
Differences between revisions 4 and 6 (spanning 2 versions)
Revision 4 as of 2006-07-17 18:42:58
Size: 3264
Editor: host-82-138-218-202
Revision 6 as of 2006-07-18 05:59:05
Size: 6521
Editor: c-71-194-189-213
Comment: added more content/news
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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 * Kubuntu Team Meeting
 * Ubuntu Magazine
 * Canonical Commercial Repositories
 * Opera 9 For Ubuntu
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=== The Ubuntu Magazine ===
The [:UbuntuMagazine:Ubuntu Magazine], a new project of the [:MarketingTeam:Ubuntu Marketing Team] held a meeting on July 17, 2006. The meeting included topics of a wiki redesign, project charter, magazine name, as well as some offtopic information concerning future contest possibilities. For more information concerning the meeting, please check out the [:UbuntuMagazine/Meetings/2006-07-17:Meeting Minutes].
=== Canonical Commercial Repositories ===
Canonical announced on July 6^th^, 2006 the creation and implementation of the ''Commercial Repositories''. This is a favorite amoung many in the community. To enable the repositories, add the following to your {{{/etc/apt/sources.list}}} file:
deb dapper-commercial main
=== Opera 9 for Ubuntu ===
With the announcement of the new ''Canonical Commercial Repositories'' came the news that Opera 9 was the first application available to the Ubuntu Community. For more information regarding this story, please check out the [ news release].
Line 30: Line 43: has interviewed the former project manager of the Canonical distro team Jane Weideman

People Behind KDE has interviewed the author of the Kubuntu package management tools Adept, Petr Rockai
Line 49: Line 56:
=== Meeting July 17, 2006 ===
The Kubuntu Team got together for yet another very eventful meeting. With topics ranging from the Kubuntu releases page, to future artwork and it's status, even some KDE Firefox in the future, and who could ever forget all the agenda topics Hobbsee posted!!! It was a great meeting and a lot got done. [:nixternal:Rich Johnson] became a Kubuntu Member as well during this meeting, so congratulations Rich and welcome aboard!!! The team is currently working on setting up the next meeting. For more information on the meeting, including agenda items, check out the [:KKubuntu/Meetings/2006-07-17:Meeting Minutes].
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== Feature Of The Week - ??? == == Features Of The Week ==
=== Changing the Default Action of your Shutdown Button ===
~-''Tip provided by Jojoman''-~

This is currently not implamented in the GUI of gnome-power-manager, but will be soon (see [ bug #49214]). The current default option of the shutdown button is to display the "Exit" menu. Some users would just like their computer to shutdown. The following steps show how to set the action of the shutdown button.

 1. Press ALT+F2 (run menu)
 2. Type: {{{gconf-editor}}}
 3. Find the Key: {{{/apps/gnome-power-manager/action_button_power}}}
 4. Change the value to one of these: {{{"suspend", "hibernate", "interactive", "shutdown" or "nothing"}}}

=== Forward & Back MS Intellimouse Buttons ===
~-''Tip provided by Steven Harms''-~

Did you know that your "forward" and "back" mouse buttons on Microsoft Intellimice can work in Dapper with the following small changes to your {{{/etc/X11/xorg.conf}}} file? The following changes need to be completed in order for this to work. Remember to restart X when completed:

'''First step:'''
cd /etc/X11
sudo gedit xorg.conf

'''Second step:''' Use gedit's search and find "Configured Mouse" and replace the section with:
Section "InputDevice"
        Identifier "Configured Mouse"
        Driver "mouse"
        Option "CorePointer"
        Option "Device" "/dev/input/mice"
        Option "Protocol" "ExplorerPS/2"
        Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
        Option "ButtonMapping" "1 2 3 6 7"

'''Third step:''' Save and restart your X server (crtl-alt-backspace)


Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter - Issue #7

Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter - Issue #7 for the week of July, 15 - 21 2006

You can always find this and other Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Issues at:

In This Issue

  • Community Council Meeting
  • The Classroom
  • Kubuntu Team Meeting
  • Ubuntu Magazine
  • Canonical Commercial Repositories
  • Opera 9 For Ubuntu

General Community News

Community Council Meeting

July 11, 2006

The Classroom

The NewUserNetwork announces it's latest project [:Classroom:The Classroom]. The Classroom will create an educational atmosphere in an IRC channel in the hopes of teaching new users the basics, as well as the advanced tasks involved with using and maintaining their Ubuntu system. Classes will be held in #ubuntu-classroom on the scheduled dates. People interested in instructing can join #ubuntu-nun for further information or check out the NewUserNetwork wiki page.

The Ubuntu Magazine

The [:UbuntuMagazine:Ubuntu Magazine], a new project of the [:MarketingTeam:Ubuntu Marketing Team] held a meeting on July 17, 2006. The meeting included topics of a wiki redesign, project charter, magazine name, as well as some offtopic information concerning future contest possibilities. For more information concerning the meeting, please check out the [:UbuntuMagazine/Meetings/2006-07-17:Meeting Minutes].

Canonical Commercial Repositories

Canonical announced on July 6th, 2006 the creation and implementation of the Commercial Repositories. This is a favorite amoung many in the community. To enable the repositories, add the following to your /etc/apt/sources.list file:

deb dapper-commercial main

Opera 9 for Ubuntu

With the announcement of the new Canonical Commercial Repositories came the news that Opera 9 was the first application available to the Ubuntu Community. For more information regarding this story, please check out the [ news release].



Security Updates


Ubuntu 6.06 LTS Updates

New Apps In Edgy

Don't forget quick installation notes, enable extra repository, package name, use g-a-i where possible, etc...


Meeting July 17, 2006

The Kubuntu Team got together for yet another very eventful meeting. With topics ranging from the Kubuntu releases page, to future artwork and it's status, even some KDE Firefox in the future, and who could ever forget all the agenda topics Hobbsee posted!!! It was a great meeting and a lot got done. [:nixternal:Rich Johnson] became a Kubuntu Member as well during this meeting, so congratulations Rich and welcome aboard!!! The team is currently working on setting up the next meeting. For more information on the meeting, including agenda items, check out the [:KKubuntu/Meetings/2006-07-17:Meeting Minutes].

Kubuntu 6.06 LTS Updates

New Apps In Edgy

Don't forget quick installation notes, enable extra repository, package name, use g-a-i where possible, etc...


Edubuntu 6.06 LTS Updates

New Apps In Edgy

Don't forget quick installation notes, enable extra repository, package name, use g-a-i where possible, etc...


Xubuntu 6.06 Updates

New Apps In Edgy

Don't forget quick installation notes, enable extra repository, package name, use g-a-i where possible, etc...

Bug Stats

New Bugs: # BR Closed Bugs: #

Infamous Bugs

In The Press

Features Of The Week

Changing the Default Action of your Shutdown Button

Tip provided by Jojoman

This is currently not implamented in the GUI of gnome-power-manager, but will be soon (see [ bug #49214]). The current default option of the shutdown button is to display the "Exit" menu. Some users would just like their computer to shutdown. The following steps show how to set the action of the shutdown button.

  1. Press ALT+F2 (run menu)
  2. Type: gconf-editor

  3. Find the Key: /apps/gnome-power-manager/action_button_power

  4. Change the value to one of these: "suspend", "hibernate", "interactive", "shutdown" or "nothing"

Forward & Back MS Intellimouse Buttons

Tip provided by Steven Harms

Did you know that your "forward" and "back" mouse buttons on Microsoft Intellimice can work in Dapper with the following small changes to your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file? The following changes need to be completed in order for this to work. Remember to restart X when completed:

First step:

cd /etc/X11
sudo gedit xorg.conf

Second step: Use gedit's search and find "Configured Mouse" and replace the section with:

Section "InputDevice"
        Identifier  "Configured Mouse"
        Driver      "mouse"
        Option      "CorePointer"
        Option      "Device" "/dev/input/mice"
        Option      "Protocol" "ExplorerPS/2"
        Option      "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
        Option      "ButtonMapping" "1 2 3 6 7"

Third step: Save and restart your X server (crtl-alt-backspace)

Additional News Resources

As always you can find more news and announcements at:



Thank you for reading the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter. See you next week!


The Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is brought to you by:

  • Matt Galvin
  • Jerome Gotangco
  • Jonathan Riddell
  • Rich Johnson
  • anyone else that contributes
  • And many others


This document is maintained by the Ubuntu Documentation Team. Please feel free to contact us regarding any concerns or suggestions by either sending an email to or by using any of the other methods on the [ Ubuntu Documentation Team Contact Information Page].

UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue7 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:28:02 by localhost)