January 22, 2012 Meeting
Sunday 02 Msrch 2025 |
[21:00] toddc Welcome to AZLOCO IRC Meeting Please sign in with a +1 [21:01] toddc +1 [21:01] toddc Feel free to make comments and add input to our meeting at anytime. [21:01] toddc I will also be in http://azlocobbb.banditti.com tonight if you want to talk or see me. [21:01] toddc BigBlueButton only works on some installs of unity (not mine) so if someone knows the fix [21:01] toddc please let me know what I missed [21:02] toddc Let's start with the news till everyone gets here and we have a lot of news tonight!!!! [21:02] toddc anyone here? Or is every one on their way back from SCALE? [21:02] toddc I was hoping on a report on SCALE [21:02] toddc How To Install Unity 5.0 In Ubuntu 11.10 [21:02] toddc http://www.muktware.com/articles/3214/how-install-unity-50-ubuntu-1110 [21:03] toddc Canonical Maps out Ubuntu Strategy at CES [21:03] toddc http://www.datamation.com/open-source/canonical-maps-out-ubuntu-strategy-at-ces.html [21:03] toddc Did Microsoft Just Kill Ubuntu Tablets? [21:03] toddc http://www.muktware.com/news/3217/did-microsoft-just-kill-ubuntu-tablets [21:03] toddc Hands-on with Ubuntu TV, above and under the hood [21:03] toddc http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/news/2012/01/hands-on-with-ubuntu-tv-above-and-below-the-hood.ars?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=rss [21:04] toddc Ubuntu to move to rapid release Firefox for 10.04 and 10.10 [21:04] toddc http://www.h-online.com/open/news/item/Ubuntu-to-move-to-rapid-release-Firefox-for-10-04-and-10-10-1406353.html [21:04] toddc XBMC running on Raspberry Pi [21:04] toddc http://www.raspberrypi.org/archives/571 [21:04] toddc Tame the Ubuntu 11.10 Unity interface with MyUnity [21:04] toddc http://www.computeractive.co.uk/ca/download-review/2135473/tame-ubuntu-1110-unity-interface-myunity [21:05] toddc Infographic: Linux lovers love big data [21:05] toddc http://gigaom.com/cloud/survey-says-linux-lovers-love-big-data/ [21:05] toddc TEAM NEWS [21:05] toddc If you would like a azloco.com email address please contact me at toddc@azloco.com [21:05] toddc JOB LIST [21:06] toddc Firmware Engineer (Henderson, NV ) [21:06] toddc job-9dens-2804795733@craigslist.org [21:06] toddc Systems Administrator / Perl Developer at DesertNet (Tucson, Arizona) [21:06] toddc http://foundation.gyrobase.com/gyrobase/site/features [21:06] toddc Systems Engineer (Linux) (Mesa, AZ) [21:06] toddc www.ivedasolutions.com . [21:06] toddc TEMPE INSTALLFEST [21:07] toddc Azloco/plug installfest is January 28 at UAT 2625 W Baseline Rd 85283 Tempe across from [21:07] toddc Fry's Electronics 10AM to 4M 2625 W Baseline Rd 85283 Room 208 48st and Baseline Rd [21:07] toddc these are a lot of fun attend if you can and meet us! [21:07] toddc The last several installfests have been very busy so if you have time or want to meet any of us or have problems feel free to show up. [21:08] toddc xHans if you are here do you have any news for us? [21:09] toddc PLUG EVENTS [21:09] toddc plug installfest is this weekend 01/28 at UAT 48st and Baseline road Tempe across from Fry's Electronics 10AM to 4M 2625 W Baseline Rd 85283 Room 208 [21:09] -->| SlickMcRunFast (~mark@174-17-238-8.phnx.qwest.net) has joined #Ubuntu-US-AZ [21:10] toddc that is all I have any questions or comments or other news or ideas? [21:10] toddc thanks for coming tonight but I will be here a while if anyone needs help or has a question
Parent pages: ArizonaTeam/Meetings ArizonaTeam
ArizonaTeam/Meetings/January 22, 2012 Meeting (last edited 2012-01-23 04:12:33 by tcole3737)