August 26, 2012 Meeting
Sunday 02 Msrch 2025 |
[21:00] toddc Welcome to AZLOCO IRC Meeting Please sign in with a +1 [21:00] toddc +1 [21:00] NeoNetNinja +1 [21:00] Rich_ +1 [21:00] spinrage +1 from my raspberry pi [21:00] toddc +5? [21:00] Siph0n +1 [21:00] toddc wow from the raspberry really? [21:00] _ericcc +1 [21:00] toddc cool [21:00] spinrage yep. again. [21:01] _ericcc I got my pi today!!! [21:01] spinrage awesome! [21:01] _ericcc Now if only I had a card reader.... [21:01] toddc do we really need to know about your pi? [21:01] toddc _ericcc: I have a extra if you need it [21:02] toddc Team web site [21:02] toddc Team wiki site [21:02] toddc Team membership [21:02] toddc Feel free to make comments and add input to our meeting at anytime. [21:02] toddc some of us are in if you want to see us or talk to us [21:02] toddc Anybody here that is new tonight? [21:03] toddc Linux, for people who want to know why their computer works [21:03] toddc UBUNTU NEWS [21:03] toddc Dazed_75 is on vacation so I am solo tonight bear with me!!! [21:04] toddc Ubuntu 12.04.1 is out please updater your install media and it works great!! [21:04] toddc Canonical Promoting Ubuntu Software Center To Game Devs [21:04] toddc [21:04] toddc How To Install Drupal 7 on Ubuntu Server 12.04 [21:04] toddc [21:05] toddc Why Ubuntu 12.04 is the best desktop experience the free software community has to offer. [21:05] toddc [21:05] toddc OS X 10.8 vs. Ubuntu Linux: A Battle With No Clear Winner [21:05] toddc [21:05] toddc Archlinux is moving to systemd [21:05] toddc [21:05] toddc Debian testing a systemd-to-sysvinit converter [21:05] toddc [21:06] toddc Ubuntu Delays Wayland System Compositor [21:06] toddc [21:06] toddc I am looking forward to testing it [21:06] toddc Linux Action Show Has done a nice Show on Back Track Penitration Testing [21:06] toddc [21:06] _ericcc Ooo ill check that one out [21:07] toddc Controlling Privacy Setting in Ubuntu with Gnome Activity Log Manager [21:07] toddc [21:07] toddc I want to re watch it it [21:07] toddc Ubuntu 12.10 Pushes Sandy Bridge Further [21:07] toddc [21:07] toddc Ubuntu 12:04 with Webmin: Bootup and Shutdown Module [21:07] toddc [21:08] toddc Ubuntu adds Calxeda support and makes it easier to deploy OpenStack [21:08] toddc [21:08] toddc Ubuntu Desktop Environment Usage Statistics [21:08] toddc [21:08] toddc TEAM NEWS [21:08] toddc PLEASE NOTE The September 2 Meeting has been canceled due to the Labor Day week- end Enjoy the week end off!! [21:09] toddc JOB LIST [21:09] toddc Several openings at Limelight Networks in Tempe see [21:09] toddc ttp://www.limelight.h [21:09] toddc Senior Network Engineer at our Teams Data center they have several openings to fill [21:09] toddc [21:09] toddc System Administrator [21:09] toddc [21:10] toddc Senior Systems Engineer SecureNet Payment Systems [21:10] toddc Apply Now: [21:10] toddc Computer Support Specialist (Chandler, AZ) [21:10] toddc [21:10] toddc Systems Administrator [21:10] toddc [21:10] toddc UBUNTU HOUR [21:10] _ericcc Forgot to mention the install fest was a hit with the class from mcc. [21:11] toddc cool glad to here we did something good [21:11] toddc Thursday September 27 is the next Ubuntu Hour at Extream Bean in Tempe southern and McClintock [21:11] toddc [21:11] toddc TEMPE INSTALLFEST [21:11] toddc PLEASE NOTE We have canceled the September 1 installfest to August 25 so that we may have labor day weekend off [21:12] toddc this the one we did yesterday [21:12] toddc We had a great installfest and helped install or fix 7-8 new users Thanks for all the extra help from those that showed up to help. Don, Tammy, Dennis, Eric, Jason and Paul and every-one else [21:12] Siph0n what time is the Ubuntu hour ? [21:12] toddc 7PM [21:12] Siph0n k cool [21:12] Siph0n thx [21:12] toddc for a hour that usually rune 2+ [21:12] toddc rins [21:13] toddc runs [21:13] toddc NeoNetNinja: We will also be streaming all events on but until we get organized [21:13] toddc I will start as soon as possible after events start but due to setup time I hope to find others to run it as we get bigger. This will let other's participate and be more active state/world wide but will take time to develop and and get the word out. [21:13] NeoNetNinja cool [21:13] MikeofMany ugh, sorry late had to get food [21:13] toddc If you have time or want to meet any of us or have problems feel free to show up. [21:14] toddc some of the students from MCC do plan on returning to the next event [21:14] toddc hi MikeofMany [21:15] toddc TEMPE SERVER INSTALLFESTS [21:15] toddc Tagose planning and development meeting on September 8 10am-4 pm 2625 W Baseline Rd 85283 Room 208 across the street from Fry's Electronics [21:15] toddc The next Server Emphasis Installfest will be Saturday September 25 at UAT 10AM to 4M 2625 W Baseline Rd 85283 Room 208 across the street from Fry's Electronics [21:15] toddc we will do desktops/laptops as time permits [21:15] toddc For more info see [21:15] toddc calender at [21:15] toddc TEAM SERVER NEWS [21:16] toddc This week we moved to the new website and still need a bit of tweaking but check it out at [21:16] toddc over the next several weeks we be moving it to the new proxmox VM server [21:16] toddc Also the test server is ready to to go so if you want to test you skills or program please let us know [21:16] toddc see for more info and should be able to issue VM real soon in the new server [21:16] toddc UBUNTU TRAINING [21:16] toddc Ubuntu Developer week [21:16] toddc free online classes all week Aug 28 till the 30 see [21:16] toddc use the program Lernid or #ubuntu-clasroom in IRC freenode [21:17] toddc let me know if you need help these are real good classes and free [21:17] toddc FUTURE EVENTS [21:17] corburn +1 [21:17] toddc hi corburn [21:17] Siph0n i love the "Add to Google Calendar" buttons ! [21:18] toddc Do we want to do a 12.10 Release party? [21:18] toddc October 18 is the release date but we could do it on the 20th at the server installfest or as a separate event? [21:19] toddc I had been thinking a Ubuntu Geeknick (Picnic/BBQ) At Tempe Town Lake they have WIFI [21:19] toddc and power at the picnic tables [21:19] toddc think about it [21:20] MikeofMany toddc, could be good, and cooler in Oct . [21:20] _ericcc Only at a linux picnic would consideration of power and wifi be a necessity [21:20] toddc I think it would be fun and could draw family groups also [21:21] _ericcc Tempe offers beer permits, just fyi [21:21] toddc +1 [21:21] toddc but I think they are like 50.00 [21:21] spinrage sounds like a good idea. If it's on the weekend, I might be able to make it. [21:22] toddc Sat was the the OCt 20 [21:22] _ericcc Eh, either way, I'm game. [21:22] toddc Do we want to do a global Jam again? See [21:22] toddc September 7th thru 9th are the recommended dates to hold one [21:23] MikeofMany +1 Sat [21:23] toddc A bit late to plan but we could invade the tagcose event and work in the corner [21:24] toddc MikeofMany: which oct 20 or global jam [21:24] MikeofMany toddc, the oct 20 bbq idea, the global jam could be cool, just not sure I would have anything to contrib [21:25] toddc it is just testing live 12.10 for issues for the global Jam [21:25] MikeofMany ahhh [21:26] toddc I will start planning for the release party then and try to show up at the tagcose event incase anyone else wants to help [21:27] toddc I will check with plug also to see if they have a interest in the release party [21:27] MikeofMany sounds like a plan toddc [21:27] toddc since I live in tempe I should check out wifi first [21:28] toddc and if anyone wants to help in planning from there let me know we will need coolers charcoal ect [21:28] toddc xHans if you are here do you have any news for us? [21:29] |<-- Siph0n has left freenode (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [21:29] toddc PLUG EVENTS [21:29] toddc Deveolper Meeting Thursday September 06 [21:29] toddc University of Advancing Technology, 2625 West Baseline Road Tempe AZ 85283. This is close to the US 60 and Interstate 10 by Fry's Electronics. Meetings are held in room 245. [21:30] toddc Tagcose Server Development September 8 10am-4pm [21:30] toddc Anyone interested in learning or assisting with the Tagcose Server Project. [21:30] toddc University of Advancing Technology: 2625 W Baseline,Tempe, AZ 85283 [21:30] toddc plug server emphasis installfest is September 15 10-4PM at UAT 48st and Baseline road Tempe across from Fry's Electronics 2625 W Baseline Rd 85283 Room 208 [21:30] toddc Plug East side meeting Thursday September 24 7-10 PM at MCC 1833 W. Southern Ave., Mesa, AZ 85202 Kirk Student Center [21:30] toddc that is all I have any questions or comments or other news or ideas? [21:30] toddc did I miss anything? [21:31] NeoNetNinja As soon as I can get my car fixed I'll definitely join in the festivities and planning/supporting etc... [21:31] NeoNetNinja toddc is my membership still active? Is there anything I need to do? [21:31] NeoNetNinja I know my email is I just logged in... [21:32] toddc should be I will check status in a few minutes but they are lifetime [21:32] NeoNetNinja Its nice to see everything growing and new members [21:32] NeoNetNinja thx [21:32] toddc unless you remove it or [21:32] NeoNetNinja wont be doing that, lol [21:32] toddc thanks it gets better every day!! [21:32] _ericcc Hi neonetninja, from a newcomer [21:33] NeoNetNinja hello _ericcc [21:33] NeoNetNinja welcome! [21:33] toddc NeoNetNinja: want to tell every one where you are at!! [21:33] NeoNetNinja sure [21:33] NeoNetNinja Native Tucsonan... [21:33] NeoNetNinja that pretty much explains everything... [21:33] NeoNetNinja lol [21:33] toddc but I call dibs on first visit to you [21:34] NeoNetNinja kk [21:34] NeoNetNinja I'm an online (non-traditional) student at UAT... [21:34] NeoNetNinja working toward a BS in Net-Sec [21:34] NeoNetNinja Love Ubuntu [21:34] toddc four active members in Tucson now we need to get the ubuntu hour running down there [21:34] NeoNetNinja Ubuntu Server [21:35] NeoNetNinja and kicking some bash! [21:35] NeoNetNinja My Fingerprint reader is working on Precise in my Sys76 lappy... [21:35] NeoNetNinja it works to auth with sudo in Term! [21:35] NeoNetNinja <3 it! [21:35] MikeofMany NeoNetNinja, awesome out of box? [21:36] NeoNetNinja Just an install of FingerGUI [21:36] toddc Damm first class all the way [21:36] NeoNetNinja but yeah pretty much [21:36] NeoNetNinja no tweaking at all [21:36] NeoNetNinja it works for log on as well [21:37] NeoNetNinja I'm building a Ubuntu Server based NAS and actually wanted to know if any of you have experience with Webmin and/or Amanda? [21:37] NeoNetNinja Or... [21:37] NeoNetNinja I was thinking Vsftpd... [21:37] NeoNetNinja if it can act as a client too to backup to the cloud [21:38] NeoNetNinja Amazon has a new, really affordable, backup service called Glacier and I know Amanda does that [21:38] toddc webmin is a bit old I use Zentyal [21:38] NeoNetNinja but I also have an FTP account through that's really good too that may be able to do Rsync as well... [21:39] toddc want to learn puppet next [21:39] NeoNetNinja Or... [21:39] NeoNetNinja Possibly Deja Dup for both client and server? [21:39] NeoNetNinja any thoughts? [21:39] toddc NeoNetNinja: we are just completeing a Proxmox VM server as a team project [21:40] NeoNetNinja so it would client >> server >> cloud [21:40] NeoNetNinja cool [21:40] NeoNetNinja I'll check it out [21:41] toddc we will be doing some cloud work on our own we are looking again at eyeos [21:41] NeoNetNinja I liked Amanda because of the cross platform client support... [21:41] NeoNetNinja nice! [21:41] toddc and will offer accounts when ready but only have 500gb ATM [21:42] NeoNetNinja but thought it would probably require a bit more maintenance... [21:42] NeoNetNinja nice! [21:42] toddc and we are collecting hardware to build a bigger better one in the near future [21:42] MikeofMany very cool [21:42] NeoNetNinja what file system does it use/support? [21:42] NeoNetNinja ZFS? [21:44] NeoNetNinja do you have a host? [21:44] toddc should be simple to admin ---debian host ext4 ATM ZFS may be used for the nest version but it was voted down due to several issuses [21:44] NeoNetNinja or is it local? [21:44] toddc ipcop handles the internal firewall routing---at our DATA center [21:44] NeoNetNinja ext4 is good too of course [21:45] NeoNetNinja nice [21:45] NeoNetNinja in Phx? [21:45] toddc I /we will have specs and pictures up this week(I hope) [21:45] NeoNetNinja I just build an Endian and really like it [21:45] NeoNetNinja cool [21:45] toddc Tempe [21:45] NeoNetNinja nice [21:46] toddc One Neck/DeLug has given us free Rack and 5 Ip's [21:46] NeoNetNinja very good [21:46] |<-- Rich_ has left freenode (Quit: Page closed) [21:46] toddc and I give tours from time to time [21:47] NeoNetNinja I'd love a tour whenever I can make it up there [21:47] toddc ok closing the meeting and open for chat
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ArizonaTeam/Meetings/August 26, 2012 Meeting (last edited 2012-08-27 04:55:08 by tcole3737)