Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue #122 for the week December 14th - December 20th, 2008. In this issue we cover: Holiday Schedule for the UWN, Announcing the next "Global Ubuntu BugJam, Ubuntu on Amazon EC2 Beta released, Main frozen for Alpha 2, New Ubuntu Developer Week set for January, New MOTU's, Ubuntu on national Danish TV again, Launchpad interviews: Jonathan Lange & Adam Olsen, Launchpad 2.1.12 released, Preparing for signed PPA's, Launchpod episode #14: Drupal Modules, Linux is a way of life, not a clone of Windows, Ubuntu Podcast #15, and much, much more!
UWN Translations
- Note to translators and our readers: We are trying a new way of linking to our translations pages. Please follow the link below for the information you need.
In This Issue
- Holiday Schedule for Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter
Announcing the next "Global Ubuntu BugJam"
- Ubuntu on Amazon EC2 Beta release
- Main frozen for Alpha 2
- New Ubuntu Developer Week set for January
- New MOTU's
- Ubuntu Stats
- Ubuntu on national Danish TV again
Launchpad interviews: Jonathan Lange & Adam Olsen
- Launchpad 2.1.12 released
- Preparing for signed PPA's
- Launchpod episode #14: Drupal Modules
In the Press & Blogosphere
- Linux is a way of life, not a clone of Windows
- Ubuntu podcast #15
Upcoming Meetings & Events
Updates & Security
General Community News
Holiday Schedule for Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter
Today's issue of the UWN will be the last new issue for the year 2008. Regular weekly editions of the UWN will resume on January 4th, 2009. We want to express our thanks to the Ubuntu Community for all their words of encouragement and support during the past year. It has been our privilege to bring you all the Ubuntu related news and stats, and we look forward to continuing this process in 2009. The editors and contributors of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter wish you and yours a happy and safe holiday, and a prosperous 2009.
- Please note that we have included in the "Upcoming Meetings and Events" section, the schedule for the next two weeks.
Announcing the next "Global Ubuntu Bugjam"
jorge has given us the dates for the next Global Bugjam: February 20th to 22nd, 2009. This is an opportunity for people to get together online and really make an impact fixing bugs. For LoCo Teams, it's an opportunity to physically get together, meet new people, and share the Ubuntu experience. jorge even supplies a way to organize local support for the bugjam.
Ubuntu on Amazon EC2 Beta released
Rick Clark has released information that Amazon has started beta testing the Ubuntu 8.10 Server Edition EC2 Cloud Computing, and is accepting applications for access[1]. Amazon will charge EC2 users for their usage of the service, but there is no additional charge for the Ubuntu Server. You can find out more information about Ubuntu on Amazon:
Information about Amazon's EC2 service is available at:
Main frozen for Alpha 2
Steve Langasek has reported that Alpha 2, the second milestone for Jaunty Jackalope, occurred on December 18, 2008. With this, the milestone freeze is in effect, and one should hold any disruptive or unnecessary files until after the release of Alpha 2. Primary focus should be on resolving existing bugs[1] and helping get the archive in a consistent state[2].
[1] [2]
Next Ubuntu Developer Week set for January
Ubuntu Developer Week is coming in January. This means a week of IRC sessions where you can jump right in, participate, learn and ask all your questions. Daniel Holbach has requested your questions so he can get the appropriate people together for presentations. Please let him know what you like, what you want to learn, what would excite and help you get started. Go to Daniel's blog site and leave a comment.
New MOTUs: Stéphane Graber and Nathan Handler
Nathan Handler just joined the MOTU team. He has done fantastic work and the MOTU team is very happy he's on board. Launchpad: Wiki:
Stéphane Graber joined the MOTU team. Having put a lot of effort into LTSP and friends, the MOTU team is very pleased to welcome him on board. Launchpad: Wiki:
Ubuntu Stats
Bug Stats
- Open (47440) -508 # over last week
- Critical (19) +4 # over last week
- Unconfirmed (18496) +17 # over last week
- Unassigned (39305) -517 # over last week
- All bugs ever reported (237806) +1139 # over last week
As always, the Bug Squad needs more help. If you want to get started, please see
Translation Stats Intrepid
- Spanish (17186) -97 # over last week
- French (61915) +/-0 # over last week
- Swedish (72541) +/-0 # over last week
- Brazilian Portuguese (80766) -543 # over last week
- English (UK) (81460) +/-0 # over last week
Remaining strings to translate in Ubuntu 8.10 "Intrepid Ibex," see more at:
5-a-day bug stats
Top 5 contributors for the past 7 days
- crimsun (211)
- hew (168)
- jibel (165)
- chrisccoulson(62)
- dholbach (45)
Top 5 teams for the past 7 days
- dcteam (211)
- ubuntu-au (168)
- ubuntu-berlin (50)
- ubuntu-de-locoteam (47)
- ubuntu-co (40)
5-A-Day stats provided by Daniel Holbach. See
Ubuntu Brainstorm Top 5 this week In Ubuntu 9.04
- Change the Update Manager so you can read package descriptions while updating
- Hardware certification testing and logo
- Less resources used by System Monitor
Keep 3rd party wifi drivers working after distro upgrade
Ubuntu Brainstorm is a community site geared toward letting you add your ideas for Ubuntu. You can submit your own idea, or vote for or against another idea.
LoCo News
Ubuntu in national Danish TV again
The Danish LoCo has done it again. Following their first appearance on television, where they set up Ubuntu for a family with children, they have now followed up with the family. The family is still using Ubuntu, and the father's company has also moved to Ubuntu. This tops off their 2008 year of parties and advertising very nicely.
Launchpad News
Launchpad interview: Meet Jonathan Lange
Jonathan is one of the "busy people" working on the SSH server, and it's components for Launchpad. This is the system that allows you to download branches and commit to them through bzr. His humor, as well as his interest in computers and software, come through quite well in this interview. But, did he really ingest an ancient Tibetan philtre that granted him the ability to walk through walls, and compel him to give away Python code every so often? Read the entire interview here:
Launchpad interview with Adam Olsen(Exaile)
The Exaile media player began life as a clone of Amarok but developed for GNOME rather than KDE. At that time, Adam felt that Amarok was a bit buggy despite the qualities it had. First hosted on his own servers, he moved to Launchpad when his server was hacked. In this interview Adam describes some of his interaction with Launchpad, and what he likes about it. Read the entire interview here:
Launchpad 2.1.12 released
Just released, Launchpad 2.1.12, and two exciting new ways for other services to use data in Launchpad. Included are the bug plugin API, and plugins for Bugzilla and Track. The API plugin allows you to create your own plugins for other bug trackers. Also included is the Drupal modules for launchpad that let you use Launchpad to authenticate your Drupal site’s visitors, and assign Drupal roles based on someone’s Launchpad team memberships.
Preparing for signed PPA's
Personal Project Archives are getting the ability to have signed packages. Instead of having individual private keys on file with Launchpad, or creating one key for all the packages, Launchpad is generating new keys for each archive and then signing each build made from the time of the key’s creation. It will take some time to generate all the keys so, for a while, some packages will have keys and some won't. Check your PPA overview page to see if the key for your PPA has been generated yet.
Launchpod episode #14: Drupal Modules
Stuart Metcalfe talks about the Launchpad Drupal modules. Please see the original announcement for help:
Ogg vorbis file:
Podcast Feed:
In The Press
Ubuntu-sponsored FOSScamp builds community - The week-long Ubuntu Developer Summit (UDS) meets every six months at changing locations to discuss what will be included in the next Ubuntu release. The mostly unheralded FOSScamp always meets the weekend before. FOSScamp has no program, no invited speakers, and costs nothing. It has been compared to a sort of geek Woodstock but smaller, where the Ubuntu hip just show up. With a blank whiteboard in the lobby, anyone can pick up a marker and schedule a presentation. The speakers are self-selected and self-proclaimed, but not every available slot gets filled with a topic because a hot topic may not have much scheduled against it. Article author Robin Rowe tells us, "I've spoken at many open source conferences -- Open Source Days, FOSDEM, GUADEC -- but being able to invent sessions in the moment, and to experiment with session topics was new to me, and freeing." During the two days of FOSScamp, Robin led twice as many FOSScamp sessions as he would at a typical conference.
Java Performance: Ubuntu Linux vs. Windows Vista - Have you ever wondered on what operating system Java works the best? Phoronix ran a number of Java benchmarks on both Windows Vista Premium and Ubuntu Linux, to see how the Java Virtual Machine performance differs. Phoronix also tested both Sun's official Java package as well as the OpenJDK alternative when running Ubuntu. The Java tests they ran included Sunflow Rendering System, Bork File Encrypter, Java SciMark, and the Java 2D Microbenchmark (j2dbench test profile). All tests were run on the Phoronix Test Suite, though on Windows Vista they had to be run manually. Java on Ubuntu was pretty much the hands-down winner compared to Microsoft Windows Vista Premium SP1. Running the Java tests on Ubuntu showed significant advantages when it came to file encryption, Fast Fourier Transforms, Successive Over Relaxation, Monte Carlo, and the composite Java SciMark performance. The six tests didn't stress all areas of the Java stack, but it provided a brief look at where the Java performance is between Ubuntu Linux and Windows Vista.
One Linux to Rule Them All? - has an interesting interview with Jeremy Allison, leader of the Samba project. Of interest is Allison’s assertion that Ubuntu, thanks to its unparalleled popularity and huge user base, has the strongest chance to take Linux mainstream. Author Christopher Tozzi, agrees. Ubuntu is making significant progress where other distributions have failed for ten years: namely, consolidating the resources of the free-software community into a single Linux distribution that has enough users and developers to present itself to those outside the IT world as the pre-eminent representative of the Linux community. Ubuntu has managed to make itself almost synonymous with Linux, at least for non-techies. Simplification, is what Linux needs if it aspires to take over the desktops of the world. Ubuntu’s dominance doesn’t mean that other distributions can’t exist or should become irrelevant, but there needs to be one distribution that mainstream users can directly and easily associate with Linux. Ubuntu may well prove to be that distribution.
ZaReason Preparing Ubuntu Servers - ZaReason, one of the best-known companies developing Ubuntu desktops and notebooks, plans to introduce Ubuntu server products soon. ZaReason CEO Cathy Malmrose mentioned the server news to WorksWithU a few months ago, but details about their server strategy remains sketchy. ZaReason briefly mentioned: "We will be launching our servers on the site in Q4 2008", however, time is running out in Q4. In some ways, ZaReason, and Ubuntu are going into uncharted waters together. So far, Canonical’s Ubuntu Server Edition initiative has yielded mixed results. WorksWithU's 1000 survey confirms that companies are embracing Ubuntu Server Edition faster than the mainstream media reports. Ubuntu however is a work in progress for servers, and Sun Microsystems is the only major server maker to endorse the Ubuntu Server Edition so far. System76, another vocal Ubuntu proponent, sells Ubuntu certified servers, and ZaReason’s anticipated entry into the Ubuntu server market should provide another moderate step forward for Canonical’s server strategy.
In The Blogosphere
Back from UDS - Blogger Stuart Langridge has returned from the Ubuntu Developer Summit and tells us, "It was fascinating meeting everyone and seeing it all up close." Stuart got interviewed by the Ubuntu UK podcast team, caught up with a few people he hadn’t seen for a while, and lots of people he’d never met face-to-face. He threw together a quick “lifestream” bit of JavaScript which would track a tag across various sites, and it ended up on Launchpad. Langridge tell us that he starts work for Canonical at the beginning of January, and he's really excited because now he gets to help make the desktop he uses even better.
Going Loco Over the Ubuntu Logo - Ubuntu is undoubtedly the most popular Linux distribution at the moment. It has millions of passionate users, and tons of dynamic community members to prove it. Some people have taken their love for Ubuntu to the extremes. This blog posting shows us pictures of the Ubuntu logo in many forms including tattoos, hair cuts, bread, buns, cookies, cakes, soup, and more! Ubuntu fans will enjoy reviewing the photos and adding links to their own versions of the Ubuntu logo to the comments section at the bottom of the article.
In Other News
Linux is a way of life, not a clone of windows
Locutus tells us "All too often I hear the phrase, if only Linux would do such'n'such like Windows, then it would be more popular." Generally those type of remarks only come from Windows users. People will try and make Linux like Windows, but they don't get much support. The most popular distributions are also the most Linux flavored ones. Linux is more than just an operating system - it is a way of life. It does not mean a way of life in the sense that you dress in technicolor tie dyed clothes, give up on personal hygiene, and listen to bad poetry. Linux is all about individuality, freedom of expression, and having control over your computing environment. Linux is not a company with a goal to capture market share. It is a labor of love by people who want freedom of choice. Linux is not, and has never aspired to be a clone of anything. If it does seem similar to other operating systems, that is because that particular functionality is the best way to do it.
Ubuntu Podcast #15
Josh Chase and Nick Ali from the Georgia US LoCo released episode #15. Some of the topics covered in this episode include:
- UDS Recap
- 4000 People at French Team release party!
- Ubuntu Hall of Fame: Alberto Milone
System76 launches $899.00 Gazelle Ultra
- IBM rolling out virtual desktops that are Microsoft free + Ubuntu + and include the Lotus Symphony and Lotus Notes apps
Upcoming Meetings and Events
Christmas Week |
New Years Week |
Tuesday, December 23, 2008 |
Tuesday, December 30, 2008 |
Server Team Meeting |
Server Team Meeting |
Kernel Team Meeting |
Kernel Team Meeting |
Wednesday, December 24, 2008 |
Wednesday, December 31, 2008 |
Foundation Team Meeting |
Foundation Team Meeting |
QA Team Meeting |
QA Team Meeting |
Thursday, December 25, 2008 |
Thursday, January 1, 2009 |
Ubuntu Mobile Team Meeting |
Ubuntu Mobile Team Meeting |
Desktop Team Meeting |
Desktop Team Meeting |
Ubuntu Java Meeting |
Ubuntu Java Meeting |
Friday, December 26, 2008 |
Friday, January 2, 2009 |
Tunisian LoCo Team Meeting |
Updates and Security for 6.06, 7.10, 8.04, and 8.10
Security Updates
[USN-691-1] Ruby vulnerability -
[USN-690-1] Firefox and xulrunner vulnerabilities -
[USN-692-1] Gadu vulnerability -
[USN-693-1] LittleCMS vulnerability -
[USN-690-2] Firefox vulnerabilities -
[USN-690-3] Firefox vulnerabilities -
[USN-694-1] libvirt vulnerability -
[USN-695-1] shadow vulnerability -
[USN-696-1] Avahi vulnerabilities -
Ubuntu 6.06 Updates
base-installer 1.42ubuntu14 -
Ubuntu 7.10 Updates
adobe-flashplugin -
Ubuntu 8.04 Updates
base-installer 1.86ubuntu2.3 -
user-setup 1.16ubuntu6 -
partman-target 54ubuntu7 -
base-files 4.0.1ubuntu5.8.04.4 -
nautilus-share 0.7.2-0ubuntu5.1 -
linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24 -
gksu 2.0.0-5ubuntu3.8.04.1 -
network-manager 0.6.6-0ubuntu5.8.04.1 -
adobe-flashplugin -
debian-installer 20070308ubuntu40.6 -
ubiquity 1.8.13 -
Ubuntu 8.10 Updates
translations_main_20081215 -
translations_multiverse_20081215 -
translations_universe_20081215 -
translations_restricted_20081215 -
base-installer 1.86ubuntu7.1 -
cups 1.3.9-2ubuntu5 -
setools 3.3.5.ds-3ubuntu1 -
cairo 1.8.0-0ubuntu1.1 -
pulseaudio 0.9.10-2ubuntu9.2 -
transmission 1.34-0ubuntu2.2 -
ntp 1:4.2.4p4+dfsg-6ubuntu2.1 -
opal 2.2.11~dfsg1-4ubuntu1 -
amavisd-new 1:2.6.1.dfsg-2ubuntu1.1 -
ghostscript 8.63.dfsg.1-0ubuntu6.1 -
adobe-flashplugin -
linux 2.6.27-11.21 -
linux-restricted-modules 2.6.27-11.15 -
linux 2.6.27-11.22 -
linux-backports-modules-2.6.27 2.6.27-11.10 -
linux-meta -
Archives and RSS Feed
You can always find older Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter issues at:
You can subscribe to the Ubuntu Weekly News via RSS at:
Additional Ubuntu News
As always you can find more news and announcements at:
Thank you for reading the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter.
See you in two weeks!
The Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is brought to you by:
- Nick Ali
- John Crawford
- Craig A. Eddy
- Dave Bush
- And many others
Glossary of Terms
- FOSS - Free Open Source Software
- FOSDEM - Free and Open Source Software Developers' European Meeting
- GUADEC - GNOME Users’ And Developers’ European Conference
- JDK - (OpenJDK) Java Developer's Kit
- MOTU - Master Of The Universe - Developers responsible for the Universe and Multiverse Repositories
- OSS - Open Source Software
- SSH - Secure SHell - a network protocol that allows data to be exchanged using a secure channel between two networked devices
- UDS - Ubuntu Developer Summit
This document is maintained by the Ubuntu Weekly News Team. If you have a story idea or suggestions for the Weekly Newsletter, join the Ubuntu News Team mailing list at and submit it. Ideas can also be added to the wiki at If you'd like to contribute to a future issue of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, please feel free to edit the appropriate wiki page. If you have any technical support questions, please send them to
Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License Creative Commons License 3.0 BY SA
UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue122 (last edited 2008-12-24 11:06:57 by cp384895-b)