Sunday 02 Msrch 2025 |
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Sun,06.05.2007|18:02( SlickMcRunfast) If everyone hasnt seen it yet you can find the agenda for tonights meeting here Sun,06.05.2007|18:02( SlickMcRunfast) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/Meetings/07May06 Sun,06.05.2007|18:03( azteech) SlickMcRunfast: thanks Sun,06.05.2007|18:03( ianmcorvidae) A log will be posted after the meeting. Sun,06.05.2007|18:03( ianmcorvidae) In case anyone needs it :) Sun,06.05.2007|18:03( azteech) ianmcorvidae: who ever knows with dial. Sun,06.05.2007|18:04( ianmcorvidae) Hehe :) Sun,06.05.2007|18:04( azteech) :P Sun,06.05.2007|18:04( SlickMcRunfast) so Intros Sun,06.05.2007|18:04( ianmcorvidae) I believe the plan was anyone we haven't introduced before. Sun,06.05.2007|18:04( johnc4510) yes Sun,06.05.2007|18:04( SlickMcRunfast) looks like Chucks and DrPppr242 Sun,06.05.2007|18:04( azteech) that is what I thought Sun,06.05.2007|18:04( johnc4510) pepse too Sun,06.05.2007|18:04( chucks_) well i'll introduce myself Sun,06.05.2007|18:05( chucks_) I'm chuck, based in chandler az. I'm a software engineer with Boeing in Mesa. Get to have fun and work on cool things Sun,06.05.2007|18:05( chucks_) i'm a long time suse user Sun,06.05.2007|18:05( chucks_) that recently converted to ubuntu Sun,06.05.2007|18:05( chucks_) i think that covers the basics :) Sun,06.05.2007|18:06( azteech) chucks_: welcome Sun,06.05.2007|18:06( johnc4510) nice to have you here chuch Sun,06.05.2007|18:06( johnc4510) chuck Sun,06.05.2007|18:06( johnc4510) duh Sun,06.05.2007|18:06( azteech) lol Sun,06.05.2007|18:06( chucks_) thanks :) Sun,06.05.2007|18:06( br24) welcome chucks_ Sun,06.05.2007|18:06( SloggerKhan) Welcome. Sun,06.05.2007|18:07( ToddB) Hola. Sun,06.05.2007|18:07( SlickMcRunfast) were you at the meeting last week ToddB? Sun,06.05.2007|18:07( SlickMcRunfast) DrPppr242 your next. Self intro Sun,06.05.2007|18:07( DrPppr242) sure Sun,06.05.2007|18:08( ToddB) Yeah. Sun,06.05.2007|18:08( DrPppr242) I'm Paul, I live in Chandler and go to ASU Sun,06.05.2007|18:08( DrPppr242) I don't know much about linux or useful computer skills Sun,06.05.2007|18:08>> dx00 joins #ubuntu-arizona Sun,06.05.2007|18:08>> KingKongAintGotN joins #ubuntu-arizona Sun,06.05.2007|18:08( DrPppr242) but I spend a lot of time in front of my comp Sun,06.05.2007|18:08( azteech) dx00, KingKongAintGotN: welcome Sun,06.05.2007|18:09( DrPppr242) and I start using linux and ubuntu about 3 months ago Sun,06.05.2007|18:09( dx00) thx Sun,06.05.2007|18:09( dx00) network problems Sun,06.05.2007|18:09( DrPppr242) so I'm pretty new Sun,06.05.2007|18:09( azteech) yw Sun,06.05.2007|18:09( KingKongAintGotN) KingKongAintGotNothing on ME! Sun,06.05.2007|18:09( johnc4510) welcome aboard Paul glad you came ask for any help you need Sun,06.05.2007|18:09( DrPppr242) thanks Sun,06.05.2007|18:09( SlickMcRunfast) welcome Sun,06.05.2007|18:10( br24) DrPppr242, youre in the right place Sun,06.05.2007|18:10( azteech) DrPppr242: welcome paul Sun,06.05.2007|18:10( SloggerKhan) Well, once again hello and welcome. Sun,06.05.2007|18:10( chucks_) welcome drpppr242 Sun,06.05.2007|18:10( SlickMcRunfast) pepse if your here? Self intro. Sun,06.05.2007|18:10( azteech) DrPppr242: does nic = your preferred drink? Sun,06.05.2007|18:10( SlickMcRunfast) is KingKong Vorian? Sun,06.05.2007|18:11( DrPppr242) uh not really Sun,06.05.2007|18:11>> Vorian joins #ubuntu-arizona Sun,06.05.2007|18:11( ianmcorvidae) Guess not :) Sun,06.05.2007|18:11( br24) does that help SlickMcRunfast? Sun,06.05.2007|18:11( ianmcorvidae) Hi, Vorian. Sun,06.05.2007|18:11( johnc4510) SlickMcRunfast: don't think so Sun,06.05.2007|18:11( DrPppr242) Doctor Pepper and the Emergency pump shut off switchs was a band name I came up with Sun,06.05.2007|18:11( br24) greetings Vorian Sun,06.05.2007|18:11( ianmcorvidae) Ok. Introductions done? Sun,06.05.2007|18:11( DrPppr242) at a gas station Sun,06.05.2007|18:11( SlickMcRunfast) I can logon to irc twice Sun,06.05.2007|18:11( Vorian) hey Sun,06.05.2007|18:11( SloggerKhan) Kong is on Ohio.. Sun,06.05.2007|18:11( br24) Columbus Sun,06.05.2007|18:11( azteech) DrPppr242: ah, okay ... interesting choices Sun,06.05.2007|18:12( ianmcorvidae) Are we finished with Intros? Sun,06.05.2007|18:12( SlickMcRunfast) Guess so Sun,06.05.2007|18:12( ianmcorvidae) OK. Sun,06.05.2007|18:12( SlickMcRunfast) pepse seems to be a bot or something Sun,06.05.2007|18:12( ianmcorvidae) I guess I'm the first team report :P Sun,06.05.2007|18:12( Vorian) how gaat het? Sun,06.05.2007|18:12* johnc4510 welcomes vorian to hotest loco Sun,06.05.2007|18:12( johnc4510) ianmcorvidae: no Sun,06.05.2007|18:12( Vorian) hoe* Sun,06.05.2007|18:12( ianmcorvidae) Ok, john. Sun,06.05.2007|18:12( Vorian) woo! Sun,06.05.2007|18:12( johnc4510) SlickMcRunfast: what about KingKong Sun,06.05.2007|18:13( azteech) hey there vorian. Sun,06.05.2007|18:13( Vorian) columbus? Sun,06.05.2007|18:13( Vorian) who Sun,06.05.2007|18:13( azteech) still haven't heard from pepse Sun,06.05.2007|18:13( Vorian) ? Sun,06.05.2007|18:13( johnc4510) KingKongAintGotN: want to introduce yourself Sun,06.05.2007|18:13( ianmcorvidae) I think Kong's not an arizona person :P Sun,06.05.2007|18:13( johnc4510) ahh Sun,06.05.2007|18:14( SloggerKhan) I think he's Vorian's friend or something. Sun,06.05.2007|18:14( johnc4510) ah Sun,06.05.2007|18:14( SlickMcRunfast) so next Sun,06.05.2007|18:14( johnc4510) ok slick Sun,06.05.2007|18:14( SlickMcRunfast) Team reports Sun,06.05.2007|18:14( ianmcorvidae) Ok, next is team reports. Sun,06.05.2007|18:14( johnc4510) yeah Sun,06.05.2007|18:14( ianmcorvidae) I'm membership head, so... Sun,06.05.2007|18:14( SloggerKhan) Or maybe is Vorian. Sun,06.05.2007|18:14( ianmcorvidae) We haven't really done much yet, several folks still in school and such. Sun,06.05.2007|18:14( br24) Vorian, u spreekt Nederlands? Sun,06.05.2007|18:15( Vorian) ya! Sun,06.05.2007|18:15( ianmcorvidae) So pretty much the same status as last week on that; any ideas are welcome, especially if you'll implement them :) Sun,06.05.2007|18:15( Vorian) erm Sun,06.05.2007|18:15( Vorian) ja! Sun,06.05.2007|18:15( ianmcorvidae) :P Sun,06.05.2007|18:15( ianmcorvidae) Web Design Team? Sun,06.05.2007|18:15( johnc4510) ianmcorvidae: we know you've been busy with school Sun,06.05.2007|18:15( Vorian) Het is fantastich! Sun,06.05.2007|18:15( DrPppr242) sorry I'm new would you explain what your team is? Sun,06.05.2007|18:15( ianmcorvidae) Oh, sorry. Sun,06.05.2007|18:15( ianmcorvidae) Sure. Sun,06.05.2007|18:16* johnc4510 ian blushes Sun,06.05.2007|18:16( ianmcorvidae) Membership team is the one associated with converting folks to ubuntu and from there, into LoCo team members. Sun,06.05.2007|18:16( azteech) lol Sun,06.05.2007|18:16( DrPppr242) thanks Sun,06.05.2007|18:16( ianmcorvidae) Anyone else, or on to Web Design/Wiki team/ Sun,06.05.2007|18:16( ianmcorvidae) ?* Sun,06.05.2007|18:16( SloggerKhan) -Oh, for membership team, I'm looking into booth at UA Sun,06.05.2007|18:17( ianmcorvidae) Oh, excellent. Sun,06.05.2007|18:17( johnc4510) great slogger Sun,06.05.2007|18:17( br24) nice Sun,06.05.2007|18:17( SloggerKhan) Won't know details till next week, though. Sun,06.05.2007|18:17>> HuFflePuFf joins #ubuntu-arizona Sun,06.05.2007|18:17( ToddB) Keep in mind that classes are over at the UA Sun,06.05.2007|18:17( azteech) DrPppr242: list of current teams, and other info can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam?highlight=%28CategoryArizonaTeam%29 Sun,06.05.2007|18:17( ToddB) and finals are over on Friday Sun,06.05.2007|18:17( johnc4510) HuFflePuFf: welcome Sun,06.05.2007|18:17( SloggerKhan) Would probably be on the mall in august or spetember. Sun,06.05.2007|18:17( HuFflePuFf) aloha Sun,06.05.2007|18:17( ToddB) yeah, I'd participate in that Sun,06.05.2007|18:17( DrPppr242) thanks azteech Sun,06.05.2007|18:18( br24) as would I Sun,06.05.2007|18:18( azteech) DrPppr242: yw Sun,06.05.2007|18:18( johnc4510) HuFflePuFf: we have already started, but please introduce yourself Sun,06.05.2007|18:18( SloggerKhan) Something to look into next year that it's too late to do this year is freshman orientations, which would be ongoing in the summer. Sun,06.05.2007|18:18( HuFflePuFf) I'm just a computer lover from Snotsdale Sun,06.05.2007|18:18( HuFflePuFf) I work on the East Side of Phoenix Sun,06.05.2007|18:19( johnc4510) HuFflePuFf: are part of Ubuntu-women? Sun,06.05.2007|18:19( HuFflePuFf) no Sun,06.05.2007|18:19( johnc4510) sorry Sun,06.05.2007|18:19( HuFflePuFf) why would you say that? Sun,06.05.2007|18:19( ToddB) Speaking from experience, Orientation is kinda overwhelming Sun,06.05.2007|18:19( SloggerKhan) And the last thing to do with regard to UA is ask OSCR to have pages or link to pages about Ubuntu, which they'd probably do. Sun,06.05.2007|18:19( ToddB) I'd shy away from doing something like that during Orientation Sun,06.05.2007|18:19( ianmcorvidae) He put stuff on their forum, wondering if anyone came as a result of that :) Sun,06.05.2007|18:20( Vorian) ianmcorvidae, who/which forum? Sun,06.05.2007|18:20( johnc4510) HuFflePuFf: well i put this invite on their web site and with the name I just wondered sorry no offense Sun,06.05.2007|18:20( azteech) johnc4510: tongue in cheek Sun,06.05.2007|18:20( SloggerKhan) Yeah, i think orientation is not the best time. Sun,06.05.2007|18:20>> SignOff: dx00_ [Connection timed out] Sun,06.05.2007|18:20( HuFflePuFf) no problem johnc4510 Sun,06.05.2007|18:20( ianmcorvidae) Vorian: ubuntu-women Sun,06.05.2007|18:20( ianmcorvidae) Anyway... Sun,06.05.2007|18:20( SloggerKhan) Just bringing it up. Sun,06.05.2007|18:20( SlickMcRunfast) next? Sun,06.05.2007|18:20( ianmcorvidae) Web Design/Wiki team. Sun,06.05.2007|18:20( ianmcorvidae) Slick, I think that's yours :) Sun,06.05.2007|18:20( johnc4510) HuFflePuFf: if you will give me your email address i will put you on mail list for newsletter Sun,06.05.2007|18:21( azteech) we need a meeting bloopers page set up on wiki ..... :P Sun,06.05.2007|18:21( SlickMcRunfast) yes but I havent had too much time for it Sun,06.05.2007|18:21( johnc4510) yes Sun,06.05.2007|18:21( ianmcorvidae) Just give a status report, doesn't really matter if nothing's happened :) Sun,06.05.2007|18:21( johnc4510) are we on web page? Sun,06.05.2007|18:21( ianmcorvidae) I'll contribute some, though, as I did a bunch of wiki editing in the last week :) Sun,06.05.2007|18:21( johnc4510) design Sun,06.05.2007|18:21( ianmcorvidae) Yes, we are. Sun,06.05.2007|18:21( johnc4510) thx Sun,06.05.2007|18:21>> SignOff: HuFflePuFf ["foo"] Sun,06.05.2007|18:22* johnc4510 guess i scared him off Sun,06.05.2007|18:22>> SignOff: KingKongAintGotN ["King Kong aint got nothing on JDONG"] Sun,06.05.2007|18:22( ianmcorvidae) Slick, have a report, or should I just cover what I've done? Sun,06.05.2007|18:23( Vorian) jdong? Sun,06.05.2007|18:23( azteech) who knows Sun,06.05.2007|18:23( johnc4510) Vorian: ? Sun,06.05.2007|18:23( Vorian) I know him Sun,06.05.2007|18:23( johnc4510) oh Sun,06.05.2007|18:23( Vorian) thats weird Sun,06.05.2007|18:23( johnc4510) maybe i offended him too Sun,06.05.2007|18:23( ianmcorvidae) lol Sun,06.05.2007|18:24* johnc4510 sticks foot in mouth Sun,06.05.2007|18:24( br24) johnc4510, I dont think you did Sun,06.05.2007|18:25( azteech) if they want to be a part of the group, they will be back. Sun,06.05.2007|18:25( ianmcorvidae) Well, since Slick doesn't seem to be saying anything: I've added Newsletter, Meetings, and Member List sections to the Wiki, which you can see from the main page; I also created CategoryArizonaTeam as a category to place all our Wiki pages into for ease of finding. Sun,06.05.2007|18:25( johnc4510) nice ian Sun,06.05.2007|18:25( br24) thank you for all your work ianmcorvidae Sun,06.05.2007|18:25( ianmcorvidae) Don't think there's much more to say there. Sun,06.05.2007|18:25( SlickMcRunfast) sorry i'm on the phone. You did most of the work anyway Sun,06.05.2007|18:25( ianmcorvidae) No problem, Slick. Sun,06.05.2007|18:25( johnc4510) no prob slick Sun,06.05.2007|18:25( ianmcorvidae) Next, Newsletter? Sun,06.05.2007|18:25( ianmcorvidae) john, think that's yours. Sun,06.05.2007|18:25( johnc4510) hey that's me Sun,06.05.2007|18:26( johnc4510) 2nd edition went out last Wed. rs3 will be taking over once school is Sun,06.05.2007|18:26( johnc4510) out. We are opening the newsletter to articles written by members, anyone Sun,06.05.2007|18:26( johnc4510) wishing to submit an article can email me at johnc4510@cox.net We also plan Sun,06.05.2007|18:26( johnc4510) to incorporate the new logo voted in tonight as part of the newsletter. Sun,06.05.2007|18:26( johnc4510) Also any ideas anyone has to improve the quality of the newsletter, would Sun,06.05.2007|18:26( johnc4510) be appreciated. Sun,06.05.2007|18:26( SloggerKhan) brb Sun,06.05.2007|18:26( johnc4510) man i type fast Sun,06.05.2007|18:26( ianmcorvidae) :P Sun,06.05.2007|18:26( DrPppr242) what sort of articles are in the newsletter? Sun,06.05.2007|18:26( johnc4510) anyone got any ideas for press Sun,06.05.2007|18:26( azteech) johnc4510: any further comments regarding our discussion for newletter earlier this week? Sun,06.05.2007|18:27( ianmcorvidae) DrPppr242: Whatever you write :P Sun,06.05.2007|18:27( ianmcorvidae) We're rather embryonic at this point. Sun,06.05.2007|18:27( johnc4510) azteech: yes Sun,06.05.2007|18:27( ianmcorvidae) So whatever we want in there, goes. Sun,06.05.2007|18:27( DrPppr242) are they posted on the wiki? Sun,06.05.2007|18:27( ianmcorvidae) Newsletters are, yes. Sun,06.05.2007|18:27( br24) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/Teams/Newsletter Sun,06.05.2007|18:27( ianmcorvidae) Under ArizonaTeam/Newsletters Sun,06.05.2007|18:28( br24) everything in here is on the AZ wiki Sun,06.05.2007|18:28( ianmcorvidae) Yep :) Sun,06.05.2007|18:28( br24) sorry, gave you the wrong link Sun,06.05.2007|18:28( johnc4510) azteech: it will come up during the thread team discussion Sun,06.05.2007|18:28( DrPppr242) sorry I couldn't find them Sun,06.05.2007|18:28( br24) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/Newsletters Sun,06.05.2007|18:28( ianmcorvidae) No problem, DrPppr242. Sun,06.05.2007|18:28( azteech) DrPppr242: the link I gave earlier, has that listed as well. Sun,06.05.2007|18:28( azteech) johnc4510: ah, okay. Sun,06.05.2007|18:28( DrPppr242) thanks again Sun,06.05.2007|18:28( johnc4510) DrPppr242: i have you on mail list also Sun,06.05.2007|18:28( ianmcorvidae) Ok. Are we done with Newsletter? Sun,06.05.2007|18:28( johnc4510) yes Sun,06.05.2007|18:28( SloggerKhan) k Sun,06.05.2007|18:29( ianmcorvidae) Oh. Random insert: Anyone that's new, please add yourself to the Member List on the wiki (you can find it from the main page) Sun,06.05.2007|18:29( ianmcorvidae) Next, WINE/VMware team. br24? Sun,06.05.2007|18:29( br24) not much of an update Sun,06.05.2007|18:29( br24) I am researching for winders-only apps to use on wine Sun,06.05.2007|18:30( br24) johnc sent me a good article on Dells Ubuntu concerning wine Sun,06.05.2007|18:30( johnc4510) br24: have you installed wine yet? Sun,06.05.2007|18:30( br24) yes Sun,06.05.2007|18:30( johnc4510) good Sun,06.05.2007|18:30( johnc4510) was it difficult Sun,06.05.2007|18:30( SloggerKhan) No Sun,06.05.2007|18:30( br24) I am testing TurboTax on it Sun,06.05.2007|18:30( ianmcorvidae) From the main ubuntu repositories, or did you use the WineHQ repos? Sun,06.05.2007|18:30( SloggerKhan) I've used both. Sun,06.05.2007|18:31( br24) I used the reposit Sun,06.05.2007|18:31( br24) wanted to test that first Sun,06.05.2007|18:31( ianmcorvidae) Ok. Sun,06.05.2007|18:31( johnc4510) br24: are we going to be able to write some kind of how to for the rest of us? Sun,06.05.2007|18:31( ianmcorvidae) Main repositories, you mean. Sun,06.05.2007|18:31( dx00) hey br24, i talked to a friend that does all their VmWare stuff for his company Sun,06.05.2007|18:31( SloggerKhan) Both install and configure the same. WineHQ version is a bit newer. Sun,06.05.2007|18:31( br24) yes ianmcorvidae Sun,06.05.2007|18:31( ianmcorvidae) johnc4510: THere are several good ones already on the Wiki in terms of installation. Sun,06.05.2007|18:31( johnc4510) ok Sun,06.05.2007|18:31( dx00) im trying to see if he can get us a server version that we can use unlimited Sun,06.05.2007|18:31( br24) yes there are, although they may be outdated Sun,06.05.2007|18:31( ianmcorvidae) SloggerKhan: Yes, but in terms of testing programs, it'll matter :) Sun,06.05.2007|18:31( br24) dx00, I would like that Sun,06.05.2007|18:32( br24) I am also preparing to install QEMU Sun,06.05.2007|18:32( SloggerKhan) Not saying it won't matter. Sun,06.05.2007|18:32( ianmcorvidae) Yep. Sun,06.05.2007|18:32( ianmcorvidae) Excellent. Sun,06.05.2007|18:32( br24) an open source version of vmware Sun,06.05.2007|18:32( johnc4510) br24: could we see about updating those as a give back to forum? Sun,06.05.2007|18:32( johnc4510) or an updated version Sun,06.05.2007|18:32( johnc4510) just an idea? Sun,06.05.2007|18:32( br24) on the wine wiki or our wiki? Sun,06.05.2007|18:33( br24) as for ours, I will be working on it this week Sun,06.05.2007|18:33( SloggerKhan) There is also http://www.virtualbox.org/ Sun,06.05.2007|18:33( SloggerKhan) never used, but heard decent stuff. Just not easy to use. Sun,06.05.2007|18:33( ianmcorvidae) Yep. Sun,06.05.2007|18:33( azteech) would recommend on our wiki, 1st. then after polished (if any is needed) then give back to main forum. Sun,06.05.2007|18:33( johnc4510) br24: ok but could we incorporate that to the forum? Sun,06.05.2007|18:33( br24) I have heard about that SloggerKhan, but havent heard much Sun,06.05.2007|18:34( ianmcorvidae) Are we finished with WINE/VMware team? Sun,06.05.2007|18:34( johnc4510) azteech: good idea Sun,06.05.2007|18:34( br24) will do johnc4510 Sun,06.05.2007|18:34( johnc4510) ianmcorvidae: ok i'm done now Sun,06.05.2007|18:34( ianmcorvidae) Ok. Sun,06.05.2007|18:34( ianmcorvidae) Server/IT Administration team: dx00. Sun,06.05.2007|18:35( dx00) ok Sun,06.05.2007|18:35( dx00) we haven't done much so far Sun,06.05.2007|18:35( dx00) tomorrow we are having a meeting with the DeLug people to look at the server Sun,06.05.2007|18:35( johnc4510) dx00: tell us a little about the meeting coming up please Sun,06.05.2007|18:36( dx00) we will be looking more in detail Sun,06.05.2007|18:36( dx00) what will our goals be Sun,06.05.2007|18:36( dx00) and were we are going to start Sun,06.05.2007|18:36( dx00) a lot depends on the condition of the server Sun,06.05.2007|18:36( dx00) from what i hear it needs some parts, like a power supply Sun,06.05.2007|18:36( azteech) dx00: and did we get any further info regarding specs for the server? Sun,06.05.2007|18:36( johnc4510) you said something about having your laptop to irc the meeting for us, is that right? Sun,06.05.2007|18:37( dx00) yes, tommorrow i will have my laptop on me Sun,06.05.2007|18:37( dx00) and i will be on the IRC channel telling everyone whats going on Sun,06.05.2007|18:37( ToddB) Have we considered asking around for sponsorships? There are a lot of Linux-friendly OEMs out there that might be willing to support us... Sun,06.05.2007|18:37( azteech) what irc chan will you be on? Sun,06.05.2007|18:37( johnc4510) dx00: super Sun,06.05.2007|18:37( dx00) i don't really have a lot of the specs about the server Sun,06.05.2007|18:37( dx00) we will be looking at it tomorrow Sun,06.05.2007|18:37( dx00) anyone is invited to come Sun,06.05.2007|18:37( ianmcorvidae) This channel, correct? Sun,06.05.2007|18:37( dx00) its at 7pm Sun,06.05.2007|18:37( azteech) dx00: k, tks Sun,06.05.2007|18:37( dx00) yes Sun,06.05.2007|18:38( ianmcorvidae) Any further questions for dx00? Sun,06.05.2007|18:38( johnc4510) dx00: looking forward to it Sun,06.05.2007|18:38( dx00) or at ASU west in the library if you want to stop by and see for yourself Sun,06.05.2007|18:38( br24) johnc4510, I have a recommendation about the DeLug meeting here tomorrow Sun,06.05.2007|18:38( ToddB) dx00 - see my question above. Sun,06.05.2007|18:38( ianmcorvidae) If I could make it, I'd be there :P Sun,06.05.2007|18:38( dx00) i haven't look at sponsorship yet Sun,06.05.2007|18:38( br24) I would try to keep this channel somewhat clear for dx00 to put his info Sun,06.05.2007|18:39( dx00) but it is something i think we should look at tommorrow Sun,06.05.2007|18:39( ToddB) Ok. Sun,06.05.2007|18:39( johnc4510) i'll be there Sun,06.05.2007|18:39( johnc4510) here Sun,06.05.2007|18:39( ianmcorvidae) We're usually dead enough that I suspect it'll be fine, br. Sun,06.05.2007|18:39( dx00) any other questions? Sun,06.05.2007|18:39( johnc4510) not from me Sun,06.05.2007|18:39>> SignOff: Vorian ["09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0"] Sun,06.05.2007|18:39( ianmcorvidae) I'll presume that means move on, then. Sun,06.05.2007|18:40( ianmcorvidae) Rediscussion of proposed teams from last week. Sun,06.05.2007|18:40( dx00) if anyone is interested in joining the team (other than the ones already there) shoot me an email Sun,06.05.2007|18:40( dx00) ssjgolleta@anima-web.us Sun,06.05.2007|18:40( ianmcorvidae) Thanks, dx00. Sun,06.05.2007|18:40( dx00) np Sun,06.05.2007|18:40( ianmcorvidae) First rediscussion team: Computer Recycling/Localization Team. Sun,06.05.2007|18:40( ianmcorvidae) johnc4510: Could you re-explain the proposed goals of the team? Sun,06.05.2007|18:41( johnc4510) SloggerKhan: yes Sun,06.05.2007|18:41( ianmcorvidae) SloggerKhan was out last time I checked. Sun,06.05.2007|18:41( SloggerKhan) I'm here Sun,06.05.2007|18:41( ianmcorvidae) Ah. Sun,06.05.2007|18:41( SloggerKhan) I'm just typing. Sun,06.05.2007|18:41( johnc4510) to recycle old computers with Ubuntu or edubuntu and to help localize language and history on rex Sun,06.05.2007|18:41( johnc4510) rez Sun,06.05.2007|18:42( johnc4510) indian rez Sun,06.05.2007|18:42( ianmcorvidae) Ok. Sun,06.05.2007|18:42( ToddB) Who proposed this? I can't remember that far back lol Sun,06.05.2007|18:42( ianmcorvidae) Slogger sort of did. Sun,06.05.2007|18:42( ianmcorvidae) The idea originated in the forums somewhere :) Sun,06.05.2007|18:42( johnc4510) i believe slogger is that person Sun,06.05.2007|18:43( ianmcorvidae) SloggerKhan: Any additional stuff to say before we discuss the team? Sun,06.05.2007|18:43( ToddB) Slogger - can you tell us any more about your idea? How'd you implement it and such? Sun,06.05.2007|18:43( SloggerKhan) Yes, I'm typing. Sun,06.05.2007|18:43( azteech) quick note here: should we just limit our aim for recycling to just be just for the reservations, or should we look at expanding this team to include local elementary schools. Sun,06.05.2007|18:43( br24) I agree with that azteech Sun,06.05.2007|18:44( johnc4510) it's an idea, but we want to start with the rez Sun,06.05.2007|18:44( johnc4510) most needy of it Sun,06.05.2007|18:44( SloggerKhan) Oh, ok. Well, I've contacted some Navajo to find out if they are interested in having an Ubuntu localized to their language and culture, and if so, what could we do to help them. 2ndary to that, I've also inquired about what sort of technology problems are existant on the rez, and what we can do to help them. I've sent out an email and talked to a couple people. There seems to be interest, but I have yet to hear back. Sun,06.05.2007|18:45( ianmcorvidae) Excellent, thanks Slogger. Sun,06.05.2007|18:45( ianmcorvidae) Sorry to interrupt your typing repeatedly :P Sun,06.05.2007|18:45( SloggerKhan) I really am waiting to hear back in order to find out what best course is. Sun,06.05.2007|18:45( azteech) johnc4510: not diminishing fact that they aren't. just looking at possibilities of getting ubuntu to the masses and introducing it to the lower grades .. was all. Sun,06.05.2007|18:45( johnc4510) understood Sun,06.05.2007|18:45( SloggerKhan) Should have more to report next week. Sun,06.05.2007|18:46( ianmcorvidae) SloggerKhan: Would you like to keep the proposed team tabled until you get a response? Sun,06.05.2007|18:46( johnc4510) i have an old 166 mmx i could donate btw Sun,06.05.2007|18:46( SloggerKhan) Sure. Sun,06.05.2007|18:46( ianmcorvidae) Ok. Sun,06.05.2007|18:46( ianmcorvidae) Next, then. Thread/LoCo collaboration Team. Sun,06.05.2007|18:46( SloggerKhan) I think it's mostly dependent on Navajo interest at this point. Sun,06.05.2007|18:46( dx00) im sorry guys, i have to cut out short Sun,06.05.2007|18:46( ianmcorvidae) No problem, dx. Sun,06.05.2007|18:46( dx00) ill talk to you all latter Sun,06.05.2007|18:46( johnc4510) thread team i've got something on this Sun,06.05.2007|18:46( azteech) have an older laptop, that will need to be dustoed off and tried out with ubuntu, that might be able to be used as well. Sun,06.05.2007|18:46( ianmcorvidae) Before you leave, do you have a logo vote you could PM to me? Sun,06.05.2007|18:46( SloggerKhan) And I'm also supportive of recycled comps for local schools, azteech Sun,06.05.2007|18:47( SloggerKhan) If you've looked at logos in last hour. Sun,06.05.2007|18:47( johnc4510) are we ready to move on the thread team? Sun,06.05.2007|18:47( azteech) SloggerKhan: was an idea that I felt we might look at tacking on, was all. all is good. :) Sun,06.05.2007|18:47( ianmcorvidae) Yes, go ahead and explain it, john. Sun,06.05.2007|18:47( johnc4510) Thread Team: A few of us were throwing this one around the other night. We thought maybe instead Sun,06.05.2007|18:47( johnc4510) of having a whole team devoted to this, we could put another person on the newsletter Sun,06.05.2007|18:47( johnc4510) team, and let them visit other loco sites. Then they could inform us through the Sun,06.05.2007|18:47( johnc4510) newsletter of what they found that was interesting. Sun,06.05.2007|18:48( johnc4510) any thoughts? Sun,06.05.2007|18:48( ToddB) I think that's a good idea, much better than the original proposal. Sun,06.05.2007|18:48( SloggerKhan) Like LoCoLiaisons is the idea? Sun,06.05.2007|18:48( br24) I like it Sun,06.05.2007|18:48( br24) and I wouldnt mind doing it Sun,06.05.2007|18:48( johnc4510) ianmcorvidae: how about you Sun,06.05.2007|18:48>> SignOff: dx00 ["leaving"] Sun,06.05.2007|18:48( ianmcorvidae) Yeah, better idea than a separate team. Sun,06.05.2007|18:48( ToddB) That having been said, I think it's still important for teams to do their own research concerning their own areas of development. Sun,06.05.2007|18:49( ianmcorvidae) ToddB: Agreed. Sun,06.05.2007|18:49( SloggerKhan) Not a bad idea. We have to balance input of ideas with output of our own organization. Sun,06.05.2007|18:49( johnc4510) agreed, this is mainly for ideas Sun,06.05.2007|18:49( azteech) cub reporter (ambassador-et-all) ... Sun,06.05.2007|18:49( johnc4510) yes Sun,06.05.2007|18:49( SloggerKhan) But sounds fine to me. Sun,06.05.2007|18:49( ianmcorvidae) Can we consider that as official? Thread team will not exist, but will be an additional member of Newsletter team/ Sun,06.05.2007|18:49( ianmcorvidae) ?* Sun,06.05.2007|18:50( azteech) agreed .. Sun,06.05.2007|18:50( johnc4510) agreed Sun,06.05.2007|18:50( ToddB) mhmm Sun,06.05.2007|18:50( ianmcorvidae) Ok. Sun,06.05.2007|18:50( br24) yes Sun,06.05.2007|18:50( johnc4510) br24: you on it as of now Sun,06.05.2007|18:50( ianmcorvidae) Next, Forum Signature Idea: johnc4510, could you explain that? Sun,06.05.2007|18:50( johnc4510) yes Sun,06.05.2007|18:50( johnc4510) 4.Forum Signature Idea: This idea is strictly voluntary. I recently changed my forum signature Sun,06.05.2007|18:50( johnc4510) It looks like this: Sun,06.05.2007|18:50( johnc4510) Live in Arizona? Join the Ubuntu-Arizona loco to help spread Ubuntu! Sun,06.05.2007|18:50( johnc4510) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam Sun,06.05.2007|18:50( johnc4510) https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-us-arizona Sun,06.05.2007|18:50( johnc4510) If we all did this it would greatly increase our exposure on the forums, Sun,06.05.2007|18:51( johnc4510) and possibly attract some new members. As I said, it is voluntary, but Sun,06.05.2007|18:51( johnc4510) I would appreciate you giving it your consideration. Thanks Sun,06.05.2007|18:51( ianmcorvidae) Ok. Thank you for the suggestion and information. Sun,06.05.2007|18:51( ianmcorvidae) Don't think more needs to be said on this? Sun,06.05.2007|18:51( ToddB) I don't think that's something we need to pass, but anyone interested in spreading the overall reach of the team should definitely add it. Sun,06.05.2007|18:51( DrPppr242) can we modify that to be something similar and still use it? Sun,06.05.2007|18:51( ianmcorvidae) Yes, feel free to modify. Sun,06.05.2007|18:51( johnc4510) yes Sun,06.05.2007|18:51( ianmcorvidae) It's a suggestion, nothing mandatory :) Sun,06.05.2007|18:51( johnc4510) yes Sun,06.05.2007|18:52( ianmcorvidae) Ok. Next on the agenda is the vote on the Logo. Sun,06.05.2007|18:52( johnc4510) that's me again Sun,06.05.2007|18:52( azteech) johnc4510: already modified mine Sun,06.05.2007|18:52( ianmcorvidae) I was going to talk, actually, but that's OK :) Sun,06.05.2007|18:52( johnc4510) first, when we actually vote, please no overtalk thanks Sun,06.05.2007|18:53( johnc4510) Everyone by now should have had a chance to look over the logos that have been submitted. Sun,06.05.2007|18:53( johnc4510) All the logos to be voted on are numbered 1-19 and can be found here: Sun,06.05.2007|18:53( johnc4510) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=428013 Sun,06.05.2007|18:53( johnc4510) We will give everyone a minute or so to find the number of the logo you want to vote for. Sun,06.05.2007|18:53( johnc4510) Then we will call the roll of members one at a time to vote. Please vote by number. Sun,06.05.2007|18:53( ianmcorvidae) Logos for voting are at http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=2600744&postcount=8 Sun,06.05.2007|18:53( ianmcorvidae) Posts 8 and 9 have the official numbering. Sun,06.05.2007|18:53( ianmcorvidae) Note that all logos can have color changes and can be resized to any degree. Sun,06.05.2007|18:54( ianmcorvidae) Oh, excuse me. Don't hit my link, just scroll down to posts 8 and 9. Sun,06.05.2007|18:54( ToddB) How should we vote? Sun,06.05.2007|18:54( ianmcorvidae) We'll have the votes here in the channel in a bit. Sun,06.05.2007|18:54( johnc4510) i will call the roll of those here Sun,06.05.2007|18:54( SloggerKhan) for 11-12, it's a font change, not a color change. Sun,06.05.2007|18:54( ianmcorvidae) We're giving people time to look at logos :) Sun,06.05.2007|18:55( ianmcorvidae) SloggerKhan: Yes, but the colors in both of those logos could be changed. Sun,06.05.2007|18:55( ToddB) Slackers - should've had that done before the meeting started :-p Sun,06.05.2007|18:55( SloggerKhan) oh, ok Sun,06.05.2007|18:55( SloggerKhan) got what you mean. Sun,06.05.2007|18:55( ianmcorvidae) :) Sun,06.05.2007|18:55( ianmcorvidae) Ok, I think we've had enough time. Sun,06.05.2007|18:55( ianmcorvidae) Also, I have dx00's vote; PMed it to me earlier. Sun,06.05.2007|18:55( johnc4510) azteech: vote Sun,06.05.2007|18:56( azteech) 6 Sun,06.05.2007|18:56( SloggerKhan) And I take it we are excluding AZ-shaped versions as someone up the ladder doesn't like them? Sun,06.05.2007|18:56( johnc4510) br24: vote Sun,06.05.2007|18:56( ianmcorvidae) I think that they are OK if we want them. Sun,06.05.2007|18:56( br24) 8 Sun,06.05.2007|18:56( ianmcorvidae) But people should be warned they are 'officially' not OK :) Sun,06.05.2007|18:56( johnc4510) chucks_: vote Sun,06.05.2007|18:56( chucks_) 8 Sun,06.05.2007|18:57( johnc4510) DrPppr242: vote Sun,06.05.2007|18:57( DrPppr242) 10 Sun,06.05.2007|18:57( johnc4510) ianmcorvidae: vote Sun,06.05.2007|18:57( ianmcorvidae) 10 Sun,06.05.2007|18:57( johnc4510) johnc votes 6 Sun,06.05.2007|18:58( johnc4510) rsthree: vote Sun,06.05.2007|18:58( johnc4510) is rs here? Sun,06.05.2007|18:58( ianmcorvidae) No idea. Sun,06.05.2007|18:58( azteech) he hasn't said a word all night Sun,06.05.2007|18:58( johnc4510) SlickMcRunfast: can you vote? Sun,06.05.2007|18:58( johnc4510) slick is on phone Sun,06.05.2007|18:59( johnc4510) but should get a vote Sun,06.05.2007|18:59( ianmcorvidae) If we see him later in the meeting, we'll ask rs and Slick. Sun,06.05.2007|18:59( ianmcorvidae) For now, move on with voting. Sun,06.05.2007|18:59( johnc4510) ToddB: vote Sun,06.05.2007|18:59( ToddB) 9 Sun,06.05.2007|18:59( johnc4510) looks like slick might be the decider Sun,06.05.2007|18:59( azteech) what about slogger? Sun,06.05.2007|19:00( johnc4510) did he leave? Sun,06.05.2007|19:00( SloggerKhan) no... Sun,06.05.2007|19:00( ianmcorvidae) dx voted for 8, by the way. Sun,06.05.2007|19:00( johnc4510) SloggerKhan: vote Sun,06.05.2007|19:00( SlickMcRunfast) i only see 5 Sun,06.05.2007|19:00( ianmcorvidae) Sorry. Sun,06.05.2007|19:00( SloggerKhan) I'm indecisive, sorry. Sun,06.05.2007|19:00( ianmcorvidae) Go to post 9, that has 6-13 Sun,06.05.2007|19:01( azteech) slogger, have to scroll down the page to see the rest, and then on page 2 as well. Sun,06.05.2007|19:01( johnc4510) refresh Sun,06.05.2007|19:01( johnc4510) ? Sun,06.05.2007|19:01( ianmcorvidae) No, just don't use the link I gave, heh. Sun,06.05.2007|19:01( ianmcorvidae) Use this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=428013 Sun,06.05.2007|19:01( SlickMcRunfast) 8 or 6 Sun,06.05.2007|19:01( SlickMcRunfast) or 9 Sun,06.05.2007|19:01( azteech) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=428013 Sun,06.05.2007|19:01( SloggerKhan) I suppose I go with 9, otherwise I've completely wasted my vote. Sun,06.05.2007|19:01( johnc4510) SlickMcRunfast: only one Sun,06.05.2007|19:01( johnc4510) please Sun,06.05.2007|19:01( SlickMcRunfast) 9 Sun,06.05.2007|19:01( ianmcorvidae) 9 for you, Slogger? Sun,06.05.2007|19:01( SlickMcRunfast) its clean Sun,06.05.2007|19:01( ianmcorvidae) And for slick. Sun,06.05.2007|19:01( SloggerKhan) yeah Sun,06.05.2007|19:02( ianmcorvidae) Ok. Sun,06.05.2007|19:02( SloggerKhan) I can't stand the font on DX's, apologies to DX Sun,06.05.2007|19:02( ianmcorvidae) Hehe :) Sun,06.05.2007|19:02( ianmcorvidae) Ok. No more votes need to be made, I believe. Sun,06.05.2007|19:02( johnc4510) ianmcorvidae: who? Sun,06.05.2007|19:03( ianmcorvidae) None are left. Sun,06.05.2007|19:03( ianmcorvidae) We have a tie; both 8 and 9 recieved three votes. Sun,06.05.2007|19:03( azteech) we still have slick and rs3 Sun,06.05.2007|19:03( br24) slick voted for 9 Sun,06.05.2007|19:03( johnc4510) yes Sun,06.05.2007|19:03( ianmcorvidae) rs is not here. Sun,06.05.2007|19:03( azteech) but, as stated earlier, if they show Sun,06.05.2007|19:03( ianmcorvidae) Well, he's here but not around. Sun,06.05.2007|19:03( br24) what about Poly? Sun,06.05.2007|19:03( ianmcorvidae) He's not in here at the moment... Sun,06.05.2007|19:03( ianmcorvidae) Ok. We'll wait on it, in case either of them shows up. Sun,06.05.2007|19:03( br24) was wondering if he has said anything... Sun,06.05.2007|19:04( br24) I know hes not here Sun,06.05.2007|19:04( ianmcorvidae) If neither does, we'll vote between only those two at the end. Sun,06.05.2007|19:04( ianmcorvidae) He hasn't said anything to me. Sun,06.05.2007|19:04( johnc4510) sounds good Sun,06.05.2007|19:04( azteech) well, do we narrow down the field to just those vvoted on, now, and keep it open until they have chance to vote? Sun,06.05.2007|19:04( johnc4510) tuson local meeting? Sun,06.05.2007|19:04( johnc4510) ian Sun,06.05.2007|19:04( ianmcorvidae) We'll wait and see if they show, and we'll limit it at the end of the meeting if they have not voted. Sun,06.05.2007|19:04( ianmcorvidae) Ok. Sun,06.05.2007|19:04( azteech) k Sun,06.05.2007|19:05( johnc4510) k Sun,06.05.2007|19:05( ianmcorvidae) Obviously, this is for Tucson folks only; I was thinking since we have plenty of folks from here, we might be able to have a local (physical) meeting. Sun,06.05.2007|19:05( ianmcorvidae) i.e. not IRC :) Sun,06.05.2007|19:05( SloggerKhan) I am down. Sun,06.05.2007|19:05( br24) as am I Sun,06.05.2007|19:05( johnc4510) wait Sun,06.05.2007|19:06( johnc4510) we will still need to break tie Sun,06.05.2007|19:06( ToddB) I would be assuming that I haven't left to go back to Cali Sun,06.05.2007|19:06( ianmcorvidae) john: not if they vote for 9 or 8 :P Sun,06.05.2007|19:06( ianmcorvidae) I was thinking fairly soon, Todd. Sun,06.05.2007|19:07( SloggerKhan) Maybe they'll vote for 10 and we'll have a 3-way tie Sun,06.05.2007|19:07( ianmcorvidae) 10 or 6 :P Sun,06.05.2007|19:07( johnc4510) k i just want everyone to stick in case they don't vote Sun,06.05.2007|19:07( azteech) or 6, and still three way ... lol Sun,06.05.2007|19:07( johnc4510) tie breaker Sun,06.05.2007|19:07( ianmcorvidae) Yep. Sun,06.05.2007|19:07( ianmcorvidae) I messaged rs, we'll see if he shows. Sun,06.05.2007|19:07( ianmcorvidae) (via AIM, that is) Sun,06.05.2007|19:07( johnc4510) lets get on then Sun,06.05.2007|19:07( ianmcorvidae) Ok. Agenda for next week. Sun,06.05.2007|19:08( ianmcorvidae) Intros and Team reports. Sun,06.05.2007|19:08( azteech) and poly was in earlier, but not for meeting. anyone have him, to message him? Sun,06.05.2007|19:08( br24) um, what about the Tucson meeting? Sun,06.05.2007|19:08( ianmcorvidae) Then re-re-discussion of Recycling/Localization team. Sun,06.05.2007|19:08( ToddB) I have a proposal, actually. Sun,06.05.2007|19:08( johnc4510) usual intros announcements and team Sun,06.05.2007|19:08( ianmcorvidae) Go ahead, Todd. Sun,06.05.2007|19:08( SloggerKhan) I think we should put #s 13, 11, 10, 8, 7, 6, 4 on a wikki page where people could just use them if they want to. Sun,06.05.2007|19:08( johnc4510) go todd Sun,06.05.2007|19:09( ToddB) So, no offense to anyone, but right now these meetings are kind of unorganized. Side conversations make it difficult to follow what's actually going. Sun,06.05.2007|19:09( ianmcorvidae) Agreed. Sun,06.05.2007|19:09( br24) second that Sun,06.05.2007|19:09( johnc4510) SloggerKhan: they can use them off the forum page, the wiki will have only the official one voted on Sun,06.05.2007|19:09( johnc4510) agreed Sun,06.05.2007|19:10( SloggerKhan) I agree a little bit, but for chat, I think we do a decent job of staying focused. Sun,06.05.2007|19:10( SloggerKhan) Problem with the forums is that people who aren't forum members usually can't see images. Sun,06.05.2007|19:10( ToddB) My proposal would be to organize a better format for the meeting. I used to be a part of an organization that regularly held meetings in IRC. The format focused on one central moderator who was a channel op. He would set the channel to +m and then voice people who had something to say. Sun,06.05.2007|19:10( ianmcorvidae) that's a good idea if we can get a moderator who would be able to do that. Sun,06.05.2007|19:11( azteech) ToddB: this was discussed earlier in the week, amoung a few of us. moderating was possible solution. Sun,06.05.2007|19:11( ToddB) People would either change their nick or PM the moderator if they had something to say. Sun,06.05.2007|19:11( ToddB) Apologies, I've been relatively busy the past week. Sun,06.05.2007|19:11( ianmcorvidae) No worries :) Sun,06.05.2007|19:11( azteech) ToddB: none needed. Sun,06.05.2007|19:11( johnc4510) ToddB: good idea, i'm the channel op of this channel didn't know we could do that Sun,06.05.2007|19:12( ianmcorvidae) Ok. Sun,06.05.2007|19:12( johnc4510) ToddB: we'll have to get together to go over that Sun,06.05.2007|19:12( ianmcorvidae) Who would be in favor of a moderated channel? Sun,06.05.2007|19:12( ToddB) only during meetings, of course Sun,06.05.2007|19:12( ianmcorvidae) Personally, I'm pretty much OK with this system, but I'd be fine with one if others would like it. Sun,06.05.2007|19:12( ToddB) John, PM me after Sun,06.05.2007|19:12( johnc4510) ToddB: k Sun,06.05.2007|19:12( ToddB) the side conversations just really bug me Sun,06.05.2007|19:12( ianmcorvidae) Nonetheless, we do need approval on this. Sun,06.05.2007|19:12( ToddB) I lose track of what's actually going on Sun,06.05.2007|19:12( SloggerKhan) Yeah, pretty much with ian on this one. I don't think it's that bad. Sun,06.05.2007|19:12( ianmcorvidae) Who is in favor? Sun,06.05.2007|19:13( johnc4510) ianmcorvidae: do we want to break to tie now and tucson meeting after? Sun,06.05.2007|19:13( ianmcorvidae) We want to vote on Todd's proposal now. Sun,06.05.2007|19:13( ToddB) Ok, it may not be that bad now, but I guarantee you it will be unbearable if we grow larger. Sun,06.05.2007|19:13( ianmcorvidae) And then move on. Sun,06.05.2007|19:13( ianmcorvidae) Yes, I understand that. Sun,06.05.2007|19:13( SloggerKhan) He has a point. Sun,06.05.2007|19:13( johnc4510) I'm for it Sun,06.05.2007|19:14( ianmcorvidae) I abstain for now. Sun,06.05.2007|19:14( ToddB) I'm obviously for it. Sun,06.05.2007|19:14( azteech) ToddB: agreed, when we grow larger, it will become an issue. Sun,06.05.2007|19:14( ianmcorvidae) Yep. Sun,06.05.2007|19:14( johnc4510) ok, agreed then Sun,06.05.2007|19:14( ianmcorvidae) br? Sun,06.05.2007|19:14( johnc4510) br24: what's you thought Sun,06.05.2007|19:14( br24) so far I say yeah, but Im still pondering this thought Sun,06.05.2007|19:15( ianmcorvidae) Ok. Sun,06.05.2007|19:15( ianmcorvidae) Shall we do a test run next week and then recheck the vote? We still have a few that are unsure. Sun,06.05.2007|19:15( SloggerKhan) sounds like a good idea Sun,06.05.2007|19:15( ianmcorvidae) Plus, we have absentees. Sun,06.05.2007|19:15( ToddB) I think that would be the best idea. Sun,06.05.2007|19:15( azteech) second that thought Sun,06.05.2007|19:16( ianmcorvidae) Ok. Sun,06.05.2007|19:16( johnc4510) ok by me Sun,06.05.2007|19:16( br24) yea Sun,06.05.2007|19:16( johnc4510) put on agenda Sun,06.05.2007|19:16( ianmcorvidae) john, Todd or I can bring you up to speed on that process later. Sun,06.05.2007|19:16( ToddB) Ok, so PM me after this so we can discuss how this will work, John. Sun,06.05.2007|19:16( ianmcorvidae) Ok; logo tie-breaker, then. Sun,06.05.2007|19:16( johnc4510) k Sun,06.05.2007|19:16( johnc4510) yes Sun,06.05.2007|19:16( ianmcorvidae) rs and Poly seem to not be appearing. Sun,06.05.2007|19:16( ianmcorvidae) So, the vote is between 8 and 9. Sun,06.05.2007|19:16( johnc4510) azteech: vote Sun,06.05.2007|19:17( azteech) hold one, looking again. Sun,06.05.2007|19:17( azteech) I say 8, since it does have at least colors of the arizona sunsets, and arizona flag. Sun,06.05.2007|19:18( ianmcorvidae) Ok, 8 for az. Sun,06.05.2007|19:18( ianmcorvidae) br24. Sun,06.05.2007|19:18( br24) 8 Sun,06.05.2007|19:18( ianmcorvidae) chucks. Sun,06.05.2007|19:18( ianmcorvidae) chucks_: Are you around? Sun,06.05.2007|19:19( chucks_) yeah i'm still l here Sun,06.05.2007|19:19( ianmcorvidae) Vote between 8 and 9 on logos? Sun,06.05.2007|19:19( chucks_) 8 Sun,06.05.2007|19:19( ianmcorvidae) DrPppr242. Sun,06.05.2007|19:19( DrPppr242) 9 Sun,06.05.2007|19:19( ianmcorvidae) I vote 9. Sun,06.05.2007|19:19( ianmcorvidae) johnc4510. Sun,06.05.2007|19:19* johnc4510 votes 9 Sun,06.05.2007|19:20( ianmcorvidae) Slogger. Sun,06.05.2007|19:20( SloggerKhan) 9 Sun,06.05.2007|19:20( ianmcorvidae) ToddB. Sun,06.05.2007|19:20( ToddB) 9 Sun,06.05.2007|19:20( ianmcorvidae) SlickMcRunfast or rsthree: Are you here? Sun,06.05.2007|19:20( ianmcorvidae) (just double-checking) Sun,06.05.2007|19:20( SlickMcRunfast) i am Sun,06.05.2007|19:21( ianmcorvidae) Vote between 8 and 9 on logos? Sun,06.05.2007|19:21( SlickMcRunfast) 9 Sun,06.05.2007|19:21( ianmcorvidae) Ok. Sun,06.05.2007|19:21( azteech) what was dx's vote for, earlier? Sun,06.05.2007|19:21( ianmcorvidae) 8 Sun,06.05.2007|19:21( ianmcorvidae) but 9 has won pretty significantly at this point. Sun,06.05.2007|19:21( SloggerKhan) what, 6-5? Sun,06.05.2007|19:21( br24) 5-4 Sun,06.05.2007|19:21( ianmcorvidae) 6-4 by my count. Sun,06.05.2007|19:22( SloggerKhan) ok Sun,06.05.2007|19:22( johnc4510) ToddB: vote Sun,06.05.2007|19:22( ianmcorvidae) He did. Sun,06.05.2007|19:22( br24) 6-4 Sun,06.05.2007|19:22( ianmcorvidae) Ok. Sun,06.05.2007|19:22( johnc4510) ok was it 6 to 4 on 9? Sun,06.05.2007|19:22( ianmcorvidae) Well, that's convenient. Sun,06.05.2007|19:22( ianmcorvidae) Yep. Sun,06.05.2007|19:22( ToddB) Shweet. Sun,06.05.2007|19:22( ianmcorvidae) All the wiki pages already have it, so that was easy :) Sun,06.05.2007|19:22( johnc4510) ok we have an official logo Sun,06.05.2007|19:22( SloggerKhan) Well, guess we decided. I really like 4, 11, and 13, but I made them. Sun,06.05.2007|19:22( ianmcorvidae) Hehe. Sun,06.05.2007|19:22( ianmcorvidae) Motion: We keep the other logos as 'unofficial' Sun,06.05.2007|19:22( johnc4510) HEEHEE Sun,06.05.2007|19:23( johnc4510) agreed Sun,06.05.2007|19:23( SloggerKhan) Second that. Sun,06.05.2007|19:23( azteech) third it .. Sun,06.05.2007|19:23( ianmcorvidae) i.e. they can be used on anything that's not our 'official' stuff (nametags or the like) Sun,06.05.2007|19:23( ianmcorvidae) Ok. Sun,06.05.2007|19:23( ianmcorvidae) So, agenda for next week. Sun,06.05.2007|19:23( ianmcorvidae) Intros. Team Reports. Rehash of Localization. Sun,06.05.2007|19:23( SloggerKhan) I actually think long term we should look at establishing versions for specific use cases. Sun,06.05.2007|19:24( SloggerKhan) But not now. Sun,06.05.2007|19:24( ianmcorvidae) Moderated Channel revote after the meeting. Sun,06.05.2007|19:24( johnc4510) ianmcorvidae: usual intro announcements team reports and agenda Sun,06.05.2007|19:24( ToddB) With a test-run of the new format, correct? Sun,06.05.2007|19:24( ianmcorvidae) ToddB: correct. Sun,06.05.2007|19:24( br24) ianmcorvidae, dont forget about Tucson meeting Sun,06.05.2007|19:24( johnc4510) yes Sun,06.05.2007|19:24( ianmcorvidae) Slogger: A good idea :) Sun,06.05.2007|19:24( ianmcorvidae) Tucson meeting, yes. Sun,06.05.2007|19:24( ToddB) Guys, after next Saturday, I will no longer be in the Tucson area Sun,06.05.2007|19:24( ToddB) I'm going back to California for the summer Sun,06.05.2007|19:24( SlickMcRunfast) Hi Sun,06.05.2007|19:24( ianmcorvidae) Also, any Tucson people who would like to discuss that, unofficial meeting after we finish here :) Sun,06.05.2007|19:24( ianmcorvidae) I was hoping for sometime in the next week, so :) Sun,06.05.2007|19:25( ToddB) but I will still be as active as I can Sun,06.05.2007|19:25( johnc4510) ToddB: but you will attend from home right Sun,06.05.2007|19:25( SloggerKhan) Well, enjoy Cali. Sun,06.05.2007|19:25( ToddB) Correct, Sun,06.05.2007|19:25( SloggerKhan) Where you from SoCal, or NarCal? Sun,06.05.2007|19:25( azteech) k ian Sun,06.05.2007|19:25( ToddB) NorCal. Sun,06.05.2007|19:25( ianmcorvidae) Anything more for the agenda for next week? Sun,06.05.2007|19:25( ToddB) Bay Area. Sun,06.05.2007|19:25( SloggerKhan) I lived in norcal for high school Sun,06.05.2007|19:25( SloggerKhan) near auburn. Sun,06.05.2007|19:25( ToddB) oh, ok Sun,06.05.2007|19:25( ToddB) I'm out in the East Bay. Sun,06.05.2007|19:25( johnc4510) ianmcorvidae: we'll hash out the rest of the agenda later Sun,06.05.2007|19:25( azteech) maybe one more item, but john and I can discuss off line and add later. Sun,06.05.2007|19:25( ianmcorvidae) Ok. Sun,06.05.2007|19:25( SloggerKhan) k Sun,06.05.2007|19:26( ianmcorvidae) Agenda changes can always be made on the wiki; just alert john or myself to the change if you choose to make one. Sun,06.05.2007|19:26( SloggerKhan) Tucson people, I think thursday would be the best day for me next week, if we were to meet somewhere. Sun,06.05.2007|19:26( azteech) ianmcorvidae: understood Sun,06.05.2007|19:26( ToddB) I have a final on Friday, so Thursday is going to cut into my study schedule Sun,06.05.2007|19:27( ianmcorvidae) I'm in favor of weekends, but I could probably get away with any day so long as I have no school. Sun,06.05.2007|19:27( SloggerKhan) Friday might work for me. Sun,06.05.2007|19:27( br24) SloggerKhan, Thurs night? Sun,06.05.2007|19:27( ianmcorvidae) At the time of the meet, that is. Sun,06.05.2007|19:27( johnc4510) azteech has an idea for a sticky on forum az Sun,06.05.2007|19:27( SloggerKhan) Anytime thurs. Sun,06.05.2007|19:27( SloggerKhan) This weekend is OK, my Dad is visiting, tho. Sun,06.05.2007|19:27( ianmcorvidae) johnc4510: Do we want to cover that before we end the meeting? Sun,06.05.2007|19:27( SloggerKhan) Or next I mean. Sun,06.05.2007|19:28( SloggerKhan) the 12th/13th Sun,06.05.2007|19:28( azteech) Until Oct, Sunday is my only day off, during the week, and this weekend coming up is Mother's Day. Don't know who all will be available during the weekend. Sun,06.05.2007|19:28( johnc4510) well, it was something az wanted brought up Sun,06.05.2007|19:28( SloggerKhan) Yeah, 12/13 isn't great for me. Sun,06.05.2007|19:28( SloggerKhan) The friday might be OK. Sun,06.05.2007|19:28( br24) I would say Fri evening Sun,06.05.2007|19:28( ianmcorvidae) I guess not. I'll put it on agenda for next week. Sun,06.05.2007|19:28( johnc4510) up to everyone else, i'm flexable Sun,06.05.2007|19:29( ToddB) Friday is no go Sun,06.05.2007|19:29( azteech) was just saying it is on the team forum. john and I briefly discussed, and there may need to be some polish needed. figured might be good for next agenda Sun,06.05.2007|19:29( ToddB) I'm moving out Sun,06.05.2007|19:29( ianmcorvidae) Ok. It's on next week's agenda. Sun,06.05.2007|19:29( johnc4510) azteech: can you link that sticky you wanted brought up? Sun,06.05.2007|19:29( SloggerKhan) You in a dorm Todd? Sun,06.05.2007|19:29( ToddB) Yeah. Sun,06.05.2007|19:29( SloggerKhan) which? Sun,06.05.2007|19:29( ToddB) Arizona/Sonora Sun,06.05.2007|19:29( SloggerKhan) I'm in Yavapai Sun,06.05.2007|19:29( ToddB) no shit? Sun,06.05.2007|19:30( azteech) johnc4510: getting it now Sun,06.05.2007|19:30( johnc4510) k Sun,06.05.2007|19:30( SloggerKhan) Moving to Cienega sunday. I have a job on campus this summer, and leadership training. Sun,06.05.2007|19:30( ToddB) fun Sun,06.05.2007|19:30( azteech) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=435197 Sun,06.05.2007|19:30( ToddB) I'm moving into one of my brother's houses. Sun,06.05.2007|19:30( ToddB) for next semester Sun,06.05.2007|19:30( johnc4510) az has a new sticky for approval it updates all our info on the team Sun,06.05.2007|19:31( ianmcorvidae) johnc4510: We're covering that next week. Sun,06.05.2007|19:31( johnc4510) oh ok is that ok with you az Sun,06.05.2007|19:31( ianmcorvidae) 'Twas his suggestion :P Sun,06.05.2007|19:31( azteech) johnc4510: fine by me. gives everyone chance to look it over. Sun,06.05.2007|19:31( SloggerKhan) Sticky change seems fine. Sun,06.05.2007|19:31( ianmcorvidae) If we want to do it now, I'm in favor. Sun,06.05.2007|19:31( azteech) figured that way we could finish discussing it, and polish it, as you suggested. Sun,06.05.2007|19:32( ianmcorvidae) Ok. Next week, then. Sun,06.05.2007|19:32( ianmcorvidae) (already on the agenda, hehe) Sun,06.05.2007|19:32( johnc4510) ianmcorvidae: let us polish it some more Sun,06.05.2007|19:32( ianmcorvidae) Ok. Sun,06.05.2007|19:32( SloggerKhan) OK. Sun,06.05.2007|19:32( SloggerKhan) I'm gonna grab some food. Sun,06.05.2007|19:32( SloggerKhan) I'll be around. Sun,06.05.2007|19:32( ianmcorvidae) This meeting's over, too. Log will be up in a bit.
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