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Revision 23 as of 2009-04-04 18:15:31
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Editor: ip68-0-181-84
Comment: deleted a link
Revision 24 as of 2009-04-04 18:22:41
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Editor: ip68-0-181-84
Comment: ITP: shuttleworth: standards and open source against 'gross' cloud lock-in
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=== Shuttleworth: standards and open source against 'gross' cloud lock-in ===



  1. UWN Translations
  2. In This Issue
  3. General Community News
    1. Ubuntu Netbook Remix 9.04 Beta Released
    2. Hug Day: April 9th
    3. New MOTU
  4. Ubuntu Stats
    1. Bug Stats
    2. Infamous Bugs
    3. Translation Stats Jaunty
    4. Translation Stats Intrepid
    5. Ubuntu Brainstorm Top 5 this week
  5. LoCo News
    1. New Ubuntu Mirror: Columbia
    2. Ubuntu Florida: Jaunty Release Parties!
  6. New in Intrepid Ibex
  7. Launchpad News
  8. Ubuntu Forums News
  9. The Planet
  10. In The Press
    1. Shuttleworth: standards and open source against 'gross' cloud lock-in
    2. Ubuntu Server offers Amazon Cloud Capabilities
    3. Ubuntu Server's Ambitions no longer cloudy
    4. The latest Ubuntu 9.04 Beta comes with improved netbook support
    5. Ubuntu 9.04 Beta vs. Fedora 11 Beta Performance
    6. Moblin V2 vs. Ubuntu Netbook Remix vs. Ubuntu MID
    7. Xubuntu 9.0.4 ScreenShots Beta
    8. Ubuntu server adoption slow but steady in the data center
    9. Shuttleworth: Windows 7 an Opportunity for Linux
  11. In The Blogosphere
    1. Upgrading to Ubuntu 9.04 Beta
    2. Managed Service Providers Embrace Ubuntu Server Edition
    3. Best of the Best: Hive Five Winners, January through March 2009
    4. New Ubuntu Linux server is for business
    5. Will Your Next Wireless Router Run Ubuntu?
  12. In Other News
    1. Ubuntu Podcast Episode #24 - Mark Shuttleworth
    2. Ubuntu-UK Podcast: The Return
  13. Meeting Summaries
  14. Upcoming Meetings and Events
    1. Sunday, April 5, 2009
    2. Monday, April 6, 2009
    3. Tuesday, April 7, 2009
      1. Technical Board Meeting
      2. Server Team Meeting
      3. Desktop Team Meeting
      4. Kernel Team Meeting
      5. Community Council Meeting
    4. Wednesday, April 8, 2009
      1. Foundation Team Meeting
      2. QA Team Meeting
    5. Thursday, April 9, 2009
      1. Final translation export from LP
      2. KernelFreeze
      3. NonLanguagePackTranslationDeadline
      4. RebuildTest
      5. Ubuntu Mobile Team Meeting
      6. Ubuntu Java Meeting
    6. Friday, April 10, 2009
      1. MC Meeting
      2. MOTU Council Meeting
      3. Jaunty Weekly Release Meeting
    7. Saturday, April 11, 2009
  15. Community Spotlight
  16. Updates and Security for 6.06, 7.10, 8.04, and 8.10
    1. Security Updates
    2. Ubuntu 6.06 Updates
    3. Ubuntu 7.10 Updates
    4. Ubuntu 8.04 Updates
    5. Ubuntu 8.10 Updates
    6. Ubuntu 9.04 Updates
  17. UWN #: A sneak peek
  18. Archives and RSS Feed
  19. Additional Ubuntu News
  20. Conclusion
  21. Credits
  22. Glossary of Terms
  23. Ubuntu - Get Involved
  24. Feedback



Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue ## for the week MONTH DAY - DAY, YEAR. In this issue we cover ...

UWN Translations

  • Note to translators and our readers: We are trying a new way of linking to our translations pages. Please follow the link below for the information you need.

In This Issue

General Community News

Ubuntu Netbook Remix 9.04 Beta Released

I'll add the link when I get to the mailing lists

Hug Day: April 9th

Time to get involved in making Ubuntu even better by participating in Hug Day!

Get involved in helping to squash those pesky bugs!


  • Brian has joined the MOTU team. He plans to resume work get more bug fixes sponsored from the BugSquad. We're very happy to have him aboard.

Ubuntu Stats

Bug Stats

  • Open (#) +/- # over last week
  • Critical (#) +/- # over last week
  • Unconfirmed (#) +/- # over last week
  • Unassigned (#) +/- # over last week
  • All bugs ever reported (#) +/- # over last week

As always, the Bug Squad needs more help. If you want to get started, please see

Infamous Bugs

Translation Stats Jaunty

  1. Language (#) +/- # over last week
  2. Language (#) +/- # over last week
  3. Language (#) +/- # over last week
  4. Language (#) +/- # over last week
  5. Language (#) +/- # over last week

Remaining strings to translate in Ubuntu 9.04 "Jaunty Jackalope," see more at:

Translation Stats Intrepid

  1. Language (#) +/- # over last week
  2. Language (#) +/- # over last week
  3. Language (#) +/- # over last week
  4. Language (#) +/- # over last week
  5. Language (#) +/- # over last week

Remaining strings to translate in Ubuntu 8.10 "Intrepid Ibex," see more at:

# NEEDS UPDATING. # #=== 5-a-day bug stats === # #==== Top 5 contributors for the past 7 days ==== # # * person (#) # * person (#) # * person (#) # * person (#) # * person (#) # #==== Top 5 teams for the past 7 days ==== # # * team (#) # * team (#) # * team (#) # * team (#) # * team (#) # #5-A-Day stats provided by Daniel Holbach. See

Ubuntu Brainstorm Top 5 this week

  • heading
  • heading
  • heading
  • heading
  • heading

Ubuntu Brainstorm is a community site geared toward letting you add your ideas for Ubuntu. You can submit your own idea, or vote for or against another idea.

LoCo News

New Ubuntu Mirror: Columbia

Ubuntu Florida: Jaunty Release Parties!

=== Ubuntu Pennsylvania: Jaunty Release Party

New in Intrepid Ibex

Launchpad News

Ubuntu Forums News

The Planet

In The Press

Shuttleworth: standards and open source against 'gross' cloud lock-in

Ubuntu Server offers Amazon Cloud Capabilities

Ubuntu Server's Ambitions no longer cloudy

The latest Ubuntu 9.04 Beta comes with improved netbook support

It Runs On Linux reports that the popular Linux distribution Ubuntu has released a beta of it's latest version, 9.04. This Beta is reported to be running fine on several Netbooks. Brad Linder from Liliputing loaded it onto a 1GB USB flash drive using UNetbootin & did test it on his Eee PC 1000HE & noticed "all of the hardware just worked". Even the keyboard shortcuts for adjusting the volume and screen brightness did work fine on his Eee PC 1000HE. Ubuntu Mini reports: "The Beta does not require any extra fixes or patches for the Dell Mini 9. Audio works out of the box and there is no longer a drive mounting problem after a LiveUSB install. Installing Ubuntu Netbook Remix doesn't require adding any extra repositories or adding items to your start-up programs."

Ubuntu 9.04 Beta vs. Fedora 11 Beta Performance

Michael Larabel or phoronix tells us that last week marked the release of the Ubuntu 9.04 Beta and this week there is the planned release of the Fedora 11 Beta. Both distributions are similar in the respect they will be upgrading several common packages like GNOME 2.26, but in Fedora 11 are more upstream (and experimental) bits like kernel mode-setting, the EXT4 file-system by default, and various other features. phoronix set out to run a few performance tests comparing the Ubuntu 9.04 Beta to the latest Rawhide packages that will make up today's Fedora 11 Beta release. Of the 15 tests, the Ubuntu 9.04 Beta won 10 of these Linux tests -- in a few of the tests though, the performance was close. This is a bit surprising considering Fedora 11 Beta uses the newer Linux 2.6.29 kernel and our internal benchmarks have shown this kernel to perform better overall than its predecessor.

Moblin V2 vs. Ubuntu Netbook Remix vs. Ubuntu MID

Last week Intel had pushed out a second alpha release of Moblin V2. Moblin is certainly turning into an interesting Intel creation, but how does its performance compare to other mobile-focused Linux distributions? We have benchmarked Moblin V2 Alpha 2 and compared it against what is likely their biggest competitor in the mobile space, Ubuntu Netbook Remix, and the LPIA-based Ubuntu MID edition. Which of these mobile operating systems is the fastest? The LPIA-based Ubuntu MID was the fastest in three of the seven tests while Ubuntu Netbook Remix was the fastest in three of the others. When it came to SQLite where there is the bug we exposed in the 2.6.26 - 2.6.28 kernels, Moblin V2 came out ahead. However, in some of these tests, the results between the three distributions were close.

Xubuntu 9.0.4 ScreenShots Beta

For those that enjoy seeing how a new distribution looks, Allen Sanabria of Linux Dynasty has released his second set of screen shorts and this time it is Xubuntu 9.0.4 Beta based on the New Jaunty Jackalope Beta Release of Ubuntu 9.0.4. Allen says, "I absolutely love Xubuntu since it uses the very light and efficient Xfce 4.6. Granted usually I am praising the fancier Ubuntu based distros, but I do love the simpleness and the fast loading of Applications in Xubuntu."

Ubuntu server adoption slow but steady in the data center

Pam Derringer of SearchDataCenter says that although the Ubuntu desktop has won wide popularity, Ubuntu's fairly sophisticated server OS has yet to establish significant inroads in U.S. data centers. In a recent Ubuntu global user survey, nearly a third of the respondents worked for companies with 10 or fewer employees and only 28% worked in the U.S. And the overwhelming majority are using it for basic functions like Web, print and file, database and backup servers, with only a small minority using it for advanced tasks like virtualization or cluster computing. The most prevalent Ubuntu industry sectors, unsurprisingly, were technology and education. Most of the respondents said they are entrusting mission critical functions to Ubuntu and will be adding more Ubuntu servers in the future.,289142,sid80_gci1352654,00.html

Shuttleworth: Windows 7 an Opportunity for Linux

Sean Michael Kerner of reports that Microsoft might be betting big on Windows 7, but to Ubuntu Linux founder Mark Shuttleworth, the upcoming release is really an opportunity for Linux to shine. Granted, Linux on the desktop has not made as much of a dent against Windows as it has in the datacenter. But Shuttleworth figures the desktop itself and the applications that people are using are changing in ways that make the coming desktop battle different than it has ever been before. "The principals of diversity in the desktop space are well established," Shuttleworth told "The benefits to consumers and industry of having an alternative are very substantial. Any change in the status quo is an opportunity."

In The Blogosphere

Upgrading to Ubuntu 9.04 Beta

Tom of Tombuntu reports that on March 26 Ubuntu 9.04 Beta was released. He installed it on his main desktop system as soon as it was available, and has been running it for a few days. Tom reports many improvements in the Jaunty beta that he likes such as the Transmission Bittorrent client’s interface has been tweaked in a few places so it’s now easier to select which individual files to download and set their priority. Also, the default version of Compiz now recognizes GIMP’s toolbox windows and keeps them floated above the image window like Metacity. If you’ve tried the beta, how’s it been for you? Any new features in particular you like?

Managed Service Providers Embrace Ubuntu Server Edition

Best of the Best: Hive Five Winners, January through March 2009 - Again, focus on the Ubuntu aspect of this

New Ubuntu Linux server is for business

Will Your Next Wireless Router Run Ubuntu?

In Other News

Ubuntu Podcast Episode #24 - Mark Shuttleworth

Ubuntu-UK Podcast: The Return

Meeting Summaries

Upcoming Meetings and Events

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Monday, April 6, 2009

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Technical Board Meeting

  • Start: 14:00 UTC
  • End: 15:00 UTC
  • Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-meeting

Server Team Meeting

Desktop Team Meeting

Kernel Team Meeting

  • Start: 17:00 UTC
  • End: 18:00 UTC
  • Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-meeting
  • Agenda: Not listed as of publication

Community Council Meeting

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Foundation Team Meeting

  • Start: 16:00 UTC
  • End: 17:00 UTC
  • Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-meeting
  • Agenda: None listed as of publication

QA Team Meeting

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Final translation export from LP




Ubuntu Mobile Team Meeting

  • Start: 12:00 UTC
  • End: 13:00 UTC
  • Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-meeting
  • Agenda: None listed as of publication

Ubuntu Java Meeting

  • Start: 14:00 UTC
  • End: 15:00 UTC
  • Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-meeting
  • Agenda: None listed as of publication

Friday, April 10, 2009

MC Meeting

  • Start: 06:00 UTC
  • End: 07:00 UTC

MOTU Council Meeting

  • Start: 06:00 UTC
  • End: 07:00 UTC
  • Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-meeting

Jaunty Weekly Release Meeting

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Community Spotlight

Updates and Security for 6.06, 7.10, 8.04, and 8.10

Security Updates

Ubuntu 6.06 Updates

Ubuntu 7.10 Updates

Ubuntu 8.04 Updates

Ubuntu 8.10 Updates

Ubuntu 9.04 Updates

UWN #: A sneak peek

Archives and RSS Feed

You can always find older Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter issues at:

You can subscribe to the Ubuntu Weekly News via RSS at:

Additional Ubuntu News

As always you can find more news and announcements at:



Thank you for reading the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter.

See you next week!


The Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is brought to you by:

  • Your Name Here
  • Dave Bush
  • And many others

Glossary of Terms

Ubuntu - Get Involved

The Ubuntu community consists of individuals and teams, working on different aspects of the distribution, giving advice and technical support, and helping to promote Ubuntu to a wider audience. No contribution is too small, and anyone can help. It's your chance to get in on all the community fun associated with developing and promoting Ubuntu.


This document is maintained by the Ubuntu Weekly News Team. If you have a story idea or suggestions for the Weekly Newsletter, join the Ubuntu News Team mailing list at and submit it. Ideas can also be added to the wiki at If you'd like to contribute to a future issue of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, please feel free to edit the appropriate wiki page. If you have any technical support questions, please send them to

Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License Creative Commons License 3.0 BY SA

UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue136 (last edited 2009-04-05 23:25:30 by ip-118-90-131-251)