August 05, 2012 Meeting
Sunday 02 Msrch 2025 |
<toddc> Welcome to AZLOCO IRC Meeting Please sign in with a +1 <spinrage> +1 <toddc> +2 <dennisk> +1 <Dazed_75> +1 <_ericcc1> +1 <toddc> do I count each pc I have on at the minute? <toddc> +6 <toddc> Team web site <toddc> Team wiki site <toddc> Team membership <toddc> Feel free to make comments and add input to our meeting at anytime. <toddc> some of us are in if you want to see us or talk to us <toddc> Anybody here that is new tonight? <_ericcc1> do i count as new? <Dazed_75> of course >__ grins <toddc> yes would you like to say a few words about your self <Dazed_75> err <-- grins <_ericcc1> Well if i knew that I wouldn't have said anything... <toddc> every one meet _ericcc1 and most of us meet him Sat at the installfest <spinrage> Welcome to the meeting _ericcc1. <toddc> "The nice thing about Windows is - It does not just crash, it displays a dialog" <_ericcc1> Hello everyone! I will just say that I am happy to come to a community that is very helpful and knowledgeable group. <Dazed_75> Welcome! <toddc> UBUNTU NEWS <toddc> over to Dazed_75 for the news <Dazed_75> How to Always Open Tabs from Your Last Browsing Session in Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, and IE <Dazed_75> <Dazed_75> Why You Should Always Use Nginx With Microcaching <Dazed_75> <Dazed_75> Linux Gaming as Affected by Windows 8 per Valve and Blizzard Folks <Dazed_75> <Dazed_75> <Dazed_75> <Dazed_75> <Dazed_75> How to Easily Add (and Remove) Users to Groups in Ubuntu 12.04 [Quick Tips] <Dazed_75> <Dazed_75> Open the Terminal at a Specific Size and Position in Ubuntu or Linux Nint <Dazed_75> <Dazed_75> What is the Target Audience for Ubuntu Linux <Dazed_75> <Dazed_75> Valve's "Left for Dead 2" is faster on Native Linux with openGL than on Win7 DirectX <Dazed_75> <toddc> _ericcc1: just look over the list and check out the ones you want to see or read later <Dazed_75> Linux us NOT a "second string" Operating System <Dazed_75> <Dazed_75> Ubuntu for Android Demoed on Video at FISL <Dazed_75> <dennisk> FYI: in konqeror your can save multiple browsing sessions <Dazed_75> InSync Brings Google Drive to Ubuntu <Dazed_75> <Dazed_75> How to Install Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS <Dazed_75> <Dazed_75> Raspberry Pi Case is Cheap, Sturdy, and Ships Quickly <Dazed_75> <Dazed_75> Test and Improve Your Search Skills Using Power Searching with Google's Online Course Work <Dazed_75> <Dazed_75> <Dazed_75> Download the "Achieve Personal Unity -12.04 Unity Customization Guide" <Dazed_75> <Dazed_75> <Dazed_75> How to Remove, or Disable, Zeitgeist in Ubuntu and Why <Dazed_75> <Dazed_75> Nvidia Fixes Linux GPU Driver Security Hole <Dazed_75> <Dazed_75> Five Latest Unity Lenses for Ubuntu <Dazed_75> <Dazed_75> Humble Bundle Games Remain Top Ubuntu Downloads <Dazed_75> <Dazed_75> Virtualbox 4.2 Beta 1 feature Improvements <Dazed_75> <Dazed_75> and thats it for me tonight. It's been a busy week <toddc> Thank you Dazed_75 for the news tonight! <toddc> I have a couple more to add! <toddc> Ubuntu CA is recycling/mainlining computers for schools see <toddc> <toddc> Ubuntu's Unity Desktop Comes To Fedora 17 <toddc> <toddc> TEAM NEWS <toddc> PLEASE NOTE The September 2 Meeting has been canceled due to the Labor Day week- end Enjoy!! <toddc> JOB LIST <toddc> Several openings at Limelight Networks in Tempe see <toddc> <toddc> Senior Network Engineer at our Teams Data center they have several openings to fill <toddc> <toddc> System Administrator <toddc> <toddc> NOC Services Technician (T1) <toddc> <toddc> Linux Administration Support <toddc> <toddc> Michela John ConsultNet <toddc> 60 Rio Salado Parkway Suite 900 <toddc> Tempe, Arizona <toddc> 480.366.5806- Office 602.576.4841- Cell <toddc> UBUNTU HOUR <toddc> Thursday August 23 is the next Ubuntu Hour at Extream Bean in Tempe southern and McClintock <toddc> <toddc> TEMPE INSTALLFEST <toddc> PLEASE NOTE We have moved the September 1 installfest to August 25 so that we may have labor day weekend off <toddc> We will also be streaming all events on but until we get organized <toddc> I will start as soon as possible after events start but due to setup time I hope to find others to run it as we get bigger. This will let other's participate and be more active state/world wide but will take time to develop and and get the word out. <toddc> If you have time or want to meet any of us or have problems feel free to show up. <toddc> TEMPE SERVER INSTALLFESTS <toddc> Tagose planning and development meeting on August 11 10am-4 pm 2625 W Baseline Rd 85283 Room 208 across the street from Fry's Electronics <toddc> The next Server Emphasis Installfest will be Saturday August 18 at UAT 10AM to 4M 2625 W Baseline Rd 85283 Room 208 across the street from Fry's Electronics <toddc> we will do desktops/laptops as time permits <toddc> For more info see <toddc> calender at <toddc> TEAM SERVER NEWS <toddc> Walter Finished the new drupal web site but we need input. It currently in drupal Zen theme <toddc> please check it out and and give us thoughts on how it looks and or changes that we need <toddc> Also the test server is ready to to go so if you want to test you skills or program please let us know <toddc> see for more info <toddc> PLUG EVENTS <toddc> xHans are you around? <toddc> Plug East side meeting Thursday August 9 7-10 PM at MCC 1833 W. Southern Ave., Mesa, AZ 85202 Kirk Student Center <toddc> Tagcose Server Development <toddc> Anyone interested in learning or assisting with the Tagcose Server Project. <toddc> University of Advancing Technology: 2625 W Baseline,Tempe, AZ 85283 <toddc> we will be working on the new proxmox server this Saturday <toddc> Linux Security Hackfest has a new home August 11 11am-2pm <toddc> <toddc> Free Software Stammtisch Tuesday August 21 at Iguana Macks 7:00PM 1371 N Alma School Rd Chandler AZ 85224 <toddc> <toddc> that is all I have any questions or comments or other news or ideas? <toddc> no news on how the Tucson Ubuntu hour is going <toddc> if there is nothing else? <toddc> Thanks for coming tonight. I will be here a while if anyone needs help or has a question * Mikeofma1y ( has joined #Ubuntu-US-AZ <toddc> check out the new website at <_ericcc1> Has anyone taken over the newsletter/ is there still a news letter? <_ericcc1> also, with the test website, is there supposed to be a background or is it just a white fill?
Parent pages: ArizonaTeam/Meetings ArizonaTeam
ArizonaTeam/Meetings/August 05, 2012 Meeting (last edited 2012-08-06 04:25:25 by 173-24-50-28)