
Differences between revisions 10 and 44 (spanning 34 versions)
Revision 10 as of 2009-09-06 15:31:19
Size: 22239
Editor: ip68-231-150-152
Comment: added: Ubuntu NC Lo``Co Team Meet-n-Greet
Revision 44 as of 2009-09-07 06:13:40
Size: 33386
Editor: i59F77DB3
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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## This document contains numerous comments to help make getting
## involved with the UWN easy and to help set some guidelines/standards.

## By contributing, you understand that your contribution may be appended to,
## modified, deleted, moved, copied, and redistributed without further
## consultation. Please feel free to add comments to help explain changes
## and/or additions to the UWN to other editors.

## Final revision will be approved and mailed by John Crawford (johnc4510), or
## Craig A. Eddy (tyche).

## For more information, please contact or
## visit #ubuntu-news on

## Good Luck from John Crawford, Craig A. Eddy, and the UWN Team.


## Edit the following to include issue number, date info, and a short list
## of the top articles in this release.

Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue #158 for the week August 30th - September 5th, 2009. In this issue we cover ...
Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue #158 for the week August 30th - September 5th, 2009. In this issue we cover: Karmic Koala Alpha 5 released, New Ubuntu Tech``Board for 2009, Jono Bacon: Three Years At Canonical, Canonical adds Advanced Ubuntu Service and Support, Ubuntu Stats, Ubuntu Lo``Co News, Karmic gets another cloud tool: Tahoe-LAFS, Ubuntu Forums Tutorial of the week & Report Abuse Icon, Ubuntu Developer Week Summaries, Help Fill in the Ubuntu IRC channels, Ubuntu Podcast Quickie #11, Ubuntu-UK podcast: The Android Invasion, and much, much more!
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## In this section, list major topics of interest using bullets.
## Format: * <Topic name>
## Ex: * Ubuntu overtakes Microsoft with 90% market share
 * Karmic Koala Alpha 5 released
 * New Ubuntu Tech``Board 2009
 * Jono Bacon: Three Years at Canonical
 * Canonical Adds Advanced Ubuntu Service & Support
 * Ubuntu Stats
 * Lo``Co News: Global Jam, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Sweden & Massachusetts
 * Karmic gets another cloud tool: Tahoe-LAFS
 * Ubuntu Developer Week Summaries
 * Help fill in the Ubuntu IRC channels
 * In the Press & Blogosphere
 * Ubuntu Podcast Quickie #11
 * Ubuntu-UK Podcast: The Android Invasion
 * Upcoming Meetings & Events
 * Updates & Security
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The votes are in and the results have been tallied for the new Ubuntu TechBoard for 2009. Thank you to everyone who voted in the Tech Board election. There were 84 votes from 130 eligible voters. The new Tech Board in reverse alphabetical surname order is: The votes are in and the results have been tallied for the new Ubuntu Tech``Board for 2009. Thank you to everyone who voted in the Tech Board election. There were 84 votes from 130 eligible voters. The new Tech Board in reverse alphabetical surname order is:
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=== Jono Bacon: Three Years At Canonical ===

Three years ago today Jono joined Canonical as the Ubuntu Community Manager.

Throughout this time there have been many adventures and many stories. Jono has had the good fortune to not just work with good people, but great people. The Ubuntu family is a welcoming, inspiring and productive one, and he feels a very personal connection to the ethos and opportunity of Ubuntu, and the incredible people who turn that ethos from theory into something we can all see and touch.

Jono wants to thank the inspiring Ubuntu community for making this role such a pleasure to wake up to every day, and thanks also to his awesome team and his peers. Here’s to another three years!

You can read the entire article at the link below.

=== Canonical adds Advanced Ubuntu Service and Support ===

Premium Service Engineer (PSE), a new level of support for large enterprises, offers a single point of contact for Canonical’s large customers – enabling a faster response time and faster issue resolution. PSEs have access to all levels of support, including Canonical’s platform engineers.

“Having a Premium Service Engineer has been vital to getting the level of support we require to improve our operational infrastructure.” said Chief Technology Officer Antonio José Sáenz from Isotrol, a pioneering customer of the PSE service. “As we are involved in the delivery of many open-source projects and ourselves operate a large Ubuntu and Debian server and desktop environment, being able to rely on a dedicated Ubuntu expert from Canonical reduces the pressure of supporting high-profile open-source projects externally and internally.”

PSEs work pro-actively to support Canonical’s enterprise customers – becoming virtual team members who collaborate with IT/IS staff. They conduct regular technical and service reviews, transferring best-practice knowledge, and helping enterprises optimize their Ubuntu environments.

“One of the reasons we decided to engage a Premium Service Engineer from Canonical was to have an open-source Ubuntu expert on-hand on a continuous basis to help and ensure all our business units equally benefited from operational best practices,” said Saenz from Isotrol.

Information and pricing for the PSE service is available at
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=== Infamous Bugs ===

## Delete if no infamous/funny bugs for this week.

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=== Ubuntu NC Lo``Co Team Meet-n-Greet ===

September 5th was the Ubuntu NC LoCo team meet-n-greet in Asheville, NC at the FireStorm Cafe and Books. What an AWESOME turnout! Once there, all the people stayed until 2pm the scheduled time for the meeting to end. Folks started filtering in in ones and twos, and before they knew it the whole coffee shop was full of Ubuntu and Open Source devotees. There was also a great Ubuntu success story in the making there. The Coffee shop's computers for public use all run Ubuntu and the Point of Sale system is Ubuntu as well. The Coffee shop is worker owned, and it's just a really cool place, with really nice people. They are Ubuntu enthusiasts helping spread the Ubuntu Spirit one cup of coffee at a time.
=== Let's talk Ubuntu Global Jam ===

With Ubuntu Global Jam coming up pretty soon, its time to get ready with awesome Lo``Co events! Nick Ali aka boredandblogging is pitching in to help show any Lo``Co what they can do the help.

On Monday, 7th September 2009, at 18:00 UTC, lets talk about the Ubuntu Global Jam. Nick will do a live stream on how Lo``Cos can plan, prepare, and participate in the Ubuntu Global Jam at Everyone can join in and participate in the discussion.

If you have any specific topics and aspects of the Ubuntu Global Jam you would like discussed, leave a comment and let me know.

What: Preparing for Ubuntu Global Jam
When: 07 September 2009 18:00 UTC

There is a short introductory video where Nick explains and invites our Lo``Co teams to learn how they can participate at the link below. Let's have a big turn out for Nick and his extra effort on our behalf.

Ubuntu NC LoCo Team Meet-n-Greet ===

September 5th was the Ubuntu NC Lo``Co team meet-n-greet in Asheville, NC at the Fire``Storm Cafe and Books. What an AWESOME turnout! Once there, all the people stayed until 2pm the scheduled time for the meeting to end. Folks started filtering in in ones and twos, and before they knew it the whole coffee shop was full of Ubuntu and Open Source devotees. There was also a great Ubuntu success story in the making there. The Coffee shop's computers for public use all run Ubuntu and the Point of Sale system is Ubuntu as well. The Coffee shop is worker owned, and it's just a really cool place, with really nice people. They are Ubuntu enthusiasts helping spread the Ubuntu Spirit one cup of coffee at a time.
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=== Ubuntu PA: October 3rd Myth, Docs and Bugs for GlobalJamDay! ===

For the Ubuntu Global Jam the weekend of October 3rd the Philadelphia team will be hosting a Myth, Docs and Bugs Jam at Resources for Human Development (RHD) (this is the same location where we had our last Bug``Jam).

 * Date: Saturday, October 3, 2009
 * Time: 1-5PM
 * Location: Resources for Human Development, 4700 Wissahickon Ave., Philadelphia
 * Cost: Free

The PA team has set up a wiki page with further details which they’ll be updating. You can sign-up there, this event is free and open to the public:

=== Swedish Ubuntu Team News ===

Andreas Olssonis the newly elected Team Contact for the Swedish Lo``Co team. He's been a part of the Swedish Lo``Co since January 2008. Besides helping out with support, and a short tour as a forum moderator, his primary Lo``Co work has been done in the role as one of the server administrators. Now he's looking forward to a whole lot of new challenges in the role as Team Contact. Outside the Lo``Co Andreas is part of Ubuntu Bug Control, primarily doing triage on bugs related to the server team. One of his current goals is to get the Swedish Lo``Co more involved in the triage process.

The team also has a new team leader, Mathias Friman. Mathias takes over for former team leaders Urban and Vulfgar who did a great job. While Andreas deals with external communications, Mathias will be responsible for the Lo``Co's internal organization.

=== Ubuntu Massachusetts LoCo adds new look to network installs ===

The Ubuntu Massachusetts Lo``Co team has configured a lovely tftp/pxe boot installer system that allows refurbished computers to be installed ridiculously easily via PXE booting. There are still quirks and such, they can’t yet get it to install ubuntu restricted extras by default, although they have gotten skype, libdvdcss2 and java to install by default, but once sorted out these OEM machine installs will have all the updates, all the common desktop packages, anything extra they want to add including replacement gdm theme or extra docs / manuals and it’s must less hassle than a CD or USB boot media. Settings are delivered by kickstart scripts and they have a local mirror supplying all the packages, so installs can be quite quick even with all the updates.
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Tahoe-LAFS is a cloud storage tool with "provider-independent security" -- your file can't be read or modified even by the cloud storage provider who owns and operates the servers. The Tahoe-LAFS storage tool was accepted for Karmic slightly after Feature Freeze according to the Feature exception. To find out more about Tahoe-LAFS, visit: The Tahoe Lightweight Authorization File System, or Tahoe-LAFS for short, is a cloud storage tool with "provider-independent security" -- your file can't be read or modified even by the cloud storage provider who owns and operates the servers. The Tahoe-LAFS storage tool was accepted for Karmic slightly after Feature Freeze according to the Feature exception. To find out more about Tahoe-LAFS, visit:
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== Launchpad News ==
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== The Planet ==

=== Daniel Holbach: Ubuntu Developer Week Summaries ===

A big thank you to Daniel for providing a summary of each days happenings during Ubuntu Developer Week. Visit the links below for a summary from each day.

 * UDW day 1:
 * UDW day 2:
 * UDW day 3:
 * UDW day 4:
 * UDW day 5:

Daniel was sorry to see UDW come to an end but thought the event was just "AWESOME". There are links the UDW wiki pages that give the log of the individual talks in IRC available at the links above. If you didn't get to attend, check out the logs to get all the information that was discussed.

=== Pasi Lallinaho: Help Fill in the Ubuntu IRC channels ===

We want you, the Xubuntu user and/or fan, to join the channel #xubuntu on the freenode IRC network. While our average user count was 90 a few months ago, it’s now about 60. We want more people! As the Karmic release comes closer, we start to prepare for the next big wave of questions – you can be part of the helping team as well. However please do remember that #xubuntu is for support, and if you want to chat about just about everything, you should join #xubuntu-offtopic.
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=== Ubuntu Karmic's Installer Slideshow ===

Michael Larabel of Phoronix tells us that on September 3rd Ubuntu 9.10 Alpha 5 was released and besides shipping with a number of updated packages and the Ubuntu One client along with Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud images, the Ubiquity installer shipped with its new slide-show feature enabled. Now during the Ubuntu installation process from the desktop Live``CD, rather than just showing a status bar it also advertises various features of this Linux operating system. For those that have not yet tried Ubuntu 9.10 Alpha 5, this is something new in the Ubuntu land. The final release of Ubuntu 9.10 is due out in late October.
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The Linux Loops tells us that about a month ago, Canonical announced plans for an Ubuntu app store, codenamed App``Center. As expected, the first version has shown up in the Karmic Koala daily builds, now under the name Ubuntu Software Store. If you’re not impressed with the Ubuntu Software Store, the Linux Loop says they don’t blame you. It’s really not much more than a new interface that does the same thing Add/Remove does. The exciting parts of the Software Store don’t really come until Ubuntu 9.10, when it will replace Add/Remove, Synaptic, Software Sources, and, possibly, Update Manager. Over the next several releases, the Ubuntu Software Store could provide one of the first realistic ways for shareware developers to sell software for Linux and, at the same time, make it much easier for new users to understand the software installation process. For now, though, we’ll just have to wait and see. The Linux Loops tells us that about a month ago, Canonical announced plans for an Ubuntu app store, codenamed App``Center. As expected, the first version has shown up in the Karmic Koala daily builds, now under the name Ubuntu Software Store. If you’re not impressed with the Ubuntu Software Store, the Linux Loop says they don’t blame you. It’s really not much more than a new interface that does the same thing Add/Remove does. The exciting parts of the Software Store don’t really come until Ubuntu 10.04, when it will replace Add/Remove, Synaptic, Software Sources, and, possibly, Update Manager. Over the next several releases, the Ubuntu Software Store could provide one of the first realistic ways for shareware developers to sell software for Linux and, at the same time, make it much easier for new users to understand the software installation process. For now, though, we’ll just have to wait and see.
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Softpedia's Marius Nestor says that he is are proud to announce that, as of this morning, Canonical added a brand-new X-based boot splash, which will be present in the upcoming Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) operating system, due for release on October 29th. xplash is the package in charge of the new boot splash and it is a userspace software that uses the X interface to draw a splash screen at boot before the desktop loads. Nestor says that he has tested it on two 19" Samsung LCDs and a 19" DELL one, and it looks and acts pretty good, without flickering. The idea is to completely replace the existing boot method with a flicker-free one. The graphical boot splash is designed to run on top of the X.Org Server and not Usplash! A graphical operating system switcher will also be present during the boot sequence, accessible by pressing the ESC key. Softpedia's Marius Nestor says that he is are proud to announce that, as of this morning, Canonical added a brand-new X-based boot splash, which will be present in the upcoming Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) operating system, due for release on October 29th. xplash is the package in charge of the new boot splash and it is a user-space software that uses the X interface to draw a splash screen at boot before the desktop loads. Nestor says that he has tested it on two 19" Samsung LCDs and a 19" DELL one, and it looks and acts pretty good, without flickering. The idea is to completely replace the existing boot method with a flicker-free one. The graphical boot splash is designed to run on top of the X.Org Server and not Usplash! A graphical operating system switcher will also be present during the boot sequence, accessible by pressing the ESC key.
Line 189: Line 266: The VAR Guy, writing in Works With U, notes that Dell has had some problems recently with their image regarding their Linux offerings. However, he also notes that a source close to the Dell-Ubuntu efforts states the following:

    “There will be more [Dell Ubuntu] desktop and notebook SKUs and the relationship will be more global then ever next year… there will be plenty of Ubuntu/Canonical and Dell good news stories in the near future.”

So things appear to be looking up. See his article at:
Line 193: Line 274: Joe Panettieri, of Works With U, indicates that there is a lag-time between offering an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) and its actual acceptance by businesses. Openbravo COO Josep Mitja indicated that Openbravo’s core products (enterprise resource planning and point-of-sale software) typically have long sales cycles. However, Openbravo Quickstart, a custom configured offering is set to launch September 1, and Ubuntu Server Edition 9.10 – set to debut in October — includes several cloud enhancements that could further improve Ubuntu’s appeal beyond the desktop. Read more at:
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Joe Panettieri, writing for Works With U, has an article on the new Sharp PC-Z1. This device, set to launch September 25 in Japan, is a new entry in the world of Mobile Internet Devices. "It features a 5-inch TFT LCD touch-screen, runs Ubuntu 9.04 and launches in as little as 3 seconds." Paul Miller of Engadget says that it's running a full Ubuntu install at a relatively high resolution and a rather snappy pace. More details at the link below.

 * You can see an Engadget video of the new device here:
Line 201: Line 286: Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols, the Cyber Cyinc writing on the Computer``World blog site, tried upgrading several operating systems with an eye to ease and speed. Among those that he tried were Microsoft Windows 7, Mac Snow Leopard and Ubuntu 9.04. Of the three, he felt that the Ubuntu 9.04 upgrade was the easiest. Read his explanation at:
Line 205: Line 290: Joe Panettieri, writing for Works With U, looks at the Ubuntu Software store through the eyes of the end user - his 10 year old son. Considering that he is greatly taken with the Apple App Store, he feels that he would be just as happy with the Ubuntu Software Store. He also feels that adults will flock to it for business and productivity applications. See what he has to say at:
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## Any news or links that don't fit neatly into other sections.

== Meeting Summaries ==

## Any news from any Ubuntu Team listed here: be sure to udate to current month.
=== Ubuntu Podcast Quickie #11 ===

In this quickie episode you'll find:

 * Karmic Alpha 5 is out
 * how to participate in Ubuntu Global Jam
 * Pennsylvania Lo``Co at CPOSC
 * Ubuntu in Zimbabwe parliament
 * Greek Team helps build educational repo
 * 5th issue of Greek Team magazine Ubuntistas
 * Ubuntu Technical Board elections
 * Tahoe-LAFS in Karmic
 * new screencasts
 * Ubuntu Mexico podcast
 * Ubuntu User magazine issue #2

=== Ubuntu-UK podcast: The Android Invasion ===

Laura Cowen, Alan Pope, Tony Whitmore, Dave Walker and sadly no Ciemon Dunville are back again from ‘Studio B’ with an all new episode of the Ubuntu Podcast from the UK Local Community Support Team.

 * What we've been up to this week
 * The news:
  * Aussies defence force using Linux
  * Skype supports pulseaudio with latest release
  * Possible Skype vulnerability
  * Novell UNIX ownership thrown into question
  * Sharp shows off new MID
  * MythTV 0.22 nears release
  * Nokia releases the N900
  * Oracle gets the go ahead to buy Sun
  * Chrome/Chromium 64-bit progress
  * Moonlight beta 2.0 out
  * Dell Armless no longer?
  * Windows 7 is 3vil0r!
 * Upcoming events
 * What to expect at Ogg``Camp
 * Just a Moment
 * The Ecosphere
 * emails, tweets and dents
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==== Ubuntu-IE LoCo IRC Meeting ====
 * Start: 19:00 UTC
 * End: 20:00 UTC
 * Location: IRC channel #Ubuntu-ie
 * Agenda: None listed as of publication
==== Americas Membership Board Meeting ====
 * Start: 22:00 UTC
 * End: 23:00 UTC
 * Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-meeting
 * Agenda:
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== Community Spotlight ==

## Specification Spotlight

## This section highlights an approved specification that is going to be implemented
## in Feisty. See the list at
## In general, choose user visible features, as the audience are mostly end users.
## Also try and group specs together that belong together, such as network or X.

## Feature of the week

## Pick a feature, piece of software, or package that you'd like to feature.
## Give a brief description, whats so special about it, who works on it,
## where to find it/install it, etc.

## Team of the week

## Pick a team (a ubuntu team) that you'd like to feature.
## Give a brief description of the team, what they work on, what they've
## accomplished, who is involved, how to get involved/join, etc.
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== UWN #: A sneak peek ==

## Articles that should have made it into this release but have been deferred should be listed here.
## Delete if unnecessary.
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## The following list is in chronological order.
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 * Your Name Here
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## Common acronyms  1. OEM - Original Equipment Manufacturer.
 1. Q&A - Question And Answer.
 1. UEC - Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud.

Other acronyms can be found at



  1. UWN Translations
  2. In This Issue
  3. General Community News
    1. Karmic Koala Alpha 5 released
    2. New Ubuntu TechBoard for 2009
    3. Jono Bacon: Three Years At Canonical
    4. Canonical adds Advanced Ubuntu Service and Support
  4. Ubuntu Stats
    1. Bug Stats
    2. Translation Stats Jaunty
    3. Translation Stats Karmic
    4. Ubuntu Brainstorm Top 5 this week
  5. LoCo News
    1. Let's talk Ubuntu Global Jam
    2. Ubuntu NC LoCo Team Meet-n-Greet
    3. Ubuntu PA: October 3rd Myth, Docs and Bugs for GlobalJamDay!
    4. Swedish Ubuntu Team News
    5. Ubuntu Massachusetts LoCo adds new look to network installs
  6. New in Karmic Koala
    1. Karmic gets another cloud tool: Tahoe-LAFS
  7. Ubuntu Forums News
    1. Tutorial of the Week
    2. Report Abuse Icon
  8. The Planet
    1. Daniel Holbach: Ubuntu Developer Week Summaries
    2. Pasi Lallinaho: Help Fill in the Ubuntu IRC channels
  9. In The Press
    1. Ubuntu Karmic's Installer Slideshow
    2. A Tour of the Ubuntu Software Store
    3. ZaReason's New Linux Netbook, How to Thrive in a Tough Market
    4. Dell conquers Europe with its Ubuntu netbooks, enters the Netherlands
    5. Can Ubuntu 9.10 Outperform Mac OS X 10.6?
    6. Ubuntu 9.10 "Karmic Koala" Alpha 5 Released
    7. Ubuntu 9.10's New X Based Boot Splash
  10. In The Blogosphere
    1. Dell Prepares Ubuntu Encore
    2. Openbravo on Ubuntu Server Edition: ERP Sales Will Take Time
    3. Sharp Launches Ubuntu Mobile Internet Tool
    4. The easiest operating system to update is...
    5. Ubuntu Software Store: Will Your Kids Try It?
  11. In Other News
    1. Ubuntu Podcast Quickie #11
    2. Ubuntu-UK podcast: The Android Invasion
  12. Upcoming Meetings and Events
    1. Monday, September 7, 2009
    2. Tuesday, September 8, 2009
      1. Ubuntu Mobile Team Meeting
      2. Technical Board Meeting
      3. Server Team Meeting
      4. Desktop Team Meeting
      5. Kernel Team Meeting
      6. Ubuntu Beginners Team Meeting
    3. Wednesday, September 9, 2009
      1. Foundation Team Meeting
      2. QA Team Meeting
      3. Americas Membership Board Meeting
    4. Thursday, September 10, 2009
      1. Karmic UserInterfaceFreeze
      2. Ubuntu Java Meeting
      3. Ubuntu Translations Meeting
    5. Friday, September 11, 209
      1. MC Meeting
      2. Karmic Weekly Release Meeting
      3. Edubuntu Meeting
    6. Saturday, September 12, 2009
    7. Sunday, September 13, 2009
  13. Updates and Security for 6.06, 8.04, 8.10 and 9.04
    1. Security Updates
    2. Ubuntu 6.06 Updates
    3. Ubuntu 8.04 Updates
    4. Ubuntu 8.10 Updates
    5. Ubuntu 9.04 Updates
  14. Archives and RSS Feed
  15. Additional Ubuntu News
  16. Conclusion
  17. Credits
  18. Glossary of Terms
  19. Ubuntu - Get Involved
  20. Feedback


Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue #158 for the week August 30th - September 5th, 2009. In this issue we cover: Karmic Koala Alpha 5 released, New Ubuntu TechBoard for 2009, Jono Bacon: Three Years At Canonical, Canonical adds Advanced Ubuntu Service and Support, Ubuntu Stats, Ubuntu LoCo News, Karmic gets another cloud tool: Tahoe-LAFS, Ubuntu Forums Tutorial of the week & Report Abuse Icon, Ubuntu Developer Week Summaries, Help Fill in the Ubuntu IRC channels, Ubuntu Podcast Quickie #11, Ubuntu-UK podcast: The Android Invasion, and much, much more!

UWN Translations

  • Note to translators and our readers: We are trying a new way of linking to our translations pages. Please follow the link below for the information you need.

In This Issue

  • Karmic Koala Alpha 5 released
  • New Ubuntu TechBoard 2009

  • Jono Bacon: Three Years at Canonical
  • Canonical Adds Advanced Ubuntu Service & Support

  • Ubuntu Stats
  • LoCo News: Global Jam, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Sweden & Massachusetts

  • Karmic gets another cloud tool: Tahoe-LAFS
  • Ubuntu Developer Week Summaries
  • Help fill in the Ubuntu IRC channels
  • In the Press & Blogosphere

  • Ubuntu Podcast Quickie #11
  • Ubuntu-UK Podcast: The Android Invasion
  • Upcoming Meetings & Events

  • Updates & Security

General Community News

Karmic Koala Alpha 5 released

Welcome to Karmic Koala Alpha 5, which will in time become Ubuntu 9.10.

Pre-releases of Karmic are *not* encouraged for anyone needing a stable system or anyone who is not comfortable running into occasional, even frequent breakage. They are, however, recommended for Ubuntu developers and those who want to help in testing, reporting, and fixing bugs.

Alpha 5 is the fifth in a series of milestone CD images that will be released throughout the Karmic development cycle. The Alpha images are known to be reasonably free of showstopper CD build or installer bugs, while representing a very recent snapshot of Karmic. You can download it here:

See for a list of mirrors.

Alpha 5 includes a number of software updates that are ready for large-scale testing. This is quite an early set of images, so you should expect some bugs. For a list of known bugs (that you don't need to report if you encounter), please see:

New Ubuntu TechBoard for 2009

The votes are in and the results have been tallied for the new Ubuntu TechBoard for 2009. Thank you to everyone who voted in the Tech Board election. There were 84 votes from 130 eligible voters. The new Tech Board in reverse alphabetical surname order is:

  • Matt Zimmerman
  • Mark Shuttleworth
  • Scott James Remnant
  • Martin Pitt
  • Kees Cook

Detailed results are available at:

Thanks also to Mario and Evan, who made it a far more interesting race, and to the rest of the new Board for their willingness to lead in this capacity.

Jono Bacon: Three Years At Canonical

Three years ago today Jono joined Canonical as the Ubuntu Community Manager.

Throughout this time there have been many adventures and many stories. Jono has had the good fortune to not just work with good people, but great people. The Ubuntu family is a welcoming, inspiring and productive one, and he feels a very personal connection to the ethos and opportunity of Ubuntu, and the incredible people who turn that ethos from theory into something we can all see and touch.

Jono wants to thank the inspiring Ubuntu community for making this role such a pleasure to wake up to every day, and thanks also to his awesome team and his peers. Here’s to another three years!

You can read the entire article at the link below.

Canonical adds Advanced Ubuntu Service and Support

Premium Service Engineer (PSE), a new level of support for large enterprises, offers a single point of contact for Canonical’s large customers – enabling a faster response time and faster issue resolution. PSEs have access to all levels of support, including Canonical’s platform engineers.

“Having a Premium Service Engineer has been vital to getting the level of support we require to improve our operational infrastructure.” said Chief Technology Officer Antonio José Sáenz from Isotrol, a pioneering customer of the PSE service. “As we are involved in the delivery of many open-source projects and ourselves operate a large Ubuntu and Debian server and desktop environment, being able to rely on a dedicated Ubuntu expert from Canonical reduces the pressure of supporting high-profile open-source projects externally and internally.”

PSEs work pro-actively to support Canonical’s enterprise customers – becoming virtual team members who collaborate with IT/IS staff. They conduct regular technical and service reviews, transferring best-practice knowledge, and helping enterprises optimize their Ubuntu environments.

“One of the reasons we decided to engage a Premium Service Engineer from Canonical was to have an open-source Ubuntu expert on-hand on a continuous basis to help and ensure all our business units equally benefited from operational best practices,” said Saenz from Isotrol.

Information and pricing for the PSE service is available at

Ubuntu Stats

Bug Stats

  • Open (61629) +156 over last week
  • Critical (27) +1 over last week
  • Unconfirmed (28434) -82 over last week
  • Unassigned (53209) +125 over last week
  • All bugs ever reported (309488) +2072 over last week

As always, the Bug Squad needs more help. If you want to get started, please see

Translation Stats Jaunty

  • Spanish (11285) -51 over last week
  • French (38640) -34 over last week
  • Brazilian Portuguese (48209) -131 over last week
  • Swedish (53423) -218 over last week
  • English (United Kingdom) (53841) +/-0 over last week

Remaining strings to translate in Ubuntu 9.04 "Jaunty Jackalope," see more at:

Translation Stats Karmic

  • Spanish (17170) -298 over last week
  • French (58418) -276 over last week
  • Swedish (68954) -294 over last week
  • Brazilian Portuguese (72141) +16 over last week
  • English (Uk) (83949) +1190 over last week

1. Language (#) +/- # over last week Remaining strings to translate in Ubuntu 9.10 "Karmic Koala", see more at:

Ubuntu Brainstorm Top 5 this week

Ubuntu Brainstorm is a community site geared toward letting you add your ideas for Ubuntu. You can submit your own idea, or vote for or against another idea.

LoCo News

Let's talk Ubuntu Global Jam

With Ubuntu Global Jam coming up pretty soon, its time to get ready with awesome LoCo events! Nick Ali aka boredandblogging is pitching in to help show any LoCo what they can do the help.

On Monday, 7th September 2009, at 18:00 UTC, lets talk about the Ubuntu Global Jam. Nick will do a live stream on how LoCos can plan, prepare, and participate in the Ubuntu Global Jam at Everyone can join in and participate in the discussion.

If you have any specific topics and aspects of the Ubuntu Global Jam you would like discussed, leave a comment and let me know.

What: Preparing for Ubuntu Global Jam When: 07 September 2009 18:00 UTC Where:

There is a short introductory video where Nick explains and invites our LoCo teams to learn how they can participate at the link below. Let's have a big turn out for Nick and his extra effort on our behalf.

Ubuntu NC LoCo Team Meet-n-Greet

September 5th was the Ubuntu NC LoCo team meet-n-greet in Asheville, NC at the FireStorm Cafe and Books. What an AWESOME turnout! Once there, all the people stayed until 2pm the scheduled time for the meeting to end. Folks started filtering in in ones and twos, and before they knew it the whole coffee shop was full of Ubuntu and Open Source devotees. There was also a great Ubuntu success story in the making there. The Coffee shop's computers for public use all run Ubuntu and the Point of Sale system is Ubuntu as well. The Coffee shop is worker owned, and it's just a really cool place, with really nice people. They are Ubuntu enthusiasts helping spread the Ubuntu Spirit one cup of coffee at a time.

Ubuntu PA: October 3rd Myth, Docs and Bugs for GlobalJamDay!

For the Ubuntu Global Jam the weekend of October 3rd the Philadelphia team will be hosting a Myth, Docs and Bugs Jam at Resources for Human Development (RHD) (this is the same location where we had our last BugJam).

  • Date: Saturday, October 3, 2009
  • Time: 1-5PM
  • Location: Resources for Human Development, 4700 Wissahickon Ave., Philadelphia
  • Cost: Free

The PA team has set up a wiki page with further details which they’ll be updating. You can sign-up there, this event is free and open to the public:

Swedish Ubuntu Team News

Andreas Olssonis the newly elected Team Contact for the Swedish LoCo team. He's been a part of the Swedish LoCo since January 2008. Besides helping out with support, and a short tour as a forum moderator, his primary LoCo work has been done in the role as one of the server administrators. Now he's looking forward to a whole lot of new challenges in the role as Team Contact. Outside the LoCo Andreas is part of Ubuntu Bug Control, primarily doing triage on bugs related to the server team. One of his current goals is to get the Swedish LoCo more involved in the triage process.

The team also has a new team leader, Mathias Friman. Mathias takes over for former team leaders Urban and Vulfgar who did a great job. While Andreas deals with external communications, Mathias will be responsible for the LoCo's internal organization.

Ubuntu Massachusetts LoCo adds new look to network installs

The Ubuntu Massachusetts LoCo team has configured a lovely tftp/pxe boot installer system that allows refurbished computers to be installed ridiculously easily via PXE booting. There are still quirks and such, they can’t yet get it to install ubuntu restricted extras by default, although they have gotten skype, libdvdcss2 and java to install by default, but once sorted out these OEM machine installs will have all the updates, all the common desktop packages, anything extra they want to add including replacement gdm theme or extra docs / manuals and it’s must less hassle than a CD or USB boot media. Settings are delivered by kickstart scripts and they have a local mirror supplying all the packages, so installs can be quite quick even with all the updates.

New in Karmic Koala

Karmic gets another cloud tool: Tahoe-LAFS

The Tahoe Lightweight Authorization File System, or Tahoe-LAFS for short, is a cloud storage tool with "provider-independent security" -- your file can't be read or modified even by the cloud storage provider who owns and operates the servers. The Tahoe-LAFS storage tool was accepted for Karmic slightly after Feature Freeze according to the Feature exception. To find out more about Tahoe-LAFS, visit:

Ubuntu Forums News

Tutorial of the Week

Many times, users having computers not connected to the internet or on very slow connections come to the forums and ask how they can update/upgrade their setup. BobSongs ( has written a very useful and well written and supported thread, where other users also came to give input and improve the tutorial. The thread has been live for 2 1/2 years and covers all supported ubuntu releases and major environments (ubuntu, kubuntu and xubuntu). Thank you BobSongs!

How To: Make Your Own Ubuntu Repository DVDs:

Report Abuse Icon

The icon to report posts or threads has been changed due to confusion with the previous image. The location in the post layout and functionalities have not been modified. When next forums software release will be available, the location of the icons may change. You may need to clear your browser cache to see the new icon.

The Planet

Daniel Holbach: Ubuntu Developer Week Summaries

A big thank you to Daniel for providing a summary of each days happenings during Ubuntu Developer Week. Visit the links below for a summary from each day.

Daniel was sorry to see UDW come to an end but thought the event was just "AWESOME". There are links the UDW wiki pages that give the log of the individual talks in IRC available at the links above. If you didn't get to attend, check out the logs to get all the information that was discussed.

Pasi Lallinaho: Help Fill in the Ubuntu IRC channels

We want you, the Xubuntu user and/or fan, to join the channel #xubuntu on the freenode IRC network. While our average user count was 90 a few months ago, it’s now about 60. We want more people! As the Karmic release comes closer, we start to prepare for the next big wave of questions – you can be part of the helping team as well. However please do remember that #xubuntu is for support, and if you want to chat about just about everything, you should join #xubuntu-offtopic.

In The Press

Ubuntu Karmic's Installer Slideshow

Michael Larabel of Phoronix tells us that on September 3rd Ubuntu 9.10 Alpha 5 was released and besides shipping with a number of updated packages and the Ubuntu One client along with Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud images, the Ubiquity installer shipped with its new slide-show feature enabled. Now during the Ubuntu installation process from the desktop LiveCD, rather than just showing a status bar it also advertises various features of this Linux operating system. For those that have not yet tried Ubuntu 9.10 Alpha 5, this is something new in the Ubuntu land. The final release of Ubuntu 9.10 is due out in late October.

A Tour of the Ubuntu Software Store

The Linux Loops tells us that about a month ago, Canonical announced plans for an Ubuntu app store, codenamed AppCenter. As expected, the first version has shown up in the Karmic Koala daily builds, now under the name Ubuntu Software Store. If you’re not impressed with the Ubuntu Software Store, the Linux Loop says they don’t blame you. It’s really not much more than a new interface that does the same thing Add/Remove does. The exciting parts of the Software Store don’t really come until Ubuntu 10.04, when it will replace Add/Remove, Synaptic, Software Sources, and, possibly, Update Manager. Over the next several releases, the Ubuntu Software Store could provide one of the first realistic ways for shareware developers to sell software for Linux and, at the same time, make it much easier for new users to understand the software installation process. For now, though, we’ll just have to wait and see.

ZaReason's New Linux Netbook, How to Thrive in a Tough Market

Carla Schroder of Linux Planet has a Q & A with Cathy and Earl Malmrose who founded ZaReason several years ago. Schroder says that ZaReason is a Linux OEM that has long intrigued her for a number of reasons: they encourage customers to open their boxes and tinker, they specialize in OEM Linux boxes, and they demonstrate that there is still room for independent shops in the rough-and-tumble world of computer retailing. In many ways the independents out-perform the big businesses as they understand Linux and Linux users, and a Linux-only shop doesn't have to contend with the pressures and restrictions that Microsoft puts on its partners.

Dell conquers Europe with its Ubuntu netbooks, enters the Netherlands

Newsvine's Vinnl states that with their new Latitude 2100 laptops, Dell is finally allowing Dutch consumers to pick Ubuntu as pre-installed operating system for their netbooks. The Latitude 2100 is targeted at small and medium businesses and costs €299, compared to €366 for its Windows counterpart. The version of the installed Ubuntu system is 8.10, a.k.a. Intrepid Ibex. Unfortunately, the Netherlands is not known for its large share of users of open source software (even though there's a very large number of contributors). That Dell still dares to enter this market with its Ubuntu offering shows, once again, that its current offering in other countries is a success - so much, that it dares to compete with established Dutch companies with an Ubuntu tradition.

Can Ubuntu 9.10 Outperform Mac OS X 10.6?

Michael Larabel of Phoronix says that now that he has tested Mac OS X 10.6, he is seeing how its performance compares to that of Ubuntu Linux. Ubuntu 9.10 "Karmic Koala" will be out in October and does have some performance improvements as Larabel's earlier tests have shown, but Canonical engineers have not been exclusively focusing on performance optimizations with this release. Can the Karmic Koala outperform Snow Leopard? Yes and no. Of the 26 tests shown in this article, Ubuntu 9.10 "Karmic Koala" was the clear winner in 12 of the 26 tests while Snow Leopard had won a handful and the rest of the tests had results that were too close to call or unchanged between the Apple and Canonical operating systems. Ubuntu 9.10 can certainly compete with Mac OS X 10.6 when it comes to the performance, but of course a few of these tests do show performance regressions compared to the earlier Ubuntu 9.04 release, an area where Ubuntu developers could improve.

Ubuntu 9.10 "Karmic Koala" Alpha 5 Released

Phoronix's Michael Larabel tells us that in just under two months Canonical will release Ubuntu 9.10 "Karmic Koala", but until then, there is the continual stream of new test releases. The latest test release to emerge from the Canonical camp is Ubuntu 9.10 Alpha 5. This fifth testing release of Mark Shuttleworth's operating system brings the Linux 2.6.31-rc8 kernel, the latest KDE/GNOME packages, a few updated X.Org bits, and many other package updates, although the Karmic Koala is now under a feature freeze. Also included in Ubuntu 9.10 Alpha 5 is the Ubuntu One file-sharing client and Ubuntu UEC (Enterprise Cloud) images with support for the Amazon EC2 cloud computing service. Besides that, there are the usual spins of Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Ubuntu Server, Ubuntu Netbook Remix, Ubuntu for ARM, and Mythbuntu. The testing page for Ubuntu 9.10 Alpha 5 can be found at

Ubuntu 9.10's New X Based Boot Splash

Softpedia's Marius Nestor says that he is are proud to announce that, as of this morning, Canonical added a brand-new X-based boot splash, which will be present in the upcoming Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) operating system, due for release on October 29th. xplash is the package in charge of the new boot splash and it is a user-space software that uses the X interface to draw a splash screen at boot before the desktop loads. Nestor says that he has tested it on two 19" Samsung LCDs and a 19" DELL one, and it looks and acts pretty good, without flickering. The idea is to completely replace the existing boot method with a flicker-free one. The graphical boot splash is designed to run on top of the X.Org Server and not Usplash! A graphical operating system switcher will also be present during the boot sequence, accessible by pressing the ESC key.

In The Blogosphere

Dell Prepares Ubuntu Encore

The VAR Guy, writing in Works With U, notes that Dell has had some problems recently with their image regarding their Linux offerings. However, he also notes that a source close to the Dell-Ubuntu efforts states the following:

  • “There will be more [Dell Ubuntu] desktop and notebook SKUs and the relationship will be more global then ever next year… there will be plenty of Ubuntu/Canonical and Dell good news stories in the near future.”

So things appear to be looking up. See his article at:

Openbravo on Ubuntu Server Edition: ERP Sales Will Take Time

Joe Panettieri, of Works With U, indicates that there is a lag-time between offering an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) and its actual acceptance by businesses. Openbravo COO Josep Mitja indicated that Openbravo’s core products (enterprise resource planning and point-of-sale software) typically have long sales cycles. However, Openbravo Quickstart, a custom configured offering is set to launch September 1, and Ubuntu Server Edition 9.10 – set to debut in October — includes several cloud enhancements that could further improve Ubuntu’s appeal beyond the desktop. Read more at:

Sharp Launches Ubuntu Mobile Internet Tool

Joe Panettieri, writing for Works With U, has an article on the new Sharp PC-Z1. This device, set to launch September 25 in Japan, is a new entry in the world of Mobile Internet Devices. "It features a 5-inch TFT LCD touch-screen, runs Ubuntu 9.04 and launches in as little as 3 seconds." Paul Miller of Engadget says that it's running a full Ubuntu install at a relatively high resolution and a rather snappy pace. More details at the link below.

The easiest operating system to update is...

Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols, the Cyber Cyinc writing on the ComputerWorld blog site, tried upgrading several operating systems with an eye to ease and speed. Among those that he tried were Microsoft Windows 7, Mac Snow Leopard and Ubuntu 9.04. Of the three, he felt that the Ubuntu 9.04 upgrade was the easiest. Read his explanation at:

Ubuntu Software Store: Will Your Kids Try It?

Joe Panettieri, writing for Works With U, looks at the Ubuntu Software store through the eyes of the end user - his 10 year old son. Considering that he is greatly taken with the Apple App Store, he feels that he would be just as happy with the Ubuntu Software Store. He also feels that adults will flock to it for business and productivity applications. See what he has to say at:

In Other News

Ubuntu Podcast Quickie #11

In this quickie episode you'll find:

  • Karmic Alpha 5 is out
  • how to participate in Ubuntu Global Jam
  • Pennsylvania LoCo at CPOSC

  • Ubuntu in Zimbabwe parliament
  • Greek Team helps build educational repo
  • 5th issue of Greek Team magazine Ubuntistas
  • Ubuntu Technical Board elections
  • Tahoe-LAFS in Karmic
  • new screencasts
  • Ubuntu Mexico podcast
  • Ubuntu User magazine issue #2

Ubuntu-UK podcast: The Android Invasion

Laura Cowen, Alan Pope, Tony Whitmore, Dave Walker and sadly no Ciemon Dunville are back again from ‘Studio B’ with an all new episode of the Ubuntu Podcast from the UK Local Community Support Team.

  • What we've been up to this week
  • The news:
    • Aussies defence force using Linux
    • Skype supports pulseaudio with latest release
    • Possible Skype vulnerability
    • Novell UNIX ownership thrown into question
    • Sharp shows off new MID
    • MythTV 0.22 nears release
    • Nokia releases the N900
    • Oracle gets the go ahead to buy Sun
    • Chrome/Chromium 64-bit progress
    • Moonlight beta 2.0 out
    • Dell Armless no longer?
    • Windows 7 is 3vil0r!
  • Upcoming events
  • What to expect at OggCamp

  • Just a Moment
  • The Ecosphere
  • emails, tweets and dents

Upcoming Meetings and Events

Monday, September 7, 2009

  • None listed as of publication

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Ubuntu Mobile Team Meeting

Technical Board Meeting

  • Start: 14:00 UTC
  • End: 15:00 UTC
  • Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-meeting
  • Agenda: None listed as of publication

Server Team Meeting

Desktop Team Meeting

Kernel Team Meeting

  • Start: 17:00 UTC
  • End: 18:00 UTC
  • Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-meeting
  • Agenda: Not listed as of publication

Ubuntu Beginners Team Meeting

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Foundation Team Meeting

  • Start: 16:00 UTC
  • End: 17:00 UTC
  • Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-meeting
  • Agenda: None listed as of publication

QA Team Meeting

Americas Membership Board Meeting

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Karmic UserInterfaceFreeze

Ubuntu Java Meeting

  • Start: 14:00 UTC
  • End: 15:00 UTC
  • Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-meeting
  • Agenda: None listed as of publication

Ubuntu Translations Meeting

Friday, September 11, 209

MC Meeting

  • Start: 07:00 UTC
  • End: 08:00 UTC
  • Location: None listed as of publication
  • Agenda: None listed as of publication

Karmic Weekly Release Meeting

Edubuntu Meeting

Saturday, September 12, 2009

  • None listed as of publication

Sunday, September 13, 2009

  • None listed as of publication

Updates and Security for 6.06, 8.04, 8.10 and 9.04

Security Updates

  • None Reported

Ubuntu 6.06 Updates

  • None Reported

Ubuntu 8.04 Updates

Ubuntu 8.10 Updates

Ubuntu 9.04 Updates

Archives and RSS Feed

You can always find older Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter issues at:

You can subscribe to the Ubuntu Weekly News via RSS at:

Additional Ubuntu News

As always you can find more news and announcements at:



Thank you for reading the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter.

See you next week!


The Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is brought to you by:

  • John Crawford
  • Craig A. Eddy
  • Dave Bush
  • Isabelle Duchatelle
  • Liraz Siri
  • And many others

Glossary of Terms

  1. OEM - Original Equipment Manufacturer.
  2. Q&A - Question And Answer.

  3. UEC - Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud.

Other acronyms can be found at

Ubuntu - Get Involved

The Ubuntu community consists of individuals and teams, working on different aspects of the distribution, giving advice and technical support, and helping to promote Ubuntu to a wider audience. No contribution is too small, and anyone can help. It's your chance to get in on all the community fun associated with developing and promoting Ubuntu.


This document is maintained by the Ubuntu Weekly News Team. If you have a story idea or suggestions for the Weekly Newsletter, join the Ubuntu News Team mailing list at and submit it. Ideas can also be added to the wiki at If you'd like to contribute to a future issue of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, please feel free to edit the appropriate wiki page. If you have any technical support questions, please send them to

Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License CCL.png Creative Commons License 3.0 BY SA

UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue158 (last edited 2009-09-07 06:13:40 by i59F77DB3)