If you have additions to the Agenda, please post them here after confirming with JohnCrawford or CraigAEddy


  1. Introductions
  2. Announcements
  3. TBA
  4. TBA
  5. TBA
  6. Agenda for next week


This will be posted after the meeting.

[Sunday 07 February 2010] [20:59:43] <scott_ev> Good evening everyone, thanks for being here and welcome to the weekly meeting of the Arizona Ubuntu LoCo Team. Please let us know you're here with a +1.
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [20:59:51] <Thugal>   +1
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [20:59:54] Join       ghopper has joined this channel (~chatzilla@ip68-108-207-112.ph.ph.cox.net).
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [20:59:54] <toddc>    +1
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [20:59:55] <tyche>    +31to17
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [20:59:57] <Flakeparadigm>    +1
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [20:59:59] Join       randlieb has joined this channel (~randlieb@
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:00:13] <scott_ev> Is there anyone here for the first time that hasn't had a chance to introduce themselves?  Please introduce yourself and tell us a little about you.
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:00:50] <scott_ev> Feel free, at any time during the meeting, to ask questions, make productive comments or observations: we want your input.
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:01:22] <scott_ev> xHans: isn't here yet, but he welcomed a future Linux Guru intot he world this week
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:01:33] <scott_ev> I don't know if he has a boy or girl yet
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:01:51] <xHans>    scott_ev: boychild
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:01:53] <scott_ev> Mark Shuttleworth: Meta-cycles: 2-3 year major cycles for free software
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:01:53] <scott_ev> http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/288
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:02:00] <scott_ev> suhweet
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:02:02]     * xHans will be paying attention in a few min
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:02:12] <scott_ev> some new ideas about installfest...
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:02:22] <scott_ev> It has been noted that not many people have been making it to out installfests looking for help.  This is, perhaps, because there's no real advertising.  So a few of us got together and discussed options.
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:02:35] <scott_ev> What we came up with is adding another installfest at the Tempe Escalante Community Center on a trial (3 months) basis.
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:02:49] <scott_ev> This way The City of Tempe offers us 3 ways to get the word out:  via their newsletter that goes to every resident of Tempe, by adding us to the bulletin board on channel 11, and by adding us to the website for the city.
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:03:01] <scott_ev> We can get more advertising by putting fliers up at other city locations like schools, libraries, community centers, and other city facilities.
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:03:08] <toddc>    posting flyers also
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:03:26] <scott_ev> ayup
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:03:30] <scott_ev> We went ahead and made arrangements because we were trying to get into the newsletter.  The manager of the Escalante Center thought we could get into it this quarter but he was wrong.  It's not a huge commitment so we went for it without team approval.
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:03:46] <scott_ev> Please also not that this is a co-operative effort between PLUG and the AZ Loco and every effort is being made to keep it that way.  We want everyone to be informed and have an opportunity to add their input.
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:03:58] <randlieb> Hi...just moved to the Verde Valley area from Fayetteville, AR. Was about to start up an Ubuntu installation class at the local Community Access tv statio there when I moved. I would like to try to start something like that here in the Cottonwood-Sedona area..
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:04:18] <scott_ev> outstanding, welcome
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:04:39] <scott_ev> we don't have any members in that area as far as I know
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:04:52] <randlieb> I have been using Ubuntu on my home computer since 2005
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:04:53] <scott_ev> though i do spend alot of time about 60 miles from there
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:04:58] <scott_ev> nice
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:05:06] <tyche>    Welcome, randlieb.  And you might want to talk with xHans (when he gets trhough playing with his new baby boy).  He has a lot of contacts and information/experience.
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:05:15] <tyche>    xHans is head of PLUG
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:05:26] <randlieb> Thanks I will do that
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:05:33] <scott_ev> So the schedule for installfests will be as follows for the next few months:  Feb 27th - UAT, Mar 20 - Escalante, Mar 27 - UAT, April 10 Escalante, April 24 - UAT, April 24 - Licid Release Party - Boulders, May 8 - Escalante, May 22 - UAT
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:05:47] <scott_ev> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1399585
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:05:48] <scott_ev> http://www.azloco.com/node/128
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:06:06] <scott_ev> SCaLe Ride Sharing
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:06:06] <scott_ev> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1400877
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:06:21] <randlieb> I saw your new installfest ideas on your wiki and think that's a great idea.
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:06:30] <scott_ev>  untu 10.4 Lucid Lynx Alpha 2 Released
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:06:30] <scott_ev> http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/lucid/alpha-2/ (Ubuntu)
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:06:30] <scott_ev> http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/releases/lucid/alpha-2/ (Ubuntu Server for UEC and EC2)
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:06:33] <scott_ev> http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/releases/lucid/alpha-2/ (Ubuntu ARM)
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:06:36] <scott_ev> http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/lucid/alpha-2/ (Kubuntu)
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:06:38] <scott_ev> http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/lucid/alpha-2/ (Xubuntu)
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:06:41] <scott_ev> http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/releases/lucid/alpha-2/ (Edubuntu)
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:06:43] <scott_ev> http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/mythbuntu/releases/lucid/alpha-2/ (Mythbuntu)
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:06:46] <scott_ev> thanks
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:06:55] <scott_ev> Alpha 2 includes a number of software updates that are ready for wider testing. Please refer to http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/lucid/alpha2 for information on changes in Ubuntu.
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:07:10] <scott_ev> On Saturday I went to Tucson to meet Matthew Helmke who is one of the Authors of Ubuntu Unleashed 2010.  He signed a copy and donated it to us.  So, I have a question - what should we do with it?  I kind of thought raffling it off at the release party and we could buy power cords and power strips for the team or something like that.  Any comments or suggestions?
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:07:48] <randlieb> giveaways are always nice
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:07:53] <scott_ev> true
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:08:06] <scott_ev> more the ubuntu spirit in that, huh?
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:08:41] <scott_ev> Ubuntu Unleashed 2010 Edition Review
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:08:41] <scott_ev> http://www.thelinuxblog.com/ubuntu-unleased-2010-edition-revie/
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:08:52] <scott_ev> Also, he's involved in a complete re-write of The Official Ubuntu Book and will be giving us one of those as well.  I't several months away, but nice to look forward to.
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:09:05] <randlieb> definitely...I don't remember how I actually ended up on the Ubuntu web site but when I saw the philosophy behind it I was hooked immediately
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:09:07] <scott_ev> There will be a 10.04 Lucid Lynx release party at Boulders on Broadway in Tempe (http://www.bouldersonbroadway.net/) on the 24th of April. Boulders on Broadway has a room upstairs that we will have all to ourselves.
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:09:24] <scott_ev> We'll have wifi access too.  It's going to be a good chance to eat some good grub, have a few drinks or brewski's and meet some of the other UbuGeeks that you have only met online. You're not going to want to miss this.
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:09:37] <scott_ev> Someone can pick out new features in 10.04 and present them or concentrate on one for example.  Anything to do with Ubuntu will be OK.  Things like how to navigate Launchpad and report bugs...
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:09:50] <scott_ev> ctually, if you have a favorite piece of software that you use you can present that even if it's not in Ubuntu's repos.  Please be thinking about this.  It will only make the Release Party more of a success.
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:10:04] <scott_ev> Here is a link to the Lucid Lynx planning page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/LucidLynx  Feel free to add to the ideas section or fill in anything that might be missing.
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:10:12] <randlieb> Will you have cd's to give out?
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:10:21] <scott_ev> not of 10.04
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:10:26] <scott_ev> they come later
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:10:26] <tyche>    Oh, yea!  He has CDs
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:10:41] <scott_ev> we ahve plenty of 9.**
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:10:41] <tyche>    Unfortunately, they're 9.10 CDs
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:10:53] <scott_ev> We will be heading there from the monthly installfest at UAT. http://tinyurl.com/yemru26 If you've never been to an installfest at UAT, you may want to consider checking it out.  Our LoCo co-sponsors it with PLUG but we are poorly represented.
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:11:07] <scott_ev> There's a proposed flyer posted at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1388113 please give us your feedback in the form of a vote with coments if needed.
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:11:20] <scott_ev> It's a chance to help another linux user or, better yet, possibly install Linux an a computer that currently is running that other OS.
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:11:23] <scott_ev> http://azloco.com/node/120
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:11:33] <scott_ev> I've started the making plans for our next instalfest in Tucson at the University.  Andrew Lenards made the necessary introductions to get the ball rolling and start communication between us ans the CS dept.
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:11:34] Join       Dazed_75_ has joined this channel (~ad10a6cf@gateway/web/freenode/x-jmysfkfwrscjanxk).
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:11:48] <scott_ev> So, it's time to start thinking about how we want to organize this event.  I'll need feedback from those of you that attended last time.  And I'm open to input.
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:11:58] <scott_ev> We'll need to do alot of planning so we can put on a good show for all attendees.  Remember that the University called it a Windows Removal Event.  That's because the CS dept has migrated to Ubuntu Linux!
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:12:07] <scott_ev> Id imagine they are wondering where we've been since they wanted us to schedule regular installfests.  This would be a great opportunity to promote Ubuntu Linux to students and the general public in Tucson.
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:12:18] <scott_ev> We'll need fliers, etc. etc. We'll need volunteers for a variety of duties so please please spread the word in channel and via email that we are calling for help.
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:12:31] <scott_ev> If no one else steps up and offers to be the main contact point and organizer I'll do it.  I would prefer to have someone anyone living in Tucson volunteer to be the person to make face to face contact with our contacts on campus?  It's over 4 hours round trip for me if I need to drive down there.
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:13:02] <scott_ev> This weekend hutchnate brought up the point that we need to set some guidelines about hardware requirements for different types of installs at an installfest.  There are regular installs, dual boot installs, Virtual Machine installs, and Wubi installs.  Apparently there was some issue with low powered machines and VM installs.  We really should avoid trying to run into this at the next installfest
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:13:19] <scott_ev> I'm proud to announce an Ubucon at SCaLE8X on Friday, February 19th, 2010. An Ubucon is an organized event for Ubuntu users that's halfway between an unconference and a convention. The main focus is for Ubuntu users to get together and meet others, share ideas, and improve their skills.
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:13:32] <scott_ev> You might consider going to SCaLE8X since we live within driving distance.  hutchnate and I have already registered and reserved a room for friday and saturday night
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:13:43] <scott_ev> but we're leaving thursday
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:13:55] <scott_ev> Oh, if you don't know what SCaLE is, it's the Southern California Linux Exposition.  And Ubucon is part of it.  The Expo is heald at the Westin LAX. map: http://tinyurl.com/yacqsst
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:14:06] <scott_ev> Keynote speakers: http://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale8x/speakers
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:14:06] <scott_ev> http://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale8x/
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:14:15] <randlieb> Don't know how much hands on help I can do right now...looking for a job here and no car (never have owned one). I'd like to do what I can..
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:14:38] <scott_ev> ok, great
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:14:52] <scott_ev> there's always things a vo;lunteer can do
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:15:22] <scott_ev> talk with us after the meeting and hang in channel here and in PLUGAZ
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:15:33] <scott_ev> you'll come across opportunities
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:15:41] <scott_ev> xHans do you have any idea how many PLUG members are planning on going?
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:15:41] <scott_ev> Are any of you planning on attending?
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:15:41] <scott_ev> I need a volunteer to moderate the meeting on that Sunday night as I won't be home in time to prepair for or attend the meeting.
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:16:01] <toddc>    I
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:16:16] <scott_ev> I may be able to script the meeting for you
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:16:20] <toddc>    k
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:16:23] <scott_ev> somewhat, during the week
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:16:51] <scott_ev> you'll have to use your best iseas how to fill in
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:16:56] <scott_ev> ideas*
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:16:56] <toddc>    ok
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:17:03] <scott_ev> great,l thanks for volunteerintg
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:17:23] <scott_ev> Ubuntu Us Teams Website
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:17:24] <scott_ev> http://ubuntu-us.org/
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:17:24] <scott_ev> Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:17:24] <scott_ev> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Current
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:17:24] <scott_ev> Or subscribe: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-news
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:17:32] <randlieb> Mainly would like to get Ubuntu going in this area if I can.
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:17:51] <xHans>    scott_ev: I know of at least a half-dozen, last year we had at least 10, but maybe 20
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:18:00] <scott_ev> you can start a LOCO
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:18:05] <scott_ev> xHans: excellent
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:18:24] <scott_ev> did I send you an email with a link to the ride sharing post?
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:18:42] <randlieb> A separate one for Verde Valley?
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:18:59] <tyche>    It would be a sub-team
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:19:08] <scott_ev> randlieb: well, yeah, or just join us and recruite members locally
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:19:23] <toddc>    or a install event could be done also
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:19:48] <scott_ev> true, we need to get past a few events here first
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:20:08] <toddc>    next week?
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:20:10] <scott_ev> but we could start thinking about bringont one up there in 4-6 months
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:20:20] <scott_ev> bringing
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:20:31] <scott_ev> That's all I have for now.  Does anyone have any announcements, questions, or comments?  If not, I'm going to turn the meeting over to our frend xHans from PLUG.  Hans, do you have any announcements for us?
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:21:49] <toddc>    remind everyone that with two installevents we will need a lot of help for severl months
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:21:54] <scott_ev> xHans:
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:22:22] <scott_ev> todd, I hope that's understood and I'll elaborate more next week
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:22:41] <scott_ev> also, please follow the links and see what we have planned
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:23:13] <xHans>    randlieb: we have a couple people and events in Prescott, not quite next door for you, but not too terrible far
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:23:21] <xHans>    dunno about transport if you don't have a car
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:23:46] <randlieb> I am planning on contacting some local groups around here to help sponsor come classes...library, senior center, schools etc.
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:24:01] <xHans>    randlieb: awesome
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:24:26] <Thugal>   does ubuntu still have it's desktop class material?
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:24:30] <xHans>    randlieb: let us know if you need help
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:24:45] <Dazed_75_>        Yes, but it is somewhat dated now
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:24:45] <xHans>    ok, announcements
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:24:46] <scott_ev> randlieb: get with me after the meeting so we can exchange info and I'll send you9 some CDs
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:24:53] <xHans>    PLUG security hackfest Tuesday
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:24:58] <xHans>    http://PLUG.phoenix.az.us/node/2135
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:25:05] <xHans>    PLUG east side Thursday
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:25:10] <xHans>    http://PLUG.phoenix.az.us/node/164
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:25:17] <xHans>    "Can a devote Emacs user find happiness using a GUI editor? Dennis Kibbe,
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:25:17] <xHans>    Mesa Community College Linux Instructor, will give a presentation on three
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:25:17] <xHans>    useful extensions to the GNOME gedit text editor. See how you can make
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:25:17] <xHans>    this simple editor more versatile and fun to use."
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:25:27] <xHans>    "Saving Money by Using Linux to Deploy Windows"
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:25:33] <xHans>    Brian will be previewing his ScaLE OSSIE talk
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:25:35] <randlieb> scott...will do...already have a bunch of 9.04 cd's
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:25:40] <xHans>    http://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale8x/presentations/saving-money-using-linux-deploy-windows
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:25:47] <xHans>    Both Valley Stammtische are next week
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:25:53] <xHans>    http://www.LuftHans.com/Free_Software_Stammtisch
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:26:32] <xHans>    randlieb: there's a meeting in Prescott on Tuesday, it's the Prescott Free Software Stammtisch
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:26:36] <xHans>    http://www.lugy.net/
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:26:37] <Thugal>   A Stammtische is an agendaless get-together at a local restaurant where we all sit together at a table, eat nachos, and talk shop.  If you're wondering
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:27:08] <randlieb> Thugal...what desktop class material?
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:27:38] <randlieb> Don't think I can make that meeting...
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:27:41] <xHans>    randlieb: there was a book ( also available in PDF ) for us in classes
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:27:55] <xHans>    I used it for a while for PLUG presentations
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:28:24] <Dazed_75_>        I still have copies of the desktop training.  Think it was for 7.10 as I recall
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:28:31] <randlieb> I'll go look for it. I have a course outline prepared myself but I'll take all the input I can get.
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:28:37] Join       Siph0n has joined this channel (~Siph0n@ip98-177-157-174.ph.ph.cox.net).
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:28:58] <scott_ev> anything elso xHans ?
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:28:58] <Thugal>   ahh gutsy.  that's when I switched completely from gentoo.
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:29:13] <xHans>    randlieb: Ubuntu is doing classes, so maybe materials are available from the edu arm
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:29:22] <scott_ev> yeah
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:29:22] <xHans>    scott_ev: that's it for this week
[Sunday 07 February 2010] [21:29:29] <scott_ev> Ok, thank you very much xHans, that was informative as always.  If there's nothing further we are adjourned.

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