
Team Meeting - Monday September 25th 2011

Wiki Agenda

  • Welcome
  • Ubuntu Leadership document
  • LoCo Leadership Handbook - akgraner

  • Welcome Letter - akgraner

  • Needs - akgraner

    • Logo
    • Getting the documentation into BZR by module
    • Recruiting more members
  • Announcements - akgraner

    • Acknowledgments
    • Next Meeting
      • Date and Time
      • Chair Person

Meeting Details

#title #ubuntu-meeting Meeting

Meeting started by akgraner at 18:00:33 UTC. The full logs are available at .

Meeting summary

LINK: - (akgraner, 18:01:17) LINK: (akgraner, 18:01:28)

  • - Welcome
  • Ubuntu Leadership document -

LINK: (akgraner, 18:24:07) ACTION: akgraner to add automatic welcome letter to those joining the mailing list (akgraner, 18:26:15)

  • needs

ACTION: topyli to talk to knome - other team members to talk to other sources as well and see what we come up with (akgraner, 18:32:24) ACTION: DarkwingDuck to get documentation into BZR (akgraner, 18:35:12) ACTION: valorie collaborate with DarkwingDuck on documentation efforts (akgraner, 18:36:43) ACTION: Cheesehead to manage online leadership tutorial sessions (akgraner, 18:43:47)

  • acknowledgements
  • next meeting

ACTION: valorie to chair next leadership meeting on 24 OCT 2011 @1800 UTC in -meeting (akgraner, 18:54:00)

Meeting ended at 18:55:43 UTC.


Action items

  • akgraner to add automatic welcome letter to those joining the mailing list
  • topyli to talk to knome - other team members to talk to other sources as well and see what we come up with
  • DarkwingDuck to get documentation into BZR

  • valorie collaborate with DarkwingDuck on documentation efforts

  • Cheesehead to manage online leadership tutorial sessions
  • valorie to chair next leadership meeting on 24 OCT 2011 @1800 UTC in -meeting

Action items, by person

  • akgraner
  • * akgraner to add automatic welcome letter to those joining the mailing list
  • Cheesehead
  • * Cheesehead to manage online leadership tutorial sessions
  • topyli
  • * topyli to talk to knome - other team members to talk to other sources as well and see what we come up with
  • valorie
  • * valorie collaborate with DarkwingDuck on documentation efforts

  • * valorie to chair next leadership meeting on 24 OCT 2011 @1800 UTC in -meeting

People present (lines said)

  • akgraner (128)
  • valorie (35)
  • topyli (21)
  • Cheesehead (9)
  • meetingology (9)
  • charlie-tca (8)
  • AlanBell (6)

  • jussi (2)
  • IdleOne (1)

  • Joeb454 (1)
  • pleia2 (1)
  • cjohnston (1)

Full Log

  • 18:00:33 <akgraner> #startmeeting

    18:00:33 <meetingology> Meeting started Mon Sep 26 18:00:33 2011 UTC. The chair is akgraner. Information about MeetBot at

    18:00:33 <meetingology>

    18:00:33 <meetingology> Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired

    18:01:07 <akgraner> here's the agenda for the meeting -

    18:01:17 <akgraner> [link] -

    18:01:28 <akgraner> #link

    18:01:43 <AlanBell> it got it, just doesn't echo it back to you Smile :)

    18:01:48 <akgraner> ok clearly I need a lesson on how to use this new bot

    18:01:55 <valorie> o/

    18:01:59 <akgraner> thanks AlanBell I didn't realize that

    18:02:02 <akgraner> Smile :-)

    18:02:22 <akgraner> ok I'll give it just another minute then we'll get started

    18:02:23 <AlanBell> it is a bit inconsistent at the moment, but it should be less echoey in principal

    18:02:43 <cjohnston> o/

    18:02:46 <Joeb454> o/ 18:02:54 * charlie-tca waves

    18:03:07 <Cheesehead> o/

    18:03:22 <AlanBell> the other one is like Sigourney Weaver in Galaxy Quest

    18:04:08 <akgraner> #topic - Welcome

    18:04:18 <AlanBell> o/

    18:04:27 <topyli> aww

    18:04:29 <topyli> o/ 18:04:34 * pleia2 waves

    18:04:39 <IdleOne> o/

    18:04:48 <akgraner> Since this is the first of our meetings I wanted to take a moment and welcome everyone and say thank you to those who have already joined the team

    18:05:07 <akgraner> and are working toward the goals of better leadership resources and skills

    18:06:17 <akgraner> The main wiki landing page that gives a little more description about the team can be found at

    18:06:26 <valorie> I'd like to thank Amber and David for getting us up and running

    18:06:53 <valorie> and everybody who has already contributed!

    18:07:06 <valorie> every day there is new cool stuff!

    18:07:11 <akgraner> Thanks valorie! and thanks to head_victim for working on the wiki pages over the weekend

    18:07:27 <topyli> indeed, the infrastructure is pretty much there

    18:07:39 <akgraner> #topic Ubuntu Leadership document -

    18:07:52 <akgraner> valorie, this is your item - ready to discuss it?

    18:08:22 <valorie> your item and my item are pretty much the same

    18:08:33 <akgraner> oh and if you have comments on a topic please use o/ and wait to be recognized

    18:08:46 <valorie> I would like to know what plans/thoughts are about the docs

    18:08:52 <akgraner> ahh ok

    18:09:11 <akgraner> then let me go through what we've got and go from there then

    18:09:11 <valorie> I see that we are planning to get the manual into version control

    18:09:16 <valorie> cool

    18:09:18 <akgraner> sound ok?

    18:09:38 <valorie> yep

    18:10:49 <topyli> o/

    18:10:50 <akgraner> right now we have a couple active documents we are working on - LoCo Leadership handbook, Leadership skills list and the welcome letter

    18:11:01 <akgraner> topyli, go ahead

    18:11:49 <topyli> about the handbook. it sounds like it could easily become an actual book on leadership and not very ubuntu specific. i see this as a danger, how can we handle producing it?

    18:12:04 <akgraner> great question

    18:12:14 <akgraner> Leadership is universal

    18:12:48 <akgraner> no matter what the project - but we can add items that tailor it to the specific needs of the Ubuntu Community

    18:13:18 <akgraner> in the case of the LoCo leadership handbook the target audience is LoCo leadership

    18:14:01 <akgraner> I am not sure I see a danger in a general book on leadership skills and styles as there will always be some overlap needed

    18:14:26 <topyli> sure, but there already are books like that

    18:14:41 <akgraner> yes but not tailored to Ubuntu community

    18:14:43 <valorie> so this is seen as about Loco leadership, and not about all the leadership roles in the ubuntu community?

    18:14:48 <akgraner> which is what we are wanting to do

    18:14:51 <topyli> maybe we should steal jono's disposition and tailor it

    18:15:23 <akgraner> we can take elements from Art of community - but the goal is to give leaders the skills they don't have

    18:15:38 <akgraner> and teach the leadership styles and how it fits with an all volunteer community

    18:16:13 <akgraner> we had to start somewhere - so we started with LoCo teams b/c over the past few years I have had several people ask me about leading loco teams

    18:16:44 <akgraner> valorie, no it will be for all leadership positions - but again we just picked a place to start

    18:17:09 <akgraner> this will not be a requirement but a set or resources for the community

    18:17:15 <charlie-tca> LoCo Handbook would seem like it should be very loco oriented. That doesn't mean limiting this group to loco's, though.

    18:17:26 <akgraner> charlie-tca, right

    18:17:39 <akgraner> people can take and tailor it to any group

    18:18:23 <akgraner> we aren't here to force people to use these skills but to lead by example and be here to help and provide training etc when people ask for it

    18:18:35 <akgraner> back to valorie's point

    18:18:38 <jussi> Is it planned then to actually be part of the process that that happens? or just a lets do this and hope others pick it up and taylor it?

    18:19:09 <akgraner> yes we want to get it into bzr by module/chapter for proper version control

    18:19:35 <topyli> i can imagine it being versioned for forums/irc/technical...

    18:19:37 <akgraner> jussi, the hope is that we get this first resource written and promoted

    18:19:55 <akgraner> them encourage and help tailor it to other projects and teams

    18:20:03 <akgraner> topyli, exactly

    18:21:05 <akgraner> here are the links to the documents in case someone doesn't have them already - Leadership Handbook -

    18:21:25 <akgraner> skills list -

    18:21:29 <valorie> cool

    18:21:40 <akgraner> welcome letter -

    18:22:19 <akgraner> any other questions or comments about the documents we've started so far?

    18:22:44 <akgraner> Also I plan on blogging weekly about various leadership skills and styles each Monday

    18:23:00 <akgraner> so if you want more information on something let me know and I'll add it to the list

    18:23:50 <akgraner> and the wiki page will contain links to all blog posts about or from the leadership team stuff

    18:24:07 <akgraner>

    18:24:28 <valorie> that is very useful

    18:24:42 <akgraner> Anyone opposed to sending the welcome letter to members who join the mailing list?

    18:24:57 <akgraner> I can set it up to send it automatically when someone joins

    18:25:22 <akgraner> Just means we'll have to be careful to make sure it's always up to date Smile :-)

    18:25:31 <valorie> sounds great!

    18:25:51 <topyli> go ahead, it's a good idea

    18:26:07 <charlie-tca> +1

    18:26:15 <akgraner> #action akgraner to add automatic welcome letter to those joining the mailing list 18:26:15 * meetingology akgraner to add automatic welcome letter to those joining the mailing list

    18:26:32 <akgraner> ok any other comments about documentation before I move on?

    18:27:12 <akgraner> #needs

    18:27:21 <akgraner> #topic needs

    18:27:37 <akgraner> Logo

    18:27:37 <akgraner> Getting the documentation into BZR by module

    18:27:37 <akgraner> Recruiting more members

    18:28:06 <akgraner> these are just a few of the needs I listed - I am sure there are more but for this meeting I didn't want to go over an hour

    18:28:21 <akgraner> can someone work on getting a logo designed?

    18:28:32 <akgraner> that meets the branding guidelines

    18:28:47 <akgraner> anyone?

    18:29:13 <topyli> i could talk to knome, he's good but i don't know if he's interested

    18:29:48 <akgraner> cool - could someone contact the Canonical design team and see if someone there would be interested in helping

    18:30:03 <akgraner> I know they are busy right now - but at least we can get it on their radar

    18:30:52 <akgraner> Basically let's all explore the contacts we have with various design people and see what we can come back with

    18:30:58 <akgraner> how does that sound?

    18:31:11 <akgraner> Let's see what we can do between now and UDS

    18:31:12 <jussi> ++ knome being good.

    18:32:01 <valorie> +1

    18:32:10 <charlie-tca> +1

    18:32:24 <akgraner> #action topyli to talk to knome - other team members to talk to other sources as well and see what we come up with 18:32:24 * meetingology topyli to talk to knome - other team members to talk to other sources as well and see what we come up with

    18:32:33 <akgraner> topyli, is that ok with you?

    18:32:49 <topyli> sounds good to me

    18:32:53 <akgraner> thank you!

    18:33:10 <akgraner> next - we need someone who can add the chapters into BZR

    18:33:25 <akgraner> I'm not a documentation person, but I am willing to learn

    18:33:49 <akgraner> if someone can take the lead on this that would be great

    18:34:12 <akgraner> Any documentation guru's in the group

    18:34:29 <valorie> DarkwingDuck is a natural

    18:34:32 <akgraner> I know DarkwingDuck said he would help with this as well - I know he's been a little busy

    18:34:49 <valorie> he just pushed the kubuntu docs for 11.10

    18:34:55 <akgraner> but can some folks contact him and give him a hand

    18:35:05 <valorie> I will gladly do so

    18:35:12 <akgraner> #action DarkwingDuck to get documentation into BZR

    18:35:12 * meetingology DarkwingDuck to get documentation into BZR

    18:35:31 <akgraner> I just volun-told him Smile :-)

    18:35:33 <valorie> I'm on the Kub. docs team

    18:35:42 <charlie-tca> I guess I will have to learn BZR yet, then.

    18:36:01 <valorie> the beginner bits weren't hard

    18:36:03 <akgraner> valorie, awesome - can you talk to DarkwingDuck and you all come up with plan

    18:36:09 <valorie> will do

    18:36:12 <akgraner> thanks

    18:36:37 <valorie> I think the big bit is the docbook-ification

    18:36:43 <akgraner> #action valorie collaborate with DarkwingDuck on documentation efforts

    18:36:43 * meetingology valorie collaborate with DarkwingDuck on documentation efforts

    18:36:52 <valorie> we might need some group help with that

    18:37:02 <charlie-tca> Maybe mallard would help with it?

    18:37:17 <akgraner> I'm getting a class at UDS on how to do this

    18:37:24 <valorie> mallard and DarkwingDuck sound like a match made in Heaven!

    18:37:28 <valorie> Smile :-)

    18:37:32 <akgraner> haha

    18:37:46 <akgraner> ok recruitment

    18:37:48 <charlie-tca> akgraner: subscribe me to it?

    18:38:02 <akgraner> charlie-tca, ok will do (the class you mean)

    18:38:08 <charlie-tca> right, the class

    18:38:15 <akgraner> will do

    18:39:13 <akgraner> we've had a lot of people show interest in this group - we need to make sure everyone knows this is a place for resources and training and learning about leadership

    18:39:24 <akgraner> it's nothing that leaders will be forced to go through

    18:39:36 <akgraner> but we want to know what people need from this group.

    18:40:15 <akgraner> I'll email all the leadership councils and boards and loco-contacts but if you all could forward that email once I send it to the list that would be great

    18:40:50 <akgraner> any thoughts on what else we can do at this moment to gain more interest in the group?

    18:41:13 <akgraner> there will be many things we can do once we are more organized and have more resources in place

    18:41:21 <akgraner> but for now - any suggestions?

    18:41:44 <Cheesehead> o/

    18:41:58 <akgraner> Cheesehead, go ahead

    18:42:15 <Cheesehead> I'm interested in providing...

    18:42:26 <Cheesehead> small-group sessions on IRC of specific skills.

    18:42:35 <Cheesehead> So if anyone looks at that skill list...

    18:42:50 <Cheesehead> and sees something they want to learn or teach , please let me know

    18:42:51 <akgraner> +1 one for that - we would like to have a series of leadership based classes

    18:42:53 <Cheesehead> ..

    18:43:32 <topyli> oh yes, small sessions on specific topics

    18:43:47 <akgraner> #action Cheesehead to manage online leadership tutorial sessions 18:43:47 * meetingology Cheesehead to manage online leadership tutorial sessions

    18:43:57 <Cheesehead> rgr

    18:44:17 <akgraner> Cheesehead, that sound good to you - you can clear the dates with the classroom team and start rolling them out

    18:44:40 <akgraner> I am sure there are many people on the team already who are ready to go forth and share various skills

    18:45:06 <valorie> I hope that we'll be advertising to *all* leaders in the community

    18:45:11 <valorie> not just loco leaders

    18:45:17 <akgraner> so if you are interested in teaching leadership skills online talk to Cheesehead

    18:45:20 <akgraner> valorie, we are

    18:45:44 <valorie> because really, aren't we interested in growing the group as well as providing a good skillset?

    18:45:46 <topyli> especially aspiring ones, i would assume

    18:45:50 <valorie> cool

    18:45:51 <akgraner> all councils, boards, and team contacts are getting emails

    18:46:02 <valorie> \o/

    18:46:35 <akgraner> valorie, yes - much like UW is a springboard to the community - this is a springboard to leaderhip mentoring and better leaders

    18:46:39 <akgraner> make sense

    18:47:17 <topyli> akgraner's blog (and hopefully all our blogs!) works to getting new blood inspired i hope

    18:47:18 <akgraner> we want current, new and aspiring leaders to all be part of this team and learn from each other

    18:47:28 <akgraner> topyli, yes exactly

    18:47:47 <akgraner> just make sure when you blog about leadership and the team you add the link to the wiki page

    18:47:49 <akgraner> Smile :-)

    18:47:59 <valorie> akgraner: that's a great crystalization of the team mission, right there

    18:48:10 <akgraner> yep Smile :-)

    18:48:21 <topyli> yeah put it at the top of the wiki page Smile :)

    18:48:34 <akgraner> #topic acknowledgements

    18:48:54 <akgraner> Again thank you to everyone who has helped so far in everything that you have been doing!

    18:48:57 <akgraner> Great work!

    18:49:22 <akgraner> #topic next meeting

    18:49:42 <akgraner> do we want to have monthly meetings or bi-monthly meetings?

    18:49:49 <topyli> thanks all

    18:49:53 <Cheesehead> Monthly

    18:50:06 <akgraner> +1 for monthly from me

    18:50:15 <valorie> +1 here

    18:50:28 <topyli> +1, we change if it doesn't feel right

    18:50:35 <akgraner> I'll check the calendar and see what is going on the last week of October

    18:50:50 <akgraner> people will be getting ready for UDS but...

    18:51:27 <topyli> oh dear, it's last week of the month again. where did my time go?

    18:51:27 <akgraner> Oct 24th at 1800 UTC is open

    18:52:08 <akgraner> so let's set it for 24 Oct 1800 UTC and see how it works out...

    18:52:24 <akgraner> any volunteers to chair the next meeting

    18:52:47 <valorie> o/

    18:53:07 <akgraner> valorie, are you voluteering or do you have a comment

    18:53:21 <valorie> I've never done it, but can pick AlanBell's brain

    18:53:28 <valorie> volunteering

    18:53:31 <akgraner> valorie, it's easy Smile :-)

    18:53:35 * AlanBell reads back

    18:53:47 <AlanBell> oh yeah, help yourself to my brain

    18:53:51 <valorie> I'm not going to UDS, so it's perfect

    18:54:00 <akgraner> #action valorie to chair next leadership meeting on 24 OCT 2011 @1800 UTC in -meeting 18:54:00 * meetingology valorie to chair next leadership meeting on 24 OCT 2011 @1800 UTC in -meeting

    18:54:13 <akgraner> anything else before I end the meeting?

    18:54:31 <topyli> how did you think about distributing the minutes?

    18:54:44 <topyli> it could be advertising too if you distribute them widely

    18:54:47 <akgraner> mailing list, wiki page

    18:54:57 <akgraner> as well as social media Smile :-) and blogs

    18:55:10 <topyli> ok good enough Smile :)

    18:55:39 <akgraner> Thanks everyone!

    18:55:43 <akgraner> #endmeeting

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UbuntuLeadership/Meetings/2011/September26 (last edited 2011-09-26 20:51:54 by CPE-121-208-64-131)