encourage you to use the Ubuntu translators mailing list.

For special problems you can contact the Ubuntu Translations Coordinators (please use this method if contacting us through the mailing list failed or if you feel it is not appropriate).

IRC channel

IconsPage/PicIRC.png For real-time interaction feel free to ask in the official channel.

  • #ubuntu-translators at

Youn can also find the logs of this channel here.

Ubuntu Translations Teams

In Ubuntu we have one Ubuntu localization team appointed to each language. To contact the team appointed to your language please see the teams list.

Launchpad blog on Translations

IconsPage/launchpad-logo.png Although not a contact point per se, you can also follow the latest developments and cool features around translations in the Launchpad blog (translation category).

Translations/Contact (last edited 2021-07-06 23:05:13 by fitojb)