If you have additions to the Agenda, please post them here after confirming with JohnCrawford or CraigAEddy


  1. Introductions
  2. Announcements
  3. TBA
  4. TBA
  5. TBA
  6. Agenda for next week


21:01 < johnc4510-laptop> ok, shall we get started??
21:01 < johnc4510-laptop> first off, sorry to have not been around
21:02 < mauricio1> +1
21:02 < johnc4510-laptop> i think tyche told everyone that i had surgery
21:02  * xHans hands johnc4510 a "Get and Stay Well" balloon :)
21:02 < johnc4510-laptop> and i just now back in the swing
21:02 < johnc4510-laptop> thx xHans
21:02 < johnc4510-laptop> tyche says we've had a lot of new folks in channel lately
21:02 < johnc4510-laptop> :)
21:03 < johnc4510-laptop> who's here that hasn't introduced themselves at a meeting??
21:04 < johnc4510-laptop> todd have you been here for a meeting and introduced yourself??
21:04 < tyche> ***crickets***
21:04 < todd> yes but hello to all again!
21:04 < johnc4510-laptop> ah ok
21:04 < johnc4510-laptop> well if there aren't any newbies to intro we'll move on
21:05 < johnc4510-laptop> tyche: is kennymc0 working nights??
21:05 < johnc4510-laptop> :(
21:05 < tyche> Yep.
21:05 < tyche> He works until 10:30 pm
21:05 < johnc4510-laptop> k
21:06 < johnc4510-laptop> tyche tells me freenode no longer accepts Mibbit
21:06 < tyche> Freenode has experienced some abuse due to mibbit
21:06 < soldats> it doesnt its only webchat.freenode.net
21:06 < scott_ev> =1
21:06 < johnc4510-laptop> k
21:06 < soldats> well its the accepted methods
21:06 < johnc4510-laptop> soldats: hey
21:06 < johnc4510-laptop> scott_ev: evening
21:06 < soldats> hi its ben a while
21:07 < soldats> been
21:07 < scott_ev> true
21:07 < tyche> So, mibbit has been cut off, and as soldats has said, has it's own web portal
21:07 < scott_ev> good to see ya
21:07 < johnc4510-laptop> yeah, i've been hurting so to speak
21:07 < johnc4510-laptop> scott_ev: thx
21:07 < johnc4510-laptop> :)
21:07 < soldats> i dont have internet now again the neighbor is paying it and not connecting it so i am not paying anymore
21:07 < johnc4510-laptop> ah
21:07 < johnc4510-laptop> k
21:07 < soldats> im at a frinds house
21:08 < johnc4510-laptop> ok, we should probably discuss installfest for tucson
21:08 < johnc4510-laptop> first off, we need ideas for location
21:08 < johnc4510-laptop> please
21:08 < soldats> oscr would be my first guess as its the u of a computer resource center
21:08 < soldats> it may be worth it to ask them
21:09 < johnc4510-laptop> wonder if that's where we had the last one
21:09 < johnc4510-laptop> is that the computer lab??
21:09 < soldats> its right at the end of the u of a mall
21:09 < soldats> well its one of them
21:09 < johnc4510-laptop> ok, the one we had was off speedway in a building
21:10 < soldats> as you drive down university twards u of a its on the left
21:10 < johnc4510-laptop> k
21:10 < johnc4510-laptop> do you have any idea how to get it for the event?
21:10 < soldats> that or maybe somewhere at pima if you still have contacts
21:10 < johnc4510-laptop> who to talk to?
21:10 < johnc4510-laptop> i do somewhat at pima
21:11 < soldats> well the oscr has a site that has a board and mods and admins so id say try to ask there
21:11 < johnc4510-laptop> the other idea i had was trying bookman's on east speedway again??
21:11 < soldats> bookmans is a shot as they have a lot of "free" thinkers there but imo a computer place would be best
21:11 < johnc4510-laptop> soldats: so would i check thru the u of a website or do they have a dedicated site?
21:12 < johnc4510-laptop> soldats: k
21:12 < soldats> i thik its oscr.com   or .net
21:12 < johnc4510-laptop> k thx
21:12 < johnc4510-laptop> let me look
21:12 < scott_ev> someone cantact lenards and ask him for help
21:12 < johnc4510-laptop> ah :)
21:13 < soldats> oscr.arizona.edu is the site and it has a board i used to go to to help people so its worth a try
21:13 < johnc4510-laptop> looking
21:14 < johnc4510-laptop> ok, got it...and i'll contact lenard's too
21:14 < johnc4510-laptop> thx
21:14 < johnc4510-laptop> i would rather try one of the colleges again if we can
21:15 < scott_ev> yeah, I'm pretty sure Lenards would have some ideas
21:15 < johnc4510-laptop> ok, now date...we need at least a month of lead time i think??
21:15 < johnc4510-laptop> k
21:15 < scott_ev> minimum
21:15 < johnc4510-laptop> so the 25th of july or the 1st of aug. ??
21:15 < scott_ev> cool
21:16 < johnc4510-laptop> sorry 27th of july
21:16 < scott_ev> what day of the week is that?
21:16 < johnc4510-laptop> sat
21:16 < scott_ev> excellent
21:16 < johnc4510-laptop> 1st of july might be bad
21:16 < scott_ev> yup
21:16 < johnc4510-laptop> too close to th 4th maybe
21:16 < scott_ev> I could make a sat, but not a sunday
21:16 < johnc4510-laptop> k
21:16 < johnc4510-laptop> opps that's aug 1st
21:17 < johnc4510-laptop> not july 1st
21:17 < scott_ev> perfect
21:17 < scott_ev> gives time for proper promotion
21:17 < johnc4510-laptop> shall we try the 1st of aug. then ??
21:17 < scott_ev> I'm good with it
21:17 < johnc4510-laptop> k
21:18 < johnc4510-laptop> soldats: could you make that?
21:18 < scott_ev> wow, it seems like no one is here
21:18 < johnc4510-laptop> who else is here that's tucson??
21:19 < johnc4510-laptop> yeah
21:19 < johnc4510-laptop> well, i figure they weren't sure about me being around
21:19 < johnc4510-laptop> maybe
21:19 < johnc4510-laptop> and of course tyche seems to scare folks off LOL
21:19 < johnc4510-laptop> jk
21:19 < scott_ev> dunno, the whold channel has gotten quiet
21:19 < todd> Tucson fell off map?
21:19  * slofgren peers around late
21:19 < johnc4510-laptop> todd: are you tucson
21:20 < johnc4510-laptop> slofgren: hey
21:20 < scott_ev> I've been outta contact alot lately - no connection att he cabin
21:20 < todd> tempe
21:20 < slofgren> hey
21:20 < johnc4510-laptop> kk
21:20 < scott_ev> hey shane
21:20 < slofgren> howdy scott_ev
21:20 < johnc4510-laptop> slofgren: server not accepting my password :(
21:20 < slofgren> lol
21:20 < johnc4510-laptop> could you see about that please
21:20 < johnc4510-laptop> :)
21:20 < johnc4510-laptop> it's always something
21:20 < slofgren> will do
21:20 < johnc4510-laptop> thx
21:21 < johnc4510-laptop> well of course everyone is invited to attend the tucson installfest
21:21 < johnc4510-laptop> hint hint
21:21 < johnc4510-laptop> lol
21:21 < johnc4510-laptop> maybe get a car pool up from phoenix
21:21 < johnc4510-laptop> :)
21:21 < tyche> Why, johnc4510-laptop!  Are you trying to hint something?
21:22 < johnc4510-laptop> who,,,,ME??
21:22 < johnc4510-laptop> lol
21:22 < scott_ev> we definitely need a bigger turnout that last time..I mean 4 of us was fun and productive, but it kinda failed out goals
21:22 < johnc4510-laptop> nods
21:22 < tyche> It's just a good thing that I'm too far away from you for you to hit.
21:22 < johnc4510-laptop> right
21:22 < johnc4510-laptop> :)
21:23 < johnc4510-laptop> i'll send xHans over to throw a caber at you!!
21:23 < johnc4510-laptop> i think caber is the correct term
21:23 < scott_ev> caber or caper?
21:23 < tyche> He's German.  He wouldn't know how to toss a caber.
21:23 < johnc4510-laptop> caber is a telephone pole scotsmen toss
21:23 < johnc4510-laptop> i think
21:24 < tyche> I, on the other hand, learned how to make post holes using the whole post.  Hee hee
21:24 < tyche> Yep
21:24 < tyche> You're right.
21:24 < slofgren> o.O
21:24 < johnc4510-laptop> lol
21:24 < tyche> Right along with curling
21:24 < johnc4510-laptop> >.<
21:24 < tyche> Then there's the sheep toss.
21:24 < scott_ev> nah, along witht he Midget Toss
21:24 < johnc4510-laptop> lol
21:24 < tyche> And the hammer throw
21:25 < slofgren> hammer time
21:25 < johnc4510-laptop> ok, seems we have a start on the tucson event
21:25 < xHans> I've got re-inforced belly, so should be able to toss the caber just fine :)
21:25 < johnc4510-laptop> a couple of locations to check out and a date
21:25 < johnc4510-laptop> lol
21:26 < soldats> johnc4510-laptop: sorry i had to discuss fixing a friends computer but yea any day should be fine with me
21:26 < tyche> Well, I'll admit that xHans wears the kilts, which is a requirement.
21:26 < soldats> if i hav to ill schedule a day off
21:26 < johnc4510-laptop> soldats: great
21:26 < johnc4510-laptop> :)
21:26  * slofgren tickles soldats
21:26 < soldats> ill try to pop in as much as i can since i dont have internet but ill try bto keep updated
21:26 < soldats> ?me giggles
21:26 < johnc4510-laptop> btw, the plug installfest at UAT should be this weekend i think
21:26 < soldats> er yea
21:27 < johnc4510-laptop> xHans: is that right?
21:27 < soldats> this coming weekend
21:27 < johnc4510-laptop> it's usually the last sat of the month i think
21:27 < soldats> right i work saturady otherwise id go to hang out
21:28 < johnc4510-laptop> UAT is on baseline off the interstate to the west
21:28 < johnc4510-laptop> xHans: any announcements for you?
21:28  * soldats tickles slofgren while smoking a cigarette
21:28 < xHans> johnc4510: a couple
21:28 < johnc4510-laptop> k, your floor then
21:28 < johnc4510-laptop> :)
21:29 < xHans> PLUG west side this Thursday at 19:00
21:29 < xHans> "Unetbootin and Asus EEE Install howto" will be one topic
21:29 < xHans> it will be at a different location this week and the next two months
21:29 < xHans> but, we haven't yet decided where
21:29 < xHans> http://PLUG.phoenix.az.us/node/354
21:30 < xHans> keep an eye on that URL for breaking news ;-)
21:30 < xHans> depending on space, I will likely also do a presentation
21:30 < slofgren> *** LUGY NEWS ***
21:30 < slofgren> Saturday June 27 10AM - 12PM presentation meeting at The Prescott Public Library for lugy.net
21:30 < xHans> as johnc4510 already mentioned,  there's an Installfest Saturday
21:30 < xHans> http://PLUG.phoenix.az.us/node/122
21:31 < slofgren> ;)
21:31 < xHans> that's co-sponsored by the LoCo, so y'all should show up :)
21:31 < slofgren> sry xHans thought you were done
21:31 < johnc4510-laptop> brb
21:31 < xHans> slofgren: no biggie
21:31 < xHans> announcements can interlace :)
21:31 < xHans> planning for ABLEconf 2009 kicked off this week
21:32 -!- [R] [n=rbox@unaffiliated/rbox] has joined #ubuntu-us-az
21:32 < slofgren> yeehaw
21:32 < xHans> http://www.ABLEconf.com/participate
21:33 < xHans> we will be having weekly IRC meetings the hour before the LoCo meetings
21:33 < xHans> we also have a discuss mailing list for the main planning communication
21:33 < johnc4510-laptop> back
21:33 < xHans> ok, that's it for me
21:33 < johnc4510-laptop> thx xHans
21:33 < scott_ev> yeah, I've been spending more than half of my time up at the cabin lately and don't have any connection up there yet.  I'll be kindo absentee for the summer unless the cell tower that's being built up there has 3g.  I hope to get re-involved again soon.  I've been missing helping with the UWN
21:33  * xHans wonders if slofgren has more...
21:34 < johnc4510-laptop> i'll be there for the next planning meeting in irc for ablecon
21:34 < slofgren> xHans: nopers
21:34 < xHans> scott_ev: take the kernel source code with you and study ;-)
21:34 < johnc4510-laptop> scott_ev: cool
21:34 < scott_ev> good idea
21:34 < xHans> johnc4510: cool
21:34 < johnc4510-laptop> i'm caught up on the work i missed now and just have to keep up to date and catch up on Ubuntu stuff now
21:35 < scott_ev> but I go up there and do upkeep on the cabin; it needs my attention
21:35 < johnc4510-laptop> like i have a 1000 emails waiting to go thru
21:35 < johnc4510-laptop> :(
21:35 < xHans> johnc4510: we absentee assigned you to slave-driver and tyche and kennymc0 as first level minions :)
21:35 < slofgren> xHans: come up to prescott this saturday and show us how it is done
21:35 < johnc4510-laptop> lol, cool xHans
21:35 < xHans> slofgren: hmm, that might work
21:35 < slofgren> would be cool
21:35 < slofgren> lugy.net
21:36 < johnc4510-laptop> ok, does anyone have anything else to discuss??
21:36 < [R]> i'm helping spread the word
21:36 < johnc4510-laptop> if not i'll get in touch with lenard's this wk.
21:36 < [R]> and i think this guy i work with might be wanting to get involved in ubuntu and such
21:36 < slofgren> [R]: cool
21:36 < johnc4510-laptop> and look over the oscr site soldats give us
21:36 < [R]> baby steps with him... first gotta get him to the installfest this weekend
21:36 < slofgren> everyone come to Prescott this saturday
21:36 < johnc4510-laptop> [R]: cool
21:37 < johnc4510-laptop> slofgren: what's going on sat?
21:37 < slofgren> Saturday June 27 10AM - 12PM presentation meeting at The Prescott Public Library for lugy.net
21:37 < xHans> slofgren: would you add a link to ABLEconf to the lugy.net site?
21:37 < johnc4510-laptop> ah cool
21:37 < [R]> is tyche or someone with ubuntu cds gonna be at the installfest this weekend?
21:37 < slofgren> xHans: sure
21:37 < [R]> is tyche or someone with ubuntu cds gonna be at the installfest this weekend?
21:37 < slofgren> xHans: sure
21:37 < johnc4510-laptop> [R]: i still have the new cds here in tucson
21:37 < xHans> danke
21:37 < johnc4510-laptop> :(
21:37 < slofgren> xHans: what should it say
21:38 < slofgren> what is a one liner link?
21:38 < johnc4510-laptop> i need to mail some up to phoenix
21:38 < [R]> gues i'll burn one and be sure to bring it
21:38 < slofgren> for ablecon
21:38 < xHans> I was just thinking a link on the side along with the LoCo, PLUG, etc.
21:38 < johnc4510-laptop> i'll try to get some in the mail this wk
21:38 < [R]> johnc4510-laptop: i just came back from tucson too... haha
21:38 < johnc4510-laptop> ah
21:38 < johnc4510-laptop> bummer
21:38 < xHans> but, you could post something about ABLEconf's planning has started
21:39 < xHans> you could include a teaser about trying to bring ABLEconf to Prescott and encouragement for people to get involved :)
21:39 < johnc4510-laptop> ok, if that's it thanks for coming...meeting adjourned

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ArizonaTeam/Meetings/09June21 (last edited 2009-06-22 06:32:17 by ip98-165-3-120)