
Revision 3 as of 2010-06-17 14:34:59

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Ubuntu Translation Statistics

These statistics represent the percentage of translation coverage in all languages for a given Ubuntu version at release time. As such, they provide an indicator of how well translated Ubuntu in a given language and release is, but they do not offer any other additional information such as how good font support or input methods for a particular language are if needed.

The current method for calculating them is based on:

  • Raw export of translation data from the Launchpad database as the source data

  • Considering only the translation templates which are included in the default Ubuntu installation. In most cases, a translation template can be associated with an application.
  • Prioritising the translation templates (applications) which are most visible to users. At the moment, the method used is to blacklist all command line applications and not consider them for the calculation.
  • Prioritisation is not done at the string level (i.e. most visible messages), but at the template level (i.e. most visible applications). The current translation infrastructure does not allow for string prioritisation and 100% accurate statistics, but it has been found that doing it at the application level offers a good compromise.
  • A series of scripts to process the data and produce an HTML report.

More technical details can be found on the code.
