Patrice Vetsel
Launchpad: |
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In 2004 sébastien Bacher invited me as an Ubuntu (no-name-yet) beta tester (thanks to Lionel Dricot aka Ploum)
I've created the first French forum (on for Ubuntu, and close it later when ubuntu-fr was launched.
I've been moderator on the French Ubuntu Forums (joined in December 2004). Do not have enough time to continue this.
Inscription on ubuntu wiki : July 17, 2005 (launchpad December, 2005)
I'm in the planet-fr admin team
I wrote an article for linux+ dvd : presentation of UbuntuStudio (october 2007)
I've done some french translations in Rosetta
I'm doing bugs reporting and triaging in Launchpad
I wrote many tutorials/news (all in French) on my blog, and on the french planet
I've made contributions on the French wiki (creations/corrections)
I've updated/upgraded some ubuntu packages (dcraw/blender/hugin)
I'm trying to improve printing and photo under Ubuntu (member of printing/photo team)
I'm under IRC and forums trying to help people
I'm active tester of daily iso
I'm an Ubuntu member (CommunityCouncilAgenda October 9, 2007)
Writing articles on Gutsy (a dozen) for "Linux Pratique" Gutsy special edition (french magazine, November 16, 2007)
Writing 9 articles on Hardy for "Linux Pratique" Hardy special edition (french magazine, May 23, 2008)
The future
Become a motu will be great. But i'm still not ready for this
- Improve s-c-p gui
Package/or upgrade all missing photos softwares
MartinPitt: I have known Patrice for a long time already. He has done great work with printing bug triage, helped to debug a few issues (cups and gnome printing stuff), and a lot of other small things. I welcome him to become an Ubuntu member. In fact I am quite surprised that he is not yet.
DanielHolbach: As part of the DesktopTeam and the BugSquad I saw Patrice doing a lot of work and am quite glad that he's been around for such a long time. I hope that he'll become a MOTU soon and can help out the MOTU/Teams/Photo.
JeremieCorbier: Patrice has been around for a long time and I am quite surprised he is not a member yet. He has done a lot of triaging and helping with bugs and it has always been a pleasure working with him.
YannHamon: As an Ubuntu-fr admin, I have seen Patrice around and active for a long time. His engagement in the Ubuntu-fr team increased a few months ago when he became planet admin. I support his membership as I think he is a longterm and reliable contributor.
TillKamppeter: I work on the printing infrastructure on Ubuntu and I am leading the OpenPrinting project at the Linux Foundation. Patrice helped me a lot by reporting important bugs on printing with Ubuntu and in contrary to many other bug reporters he supplied me quickly all information I needed, so that I could fix all bugs reported by him. I appreciate very much if he will be made a Ubuntu member and a MOTU, as I use also a lot of photo software on Ubuntu.
LionelDricot : Kagou was a very early Ubuntu user and was involved in the FR community since the beginning. I switched from Windows to Debian thanks to his forum and he never really stopped to help other people since then. He does a great job of vulgarisation and help on his blog and in the FR community.