
Differences between revisions 10 and 11
Revision 10 as of 2010-02-15 07:31:49
Size: 3735
Editor: nat2
Comment: added OK to lohit tamil font
Revision 11 as of 2010-02-17 08:47:55
Size: 3831
Editor: 28
Comment: Added link to debian installer fonts
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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For our Ubuntu Live CD, we try to cover as many languages as possible, but unfortunately we are limited by the available space on the CD. Usually font packages include multiple fonts for a given language or set of languages, but we simply don't have enough space on the LiveCD to install all relevant font packages. Therefore we will pick one or two fonts per language or script from the existing font packages and repackage them into a ''ubuntu-desktop-fonts'' package to ensure that the most popular languages can still be rendered on the screen. If the user installs Ubuntu on the hard disk and has Internet connection available, the relevant font packages for his language(s) will still get automatically installed. In order to pick the most suitable fonts for our LiveCD desktop, we'd like to ask the community for suggestions and comments on the font selection for their language(s). Below is a table with current suggestions and a Remarks field. For our Ubuntu Live CD, we try to cover as many languages as possible, but unfortunately we are limited by the available space on the CD. Usually font packages include multiple fonts for a given language or set of languages, but we simply don't have enough space on the LiveCD to install all relevant font packages.
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Please fill in a comment if the current pick is OK for your language or if you would suggest another font instead. If your language or script is missing, feel free to add it to the list. Therefore we will pick one or two fonts per language or script from the existing font packages and repackage them into a `ubuntu-desktop-fonts` package to ensure that the most popular languages can still be rendered on the screen.

If the user installs Ubuntu on the hard disk and has Internet connection available, the relevant font packages for his/her language(s) will still get automatically installed as usual. In order to pick the most suitable fonts for our LiveCD desktop, we'd like to ask the community for suggestions and comments on the font selection for their language(s). Below is a table with current suggestions and a Remarks field.

 * Please fill in a comment if the current pick is OK for your language or if you would suggest another font instead. If your language or script is missing, feel free to add it to the list.

{i} Additional info at:

List of preferred fonts for the Live CD


For our Ubuntu Live CD, we try to cover as many languages as possible, but unfortunately we are limited by the available space on the CD. Usually font packages include multiple fonts for a given language or set of languages, but we simply don't have enough space on the LiveCD to install all relevant font packages.

Therefore we will pick one or two fonts per language or script from the existing font packages and repackage them into a ubuntu-desktop-fonts package to ensure that the most popular languages can still be rendered on the screen.

If the user installs Ubuntu on the hard disk and has Internet connection available, the relevant font packages for his/her language(s) will still get automatically installed as usual. In order to pick the most suitable fonts for our LiveCD desktop, we'd like to ask the community for suggestions and comments on the font selection for their language(s). Below is a table with current suggestions and a Remarks field.

  • Please fill in a comment if the current pick is OK for your language or if you would suggest another font instead. If your language or script is missing, feel free to add it to the list.

(i) Additional info at:

Latin / Cyrillic / Greek


Current font pick


All Latin script languages

DejaVu Sans

DejaVu is very nice, but consider ttf-sil-gentium (Gentium is a Unicode typeface family designed to enable the many diverse ethnic groups around the world who use the Latin script to produce readable, high-quality publications.)

All Cyrillic script languages

DejaVu Sans


DejaVu Sans


Middle East


Current font pick




The current font in the repository is too old, it should be updated with the latest (improved) 3.0 release. The new version should ideally be packaged alone (not bundled with other KACST fonts). See the announcement.


DejaVu Sans

East Asia


Current font pick



WQY Micro Hei

wqy-microhei is a good font that derives from droid sans fallback, but its appearance on new Live CD still need testers' feedback and LoCo's investigation, there are some buddies considering wqy-zenhei is more fit their screens and eyes.


Takao Gothic (improved IPA Gothic)



Indic scripts


Current font pick


Bengali script

Lohit Bengali

Devanagari script


Gujarati script

Lohit Gujarati

Kannada script

Lohit Kannada

Malayalam script


Oriya script

Lohit Oriya

Punjabi script

Lohit Punjabi

Tamil script

Lohit Tamil


Telugu script




Southeast Asia


Current font pick





DejaVu Sans


Khmer OS



Central Asia


Current font pick



DejaVu Sans

FreeSans is preferable. DejaVu Sans Armenian block is very poor quality.


DejaVu Sans



Current font pick



Free Serif


Translations/PreferredFonts (last edited 2010-03-02 14:13:31 by www)