Maryland Local Community Team Approval Application

The Ubuntu Maryland Loco Team was re-activated in March 2013 under new leadership. We appreciate all of the individuals that have helped the team in the past.

As of May 5, 2014, we had 165 registered team members from throughout the State of Maryland in the US. We meet on IRC the first Monday of the month and meet in person at the Community College of Baltimore County Catonsville campus on the fourth Saturday of the month. Most of our activity is reported on our website,

We average about 10 persons who attend the monthly meetings and 3 to 5 persons on the IRC chats. The biggest event that we hosted over the past year was our Open House on April 26, 2014 where we celebrated the release of Trusty Tahr, Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. There were 23 persons who attended and we assisted 11 persons with testing and installing Ubuntu on their laptops.

From our previous application for approval several years ago it was stated that Maryland has a long history of standing up against great odds. During the American Revolution, Maryland was the home to one of the war's most esteemed unit of regular soldiers dubbed as the "Old Line" by General Washington. Later, Maryland earned the nickname of the "Free State" due to its stubborn resistance to Federal prohibition laws. The Ubuntu Maryland Local Community Team will continue Maryland's long tradition of promoting freedom by supporting the use of Ubuntu, as well as other free and open source software.

An overview of the team activities since we reactivated is attached: Reapproval Notes

Key Details



Team Events

Team Meetings

ApprovalApplication (last edited 2014-12-09 19:48:25 by rswift-swiftstaffing)