2011-06-13 Meeting Minutes
Old Business
- Charlie to dig for the xscreensaver updates, and put in an SRU
Team updates
Packaging & Development
- LightDM replaced GDM as the login manager
- xarchiver replaced file-roller due to nautilus dependency with file-roller
- leafpad replaced mousepad; mousepad needs a maintainer in Xfce. This will also allow Xubuntu to drop xfprint4, which is used only by mousepad.
mr_pouit created https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Roadmap/Specifications/Oneiric/DeltaReviewAndCleanup to track the current diffs with Debian.
- we also added back the places plugin since it no longer uses hal
- pavucontrol and pastebinit need to be added to the defaults
- look at the possibility of adding midori as a second browser
Bug Triage & Testing
- having a couple of people willing to test daily images (install, restart, update, restart, shutdown), we now have chart of daily testing to use.
Testing wiki - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Testing
Website & Marketing
- emailed cody to see if he could update the current drupal site with knomes latest drupal revision which puts the new logo in
- There is a current discussion on the xubuntu-devel mailing list
- We will start a "promote Xubuntu" page on the website
- It will be started by just putting the logos up
- We welcome the addition of plantoschka to the team
- plantoschka has been kind enough to offer to write news releases and blogs for Xubuntu
We also have a wiki page at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Marketing with general ideas
bugs at https://bugs.launchpad.net/xubuntu-website and we're down to just 1, but please add more if you find them
- "marketing" definition:
news releases, blogs, release parties, OpenWeek, DeveloperWeek, UserDays
- Anything we can do to promote Xubuntu
- Our theme will be re-worked to fine tune it for Oneiric. Those with real sharp eyes running Oneiric will see the changes, or at least it did change.
Our artwork team goals
- Ubuntu now has a theme engine so that one theme can work for both gtk3 and gtk2
- We need someone that can go through the wiki documentation and update it.
- There is a really neat review of Xfce, which includes a few comments on Xubuntu
- We do have a support channel for spanish support, that is not included in the !es factoid. It is #xubuntu-es .
- Alpha2 is due on July 7, testing will start on July 5
Any Other Business
- Next meeting is in one week, June 19, #xubuntu-devel, at 22:00 UTC.
Action items for the 2011-06-13 meeting
- No action items
Xubuntu Governance
The governancy part of the current Strategy Document can be found at Xubuntu/StrategyDocument#Xubuntu Governance & Team Structure
2011-06-13 Meeting Log
- People Present:
- charlie-tca
- micahg
- pleia2
- plantoschka
The full logs can found in original form at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2011/06/13/%23xubuntu-devel.txt
Started logging meeting in #xubuntu-devel
[20:01] <charlie-tca> #STARTMEETING
[20:01] <micahg> o/
[20:01] * micahg passes charlie-tca a chair
[20:01] <charlie-tca> yes, I know we have no meeting bot, but at least using start and end lets a person seach the logs easily
[20:01] <charlie-tca> Thanks, micahg
[20:02] <charlie-tca> Welcome to the Xubuntu Community Meeting. The full agenda is always available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings
[20:02] <charlie-tca> * Old business - all
[20:02] <charlie-tca> knome is to set up a tele-conference of some type to discuss marketing - email discussion started on xubuntu-devel ML - DONE
[20:02] <charlie-tca> Charlie to dig for the xscreensaver updates, and put in an SRU
[20:02] <charlie-tca> * Team updates - Team Leads
[20:02] <charlie-tca> * Packaging & Development
[20:02] <charlie-tca> Changes to the default applications
[20:02] <charlie-tca> * Bug Triage & Testing
[20:02] <charlie-tca> Daily testing versus milestone testing
[20:02] <charlie-tca> * Website & Marketing
[20:02] <charlie-tca> There is a current discussion on the xubuntu-devel mailing list
[20:02] <charlie-tca> * Artwork
[20:03] <charlie-tca> * Documentation
[20:03] <charlie-tca> * Announcements - Project Lead
[20:03] <charlie-tca> TeamReports need to be updated
[20:03] <charlie-tca> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/TeamReports
[20:03] <charlie-tca> * Governance structure - all
[20:03] <charlie-tca> The governancy part of the current Strategy Document can be found at Xubuntu/StrategyDocument#Xubuntu Governance & Team Structure
[20:03] <charlie-tca> * Any Other Business - all/anyone
[20:03] <charlie-tca> Anyone involved with Xubuntu can update TeamReports, please do not wait for the Project Lead to do the updates.
[20:03] <charlie-tca> whoa! that looks big
[20:03] <pleia2>
[20:03] <charlie-tca> Old business - all
[20:03] <charlie-tca> knome is to set up a tele-conference of some type to discuss marketing
[20:04] <charlie-tca> We closed this because we did start the discussion on the Mailing List. It is not as active as I would like, however, it is a start!
[20:04] <charlie-tca> Charlie to dig for the xscreensaver updates, and put in an SRU
[20:04] <charlie-tca> I'm behind and getting farther behind.
[20:05] <charlie-tca> Team updates - Team Leads
[20:05] <charlie-tca> * Packaging & Development
[20:05] <charlie-tca> mr_pouit: You make it, or micahg
[20:06] <charlie-tca> The updates I have already are :
[20:06] <charlie-tca> LightDM replaced GDM as the login manager
[20:06] <charlie-tca> xarchiver replaced file-roller due to nautilus dependency with file-roller
[20:06] <charlie-tca> leafpad replaced mousepad; mousepad needs a maintainer in Xfce. This will also allow Xubuntu to drop xfprint4, which is used only by mousepad.
[20:06] <charlie-tca> micahg: your turn
[20:06] <micahg> mr_pouit created https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Roadmap/Specifications/Oneiric/DeltaReviewAndCleanup to track the current diffs with Debian
[20:07] <charlie-tca> Great idea!
[20:07] <micahg> we have a few syncs waiting for the next sync run, it looks like we'll only have a handful of packages with a diff in ubuntu when we're done, some of the diff will be kept in Debian
[20:08] <charlie-tca> Did we get pavucontrol and pastebinit added to the defaults?
[20:08] <micahg> not yet
[20:08] <charlie-tca> and, what about the possibility of shipping with two browsers?
[20:08] <micahg> we also added back the places plugin since it no longer uses hal
[20:08] <charlie-tca> Yay!
[20:08] <charlie-tca> That's a nice gain
[20:09] <micahg> we're still horribly oversized, we should work on that first before adding more IMHO
[20:09] <charlie-tca> I agree. Ubuntu seems to be under now, we should be able to work our images down too
[20:09] <micahg> yeah, well, we're inheriting some bloat still from Ubuntu (GTK3)
[20:10] <charlie-tca> Thanks for the updates, micahg
[20:10] <micahg> so, we'll see what happens after the next CD run
[20:10] <charlie-tca> Any questions/comments for development?
[20:10] <charlie-tca> Next topic then...
[20:10] <charlie-tca> Bug Triage & Testing
[20:10] <charlie-tca> Daily testing versus milestone testing
[20:11] <charlie-tca> We have not gotten an image since the 10th of June. It is under investigation
[20:12] <charlie-tca> However, having a couple of people willing to test daily images (install, restart, update, restart, shutdown), we now have chart of daily testing to use.
[20:12] <charlie-tca> https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AucFSttyWCevdGZSenZqRS04eE9LYnBwSWtUM0NJRXc&hl=en_US&authkey=CP282scF#gid=0
[20:12] <charlie-tca> If we are updating it, we will move it to the wiki
[20:13] <charlie-tca> Otherwise, it becomes a nice flowchart for the testing people to try to use.
[20:13] <charlie-tca> There are still a ton of issues with oneiric, too many to report all the bugs this early.
[20:13] <charlie-tca> any questions for testing?
[20:14] <charlie-tca> Next topic...
[20:14] <charlie-tca> Website & Marketing
[20:14] <charlie-tca> There is a current discussion on the xubuntu-devel mailing list
[20:14] <charlie-tca> Anyone is welcome to add to the discussion. We really need someone to grab this and carry it on.
[20:15] <pleia2> if someone has some ideas for content we can start creating the "promote xubuntu" page on the site
[20:15] <pleia2> I can start by just putting the logos up if you want
[20:15] <charlie-tca> And, in Marketing terms, we welcome the addition of plantoschka to the team.
[20:15] <charlie-tca> pleia2: that would be great!
[20:15] <pleia2> ok cool, I'll work on that then
[20:16] <plantoschka>
[20:16] <charlie-tca> We also have a wiki page at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Marketing with general ideas
[20:16] <charlie-tca> plantoschka has been kind enough to offer to write news releases and blogs for Xubuntu.
[20:16] <pleia2> great
[20:17] <pleia2> for website stuff, I've been tackling bugs at https://bugs.launchpad.net/xubuntu-website and we're down to just 1, but please add more if you find them
[20:17] <pleia2> and we now have a test wordpress install up at xubuntu.princessleia.com (please don't spread this URL too far, the server has limited power where knome is developing our wordpress theme
[20:17] <charlie-tca> wOw! That's great. Let's stay on top, if you haven't visited http://xubuntu.org lately, it is time to visit it
[20:18] <charlie-tca> all bugs against the website can be reported directly to launchpad or using ubuntu-bug xubuntu-website
[20:18] <pleia2> I also emailed cody to see if he could update the current drupal site with knomes latest drupal revision which puts the new logo in, but I haven't heard back
[20:19] <charlie-tca> and he isn't here today, either.
[20:19] <charlie-tca> Shall we let plantoschka introduce himself?
[20:19] <pleia2> yeah, I'm done
[20:19] <charlie-tca> plantoschka: go ahead and tell us a little about you
[20:20] <plantoschka> oh okay
[20:21] <charlie-tca> I know you said you have written a blog in german?
[20:21] <plantoschka> i'm anton from germany 23 years old and atm studying computer science. i use and work with linux system since a couple of years and now using (and loving) xubuntu since a few months
[20:21] <plantoschka> yes. http://www.plantoschka.com/
[20:22] <plantoschka> some posts are dedicated to xubuntu
[20:22] <charlie-tca> I forgot to tell you I was going to have you introduce yourself today?
[20:23] <plantoschka> yeah
[20:23] <charlie-tca> Welcome to Xubuntu! We are happy to have help
[20:23] <charlie-tca> Any questions on website and marketing?
[20:23] <plantoschka> not right now
[20:24] <charlie-tca> next topic...
[20:24] <charlie-tca> Artwork
[20:24] <charlie-tca> Our theme will be re-worked to fine tune it for Oneiric. Those with real sharp eyes running Oneiric will see the changes, or at least it did change.
[20:26] <charlie-tca> Next topic...
[20:26] <charlie-tca> Announcements
[20:26] <charlie-tca> There is a really neat review of Xfce, which Xubuntu is based on
[20:26] <charlie-tca> http://www.linux.com/learn/tutorials/456623-weekend-project-find-hidden-treasures-in-xfce-48
[20:26] <plantoschka> is greybird going to support gtk3 apps? or does it already?
[20:27] <charlie-tca> ochosi is planning to support gtk3, yes
[20:27] <plantoschka> ok think itÄ
[20:27] <charlie-tca> There are no themes yet for it, though
[20:27] <plantoschka> it's important for oneiric
[20:27] <plantoschka> or all the gtk3 apps look bad
[20:27] <charlie-tca> Xubuntu will stay in gtk2 for oneiric, since Xfce requires it
[20:28] <charlie-tca> but, yeah, with the mix of them, we will have the theme updated for gtk3
[20:28] <plantoschka> yeah, but still some people are using nautilus or similar..
[20:28] <charlie-tca> heh, oh well...
[20:28] <charlie-tca> software center will also be gtk3, and it is included by default
[20:29] <micahg> xubuntu will be staying on gtk2 for oneiric+1 as well
[20:29] <micahg> software center might not be ported to gtk3
[20:29] <micahg> ubuntu now has a theme engine so that one theme can work for both gtk3 and gtk2
[20:29] <plantoschka> please never remove the software center from xubuntu :-D
[20:30] <charlie-tca> I never use it, myself.
[20:30] <charlie-tca> however, let's press on here
[20:30] <charlie-tca> next topic...
[20:30] <charlie-tca> Announcements
[20:30] <charlie-tca> TeamReports need to be updated
[20:30] <charlie-tca> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/TeamReports
[20:31] <charlie-tca> If we keep the team reports updated as we go through the month, it is much easier than trying to remember everything we did at the end of the month
[20:31] <charlie-tca> Anyone involved with Xubuntu can update TeamReports, please do not wait for the Project Lead to do the updates.
[20:32] <charlie-tca> Questions?
[20:32] <charlie-tca> micahg, mr_pouit : the sooner we can say yes or no to gtk3 the better it will be.
[20:32] <charlie-tca> Any other business?
[20:33] <charlie-tca> The governancy part of the current Strategy Document can be found at Xubuntu/StrategyDocument#Xubuntu Governance & Team Structure
[20:33] <micahg> charlie-tca: well, IMHO, if we need it (for shared components we can't replace), we take it, if not, not
[20:34] <micahg> charlie-tca: do we need yelp?
[20:34] <charlie-tca> yes
[20:34] <micahg> ok, that's GTK3, issue solved
[20:34] <charlie-tca> apparently, much of the xfce documentation is now read through yelp
[20:34] <charlie-tca> or at least the answer is "yes, we need yelp"
[20:35] <charlie-tca> so, we will have both, huh?
[20:35] <micahg> yep
[20:35] <charlie-tca> anything else??? Anyone???
[20:35] <charlie-tca> testing!
[20:35] <micahg> better to take this hit this cycle than scrambling next cycle, we'll definitely need it next cycle
[20:35] <micahg> at least for the shared stuff
[20:36] <charlie-tca> I have a couple of people signed up for daily and milestone testing. But I am losing them faster than I can sign them up
[20:36] <charlie-tca> Alpha2 is due on July 7. On July 5, we start milestone testing the candidate for Alpha2. THat is the involved tests.
[20:37] <charlie-tca> Even as volunteers, once you tell us you will do something, we expect it to happen, please.
[20:37] <charlie-tca> going....
[20:38] <charlie-tca> going 2 .....
[20:38] <pleia2> charlie-tca: a reminder to the -devel list on the 4th or 5th would be super helpful
[20:38] <charlie-tca> Can do
[20:38] <pleia2> thanks
[20:38] <charlie-tca> no problem
[20:38] <charlie-tca> Thanks for bringing that up
[20:38] <charlie-tca> Next meeting will be Sunday June 19 at 22:00 UTC
[20:39] <charlie-tca> and I will try to be here for it
[20:39] <charlie-tca> Thanks to everyone for participating in the meeting.
[20:39] <charlie-tca> #ENDMEETING
Xubuntu/Meetings/Archive/Minutes/2011-06-13 (last edited 2011-06-20 13:15:47 by 168-103-133-189)