Session notes

== Localisation of the browser start page ==

Mailing list post [ ]

Executive summary: Localisation of the "Participate" page - including whatever way for the user to find LoCo resources - and "Help" link URL or localized help pages offered directly at

 * Discuss if the Help link from the start page should point to localized resources and can we check their quality
  start page Help link:
   * from newz2000: URL:s to from start page can be customized, if necessary, but... links:
   * nr. 1 option would be to have translations hosted at as well, ie. re-negotiate it
   * nr. 2 option that would need a link selector for localized help pages

  If hosts translated help texts as well (nr 1 option), we need some pointers to actual LoCo teams as well. For example, by linking to the to-be-renewed Participate page (see below).

 * In 8.10 the search results were localized but now in 9.04 and 9.10 the search results are only for English bug 363381 (
  * The new search page should be fixing this problem
  * We should ask teams to test this whether it works

 * Take a quick look at the current opened bugs

Participate page, ie.
 * Participate page l10n - ie. translating of a few (only a few) pages in domain
  * Ask design team what's going to happen with that
  * does not have "Participate" link anymore - how do people get to the local resources from the start page, or should they?

 ? how do we get an entire page on the site translated?
 ? what tools are available for creating localized web pages from .po files/launchpad?

== Actions ==

 * (David) Talk to the design team (Iain Farrell/ Matt T.) to find out more about the missing "Participate" link and how it can lead to localised resources
 * (Adi) to reenable bzr exports for translations of the start page project.
 * (David) to communicate to the translations team regarding - the translations team would be willing to help
 * (Adi) to keep track on the current bugs on the start page

IRC log

nov 18 17:05:54 ---     ChanServ ha canviat el tema a: Browser start page localisation - Audio:
nov 18 17:08:18 <newz2000>      I'm here dpm. Audio, gobby and IRC = working good for me
nov 18 17:10:47 <newz2000>      hi
nov 18 17:11:29 <Mirv>  newz2000: hi! and again thanks for especially the help in the past when ubuntu-fi was hosted on those rented servers and all that stuff
nov 18 17:11:40 <newz2000>      hi Mirv. :-)
nov 18 17:12:00 <newz2000>      I will never forget those days. What fun.
nov 18 17:12:19 <Mirv>  hehe
nov 18 17:12:27 <dpm>   Here's the gobby document guys: community-lucid-browser-start-page-l10n
nov 18 17:14:58 <newz2000>      ok
nov 18 17:15:14 *       newz2000 should head out at about 5:50 give or take a min or two
nov 18 17:16:34 <newz2000>      yes
nov 18 17:16:36 *       newz2000 gets link
nov 18 17:16:45 <newz2000>
nov 18 17:16:54 <newz2000>      prototype planned for release in about two weeks
nov 18 17:17:09 <newz2000>      (currently english only)
nov 18 17:17:28 <newz2000>      also links across the top
nov 18 17:17:40 <newz2000>      I don't know the story on that yet
nov 18 17:18:16 <--     akgraner s'ha desconnectat (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
nov 18 17:18:23 <newz2000>      Do you guys know about the intention to create a localized page on for each human language referring people to localized resources?
nov 18 17:19:02 <newz2000>      people who come to and don't speak english well will not find much help, the goal is to create one page for each language to guide them to the best resources
nov 18 17:19:15 <newz2000>      it will not be targeted at people who want to particpate though
nov 18 17:19:32 <Mirv>  newz2000: what about the participate link, not on currently?
nov 18 17:20:24 <newz2000>      it will be at the top of the page near the navigation, maybe by the search box
nov 18 17:21:01 <newz2000>      I don't know, there is much to do and it is not my area of expertise
nov 18 17:21:54 <newz2000>      the design team has just (in the last few days) given me the design I just linked to that has no particpate link on it
nov 18 17:22:58 <newz2000>      Iain and mt
nov 18 17:23:14 <newz2000>      mat toma...
nov 18 17:25:14 -->     yofel_ (n=quassel@unaffiliated/yofel) ha entrat a #ubuntu-uds-alamo2
nov 18 17:25:38 <newz2000>      we can definitely customize individual pages moving forward
nov 18 17:26:11 <newz2000>      so en may have different links than he and de
nov 18 17:27:40 <newz2000>      apache content negotiatn currently used for start.u.c
nov 18 17:28:11 <newz2000>      maybe, need to investigate how drupal works
nov 18 17:28:24 <newz2000>      sorry, that comment was for www.u.c
nov 18 17:30:41 *       newz2000 agrees, a canonical list of localized resources would be useful
nov 18 17:35:08 <newz2000>      It may make sense for the loco teams to do this because...
nov 18 17:35:17 <newz2000>      that way all localized resources are grouped together
nov 18 17:39:58 <newz2000>      as we roll out the new search results page this will go away. There is a diff page per language.
nov 18 17:40:18 <newz2000>
nov 18 17:40:29 <newz2000>      according to google, yes, but untested yet
nov 18 17:40:46 <newz2000>      that is an english only page currently
nov 18 17:41:50 -->     adiroiban (n=adi@conference/ubuntu-developer-summit/x-ulgzqcqbsgaqarkn) ha entrat a #ubuntu-uds-alamo2
nov 18 17:42:11 <--     yofel s'ha desconnectat (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
nov 18 17:42:18 ---     yofel_ ara és conegut com a yofel
nov 18 17:42:53 <newz2000>      is launchpad the best tool for translating html pages?
nov 18 17:45:22 <newz2000>      our build system is a mess, we probably need to work on cleaning things up… once done then very easy
nov 18 17:46:07 <newz2000>      ok, who is that talking?
nov 18 17:46:19 <adiroiban>     me
nov 18 17:46:20 <adiroiban>     :)
nov 18 17:46:29 <newz2000>      ok, I will get some help from you in Dec when I'm rolling out the new results page
nov 18 17:46:43 <newz2000>      would be great to get a system where you can type "make" or whatever and have it autoated
nov 18 17:46:52 <newz2000>      currently planned for week of Dec 1st
nov 18 17:47:00 <adiroiban>     ok
nov 18 17:47:13 <newz2000>      awesome
nov 18 17:48:12 <newz2000>      sounds good, I will re-enable you. We need to probably chat for a min before hand to discuss what has changed in the branch
nov 18 17:51:14 <newz2000>      my pleasure, thanks
nov 18 17:55:06 <udsbotu>       5 minutes left in this session!
nov 18 17:58:06 <udsbotu>       2 minutes left in this session!


Translations/Events/UDS/Lucid/BrowserStartPageLocalisation (last edited 2009-11-24 16:40:16 by 212)