Session Notes

Leftover items from Karmic (partly implemented in bzr):
 * UI changes:
  * Users will be able to specify which fallback languages they want to use in case their applications are not fully translated into their main language (similar to how it is implemented in Firefox). See for a mockup
  * Users will be able to manipulate the LANG and LANGUAGES locale specific environment variables separately through the GUI.

 * Related:
  * Define and implement how translation packages can be installed automatically when the main package gets installed
   * Ideas:
    * Add a tag to the Packages.gz file
      -> requires code change in apt, synaptic, software-center, etc. - Arne won't be working on implementing this

[ * Wording "in this user's menus and windows" sounds a bit cumbersome? likewise startup + login could be just a reference to logging in
  * Should "keep as same" grey out the other one or something? (usability/clearness of the feature)
   * In the new design it's already more clear since there is no "startup + login" selection at all  ] -> ok
 * Ability to choose "@ locales" - e.g. sr@latin - doable for Lucid
  * gdm 2.20 also used iso-639, but offered these options

[ * Should install/remove language be just a selectable "add more" or "Add" + "Remove" besides the lists above, instead of a popping up window which has checkboxes? Removing would work by simply selecting and removing, adding would require new window (or sidepanel) but no need for additional checkboxes.
 * List of install/remove languages is a bit unusable because of the longness of it - any solutions? ]
-> AP: Consult design again. One thing relatively clear is that already installed languages should be grouped together / shown clearly

 * Administrate button which opens a separate window with Admin only tasks. Then split language-selector and have two menu entries, one in Preferences, one in Administration
  -> ask Design team for input


Translations/Events/UDS/Lucid/LanguageSelectorImprovements (last edited 2009-11-24 17:19:11 by 212)