10January 9

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Revision 2 as of 2011-05-29 08:14:29
Size: 9667
Editor: ip98-177-246-154
Revision 3 as of 2011-08-18 08:12:01
Size: 9564
Editor: tcole3737
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== Agenda ==
 1. Introductions
 1. Announcements
 1. TBA
 1. TBA
 1. TBA
 1. Agenda for next week
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Jan 09 23:41:57 toddc YEA! I got my server working correct dare I update it or tweak it}}} Jan 09 23:41:57 toddc YEA! I got my server working correct dare I update it or tweak it


Jan 09 18:51:34 xHans two weeks left for ABLEconf Call for Presentations
Jan 09 18:51:35 xHans http://www.ABLEconf.com/2011/Phoenix/CfP
Jan 09 18:54:50 toddc 5
Jan 09 18:57:16 xHans toddc: I have to take off for a bit
Jan 09 18:57:22 xHans ABLEconf mtg at 21:00
Jan 09 18:57:34 xHans PLUG east side meeting this Thursday
Jan 09 18:57:36 toddc np I can cut what you posted
Jan 09 18:58:25 xHans danke
Jan 09 18:58:44 xHans please make sure to remind everyone about the CfP
Jan 09 18:59:54 toddc got it
Jan 09 19:00:06 toddc Welcome to AZLOCO IRC Meeting Please sign in with a +1
Jan 09 19:00:43 toddc Our Team leader is johnc 4510 but he is unavailable for a while so I am filling in on nights when I am available.
Jan 09 19:01:04 toddc If any one else would like to help and fill in or take over or??? please step up we are behind on the web page,lanchpad and should be doing more events/ party's
Jan 09 19:01:22 toddc I wanted to send out my best thoughts and prayers to all those affected in Tucson
Jan 09 19:01:46 toddc any new news to bring up?
Jan 09 19:01:46 * xHans == toddc 
Jan 09 19:02:05 toddc looks like it is just us
Jan 09 19:02:28 xHans :(
Jan 09 19:02:38 toddc xHans you and I tonight again
Jan 09 19:03:01 toddc our launch pad site
Jan 09 19:03:02 toddc https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-arizona
Jan 09 19:03:04 toddc our web site is azloco.com
Jan 09 19:03:05 toddc anyone here new tonight please introduce yourself  and tell us a little about yourself?
Jan 09 19:03:07 toddc We lost attendance since moving to 7pm any thoughts about going back to 9pm?
Jan 09 19:03:09 toddc here is new news from ubuntu news
Jan 09 19:03:10 toddc LibreOffice to replace OpenOffice in 11.04
Jan 09 19:03:12 toddc http://www.muktware.com/n/03/2011/623
Jan 09 19:03:14 toddc Ubuntu powered Tablet
Jan 09 19:03:16 toddc http://www.pcworld.com/businesscenter/article/215464/details_emerge_on_ubuntupowered_tablet.html
Jan 09 19:03:18 toddc  Why Is Canonical Selling An Ubuntu Branded Keyboard With A Windows Key?
Jan 09 19:03:19 toddc http://digitizor.com/2011/01/04/why-is-canonical-selling-an-ubuntu-branded-keyboard-with-a-windows-key/
Jan 09 19:03:21 toddc convert movies for android on ubuntu
Jan 09 19:03:23 toddc http://www.muktware.com/a/35/379/07/2011/643
Jan 09 19:03:24 toddc Angry Birds to come to ubuntu software center soon
Jan 09 19:03:26 toddc  
Jan 09 19:03:28 toddc If you need to mess with users try this
Jan 09 19:03:30 toddc http://www.ex-parrot.com/pete/upside-down-ternet.html
Jan 09 19:03:32 toddc are there any interests in doing any other group projects--instalfests or server projects?
Jan 09 19:03:33 toddc plugaz has a IRC meeting tonight at 8pm on #plugaz on irc.freenode.net 1st and 3rd Sundays
Jan 09 19:03:35 toddc #########there is also a hackfest lab on 1st and 3rd Wednesday at GangPlank in chandler 1800to2100
Jan 09 19:03:36 xHans cool news about LibreOffice
Jan 09 19:03:37 toddc January 29 should be the next Installfest and we still plan to build a GPXE server there so show up if you are interested. We currently plan to build 2 GPXE servers for install fests to speed up installs and
Jan 09 19:03:39 toddc hope then to have more time to train new users. The last several installfests have been very busy so if you have time or want to meet any of us or have problems feel free to show up.
Jan 09 19:03:41 toddc Installfests are last Saturday of the month at UAT 48st and baseline in Tempe right off the I10 and across from Fry's electronics from 10am to 4pm
Jan 09 19:03:43 toddc Anyone have any other news or things to bring up?
Jan 09 19:03:44 toddc ABLEconf at 21:00 tonight on #ABLEconf
Jan 09 19:03:46 toddc two weeks left for ABLEconf Call for Presentations
Jan 09 19:03:48 toddc http://www.ableconf.com/2011/Phoenix/CfP
Jan 09 19:03:49 toddc xHans if you are here do you have any news for us?
Jan 09 19:03:51 toddc Thanks xHans
Jan 09 19:03:53 toddc if there is nothing else?
Jan 09 19:03:54 toddc Thank you for coming here this evening and have a great week!
Jan 09 19:03:56 toddc done in 4 min
Jan 09 19:04:33 toddc see you at ABLEconf later
Jan 09 19:04:37 xHans danke
Jan 09 19:06:04 xHans oh, I forgot, new community college semester starts in the next couple of weeks
Jan 09 19:06:18 xHans Dennis, Phil and I have classes at Mesa Community College
Jan 09 19:06:43 xHans Randy has lots of classes over at Estrella Mountain Community College
Jan 09 19:07:04 xHans there are also classes at Paradise Valley CC and Gilbert CC, probably others
Jan 09 19:07:32 xHans UAT is also starting the new semester soon and has a Free Software development degree
Jan 09 19:07:44 toddc ok I may wait till the next one due to work ATM but I will post it next week again
Jan 09 19:07:52 xHans danke
Jan 09 19:08:03 xHans ok, I think it's now time for me to actually leave
Jan 09 19:08:31 toddc thanks for coming over!
Jan 09 19:35:12 * SlickMcRunFast (~mark@host-86-116.aztegmo.clients.pavlovmedia.com) has joined #Ubuntu-US-AZ
Jan 09 20:58:48 xHans ABLEconf mtg in 1 min
Jan 09 22:20:27 * Siph0n (~Siph0n@ip98-177-157-174.ph.ph.cox.net) has joined #Ubuntu-US-AZ
Jan 09 22:20:33 Siph0n hey all
Jan 09 22:20:34 Siph0n did i miss anything ?
Jan 09 22:22:21 toddc meeting but I can send it to you
Jan 09 22:22:59 Siph0n cool, please, LachelnKind@gmail.com
Jan 09 22:23:16 Siph0n my last day of work at my 2nd job is next Sat (the 15th), so I should be more available real soon :)
Jan 09 22:23:22 toddc need votes to move it to 9 we lost a lot of people since moving it to 7 so thinking 9 again
Jan 09 22:24:25 Siph0n oh cool k
Jan 09 22:24:56 toddc sent
Jan 09 22:29:12 Siph0n k thx ! got it
Jan 09 22:30:05 Siph0n I think we should have a meeting in person.... where we all work together to update the loco or whatever else needs updating..... what do you think ?
Jan 09 22:30:31 toddc I am all for it when where?
Jan 09 22:30:36 Siph0n my biggest problem is that I just put it off. If I dont have a scheduled time for something, I just wont do it
Jan 09 22:30:54 Siph0n well I guess it depends on who would go.... and pick a central location for them
Jan 09 22:31:13 Siph0n I am free most (all I think) in february....
Jan 09 22:31:34 Siph0n maybe like every other month, have one of these meetings.
Jan 09 22:31:39 toddc how about I bring it up at the next meeting?
Jan 09 22:31:50 Siph0n yea def.... thanks
Jan 09 22:32:14 toddc will do
Jan 09 22:34:35 toddc sat I am doing another installfest way out east then next weekend there is a server installfest at uat i might miss but I will be real busy at the regular installfest on the 29 we will do normal installs ect plus building the gpxe server to use
Jan 09 22:36:04 Siph0n awesome ok ! Is this info on the loco ? I gotta head out in a minute to sleep
Jan 09 22:37:03 toddc no just the meeting I have not had time to figure out how to do the web page yet, I may not even have full access
Jan 09 22:38:20 Siph0n oh ok. well gotta go ... be back tomorrow !
Jan 09 22:38:25 toddc night
Jan 09 22:38:51 * Siph0n has quit (Quit: Leaving)
Jan 09 22:57:08 * SlickMcRunFast has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
Jan 09 23:10:26 bj0 underground installfest
Jan 09 23:11:02 toddc  ???????????? underground
Jan 09 23:12:15 bj0 i've never been to an installfest...
Jan 09 23:14:21 toddc they are a lot of fun and I learn a lot we help if we can and watch and learn what we do not learn and talk a lot --crud?
Jan 09 23:15:29 bj0 i was going to go to the last one but i was busy
Jan 09 23:17:17 bj0 what are the ones you going to for?
Jan 09 23:17:24 toddc for a while we had more helpers that new users but lately there has been a lot people coming in that heard about inux
Jan 09 23:18:05 bj0 i'm fairly linux literate... i would just come to see what it's like, maybe help if i could
Jan 09 23:18:15 bj0 i do have one install problem i can't find an answer for online...
Jan 09 23:18:24 bj0 but i don't have that laptop with me at the moment
Jan 09 23:18:59 toddc UAT is the main one and I usually install 2 systems and it is a lot easier in a big room to yell has anyone done this before when you get stumped
Jan 09 23:21:14 toddc it works real well we all are better in areas so we all work together and it goes fast and still have a lot of fun. we get to see some weird computers and toys
Jan 09 23:22:55 toddc one guy showed using a centos server with vm using ubuntu  carried it in set it up and wow did the fans make noise
Jan 09 23:23:35 bj0 what if you don't have a computer...
Jan 09 23:23:48 bj0 i mean don't bring one
Jan 09 23:23:49 bj0 heh
Jan 09 23:23:59 toddc we have several extra and share a lot
Jan 09 23:24:55 toddc some of the extras are used for demos and some people just show up cause they heard and then return the next time
Jan 09 23:25:39 toddc some are regular show-ups different problems
Jan 09 23:28:10 toddc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVyLuosZ1rY mini fridge beer cannon I want one
Jan 09 23:36:45 bj0 wheres the android app
Jan 09 23:38:52 toddc we need to write one  ( looks for the contact at ASUlugs) they could do it as a class project
Jan 09 23:41:57 toddc YEA! I got my server working correct    dare I update it or tweak it

Parent pages: ArizonaTeam/Meetings ArizonaTeam


ArizonaTeam/Meetings/10January 9 (last edited 2011-08-18 08:12:01 by tcole3737)