February 12, 2012 Meeting
Sunday 02 Msrch 2025 |
<toddc> +1 <Dazed_75> +1 <toddc> Feel free to make comments and add input to our meeting at anytime. <toddc> I will also be in http://azlocobbb.banditti.com tonight if you want to talk or see me. <toddc> Reminder 2 Days to Valentine's Day Feb 14 Do not forget!!!! <toddc> How to Share Wireless Connection via Ethernet Cable in Ubuntu <toddc> http://blog.arvixe.com/how-to-share-wireless-connection-via-ethernet-cable-in-ubuntu-to-any-device/ <toddc> Ubuntu 12.04 ARM Performance Becomes Very Compelling <toddc> http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=ubuntu_1204_omap4460&num=1 <toddc> Install Linux Mint’s New Cinnamon Desktop on Ubuntu <toddc> http://www.howtogeek.com/103691/install-linux-mints-new-cinnamon-desktop-on-ubuntu/ <toddc> Running Simple Groupware On Nginx (LEMP) On Debian Squeeze/Ubuntu 11.10 <toddc> http://www.howtoforge.com/running-simple-groupware-on-nginx-lemp-on-debian-squeeze-ubuntu-11.10 <toddc> How to Customize Ubuntu's MOTD <toddc> http://www.howtogeek.com/104708/how-to-customize-ubuntus-message-of-the-day <toddc> Easily Monitor System Resources in Ubuntu with Indicator Multiload <toddc> (11.04 and later) <toddc> http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/02/easily-monitor-system-resources-in-ubuntu-with-indicator-multiload/ <toddc> 12.04 Privacy Controls & Minor Appearance Tweaks <toddc> http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/02/privacy-controls-minor-ui-tweaks-land-in-ubuntu-12-04/ <toddc> http://www.webupd8.org/2012/02/notifyosd-to-use-same-colour-as-dash.html <toddc> Kubuntu Will be Strictly Community Sponsored When Canonical Drops <toddc> Funding After 12.04 <toddc> http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/02/canonical-withdraw-financial-support-from-kubuntu/ <toddc> Ubuntu One Online Notes Feature to be Dropped 2/28/2012 <toddc> http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/02/ubuntu-one-notes-feature-written-off/ <toddc> Mark Shuttleworth Explains Ditching Launcher Dodge in 12.04 <toddc> http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/02/mark-shuttleworth-explains-dodge-ditch-decision-in-precise/ <toddc> 12.04 Older Hardware Test <toddc> <toddc> http://www.unixmen.com/201202-ubuntu-12-04-precise-pangolin-older-hardware-test/ <toddc> Official Ubuntu Business Desktop Remix <toddc> http://www.ubuntu.com/business/desktop/remix <toddc> http://www.muktware.com/news/3296/ubuntu-means-business-announces-business-desktop-remix <toddc> 12.04 Precise Pengolin Support Added to Ubuntu Tweak <toddc> <toddc> http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/02/ubuntu-tweak-adds-ubuntu-12-04-support/ <toddc> http://www.webupd8.org/2012/02/ubuntu-tweak-061-released-with-support.html <toddc> A More "Classic Gnome" Session Lands in Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pengolin <toddc> http://www.webupd8.org/2012/02/more-classic-gnome-session-lands-in.html <toddc> VirtualBox Ubuntu 12.04 (Guest) Fixes <toddc> http://www.webupd8.org/2012/02/virtualbox-ubuntu-1204-guest-fixes.html <toddc> Thank you Dazed-75 for the news tonight!!! <toddc> TEAM NEWS <toddc> If you would like a azloco.com email address please contact me at toddc@azloco.com <toddc> We would like to start several Ubuntu hour events at coffee shop or bars for quick get togethers <toddc> if anyone would like to find a spot on the west or north please let us know? <toddc> We now have 11.10 cd's please hook up with Dazed_75 or my self and pass out these and spread the word of Linux/open source and or installfests <toddc> JOB LIST <toddc> Information Security Analysts <toddc> luke@samuelbranchps.com <toddc> TEMPE SERVER INSTALLFEST <toddc> Server Installfest Saturday February 18 at UAT 10AM to 4M 2625 W Baseline Rd 85283 Room 208 across the street from Fry's Electronics <toddc> Eric will doing a presentation at the next Installfest February 18 at UAT <toddc> and I am working on a buddy to do a presentation on android custom roms and installs and roots <toddc> there will be a schedule change starting in March <toddc> TEMPE INSTALLFEST <toddc> Azloco/plug installfest is February 25 at UAT 9am to 4 PM 2625 W Baseline Rd 85283 Tempe across from Fry's Electronics 10AM to 4M 2625 W Baseline Rd 85283 Room 208 48st and Baseline Rd <toddc> The last several installfests have been very busy so if you have time or want to meet any of us or have problems feel free to show up. <toddc> FUTURE EVENTS <toddc> Tucson installfest plans are underway with a preferred date of April 7 at U of A pending U of A * Rich_ (adf62322@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #Ubuntu-US-AZ <toddc> availability that day <xHans> toddc: can we ask Eric to do his presentation at 10:00 or 11:00? <toddc> I will email him andd and request that time <xHans> danke <xHans> hmm, make that just 11:00 <Dazed_75> Welcome Rich. Do we know who you are? <toddc> I also have a notice from Lisa on the Security/hackfest <toddc> this really cool <xHans> forgot I'll be in another part of town. hmm, then again, whichever works best for him <toddc> We are hosting a worldwide hackfest of the STACS systems <Rich_> Thanks. I was at the last installfest. <toddc> (municipal and military) developed by Solomon courtesy of Dean Franks. You <toddc> can participate via wan and we will offer 2 Target Prizes for anyone who <toddc> We are hosting a worldwide hackfest of the STACS systems <Dazed_75> Aaaah, welcome again then <toddc> (municipal and military) developed by Solomon courtesy of Dean Franks. You <toddc> can participate via wan and we will offer 2 Target Prizes for anyone who <toddc> can successfully provide a file from either device. I will provide more <toddc> information as we get closer to March 2nd Saturday including target ip <toddc> addresses. The event is hosted by Solomon and MakerBench.com in Tempe. I <toddc> will video stream and video the full event including Dean's presentation <toddc> which will kickoff 4 days of open wan hackfest STACS targeting. <toddc> I heard tell there is a 500.00 in prize money <toddc> xHans we need to contact them for ableconf <toddc> xHans over to you! :) <xHans> contact MakerBench? <toddc> I will have contact info in a day or two <xHans> ok <xHans> ABLEconf planning conference call every Wednesday at 19:00 <toddc> ( I lost the card but know where to get one) <xHans> http://www.ABLEconf.com/2012/Phoenix/Planning/ <xHans> is it David? <xHans> ABLEconf planning in person meeting is a week from Tuesday @ 18:00 <xHans> Iguana Macks in Chandler, the hour before the Stammtisch <xHans> http://www.ABLEconf.com/2012/Phoenix/Planning/ <xHans> Free Software Stammtisch is a week from Tuesday @ 19:00 <xHans> Iguana Macks in Chandler, the hour after the ABLEconf meeting <xHans> http://www.LuftHans.com/Free_Software_Stammtisch#East_Valley <xHans> ABLEconf is all day on March 24th at UAT in Tempe <xHans> Free Software for Free Enterprise business and technology conference <xHans> http://www.ABLEconf.com/ <xHans> that's it from me for tonight <Oda> 3 people for a meeting, now 4 <xHans> a positive growth trend :) <toddc> Thanks xHans for keeping us up to date on Plug events and ABLEconf.org <toddc> that is all I have any questions or comments or other news or ideas? <xHans> bitte, thanks for helping coordinate between the groups and tracking the Installfest stuff for both groups <Dazed_75> xHans: Did you notice http://www.ubuntu.com/business/desktop/remix <toddc> np happy to :) <xHans> Dazed_75: I saw news of it, but hadn't yet looked at it <Dazed_75> Thought you MIGHT have some interest <xHans> someone from the LoCo want to cover it for either ABLEconf or PLUG or both? :) <Dazed_75> Maybe for a PLUG meeting. I can't go to ABLEconf <xHans> only 32 bit? <toddc> I can ask around and or ask next week in the meeting and may get some interest from the email list <xHans> yer other thing is 3 days, certainly you can take one off for ABLEconf :) <toddc> has anyone asked eric about cancelling to server installfest during ABLEconf? <Dazed_75> Yes, looks like only 32 bit for now but I expect 64 will follow <Dazed_75> Eric already cancelled his installfest for that day <xHans> I have not <xHans> ah, see he's ahead of us :) <toddc> ok I will update the calender <toddc> need to know :) <toddc> if there is nothing else? <xHans> :) <toddc> thanks for coming tonight but I will be here a while if anyone needs help or has a question <Dazed_75> I guess I should try to update Erics dates on the PLUG cal as well <toddc> and welcome rick!!!! :) <Rich_> The netbook you loaded Ubunto into for me is working flawlessly. <toddc> Cool glad to hear it but them linux is usually a lot more stable !:) <toddc> then :)\
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ArizonaTeam/Meetings/February 12, 2012 Meeting (last edited 2012-02-13 04:30:36 by 173-16-164-91)