
Go back to the Trophy Ideas page.

Ideas for trophies:

  • TROPHY (2) Register IRC nick in Launchpad
    • DEPENDS 1
    • LOGIC Check with launchpadlib if IRC nick for freenode is registered
    • RISK -
    • PROBLEMS AFAIK the launchpadlib user needs to be logged in
  • TROPHY (3) Set up ISO testing account
    • DEPENDS -
    • LOGIC There's no way to find out
    • RISK -
    • PROBLEMS We need to talk to the hackers of the ISO testing thing to enable an export maybe
  • TROPHY (4) Register email address with Launchpad
    • DEPENDS 1
    • LOGIC Use launchpadlib to find out preferred_email_address
    • RISK Some users might not like this
    • PROBLEMS AFAIK the launchpadlib user needs to be logged in
  • TROPHY (5) Introduce yourself on ubuntu-bugsquad@lists.ubuntu.com

    • DEPENDS 4
    • LOGIC Check ubuntu-bugsquad mbox archive for mails with registered LP email
    • RISK Pointless introduction mails (need to talk to Brian/Pedro)
  • TROPHY (7) Participate in IRC meeting
    • DEPENDS 2
    • LOGIC Check irclogs.ubuntu.com for participation of user with registered IRC nick
    • RISK Pointless interruptions of meetings
    • PROBLEMS BugSquad meetings are announced on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/ on the headers, but we are missing an entry in the Fridge calendar

  • TROPHY (8) Become a bug contact for a package
    • DEPENDS 1
    • LOGIC use person.getBugSubscriberPackages
    • RISK -
    • PROBLEMS -
  • TROPHY (9) Subscribe to a bug
    • DEPENDS 1
    • LOGIC ubuntu.searchTasks(bug_subscriber=person)
    • RISK we must make clear it is _subscribing_ to a bug, not assigning oneself to it
    • PROBLEMS -
  • TROPHY (10) Confirm a bug
    • DEPENDS 1
    • LOGIC Check if the user marked 'This bug affects me'
    • RISK Medium, randomly confirmed bugs
    • PROBLEMS -
  • TROPHY (11) Apply for https://launchpad.net/~bugsquad

    • DEPENDS 6 (and partly on 5)
    • LOGIC Check via launchpadlib
    • RISK Lots of applications coming in
  • TROPHY (12) Become member of Ubuntu Bug Control
    • DEPENDS 11 (plus quite some more work)
    • LOGIC Check team membership via launchpadlib
    • RISK Unnecessary applications to the team
    • PROBLEMS -
    • LOGIC
    • RISK
    • LOGIC
    • RISK

Additional ideas

  • Report a bug
  • Report a bug from a development release
  • Reported a bug that got fixed (rough indication you were able to provide enough information)
  • Forward a bug to upstream/Debian
  • Add a bug watch to an upstream/Debian bug report
  • Ask someone in #ubuntu-bugs to set the importance of a bug report
  • Add a test case to a bug description
  • Add a workaround to a bug description
  • Nominate a bug for a release of Ubuntu (bug control only)
  • Set a bug's status to Triaged (bug control only)
  • Set a bug's importance (bug control only)
  • Added a screencast to a bug report
  • Added a screenshot to a bug report
  • Added a test document to a bug report (think LibreOffice / evince)

  • Provide a link to sourcecode a bug appears in e.g. "you can see this in line 1389 of ubuntu.py here ...."
  • Assigned a bug without a package
  • Subscribe to bug reports about a package
  • Closed one of the old bugs that you reported
  • Wrote an apport package hook (maybe that should be under development)
  • Wrote an Ubuntu bug pattern
  • Marked a bug as a duplicate of another bug report
  • Found a bitesize bug (tagged a bug bitesize)
  • Found a patch in a bug (added tag patch or flipped patch attachment bit)
  • Worked on an old bug report (something like a year old?)
  • Responded to a bug that someone replied to and I'd set to Incomplete

Accomplishments/AccomplishmentIdeas/Bugs (last edited 2012-05-16 07:56:58 by 99-41-167-234)