User Contributed Art
A place for users to post their art for Ubuntu Studio.
- Any wallpaper you would like for official consideration must be posted in a .png or .svg @2560x1600. If it's a .svg it need only be a 16:10 aspect ratio.
All postings will be considered licensed under CC-BY-SA v3.0 unless otherwise noted. This change is as of 07/20/2008. Time will be given (month or two) to update submissions then unlicensed work will be moved to an archived page.
A Logo in the style of the new Ubuntu logo
Emerald Theme for UbuntuStudio
Elementary Studio for UbuntuStudio
Based on the popular Elementary theme by DanRabbit
The icons are from the Elementary set, and includes elements from Humanity-Dark.
This is a "first release". There are things I need to tweak, but I figured people trying it would be a good start.
(mejogid:) There are currently a ton of icons in the official icon theme that are only in scalable sizes. Since this goes against the tango guidlines and looks blurry at lower resolutions, I plan to work on some lower resolution icons and will include them in my tango generator (see gnome-look) unless there are any objections. There are also a couple of other bugs with the current icon theme: symbolic links simply aren't used and the icons at 22x22 pixels aren't just cropped versions of the 24x24 ones. If any one else would be interested in helping, please contact me on the ubuntuforums as mejy or on gnome-look as mejogid. UbuntuStudioCleaned - minimal version from Nitrofurano, based on the current UbuntuStudio icon set
(Maike)I've created icons for the differents folder.
(Stochastic)I've cobbled together a few different icon sets that I like, and have been using them on my Studio box for sometime. Here's the Ubuntu-art link:
Can we adopt one of these as the official 12.04 wallpaper?
Updated Eternal Ubuntu by C. F. Howlett
Download Multiple Resolutions & Source Files
Original Eternal Ubuntu created by Garry Parker
Ubuntustudio Carbon by CKontros
Download High Resolution 2560 x 1600
Ubuntustudio by Shitsukesen
Download Multiple Resolution Pack
Dirty UbuntuStudio by Peter
2560x1600 (Original Dirty Ubuntu by mtax) Licens GPL
By Olis
Taken from (a creative commons 3.0 Attribution Share-Alike licensed picture) and the Ubuntu Studio logo. -Stochastic
2560x1600 Neubau DSP by Nitrofurano
2560x1600 q01-monochrome by Nitrofurano (light and ultralight UbuntuTitle typeface versions from
2560x1600 q02-borrownlights by unknown (original author, please fix!) - borrown version by Nitrofurano (light and ultralight UbuntuTitle typeface versions from
1280x800 q03-halftoneoffset by Nitrofurano (light and ultralight UbuntuTitle typeface versions from
1280x800 minimal01 by Nitrofurano
1280x800 minimal02 by Nitrofurano
1280x960 minimal03 by Nitrofurano
1280x960 minimal04 by Nitrofurano
2560x1600 Cliche by Juan Montoya
Ubuntu Studio Carbon by: CKontros
(a .blend file of this wallpaper for the community is strongly welcome!)
Made by Loombago
By Jiiprah on Gnome-Look
This is a great wallpaper to go with the suggested gnome-splash on this page, its made by "Jiiprah". - DRoy Made this wallpaper to compliment the GDM. -XP
Made by qinjuehang
Higher resolutions will be made available if requested, so will .blend file and Yafray XML file (has been edited by hand). Made with the "DIY" look in mind.
- Please contact coryisatm[AT] about getting higher res versions of this. I could see a feel like this for Ubuntu Studio 8.10. I like the old logo better. I hope you won't totally remove the old, pre-hardy look. I'm not too keen on the "DIY" style.
By vdtoorn
Just a .blend file for those who want to hack their own backgrounds etc. CC-0
By DRoy on Gnome-Look
This splash looks great and I thought it was definitely worth a mention here. - Abel Chiaro
By me on Gnome-Look I created this with Inkscape. I wanted a splash more like the original. -Troy Watson
- This just looks great, in my (humble) opinion. - LasseHavelund
Two "Barebone" splash proposals. By shinta_ve
By me on Gnome-Look Something different. -Troy Watson
CD Covers
xcf: UbuntuStudio704CDCover.xcf
png: UbuntuStudio704CDCover.png
By BryanBurke
svg: ubuntu-studio-cd-7-10.svg
pdf: ubuntu-studio-cd-7-10.pdf
png: ubuntu-studio-cd-7-10.png
Design by Vitezslav Valka
xcf and png files available at
GTK & Metacity themes
Download here the Hardy version
Design by SzerencseFia
Openbox Theme
UbuntuStudio/Artwork/UserContributed (last edited 2016-01-30 15:51:27 by h-141-65)