Ubuntu ID Zied_ALAYA.jpg

About me


I'm « Zied ALAYA » from Tunisia.
I'm 29 year old and married.
I use Ubuntu since the summer of 2006. I exclusively a Ubuntu user since October 2007 to prove to myself and to others that open source softwares can be used with same, or better, effectiveness that closed software.



I'm a computer engineer graduated from ENIT in June 2005.
Actually I'm a trainer in a high school: http://www.esprit.ens.tn, <zied.alaya AT SPAMFREE esprit DOT ens DOT tn>.
I'm one of two teachers who support and encourage the activities of the "esprit libre" club.



* Volunteerism
* Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) Movement
* GNU/Linux user and administrator: Linux user #468319 & Ubuntu user #23075
* Qt4: I'm discovering Qt and it's really awesome.
* Moodle: Moodle is an open source Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). I'm the Moodle administrator in my school (Moodle version 1.9, server: Sun Fire V20z, OS: Ubuntu server 7.10 then 8.04)

Ubuntu Events


Ubuntu Software Freedom Day 2008 (29 October 2008): * Organisation , * Photos, * Abstract, * Rapport (Fr) , * Report (En), * Rapport (Ar)
* Visit the Software Freedom Day's website (http://www.sfdtunisia.org/) for more information.
* esprit, where I work, was one of the sponsors.
* I took part with Ubuntu-tn in this event by a workshop on VirtualBox.
Ubuntu ENIS event 8.12 and migration project (20 and 21 Dec 2008): * Organization, * Photos , * Abstract , * UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter
* ENIS is one of the most oldest and respectful high school in Tunisia (http://www.enis.rnu.tn). It's in Sfax (about 300 Km away from Tunis where I live).
* I participate with Ubuntu-tn team in the install party and workshops of the first day. here our preparation for the event.
* I participate with Ubuntu-tn team in the migration project in the second day.
* here (En) an article with more details about the migration project. I was in the Group 3 who did the development of the scripts of installation and configuration of the Desktop PCs.
Ubuntu ENIS event 9.01 and migration project (23, 24 and 25 Jan 2009): * Organization , * Photos here and here , * Abstract , * UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter
* This three day was to ensure the success of the first ENIS event 8.12
* More then 200 machines was migrated successfully from Windows XP to Ubuntu 8.04 (this action was initied in the first ENIS event 8.12)
* in the first day: I participate with a conference about the economic model in FOSS world and how he choice of open source software can be better. Link to the presentation.
* in the second day: I participate with a conference about C/C++ programming under Ubuntu. I spoke about GTK+ and Qt and how they are Cross-Platform. Link to the presentation.
* more photos here and here of this three days event.
Conference of the first dayConference of the second day Conference of the second day

Ubuntu École Supérieure des Sciences Économiques et Commerciales : ESSEC Event 9.04 : * Organization, *Photos, * Abstract, * Rapport (fr), * Report (En)
* I participate with a presentation about 'How do they earn money from open source softwares?'. The purpose of this presentation was to explain some parts of the economic model of Free Software. Link to the presentation (odp).
Ubuntu Institut Superieur des Etudes Technologiques de Bizerte (ISET Bizerte) ISET Bizerte Event 9.05 : * Organization, * Photos
* I participate with a presentation about 'How do they earn money from open source softwares?'. The same of ESSEC event.
* I did a quick presentation to how you can install softwares in Ubuntu and how to use VirtualBox.
* I participate in the install party.

Prepare Ubuntu-tn as Approved LoCo Team


article of newspaper "Tunis Hebdo"
* I was one of the active member who prepare the necessary details to push Ubuntu-tn (Tunisian Team) to be one of the approved LoCo Team (approval process).
* Our team was approved in 22 July 2008.
* here an article of newspaper "Tunis Hebdo" which speaks about the approval of our team with a photo of some member who was present in the first physical meeting to prepare the approval and discuss our committee management board jobs.
I am the third in top while counting starting from left Wink ;) .
You can find more photos here and here.

Other Activities


Ubuntu I'm member of the Management Committee of ubuntu-tn LoCO Team. I'm in the secretary group (see here and here). The secretary group prepare the monthly regular meeting and the resume.
Ubuntu I participated in many meeting with the Secretary of Stat to discuss the situation of ubuntu-tn or FOSS:
* A Breakfast discusses in 06.28.2008: I had the opportunity to introduce our LoCo team to the Secretary of State (at the time we wasn't an approved team yet). The Secretary was interested by our work and tell me that she's waiting a lot from us. Here the invitation I received and here I spoke with other members about it (at the time I was using Zied as nick name).
* Two day after our approval I participated as a member of the LoCo team in a meeting between the Secretatry of the Stat and some enterprises about using FOSS in government solution.
* 02.11.2009 there was a meeting between the Secretary of Stat and FOSS club in universities. I participated as a member of the LoCo team and Godfather of "esprit libre" club.
Ubuntu I have some contributions on launchpad (some translation and bugs declaration) (launchpad profile)
Ubuntu I have some contributions on doc.ubuntu-fr.org (take a look here and here)
Ubuntu I contribute in the redaction of wiki pages of our TunisianTeam.
Ubuntu I event contributed in Mark Shuttleworth wiki page by adding the table of contents Smile :)

Future involvement


Ubuntu Participate in the organization of the election of the new Management Committee next month.
Ubuntu Participate in the re-approval process of our LoCo team.
Ubuntu Contribute in Ubuntu-tn activities: events, meetings, mailing list, ...
Ubuntu Testing Karmic and translation into Arabic.
Ubuntu Developing a new open source software for tax return declaration respecting the local Tunisian laws.
Ubuntu ...



nizarus [29-05-2009] : Alaya, is an active member in our Tunisian LoCo team and a member of the LoCo management committee. He tries to be present in the events orginized by our LoCo to speak about ubuntu, and programming with FOSS tools. I think that Alaya will make a good ubuntu member.
Crelour [29-05-2009] : I admire Zied's method in talking about ubuntu and earning money from activities in open source domain, i beleive more tunisian people are making contributions in launchpad and open source projects thanks to this man effort, i'll be so satisfacted to see him become ubuntu member Wink ;)
karimfath [01-06-2009] : Alaya,is one of the most active member in our team,I think that he has the profile of ubuntu member and as crelour said I beleive that everybody in ubuntu-tn will be satisfacted to see him become ubuntu member
MBuBuntu [02-06-2009] : That makes zied Alaya one of the most active member in Ubuntu-tn is all its spirit of collaboration, commitment, and humor. In a short time, zied became an indispensable member for our group, GOOD LUCK MY FREIND
zaafouri [02-06-2009] : Alaya is my friend since 9 years, he's a high skilled engineer specially in GNU/Linux ubuntu, He helped Tunisian ubuntu community in many projects and events. I recommend highly his ubuntu membership.

Zied_ALAYA (last edited 2009-05-28 14:08:23 by 41)