If you have additions to the Agenda, please post them here after confirming with Johnc4510 or IanMcewen


  1. Introductions
  2. Announcements
  3. Team Reports
    1. Newsletter Team

    2. Education Team

    3. Server Team

    4. Computers4Kids

  4. Team Approval Process
  5. Agenda for next week


21:01 *** johnc4510 ok, greetings and welcome to the Ubuntu Arizona Team Meeting
21:01 < johnc4510> :)
21:01 *** johnc4510 we'll start with the introductions genmud you around?
21:02 < johnc4510> to give us a short intro 
21:02 < johnc4510> ok, how about ngtmagicks    you can start us off please
21:03 < johnc4510> hmm
21:03 < johnc4510> ngtmagicks: you here?
21:03 < ianmcorvidae> Oh, hey, we're starting.
21:04 < jsonder> did tyche scare them off?
21:04 < johnc4510> :)
21:04 *** tyche sitting very quiet.
21:04 < johnc4510> ok, rrbiz you here?
21:04 < tyche> And taking notes.
21:04 < Polygon89> bad tyche
21:04 < rrbiz> i'm here
21:04 < Polygon89> *hits with newspaper*
21:04 < johnc4510> cool, proceed please
21:05 < rrbiz> k, name's Raul, was an IT for Adelphia back in L.A. for little over 7 years, and then L.A. to reside here in Tucson
21:05 < rrbiz> left* 
21:06 < tyche> kewl!
21:06 < Polygon89> nice
21:06 < johnc4510> kk, welcome to the team rrbiz 
21:06 < rrbiz> got acquainted with knoppix back in 03/04
21:07 < johnc4510> so you have linux experience then
21:07 < ngtmagicks> sorry, was grabbing a drink
21:07 < johnc4510> ngtmagicks: np hang on a sec
21:07 < johnc4510> rrbiz: anything else to share?
21:07 < rrbiz> on and off experience, i've taken linux classes, unfortunately forgot most of it, i didn't stick with linux
21:08 < rrbiz> unless there's any questions from u guys
21:08 < johnc4510> rrbiz: ok, well, ask any questions and we'll try to help if possible
21:08 < johnc4510> and welcome
21:08 < johnc4510> :)
21:08 < slofgren> welcome
21:08 < Polygon89> welcome
21:08 < jsonder> nah, welcome
21:09 < johnc4510> ok, ngtmagicks you're turn please
21:09 < tyche> Very welcome
21:09 < rrbiz> these lightnings are hitting pretty close, might have an outage and go offline
21:09 < johnc4510> kk
21:09 < rrbiz> thnx
21:09 < johnc4510> understood
21:09 < ngtmagicks> wells, Living in Mesa AZ now, been using ubuntu for a while no, since right before edgy came out.  Before that was on again and off again for like 5 years with slackware and debian.  
21:10 < johnc4510> debian and ubuntu very close
21:10 < johnc4510> :)
21:10 < ngtmagicks> been active for last relase on the forums, and posting about it on my livejournal. this release I've dropped it from my new laptop as the newer atheros card doesn't work yet.  but it's still on my desktop.
21:11 < johnc4510> ah, link to journal?
21:11 < ngtmagicks> ngtmagicks.livejournal.com comment and I can add you in as sometimes I do put stuff as friends only,  
21:12 < johnc4510> kk
21:12 < johnc4510> ngtmagicks: glad to have you around    welcome to the team
21:12 < jsonder> U in dcorner?
21:12 < tyche> Welcome, ngtmagicks
21:12 < Polygon89> ill check it out
21:13 < ngtmagicks> anything else and I'm happy to share.  Thanks, was up and in on it for a few meetings when we just started up, glad to be back.  dcorner?
21:13 < johnc4510> kk
21:13 < johnc4510> :)
21:13 < jsonder> your lj
21:13 < johnc4510> next then
21:13 < johnc4510> Announcements
21:14 < johnc4510> slofgren and I have been discussing the idea of putting together and linux conference to be held on a yearly basis. Google helped to sponsor one in Utah.
21:14 < johnc4510> Google now has an office in Tempe associated with ASU and there would be a chance of getting them to help sponser this. I believe we can also get Ubuntu, and maybe some of it's partners to also help with this idea.
21:14 < ngtmagicks> what type of participation would be wanted?
21:14 < johnc4510> It's a long term idea, that would not be implimented until next year sometime. We would try to get the lug's in the state to help work with our team to put this event on.
21:15 < johnc4510> ngtmagicks: hang on a sec please
21:15 < johnc4510> It would feature talks on linux and open source from speakers we would try to secure from the open source community in AZ. So, it would be an educational event to further promote linux and open source within our state. 
21:15 < johnc4510> ok, now
21:15 < johnc4510> for the present, no participation from the team
21:16 < johnc4510> but later there would be
21:16 < ngtmagicks> kool
21:16 < johnc4510> this is all in the very earliest of planning
21:16 < johnc4510> and will take a long time to pull off
21:16 < johnc4510> but
21:16 < ngtmagicks> Monster.com also has an office in Tempe
21:17 < johnc4510> it would help to bring the lugs in az closer to our team   
21:17 < johnc4510> helping both 
21:17 < johnc4510> ngtmagicks: ha ty
21:17 < johnc4510> :))  monster would be great
21:17 < slofgren> monster linux jam 2008
21:17 < johnc4510> cool
21:17 < jsonder> mashup?
21:17 < Polygon89> ooo
21:17 < slofgren> s/linu/truck ;)
21:17 < Polygon89> lol
21:18 < johnc4510> slofgren: you got anything you'd like to add?
21:18 < slofgren> not really
21:18 < ianmcorvidae> truckx?
21:18 < johnc4510> kk
21:18 < ianmcorvidae> :P
21:18 < slofgren> it still sounds great
21:18 < johnc4510> as i said this is just in the earliest of planning, but we'll kind all of you informed
21:18 < johnc4510> :)
21:18 < johnc4510> next
21:19 < johnc4510> I appologize, but i've had company this wk and am not fully prepared
21:19 < johnc4510> :/
21:19 < johnc4510> my fault
21:19 < ngtmagicks> I know there used to be a lug in Mesa, but haven't been able to find it.  Anyone know something about it?
21:19 < johnc4510> so
21:19 < johnc4510> ngtmagicks: i have some bookmarks of the lugs in the state
21:20 < johnc4510> i'll get with you this wk on that 
21:20 < johnc4510> please remind me 
21:20 < ngtmagicks> thanks!
21:20 < johnc4510> ok next
21:20 < johnc4510> newsletter team
21:20 < tyche> Here, sir
21:20 *** johnc4510 tyche has taken over the newsletter
21:21 < johnc4510> thank goodness
21:21 < johnc4510> :)
21:21 < tyche> With a lot of help from the boss
21:21 < johnc4510> tyche: you want to say anything?
21:21 < tyche> Nope.  I just sit quietly and take notes.  All those comments of youz guyz are now on record. LOL
21:22 < johnc4510> so, we should be back to every wed. with it coming out
21:22 < johnc4510> for the new members
21:22 < johnc4510> you need to be signed up for the team mailing list
21:22 < johnc4510> if you need the link    let me know after the meeting
21:22 < johnc4510> :)
21:22 <   jsonder> johnc4510: you want to put the LUG info in the newsletter?
21:23 < johnc4510> yea, i could do that
21:23 < johnc4510> :)
21:23 < johnc4510> ty jsonder 
21:23 < jsonder> then we all have it
21:23 < johnc4510> and
21:23 < johnc4510> if anyone knows of one i missed, let me know
21:23 < ianmcorvidae> I know of TFUG, PLUG, DeLUG, LUNA.
21:23 < ianmcorvidae> And I *think* ASULUG.
21:24 < ianmcorvidae> That's all from me on that :P
21:24 < johnc4510> luna in flag may be over with slofgren moving
21:24 < ianmcorvidae> Hmm. That's a shame.
21:24 < johnc4510> and is delvry one?
21:24 < johnc4510> or is that DeLUG
21:24 < ianmcorvidae> DeVry hosts DeLUG. DeLUG is DeVry Linux User Group :)
21:25 < johnc4510> ianmcorvidae: ty
21:25 < johnc4510> :_
21:25 < ianmcorvidae> So, yeah. That's one entry :)
21:25 < johnc4510> :)
21:25 < johnc4510> kk
21:25 < johnc4510> ok, next
21:25 < johnc4510> education team
21:25 < johnc4510> br isn't here
21:25 < johnc4510> but
21:25 < Polygon89> for me and screencasts, i got owned by kernel updates twice
21:25 < jsonder> We didn't meet.
21:25 < johnc4510> meeting last friday didn't come off
21:26 < Polygon89> and every time the kernel updates i have to recompile vbox... and its annoying and long process
21:26 < Polygon89> so... my bad lol
21:26 < johnc4510> he is going to reschedule it for this next wk sometime
21:26 < jsonder> k
21:26 < johnc4510> jsonder: i think he'll send an email out
21:26 < johnc4510> :)
21:26 < johnc4510> next
21:27 < johnc4510> SFD   Software Freedom DAy
21:27 < johnc4510> sloggerkhan is still trying to get U of A approval for a table to distrubute cd's. Once he gets that, we can do a cd give away at the campus
21:27 < johnc4510> so, we'll be late but can still do something
21:27 < johnc4510> as soon as he gets approval
21:27 < johnc4510> some red tape he's having to jump through
21:28 < johnc4510> to get it done
21:28 < johnc4510> next
21:28 < johnc4510> server
21:28 < johnc4510> i called dx and left a msg, but no reply as yet
21:28 < johnc4510> i don't know what to think about it
21:28 -!- ianmcorvidae [n=ianmcorv@unaffiliated/ianmcorvidae] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
21:28 < johnc4510> but since it's donated gear
21:28 -!- PieSpy [n=piespy@ip72-211-151-55.tc.ph.cox.net] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
21:29 < johnc4510> we can be to picky
21:29 < johnc4510> i think
21:29 < johnc4510> i will continue to try to get ahold of him
21:29 < johnc4510> and slofgren will probably help me on that front
21:29 -!- ianmcorvidae [n=ianmcorv@ip72-211-151-55.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-arizona
21:30 < johnc4510> ok, does anyone have anything they want to discuss?
21:30 < johnc4510> team wise
21:30 < johnc4510> nows the time
21:30 < slofgren> yes I will help with the server
21:31 < slofgren> I have nothing
21:31 < johnc4510> kk ty
21:31 < ngtmagicks> not yet
21:31 < johnc4510> ok, again, sorry i was not better prepared    i'll do better next wk
21:31 < johnc4510> :)
21:31 *** johnc4510 MEETING OVER and thanks

Parent pages: ArizonaTeam/Meetings ArizonaTeam


ArizonaTeam/Meetings/07September16 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:22:56 by localhost)