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== Did you mean ... ==

If you have arrived here trying to find out how to take part in the development of Ubuntu, then you may find these pages more useful at first:

 * [[ContributeToUbuntu|Contribute to Ubuntu]]
 * [[UbuntuDevelopment|Overview of Ubuntu Development]]
 * [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/FocusGroups/Development/Devbeginnings#Ubuntu%20Development%20Beginnings|Beginning Steps for Ubuntu Development]]
 * [[MOTU/GettingStarted| MOTU: Getting Started with Packaging]]
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Ubuntu developers represent an important part of the creation of Ubuntu. They have a direct influence on the software included in Ubuntu and whether it meets the needs of end users. They are responsible for ensuring that Ubuntu works, and works as well as it can with the resources available. There are four types of Ubuntu developers:

 * [[#Prospective|Ubuntu Prospective Developers]] (Ubunteros)
 * [[#ContribDev|Ubuntu Contributing Developers]]
 * [[#MOTU|Ubuntu Developers (MOTU)]] ([[http://launchpad.net/~motu|MOTU Launchpad page]])
 * [[#CoreDev|Ubuntu Core Developers (core-dev)]] ([[http://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev|core-dev Launchpad page]])


The figure above illustrates the relation between the different developer groups. The increasing intensity of colors in the Ubuntu ''tricouleur'' represents the required skills, experience, and responsibility for the Ubuntu software archives.

Ubuntu users who wish to contribute must have signed the [[http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct|Ubuntu Code of Conduct]], will have an account at [[http://launchpad.net|Launchpad]] and will have a GPG signature. These users can contribute as "Ubunteros". Ubunteros typically contribute with bug reporting and testing of software, and interact with the developers on Launchpad and on IRC.

Ubunteros who demonstrate the necessary skills, team-focus and commitment to the project can qualify for becoming "Ubuntu Contributors". Ubuntu Contributors typically handle more complicated tasks such as merging new packages from Debian that have local Ubuntu changes, debug software or package software from scratch. Thus, to be an Ubuntu Contributor, you need some understanding of packaging, shell scripting and compilation of software under Linux. To become part of the Ubuntu Contributor team, you must apply to the MOTU-Council.

The MOTU are a group of developers who take responsibility for Ubuntu Universe which is the community-maintained part of Ubuntu. This work is not sponsored by Canonical. To become a MOTU you need to submit an application to the MOTU council, and you need positive advocacy from several MOTUs. The main difference between a MOTU and a Contributor is that the MOTU have the right to upload packages to the Ubuntu Universe archive. MOTU need to roughly have the technical proficency of a Debian Developer and have a comprehensive understanding of the Ubuntu development processes and community.

Core Developers are often recruited among the MOTUs, and in particular, those that take a special and sustained interest in several of the software components of the main archive. These software components are central to the correct functioning of Ubuntu, and it is critical that Core Developers show a high degree of competence, reliability and responsibility for those packages. Core Developers can do uploads to Ubuntu's main software archive.
Ubuntu developers represent an important part of the creation of Ubuntu. They have a direct influence on the software included in Ubuntu and whether it meets the needs of end users. They are responsible for ensuring that Ubuntu works, and works as well as it can with the resources available.

Everybody is welcome to work on any package they want to improve and we value these contributions. If you don't have upload rights yet, [[SponsorshipProcess|sponsors]] can review your work and upload it for you.

If you wanted to categorise the different kinds of involvement and upload rights in Ubuntu, it'd look like this:
 * [[#Prospective|Ubuntu Prospective Developers]], who probably just started contributing to Ubuntu
 * [[#ContribDev|Ubuntu Contributing Developers]], who were recognised with Ubuntu [[Membership]]
 * [[#DelegateDev|Ubuntu Developers (from delegated teams)]], who can upload to a specific [[ArchiveReorganisation/Permissions|package-set]]
 * [[#MOTU|MOTU]], who can upload to [[UbuntuDevelopment/PackageArchive|Universe and Multiverse]]
 * [[#CoreDev|Ubuntu Core Developers (core-dev)]], who can upload to all areas of Ubuntu
 * [[#PerPackage|Per-package Uploaders]], who can upload specific packages
 * [[#SRUDevelopers|SRU developers]], who can upload any package but only to stable releases
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== Ubuntu Prospective Developers (Ubunteros) == = Ubuntu Prospective Developers =
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team. Prospective developers:

 * Work on bug fixes and new packages
team. Prospective Developers:

 * Work on bug fixes, merges, syncs and any other aspect of [[UbuntuDevelopment]]
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 * May become Contributing Developers through participation in the development community and interaction with Ubuntu Developers  * participate in technical discussions with Ubuntu developers, providing ideas and feedback

== Becoming a Prospective Developer ==
There are no requirements to be a Prospective Developer, and anyone with interest is encouraged to become involved. Please see the links at the top of this page for pointers some of the many ways to start contributing to Ubuntu development.
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== Ubuntu Contributing Developers ==

 * Are members of the [[http://launchpad.net/~universe-contributors|universe-contributors]] team in Launchpad
 * are collectively responsible for the maintenance of most of the packages in Ubuntu (the `universe` and `multiverse` components)
 * merge new versions from Debian
 * continue with sponsored uploads of bugfixes and new packages
 * participate in technical discussions with other Ubuntu developers, providing ideas and feedback
 * May become MOTU through demonstration of technical skills and understanding of Ubuntu development processes
= Ubuntu Contributing Developers =

 * are members of the [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-developer-members|ubuntu-developer-members]] team in Launchpad
 * have demonstrated ''significant and sustained'' contributions in the area of [[UbuntuDevelopment]]
 * are implicitly considered Ubuntu Members
 * continue with sponsored uploads as a prospective developer
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=== Joining the universe-contributors team ===

 * Check out the general requirements for Ubuntu [[Membership]].
 * after participating in the development community, apply to become a Contributing Developer following this process
  * talk to your sponsors and let them know about your plan to apply, ask them to follow up on the mailing list thread.
  * write a mail to the public [[MOTU/Council|MOTU Council]] mailing list (`motu-council@lists.ubuntu.com`) ''(add your name or nick to the subject of the mail, this adds clarity to the [[https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/motu-council/|mailing list threads]])''
   * be sure to CC your sponsors and kindly ask them to provide background and feedback on their work with you
   * mention packages you maintain or specific uploads that you think were done quite well
   * The council will check the references and reply back within 12 days (Launchpad's /+packages page, talk to select team members, etc.)
  * The outcome of this will be decided by the [[MOTU/Council|MOTU Council]], and reported to the Community Council, who have the final say.
== Joining the ubuntu-developer-members team ==
 * Check out the general requirements for Ubuntu [[Membership]].
 * Apply to the [[DeveloperMembershipBoard|Developer Membership Board]] using the [[DeveloperMembershipBoard/ApplicationProcess|Application Process]]

= Ubuntu Developers (from delegated teams) =

 * are members of a [[/TeamDelegation|delegated development group]] in launchpad
 * are collectively responsible for maintenance of some subset of packages in Ubuntu
 * understand packaging concepts, having substantial experience uploading packages through a sponsor
 * apply this knowledge by uploading new packages, and updating existing packages, in an area of expertise
 * may also contribute to other areas in Ubuntu in cooperation with another developer
 * answer questions of other developers in order to expand their understanding of packaging work
 * provide guidance for prospective Ubuntu developers regarding technical issues
 * are implicitly considered Ubuntu Members
 * are granted a vote when the Development Membership Board or Technical Board are polling Ubuntu Developers
 * are considered as [[#ContribDev|Ubuntu Contributing Developers]] when working outside the delegated subset of packages

At the current time, the following teams are considered delegated teams admitting their own members:

 * [[DesktopTeam/Developers|Ubuntu Desktop Developers]] (Launchpad: [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop|~ubuntu-desktop]])
 * [[http://www.mythbuntu.org/development/policy|Mythbuntu Developers]] (Launchpad: [[https://launchpad.net/~mythbuntu-dev|~mythbuntu-dev]])
 * [[Kubuntu/KubuntuDevelopers|Kubuntu Developers]] (Launchpad: [[https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-dev|~kubuntu-dev]])
 * [[Edubuntu/Documentation/Developers|Edubuntu Developers]] (Launchpad: [[https://launchpad.net/~edubuntu-dev|~edubuntu-dev]])
 * [[Kernel/Dev/UploadRights|Ubuntu Kernel Uploaders]] (Launchpad: [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-kernel-uploaders|~ubuntu-kernel-uploaders]])

The following teams are considered delegated teams whose prospective members apply to the Developer Membership Board:

 * UbuntuKylin Developers (Launchpad: [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntukylin-dev|~ubuntukylin-dev]])
 * Ubuntu GNOME Developers (Launchpad: [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-gnome-dev|~ubuntu-gnome-dev]])
 * Ubuntu Bazaar Uploaders (Launchpad: [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-bzr-dev|~ubuntu-bzr-dev]])
 * Ubuntu CLI/Mono Uploaders (Launchpad: [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cli-mono-dev|~ubuntu-cli-mono-dev]])
 * Ubuntu Desktop Extra Uploaders (Launchpad: [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop-extra-dev|~ubuntu-desktop-extra-dev]])
 * Ubuntu Input Methods Uploaders (Launchpad: [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-input-methods-dev|~ubuntu-input-methods-dev]])
 * Ubuntu Mozilla Uploaders (Launchpad: [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-uploaders|~ubuntu-mozilla-uploaders]])
 * Ubuntu OIF uploaders (Launchpad: [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-oif-dev|~ubuntu-oif-dev]])
 * Ubuntu Qt5 Uploaders (Launchpad: [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-qt5-dev|~ubuntu-qt5-dev]])
 * Ubuntu Schooltool Uploaders (Launchpad: [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-schooltool-dev|~ubuntu-schooltool-dev]])
 * Ubuntu Sugar Uploaders (Launchpad: [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sugar-dev|~ubuntu-sugar-dev]])
 * Ubuntu Server Developers (Launchpad: [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-server-dev|~ubuntu-server-dev]])
 * Ubuntu Studio Uploaders (Launchpad: [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-studio-uploaders|~ubuntu-studio-uploaders]])
 * Ubuntu Ubuntu One Uploaders (Launchpad: [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-ubuntuone-dev|~ubuntu-ubuntuone-dev]])
 * Ubuntu Xorg uploaders (Launchpad: [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-xorg-dev|~ubuntu-xorg-dev]])
 * Ubuntu Zentyal Uploaders (Launchpad: [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-zentyal-dev|~ubuntu-zentyal-dev]])
 * Ubuntu Zope Uploaders (Launchpad: [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-zope-dev|~ubuntu-zope-dev]])

The following package sets currently exist without a team owning them:
 * lubuntu
 * xubuntu
 * ubuntu-mate

== Joining a delegated team ==
 * Check out the general requirements for Ubuntu [[Membership]].
 * Review the requirements for the specific team of interest, and apply to that team for membership, or to the Developer Membership Board following the [[DeveloperMembershipBoard/ApplicationProcess|usual application process]] if membership is handled there.

== Forming a delegated team ==
 * Email devel-permissions@lists.ubuntu.com with
   * A description of your set of packages. The Developer Membership Board will use this description to verify which packages should belong to the set. This descripion should contain a name for the package set and set out critera against which packages can be tested for membership.
   * An initial list of packages.
   * An initial list of members (with Launchpad IDs).
 * The Developer Membership Board, at its next meeting (providing this is more than 7 days after the application), will discuss the package set with the applicants and then vote on its creation. When applying for a set, please be prepared to attend a DMB meeting.
 * The Developer Membership Board will take care of creating the package set and ensuring that the requested permissions are granted.

== Requesting changes to delegated teams ==
 * Email devel-permissions@lists.ubuntu.com with the proposed change(s) and the packageset to which the change applies
 * A Developer Membership Board member will review the request and either make the change or ask for further clarification if it us unclear that the package falls under the delegation granted when the team was created.

== Package Sets and Seed Updates ==

 * As one may know, Ubuntu distribution is [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeedManagement|organized in seeds]]. The basic seeds, that define what goes into archive's main component, are: minimal, boot, standard, desktop, ship, live, and supported. There are many other seeds that can be seen at:
   * [[https://git.launchpad.net/~developer-membership-board/+git/packageset/tree/]]
   * [[https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/+git/ubuntu/tree/]]
   * [[https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/+git/platform/tree/]]
 * For some seeds, we currently have an automated way to guarantee that the packages included in (or removed from) a seed are automatically included (or excluded) from its packageset equivalent (thus guaranteeing, or denying, upload permissions to a developer with rights to this package set).
 * The process to automatically generate such 1:1 mapping (among seeds <-> package sets) is described at:
   * [[https://git.launchpad.net/~developer-membership-board/+git/packageset/tree/]] README file.
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== Ubuntu Developers (MOTU) ==

 * are members of the [[http://launchpad.net/~motu|motu]] team in Launchpad
= MOTU =
 * are members of the [[https://launchpad.net/~motu|MOTU]] team in Launchpad
 * are collectively responsible for the maintenance of packages in the universe and multiverse components
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 * are encouraged to
  * consider joining [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-universe-sponsors|ubuntu-universe-sponsors]]
  * consider joining the [[MOTU/Mentoring|MOTU Mentors]]
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=== Joining the MOTU team ===

 * after gaining experience, apply to become an Ubuntu Developer following this process
  * talk to your sponsors and let them know about your plan to apply, ask them to follow up on the mailing list thread.
  * write a mail to the public MOTU Council mailing list (`motu-council@lists.ubuntu.com`) ''(add your name or nick to the subject of the mail, this adds clarity to the [[https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/motu-council/|mailing list threads]])''
   * be sure to CC your sponsors and kindly ask them to provide background and feedback on their work with you
   * mention packages you maintain or specific uploads that you think were done quite well
   * The council will check the references and reply back within 12 days (Launchpad's /+packages page, talk to select team members, etc.)
  * The outcome of this will be decided by the MOTU Council, and reported to the Technical Board, who have the final say.
== Joining MOTU ==
 * Check out the general requirements for Ubuntu [[Membership]].
 * Apply to the [[DeveloperMembershipBoard|Developer Membership Board]] using the [[DeveloperMembershipBoard/ApplicationProcess|Application Process]]
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== Ubuntu Core Developers ==

* are members of the [[http://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev|ubuntu-core-dev]] team in Launchpad
 * are collectively responsible for the maintenance of packages in the `main` and `restricted` components
= Ubuntu Core Developers =
 * are members of the [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev|ubuntu-core-dev]] team in Launchpad
 * are collectively responsible for the maintenance of all packages in Ubuntu
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 * have a strong working knowledge of Ubuntu project procedures, especially those related to the release process and support commitments, and an understanding of the reasons why they exist  * have a strong working knowledge of Ubuntu project procedures, especially those related to the release process and support commitments, and an understanding of the reasons why they exist; e.g. having done an [[StableReleaseUpdates|SRU]] or [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/UpdatePreparation|security fix]]
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 * are implicitly considered Ubuntu Members
 * are granted a vote when the Development Membership Board or Technical Board are polling Ubuntu Developers
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=== Joining the ubuntu-core-dev team ===

Prospective core developers must be approved by the Technical Board.

Candidates should mail the [[MOTU/Council|MOTU Council]] and in the mail conversation
 1. Have their sponsor(s) attest to the quality of their work and their progress during the process, according to the UbuntuDevelopers criteria
 1. Provide a hyperlink to a wiki page with some aggregated information about their qualifications
 1. Discuss their specific technical interests and plans for contributing to Ubuntu
 1. Present examples of past contributions
 1. Answer direct technical questions about packaging
 1. Answer questions about the Ubuntu project and its processes

The MOTU Council will then present the aggregated information to the TechnicalBoard. The TB will review and respond, usually setting up an appointment to attend a meeting.
== Joining the ubuntu-core-dev team ==
 * Check out the general requirements for Ubuntu [[Membership]].
 * Apply to the [[DeveloperMembershipBoard|Developer Membership Board]] using the [[DeveloperMembershipBoard/ApplicationProcess|Application Process]]

= Per-package Uploaders =
 * are developers with a specialisation in a specific set of packages in Ubuntu,
 * are granted direct upload to the Ubuntu archive for that set of packages.
 * have sufficient technical knowledge of the package(s) in question from documented work in the package through sponsorship, work in other distributions, or work upstream.
 * have an understanding that such an access grant does not permit sole-maintainership, but rather the right to participate in the maintenance of the package as part of a team.
 * have an understanding of the broad strokes of the release schedule, relevant freezes that would affect the package in question, and appropriate means by which to handle any exceptions.
 * need to show advocation and support of existing developers indicating that previous work on the package demonstrated that unsupervised upload is warranted.
 * need to have documented previous concern for the packages in question in Ubuntu, including previous uploads, effective bug management, and similar previous work.
 * need to show a history of effective collaboration with other developers in Ubuntu.
 * are specialist maintainers, not generalist maintainers. They are not expected to understand packaging best practices applicable to a wide variety of software or large number of packages in the archive, but they are expected to have exceptional technical expertise with the package(s) for which access is requested.
 * are granted a vote when the Development Membership Board or Technical Board are polling Ubuntu Developers

Where a developer has an interest in a wide variety of packages, that developer is encouraged to strive for membership in one or more existing development teams. In cases where a given small set of packages attracts the interest of more than one specialised developer, the [[DeveloperMembershipBoard|Developer Membership Board]] may recommend the foundation of a team. See [[#FormingDelegate|Forming a delegated team]] for more information.

There is a slightly special procedure for Debian Developers wishing to have upload rights to their packages. See the [[DeveloperMembershipBoard/ApplicationProcess|application process]] page for more details.

== Joining the Per-package Uploaders ==
 * Check out the general requirements for Ubuntu [[Membership]].
 * Apply to the [[DeveloperMembershipBoard|Developer Membership Board]] using the [[DeveloperMembershipBoard/ApplicationProcess|Application Process]]

= SRU developers =
 * are developers with a specialisation in working on [[StableReleaseUpdates|stable release updates]] in Ubuntu.
 * are granted direct upload to the Ubuntu archive for all packages but only to the stable releases.
 * have uploads subject to the standard SRU process, including review from SRU team members and all other SRU policies.
 * have a good track record of sponsored SRUs.
 * have demonstrated an understanding of SRU policies, requirements and process through that track record.
 * drive SRUs through to the end, not letting things languish in -proposed.
 * are granted a vote when the Development Membership Board or Technical Board are polling Ubuntu Developers.

Developers who focus in package-specific areas in Ubuntu, such as MOTU and packageset uploaders also upload SRUs without necessarily being a member of the SRU developers team. In contrast, SRU developers work on SRUs across different sections of the Ubuntu package archive.

== Joining SRU developers ==

 * Check out the general requirements for Ubuntu [[Membership]].
 * Make sure you meet the description above, and that your sponsors are willing to endorse your application.
 * Apply to the [[DeveloperMembershipBoard|Developer Membership Board]] using the [[DeveloperMembershipBoard/ApplicationProcess|Application Process]].

= Benefits =
 * All the [[Membership#The_Perks|Benefits]] of Ubuntu Membership
 * Voting privileges to confirm Ubuntu [[TechnicalBoard|Technical Board]] and [[DeveloperMembershipBoard|Developer Membership Board]] nominations.
 * Opportunity to be nominated for the Developer Membership Board
 * [[https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2014-February/001079.html|Access]] to all Valve-produced games for Steam
 * A few Per-package Uploaders are not a member of [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-dev|ubuntu-dev]] and are not eligible for these benefits. One way to check this is to run `bin/lp-check-membership` from the `lptools` package.

Did you mean ...

If you have arrived here trying to find out how to take part in the development of Ubuntu, then you may find these pages more useful at first:


Ubuntu developers represent an important part of the creation of Ubuntu. They have a direct influence on the software included in Ubuntu and whether it meets the needs of end users. They are responsible for ensuring that Ubuntu works, and works as well as it can with the resources available.

Everybody is welcome to work on any package they want to improve and we value these contributions. If you don't have upload rights yet, sponsors can review your work and upload it for you.

If you wanted to categorise the different kinds of involvement and upload rights in Ubuntu, it'd look like this:

Ubuntu Prospective Developers

This is where you should start if you are interested in joining the development team. Prospective Developers:

  • Work on bug fixes, merges, syncs and any other aspect of UbuntuDevelopment

  • Gain experience with Debian-format packaging
  • Request sponsor review of suggested changes, where sponsors:
    • review the packages prepared by the prospective developer
    • provide constructive feedback
    • upload the package when they are satisfied with its quality
    • for more information, please read SponsorshipProcess

  • participate in technical discussions with Ubuntu developers, providing ideas and feedback

Becoming a Prospective Developer

There are no requirements to be a Prospective Developer, and anyone with interest is encouraged to become involved. Please see the links at the top of this page for pointers some of the many ways to start contributing to Ubuntu development.

Ubuntu Contributing Developers

  • are members of the ubuntu-developer-members team in Launchpad

  • have demonstrated significant and sustained contributions in the area of UbuntuDevelopment

  • are implicitly considered Ubuntu Members
  • continue with sponsored uploads as a prospective developer

Joining the ubuntu-developer-members team

Ubuntu Developers (from delegated teams)

  • are members of a delegated development group in launchpad

  • are collectively responsible for maintenance of some subset of packages in Ubuntu
  • understand packaging concepts, having substantial experience uploading packages through a sponsor
  • apply this knowledge by uploading new packages, and updating existing packages, in an area of expertise
  • may also contribute to other areas in Ubuntu in cooperation with another developer
  • answer questions of other developers in order to expand their understanding of packaging work
  • provide guidance for prospective Ubuntu developers regarding technical issues
  • are implicitly considered Ubuntu Members
  • are granted a vote when the Development Membership Board or Technical Board are polling Ubuntu Developers
  • are considered as Ubuntu Contributing Developers when working outside the delegated subset of packages

At the current time, the following teams are considered delegated teams admitting their own members:

The following teams are considered delegated teams whose prospective members apply to the Developer Membership Board:

The following package sets currently exist without a team owning them:

  • lubuntu
  • xubuntu
  • ubuntu-mate

Joining a delegated team

  • Check out the general requirements for Ubuntu Membership.

  • Review the requirements for the specific team of interest, and apply to that team for membership, or to the Developer Membership Board following the usual application process if membership is handled there.

Forming a delegated team

  • Email devel-permissions@lists.ubuntu.com with

    • A description of your set of packages. The Developer Membership Board will use this description to verify which packages should belong to the set. This descripion should contain a name for the package set and set out critera against which packages can be tested for membership.
    • An initial list of packages.
    • An initial list of members (with Launchpad IDs).
  • The Developer Membership Board, at its next meeting (providing this is more than 7 days after the application), will discuss the package set with the applicants and then vote on its creation. When applying for a set, please be prepared to attend a DMB meeting.
  • The Developer Membership Board will take care of creating the package set and ensuring that the requested permissions are granted.

Requesting changes to delegated teams

  • Email devel-permissions@lists.ubuntu.com with the proposed change(s) and the packageset to which the change applies

  • A Developer Membership Board member will review the request and either make the change or ask for further clarification if it us unclear that the package falls under the delegation granted when the team was created.

Package Sets and Seed Updates


  • are members of the MOTU team in Launchpad

  • are collectively responsible for the maintenance of packages in the universe and multiverse components
  • understand packaging concepts, having substantial experience uploading packages through a sponsor
  • apply this knowledge by uploading new packages, and updating existing packages, in the universe component

  • may also contribute to the main component in cooperation with a core developer

  • answer questions of other developers in order to expand their understanding of packaging work
  • provide guidance for prospective Ubuntu developers regarding technical issues

Joining MOTU

Ubuntu Core Developers

  • are members of the ubuntu-core-dev team in Launchpad

  • are collectively responsible for the maintenance of all packages in Ubuntu
  • have a strong working knowledge of packaging concepts and techniques, refined through experience
  • have a strong working knowledge of Ubuntu project procedures, especially those related to the release process and support commitments, and an understanding of the reasons why they exist; e.g. having done an SRU or security fix

  • are able to apply this knowledge to a variety of packages and subsystems
  • have a history of substantial direct contributions to the distribution
  • take a leading role in new development projects to improve Ubuntu
  • specify, develop and deploy new features for the default installation of Ubuntu
  • exercise great care in their work, with the understanding that their efforts have a direct impact on others, including:
    • every Ubuntu user
    • the Ubuntu release team
    • corporate partners who provide support for Ubuntu
  • feel a sense of personal responsibility for the quality of Ubuntu releases and for the satisfaction of Ubuntu users
  • are implicitly considered Ubuntu Members
  • are granted a vote when the Development Membership Board or Technical Board are polling Ubuntu Developers

Joining the ubuntu-core-dev team

Per-package Uploaders

  • are developers with a specialisation in a specific set of packages in Ubuntu,
  • are granted direct upload to the Ubuntu archive for that set of packages.
  • have sufficient technical knowledge of the package(s) in question from documented work in the package through sponsorship, work in other distributions, or work upstream.
  • have an understanding that such an access grant does not permit sole-maintainership, but rather the right to participate in the maintenance of the package as part of a team.
  • have an understanding of the broad strokes of the release schedule, relevant freezes that would affect the package in question, and appropriate means by which to handle any exceptions.
  • need to show advocation and support of existing developers indicating that previous work on the package demonstrated that unsupervised upload is warranted.
  • need to have documented previous concern for the packages in question in Ubuntu, including previous uploads, effective bug management, and similar previous work.
  • need to show a history of effective collaboration with other developers in Ubuntu.
  • are specialist maintainers, not generalist maintainers. They are not expected to understand packaging best practices applicable to a wide variety of software or large number of packages in the archive, but they are expected to have exceptional technical expertise with the package(s) for which access is requested.
  • are granted a vote when the Development Membership Board or Technical Board are polling Ubuntu Developers

Where a developer has an interest in a wide variety of packages, that developer is encouraged to strive for membership in one or more existing development teams. In cases where a given small set of packages attracts the interest of more than one specialised developer, the Developer Membership Board may recommend the foundation of a team. See Forming a delegated team for more information.

There is a slightly special procedure for Debian Developers wishing to have upload rights to their packages. See the application process page for more details.

Joining the Per-package Uploaders

SRU developers

  • are developers with a specialisation in working on stable release updates in Ubuntu.

  • are granted direct upload to the Ubuntu archive for all packages but only to the stable releases.
  • have uploads subject to the standard SRU process, including review from SRU team members and all other SRU policies.
  • have a good track record of sponsored SRUs.
  • have demonstrated an understanding of SRU policies, requirements and process through that track record.
  • drive SRUs through to the end, not letting things languish in -proposed.
  • are granted a vote when the Development Membership Board or Technical Board are polling Ubuntu Developers.

Developers who focus in package-specific areas in Ubuntu, such as MOTU and packageset uploaders also upload SRUs without necessarily being a member of the SRU developers team. In contrast, SRU developers work on SRUs across different sections of the Ubuntu package archive.

Joining SRU developers


  • All the Benefits of Ubuntu Membership

  • Voting privileges to confirm Ubuntu Technical Board and Developer Membership Board nominations.

  • Opportunity to be nominated for the Developer Membership Board
  • Access to all Valve-produced games for Steam

  • A few Per-package Uploaders are not a member of ubuntu-dev and are not eligible for these benefits. One way to check this is to run bin/lp-check-membership from the lptools package.


UbuntuDevelopers (last edited 2023-03-20 19:54:07 by racb)