

Brief introduction to the team, meeting, and theme if possible.

Team Page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/USTeams
Meeting Log: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/USTeams/Meetings/IRCLogs/2009-03-05
Meeting Chair: Elizabeth Krumbach
Meeting Minutes by: Elizabeth Krumbach

Agenda Items

The following agendas were proposed for this meeting:

  • Mentor approvals

  • Website discussion
  • Planet discussion


The following were present during this meeting:

  • boredandblogging
  • dantalizing
  • johnc4510
  • JonReagan

  • MTecknology
  • pleia2
  • Yasumoto


  • Planet
    • Do we want the US Planet to include unapproved teams?
      • The official stance is that unapproved teams should not have websites
      • The reality is that many unapproved teams have websites
      • We found no reason that unapproved teams should not be allowed to participate in the planet if they have a site, but we should uphold the official stance (share your feed if you have one, but we won't encourage unapproved teams to make sites to participate)
    • We now have access to the planet, pleia2 will be working on making the template more US-oriented
  • Website
    • johnc4510 volunteered to work on the Drupal site that Canonical is hosting as a Mentor he will be given Administrative access
    • MTecknology and Yasumoto also offered up their expertise
    • At the time of writing, it was decided to stick with Canonical hosting unless a reason to look for hosting elsewhere is uncovered
    • Content?
      • Will we aggregate news? Who would write news? Should planet be news? Undecided.
      • For now we will keep current content, and expand upon it as time, ideas and initiative dictate
  • Mentors
    • johnc4510 of the US-AZ LoCo was approved as a mentor

    • dantalizing of the US-FL LoCo was approved as a mentor


We're happy to welcome our new mentors. We are moving forward with trying to work with the current website hosting situation. The planet will continue to be updated with a new theme and more feeds to be added soon.

USTeams/Meetings/Minutes/2009-03-05 (last edited 2009-03-13 04:35:06 by alderaan)