
Information about Ubuntu 10.04

Release Notes and Technical Overview concern all Ubuntu derivatives and Ubuntu specifically.

Read on for specific improvements in Xubuntu.

What's new in Xubuntu

Some of the highlights of the 10.04 release include:

  • Xubuntu now uses PulseAudio to provide an improved audio experience.

  • Settings menu has been tidied to make it easier to configure your Xubuntu desktop.
  • The "Ubuntu Software Center" introduced in Ubuntu 9.10 replaces the "Add/Remove ..." option provided in earlier Xubuntu versions.
  • Xsane has been replaced in favor of SimpleScan to ease setup and operation of scanners.

  • Gnumeric has been updated to version 1.10.1, resolving most of the issues seen in earlier Xubuntu versions.
  • For game enthusiasts, Xubuntu comes with a revamped selection of games including classics such as Mahjongg, Sudoku and Solitaire.
  • Due to incompatible changes in gnome-screensaver, xscreensaver is now the default screen saver.
  • Prefer the classic Xfce desktop defaults? Xubuntu now offers users the choice to select between a classic Xfce session and a Xubuntu session.
  • Xubuntu's theme, Albatross, has been updated to the latest version from the Shimmer team.


  • There is a critical bug in Abiword that causes a freeze for most users when anything under the Help menu is selected. This does cause you to lose the document you are working on. (519541)

  • The Xubuntu documentation still advertises the 9.10 version.

Xubuntu/ReleaseNotes/LucidLynx/Final (last edited 2012-03-25 16:41:37 by nblzone-227-162)