If you have additions to the Agenda, please post them here after confirming with JohnCrawford or CraigAEddy


  1. Introductions
  2. Announcements
  3. TBA
  4. TBA
  5. TBA
  6. Agenda for next week


21:01 < johnc4510-laptop> ok we ready then
21:01 < tyche> +1
21:01 < johnc4510-laptop> jsonder: welcome sir
21:01 < Siph0n> +1
21:01 < johnc4510-laptop> kennymc0: ping
21:01 < johnc4510-laptop> :)
21:01 < kennymc0> +1
21:01 < kennymc0> johnc4510-laptop: pong
21:01 < johnc4510-laptop> love giving him a hard time
21:02 < kennymc0> giving who a hard time?
21:02 < tyche> Yea, but it's so EASY
21:02 < scott_ev> +1
21:02 < kennymc0> i dont see you giving anyone a hard time right now
21:02 < kennymc0> :P
21:02 < johnc4510-laptop> ok, announcements then
21:02 < johnc4510-laptop> Mark Shuttleworth has announce the code name for Ubuntu 9.10 will be Karmic Koala.
21:02 < scott_ev> wooho
21:02 < johnc4510-laptop> Server: Ubuntu aims to keep free software at the forefront of cloud computing by embracing the API's of Amazon EC2, and making it easy for anybody to setup their own cloud using entirely open tools.
21:02 < johnc4510-laptop> .
21:02 < johnc4510-laptop> Desktop: The desktop will have a designer's fingerprints all over it - we're now beginning the serious push to a new look. Brown has served us well but the Koala is considering other options.
21:02 < kennymc0> cool
21:03 < tyche> 'Bout time
21:03 < johnc4510-laptop> now more brown maybe
21:03 < johnc4510-laptop> yeah
21:03 < johnc4510-laptop> that should make a lot of folks happy
21:03 < johnc4510-laptop> i personally like the brown _some_ of the time
21:03 < johnc4510-laptop> but i change frequently
21:03 < kennymc0> hopefully they dont go with too much black and make it look a lot like vista
21:03 < johnc4510-laptop> so np
21:03 < tyche> Me, I like a nicely roasted sienna
21:03 < kennymc0> that would be bad
21:04 < johnc4510-laptop> tyche: you're a hoot!
21:04 < kennymc0> with a capital H?
21:04 < kennymc0> lol
21:04 < johnc4510-laptop> Jaunty Alpha 5: Jaunty Alpha 5, is scheduled for next Thursday, February 26.
21:04 < Siph0n> why do people care so much about the colors? they can be changed easily :)
21:04 < tyche> I know.  I did
21:04 < johnc4510-laptop> we're getting closer to april and the release
21:04 < johnc4510-laptop> Siph0n: agreed
21:05 < johnc4510-laptop> people aren't happy unless they are complaining i think
21:05 < johnc4510-laptop> ok next
21:05 < johnc4510-laptop> this is a biggie!!!!!!!!!
21:05 < johnc4510-laptop> .
21:05 < scott_ev> yess
21:05 < johnc4510-laptop> Jaunty Alpha 5: Jaunty Alpha 5, is scheduled for next Thursday, February 26.
21:05 < kennymc0> didnt you just say that?
21:05 < johnc4510-laptop> dang erased it
21:05 < johnc4510-laptop> lol
21:06 < scott_ev> kennymc0:
21:06 < johnc4510-laptop> ok, kenny made ubuntu member on thursday
21:06 < scott_ev> kennymc0:
21:06 < johnc4510-laptop> that's the biggie
21:06 < kennymc0> :)
21:06 < tyche> w00t! kennymc0
21:06 < johnc4510-laptop> he did a great job at the interview
21:06 < scott_ev> kennymc0: woot!!!!
21:06 < scott_ev> meh
21:06 < scott_ev> he passed
21:06 < Siph0n> congrats again kennymc0  !
21:06 < johnc4510-laptop> and i know he appreciated the big team turnout as much as i did
21:06 < kennymc0> thx
21:06 < johnc4510-laptop> a lot of the team showed up to cheer him on
21:06 < tyche> Yea, it was great to see so many team members show up to support him
21:07 < johnc4510-laptop> and the board noticed
21:07 < johnc4510-laptop> :)
21:07 < scott_ev> great
21:07 < johnc4510-laptop> :)
21:07 < kennymc0> couldnt have done it without everyone's help
21:07 < kennymc0> thankyou
21:07 < johnc4510-laptop> Don't forget to take a look at the latest issue of the UWN: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue130
21:07 < kennymc0> :)
21:07 < johnc4510-laptop> great issue this wk.
21:07 < kennymc0> huge issue this week
21:07 < johnc4510-laptop> full of _everything_ ubuntu
21:07 < kennymc0> you were on a roll this week johnc4510-laptop
21:07 < johnc4510-laptop> :)
21:08 < kennymc0> and so was tyche
21:08 < johnc4510-laptop> ok, we're going to get into the new website shortly but scott_ev wanted a few to talk about bugs i think
21:08 < johnc4510-laptop> scott_ev: your up
21:08 < scott_ev> k
21:08 < scott_ev> thx
21:09 < johnc4510-laptop> :)
21:09 < scott_ev> after the meeting where kennymc0 got membership, vorian came into our channel
21:09 < scott_ev> he asked if anyone wantee to help ang get started toward membewrship
21:09 < scott_ev> he's a MOTU and works heavily with Kubuntu packaging
21:10 < johnc4510-laptop> and use to be our team mentor
21:10 < johnc4510-laptop> once upon a time
21:10 < scott_ev> they are just now really starting to branch Kubuntu bugs away from ubuntu
21:10 < scott_ev> and they need help
21:10 < scott_ev> there's great oportunity in KDE to show skill and a desire to help and get things in order to befome an ubuntu member
21:11 < scott_ev> if you want to know more in detail, get with me after the meeting
21:11 < scott_ev> that's all
21:11 < johnc4510-laptop> we've tried to stir up interest in bugs before with no luck...however i would still like to see us get started with the bugjam events
21:11 < kennymc0> that would be cool
21:11 < johnc4510-laptop> the biggest problem we have is
21:11 < scott_ev> there's more than bugs
21:11 < johnc4510-laptop> we have on one that really knows the ins and outs of bug work
21:11 < johnc4510-laptop> so
21:12 < johnc4510-laptop> i'm going to make a suggestion
21:12 < johnc4510-laptop> i think if scott_ev would get active in this area, then maybe he could point us in the right direction
21:12 < johnc4510-laptop> and
21:12 < johnc4510-laptop> maybe we could make a start
21:12 < johnc4510-laptop> ?????
21:12 < johnc4510-laptop> thoughts
21:12 < scott_ev> I'll start to post things in the forum
21:13 < johnc4510-laptop> ok, and
21:13 < tyche> There may be other people, in other teams, that could help "mentor" us, too
21:13 < scott_ev> maybe a column on the website
21:13 < johnc4510-laptop> once the website is up we should start using it for that too
21:13 < scott_ev> cool
21:13 < kennymc0> i could probably make a page for it on the website
21:13 < johnc4510-laptop> scott_ev: you'll be able to use the blog page for that i think
21:14 < scott_ev> we need a how=to section, maybe
21:14 < tyche> scott_ev: May I suggest you keep a journal of the sorts of things you learn, as you learn them.  then someone could interview you at a later time and write it up for a blog.
21:14 < johnc4510-laptop> if it works out we can talk about an event and a page dedicated to bugs
21:14 < scott_ev> johnc4510-laptop: yep
21:14 < scott_ev> cool
21:14 < johnc4510-laptop> k
21:14 < Siph0n> scott_ev, I would be interested in doing bug work too. Tho, I use Gnome. I gotta go now tho... I will talk to u about it tomorrow if u are around :)
21:14 < kennymc0> wiki or the team forum is probably the best place for a how-to
21:14 < scott_ev> Siph0n: cool
21:14 -!- Siph0n [n=Siph0n@ip68-99-198-225.ph.ph.cox.net] has quit ["Leaving"]
21:14 < scott_ev> team forum sticky
21:14 < johnc4510-laptop> scott_ev: so we seem to have an interest, but we need you to get us started and give us a direction
21:15 < scott_ev> ok, I'll do what I can
21:15 < scott_ev> it will be my focus
21:15 < johnc4510-laptop> ok, that will get you a great start toward membership too
21:15 < johnc4510-laptop> :)
21:15 < kennymc0> very good start
21:15 < johnc4510-laptop> ok great
21:15 < johnc4510-laptop> btw
21:16 < johnc4510-laptop> someone said to me that they thought our team had the most Ubuntu Members of any US team
21:16 < johnc4510-laptop> really nice
21:16 < johnc4510-laptop> !!
21:16 < scott_ev> excellent
21:16 < tyche> We ain't done yet!
21:16 -!- [R] [n=rbox@unaffiliated/rbox] has joined #ubuntu-us-az
21:16 < johnc4510-laptop> yep
21:16 < scott_ev> [R]: better late than never
21:16 < scott_ev> welcome
21:17 < [R]> lol
21:17 < johnc4510-laptop> ok, next, i think kennymc0 has an annoucement to make for xhans
21:17 < [R]> was watching amazing race
21:17 < johnc4510-laptop> kennymc0: your up please
21:17 < johnc4510-laptop> [R]: hey bud
21:17 < kennymc0> kk plug westside meeting this wednesday
21:17 < kennymc0> nad it looks like they have an installfest next saturday
21:17 < johnc4510-laptop> and
21:18 < kennymc0> installfest is at uat
21:18 < johnc4510-laptop> nice
21:18 < kennymc0> one of their monthly install fests
21:18 < johnc4510-laptop> do we have a time ?
21:18 < johnc4510-laptop> i assume it's saturday
21:18 < kennymc0> http://plug.phoenix.az.us/node/105
21:18 < scott_ev> at the westside meeting xHans will be taliking aobut the Califirnia Conference he just went to
21:18 < johnc4510-laptop> SCALE
21:18 < johnc4510-laptop> i think
21:19 < kennymc0> yep scale
21:19 < scott_ev> yeah
21:19 < johnc4510-laptop> big open source conference
21:19 < johnc4510-laptop> ok, is that it kenny?
21:19 < kennymc0> that's all i see on the plug website
21:19 < johnc4510-laptop> k
21:19 < johnc4510-laptop> next
21:19 < kennymc0> xhans really wanted to make sure we brought up the westside meeting
21:19 < johnc4510-laptop> i've been approached by someone on the Utah loco team
21:20 < johnc4510-laptop> about getting together here in AZ
21:20 < johnc4510-laptop> a meetup
21:20 < scott_ev> nice
21:20 < johnc4510-laptop> so to speak
21:20 < kennymc0> awesome
21:20 < johnc4510-laptop> they would come here
21:20 < scott_ev> can we wear our colors?
21:20 < johnc4510-laptop> i suggested phoenix
21:20 < johnc4510-laptop> sure
21:20 < johnc4510-laptop> lol
21:20 < johnc4510-laptop> don't know when
21:20 < kennymc0> phoenix would be closer for them and has the possiblility of getting the best turnout for our team
21:20 < kennymc0> and it's not in tucson :P
21:21 < johnc4510-laptop> yes, that's why i suggested it
21:21 < kennymc0> rofl
21:21 < scott_ev> excellent
21:21 < johnc4510-laptop> :)
21:21 < johnc4510-laptop> so, we'll see what happens with that
21:21 < kennymc0> yeah that could be really cool
21:21 < johnc4510-laptop> btw, he said he would try to get jono bacon and/or jorge to come too ^^
21:22 < kennymc0> awesome
21:22 < johnc4510-laptop> johnc waits for the w00t
21:22 < scott_ev> woot
21:22 < tyche> w00t!!!!!
21:22 < johnc4510-laptop> lol
21:22 < kennymc0> w00t!!!
21:22 < johnc4510-laptop> rofl
21:22 < tyche> Sorry, My fingers were stumbling, trying to type.
21:22  * kennymc0 gave johnc4510-laptop what he wanted for some reason
21:22 < kennymc0> lol
21:22 < johnc4510-laptop> so we might have some big Canonical folks show up :)
21:22 < kennymc0> tyche it's the old age catching up with you
21:22 < kennymc0> lol
21:22 < [R]> i've heard that name before
21:22 < [R]> jono bacon
21:22 < [R]> i laugh now... and i laughed then too
21:22 < johnc4510-laptop> lol
21:23 < scott_ev> big shot canonical guy
21:23 < scott_ev> right?
21:23 < johnc4510-laptop> yep, jono is the community mgr for ubuntu and works for canonical
21:23 < tyche> Yea,  Head of Community
21:23 < johnc4510-laptop> very high profile
21:23 < tyche> Right hand of sabdfl.  LOL
21:23 < johnc4510-laptop> this would be a casual event i think
21:24 < johnc4510-laptop> tyche: sort of yeah
21:24 < kennymc0> kinda like one of plug's stammtisch?
21:24 < johnc4510-laptop> so it would be a great little event and a feather in our cap i think
21:24 < tyche> sabdfl = Self Appointed Benevolent Dictator For Life
21:24 < johnc4510-laptop> kennymc0: yeah
21:24 < johnc4510-laptop> mark shuttleworth
21:24 < johnc4510-laptop> sadfl
21:24 < scott_ev> ROFLMAO
21:24 < johnc4510-laptop> yep
21:25 < johnc4510-laptop> ok, that's it for the announcements i think
21:25 < kennymc0> you think?
21:25 < kennymc0> i thought you knew these things
21:25 < johnc4510-laptop> i think lol
21:25 < kennymc0> lol
21:25 < [R]> johnc4510-laptop: would it be on the weekend?
21:25 < johnc4510-laptop> well, someone could have something else
21:25 < tyche> He thinks, therefore he is.
21:25 < johnc4510-laptop> [R]: yes
21:25 < johnc4510-laptop> weekend
21:26 < johnc4510-laptop> tyche: sometimes
21:26 < johnc4510-laptop> lol
21:26 < scott_ev> we're having a cook out at kennymc0 's house next weekend, right?
21:26 < johnc4510-laptop> ok, on to the website
21:26 < johnc4510-laptop>
21:27 < johnc4510-laptop> we've done some more to complete the site
21:27 < kennymc0> tee hee website
21:27 < johnc4510-laptop> i had hoped to have it and live by tonight but..
21:27 < johnc4510-laptop> slofgren got tied up
21:27 < scott_ev> is he feeling ok?
21:27 < johnc4510-laptop> we've rescheduled for monday
21:28 < johnc4510-laptop> scott_ev: yes, family stuff
21:28 < tyche> Yea, he wasn't feeling well, the last I heard
21:28 < johnc4510-laptop> sounded ok when kennymc0 and i talked to him earlier
21:28 < scott_ev> k
21:28 < johnc4510-laptop> just tied up with family
21:29 < johnc4510-laptop> ok, i'm looking to see about the blog in several areas
21:29 < johnc4510-laptop> 1. we need to get the feed agrigated to the team planet
21:29 < tyche> Kewl!  you got the team logo in the footer.
21:29 < johnc4510-laptop> and i think i've got that figured
21:29 < [R]> you know, i've heard about these girls that like geeky guys... i always thought it was a myth... but this girl i'm talking to seems to like it
21:29 < johnc4510-laptop> tyche: it's actually embedded at the bottom of ever page
21:30 < johnc4510-laptop> lol
21:30 < tyche> Yea.  It's in the page footer.
21:30 < kennymc0> yeah tyche pay attention
21:30 < kennymc0> lol
21:30 < tyche> I'm Scots.  I don't pay anything.
21:30 < johnc4510-laptop> tyche: nope
21:30 < johnc4510-laptop> it's at the bottom of every page now
21:30 < johnc4510-laptop> footer would look different
21:31 < johnc4510-laptop> it would be down in the drupal area at the bottom
21:31 < scott_ev> tyche: took to many headers as a young soft headed child
21:31 < johnc4510-laptop> but np
21:31 < johnc4510-laptop> 2. i'm looking at how to agrigate members existing blogs to the blog section
21:31 < johnc4510-laptop> tyche and i already have wordpress blogs
21:32 < johnc4510-laptop> and it would be easier to feed the team blog from those so we don't have to do both, or lose content
21:32 < tyche> Just don't tell slofgren that he has to install and maintain bzr.
21:32 < johnc4510-laptop> but migrating to the team blog only
21:32 < [R]> johnc4510-laptop: like planet-style?
21:32 < johnc4510-laptop> tyche: i don't think we will
21:32 < johnc4510-laptop> [R]: yes
21:33 < tyche> Good.  that thing is a nightmare
21:33 < johnc4510-laptop> agreed
21:33 < johnc4510-laptop> :)
21:33 < kennymc0> the agregator module should do what we want
21:33 < kennymc0> just have to figure out how toget it to cooperate and do what we want it to
21:33 < kennymc0> :)
21:33 < johnc4510-laptop> kennymc0: ok, if you are free in the morning, let's take a look at that
21:33 < [R]> i wish i had a linux blog... but i don't know what i would write about
21:34 < johnc4510-laptop> [R]: you can use the team blog to get you started if you want and then see how it goes
21:34 < johnc4510-laptop> maybe branch out later
21:34 < johnc4510-laptop> or
21:35 < johnc4510-laptop> sometime in the future, we may put wordpress on the server and migrate our blogs to it
21:35 < [R]> oh i could set up my own not a problem... i just don't know what i would write about aside i could maybe post lots from ##linux and berate all the stupid folks
21:35 < [R]> lol
21:35 < johnc4510-laptop> ah
21:35 < johnc4510-laptop> k
21:35 < [R]> i'm a wordpress wizz if you need help on that
21:35 < johnc4510-laptop> [R]: great
21:36 < johnc4510-laptop> now, once the site is live, we'll activate everyone who has registered for an account
21:36 < johnc4510-laptop> anyone who is on the team in Launchpad can get an account
21:36 < johnc4510-laptop> next
21:37 < johnc4510-laptop> i don't know if we had the google calendar on the site as of the last meeting
21:37 < johnc4510-laptop> but we do now
21:37 < johnc4510-laptop> and you can add it to your personal google page easily
21:37 < kennymc0> that was something i did either tuesday night or wednesday
21:37 < johnc4510-laptop> at the bottom right of the calendar is a "+google calendar" button
21:38 < johnc4510-laptop> click on that on it will add our calendar feed to your google personal page
21:38 < johnc4510-laptop> ok kennymc0 tyche what have i missed
21:38 < johnc4510-laptop> ?
21:39 < tyche> Nothing I can think of.  Except, maybe the poll
21:39 < kennymc0> you havent broken the site since that one time and we are very proud of you :)
21:39 < johnc4510-laptop> lol
21:39 < johnc4510-laptop> thx
21:39 < johnc4510-laptop> ok, the polls are set up so anyone can vote on them
21:39 < kennymc0> yep
21:39 < johnc4510-laptop> registered user or not
21:40 < johnc4510-laptop> we want input from anyone visiting the site
21:40 < johnc4510-laptop> also
21:40 < tyche> Currently, 60% are in favor of the site, 40% said their current level of inebriation was not adequate for an accurate response.
21:40 < johnc4510-laptop> anyone visiting can leave comments on the blog articles or pages or whatever
21:40 < johnc4510-laptop> they just can't post anything
21:40 < johnc4510-laptop> lol
21:41 < tyche> I'm not sure whether that meant they weren't drunk enough, or weren't sober enough.
21:41 < kennymc0> only registered users can post without an admin approving the comment
21:41 < kennymc0> exactly tyche
21:41 < johnc4510-laptop> ok, we also installed a module for stats on the site
21:41 < kennymc0> it's perfectly vauge
21:41 < johnc4510-laptop> lol
21:41 < kennymc0> and purpously vauge as well
21:42 < johnc4510-laptop> only site admins can see the stats, but we'll keep everyone inform
21:42 < johnc4510-laptop> also posting to the front page is somewhat restricted for now
21:42 < kennymc0> only admins can post on the front page
21:42 < johnc4510-laptop> meaning not everyone can post info to it
21:43 < kennymc0> but we can also promote something to the front page
21:43 < johnc4510-laptop> we did this to regulated what is on the front page
21:43 < johnc4510-laptop> yes
21:43 < scott_ev> the front page should be pretty locked down
21:43 < johnc4510-laptop> if you have something you think is front page worthy, you can ask one of us
21:43 < kennymc0> so if you get permision from our benevolent leader we can get your story on the front page
21:43 < tyche> We need a way to let PLUG, and etc., put information on the calendar
21:44 < johnc4510-laptop> and we can promote it if necessary
21:44 < scott_ev> brb
21:44 < johnc4510-laptop> tyche: yes, but i'm thinking that when we start letting the lug use the server we'll create another calendar
21:44 < johnc4510-laptop> maybe
21:45 < johnc4510-laptop> not sure yet
21:45 < tyche> Ah.  OK
21:45 < tyche> At least you have something in mind.
21:45 < johnc4510-laptop> it's something we need to discuss
21:45 < johnc4510-laptop> right
21:45 < johnc4510-laptop> :)
21:45 < johnc4510-laptop> we've had a pretty good idea so far of what we wanted and i think it's going to work
21:45 < johnc4510-laptop> we just want to go slow and do things right
21:45 < tyche> It certainly looks good.  And professional
21:46 < johnc4510-laptop> thx
21:46 < kennymc0> thanks tyche
21:46 < johnc4510-laptop> ok, any questions on the site
21:46 < johnc4510-laptop> permissions
21:46 < kennymc0> i really do appreciate it when my work is appreciated :)
21:46 < kennymc0> lol
21:46 < johnc4510-laptop> if you want an account go ahead and register
21:47 < johnc4510-laptop> we just won't approve it until the site goes live
21:47 < johnc4510-laptop> hopefully first of the week
21:47 < johnc4510-laptop> then we'll go in a mass approve everyone
21:48 < johnc4510-laptop> ok if that's it we'll adjourn??
21:48 < johnc4510-laptop> thx for a great meeting!!
21:48 < rsthree> w00t

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ArizonaTeam/Meetings/09February22 (last edited 2009-02-23 05:00:07 by ip98-165-20-5)