January 28, 2018 Meeting

Revision 3 as of 2018-01-29 04:32:25

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== Meeting information ==
 * #Ubuntu-US-AZ: AZLoCo meeting, 29 Jan at 04:00 — 04:21 UTC
 * Full logs at [[http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-us-az/2018/ubuntu-us-az.2018-01-29-04.00.log.html]]

== Meeting summary ==

''LINK:'' http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-az 
''LINK:'' http://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam 
''LINK:'' https://www.facebook.com/UbuntuAZTeam 
''LINK:'' https://www.meetup.com/Ubuntu-Arizona/ 
''LINK:'' https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GWAvccPcqzG3CqhAyQ-7LmQ-lIy5F2taNPpxuAVIrzk/edit?usp=sharing 
''LINK:'' http://news.softpedia.com/news/ubuntu-18-04-lts-bionic-beaver-will-ship-with-xorg-by-default-says-canonical-519564.shtml 
''LINK:'' https://www.linux.com/blog/2018/1/week-open-source-news-linux-foundation-launches-networking-fund 
''LINK:'' https://www.linux.com/blog/learn/2018/1/migrating-linux-command-line 
''LINK:'' https://opensource.com/article/18/1/securing-linux-filesystem-tripwire 
''LINK:'' https://www.linux.com/learn/intro-to-linux/2018/1/subgraph-security-focused-distro-malwares-worst-nightmare 
''LINK:'' https://www.linuxfoundation.org/blog/system-startup-gets-a-boost-with-new-linuxboot-project/ 
''LINK:'' https://www.oreilly.com/ideas/finding-vulnerable-open-source-packages 
''LINK:'' https://medium.com/@samuelabiodun/how-we-built-an-intrusion-detection-system-on-aws-using-open-source-tools-8b755e965d54 
''LINK:'' https://www.theinquirer.net/inquirer/news/3024965/meltdown-and-spectre-fallout-leads-to-first-rc9-of-a-linux-kernel-since-2011 
''LINK:'' https://redmonk.com/fryan/2018/01/17/aws-lambda-and-the-spectrum-of-compute/ 
''LINK:'' https://www.insight.com/en_US/learn/content/2018/01182018-general-data-protection-regulation-a-checklist-to-compliance.html 
''LINK:'' https://www.linuxfoundation.org/blog/linux-kernel-developer-julia-lawall/ 
''LINK:'' https://itsfoss.com/mycroft-mark-2/ 
''LINK:'' https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/TeamProjects 
''LINK:'' https://www.virtra.com/careers 
''LINK:'' http://www.canonical.com/careers/all-vacancies 
''LINK:'' http://linuxgizmos.com/tiny-industrial-temperature-module-runs-linux-on-a-zynq-7000/ 
''LINK:'' https://www.linux.com/news/hands-test-windows-subsystem-linux 
''LINK:'' http://phxlinux.org/ 
''LINK:'' https://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale/16x/cfp 
''LINK:'' https://www.libreplanet.org/2018/ 

== Vote results ==

== Done items ==

 * (none)

== People present (lines said) ==

 * toddc (52)
 * MajB (42)
 * stephenm (28)
 * meetingology (3)
 * Ryan_ (2)
 * markthomas (1)
 * wmack (1)
 * az_fox (1)

== Full Log ==

 04:00 <toddc> #startmeeting AZLoCo meeting

 04:00 <meetingology> Meeting started Mon Jan 29 04:00:43 2018 UTC.  The chair is toddc. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.

 04:00 <meetingology> 

 04:00 <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick

 04:00 <toddc> Welcome to AZLoCo IRC Meeting Please sign in with a +1

 04:00 <markthomas> +1

 04:00 <MajB> +1

 04:00 <stephenm> +1

 04:00 <Ryan_> +1

 04:01 <toddc> Star Date 95678.83

 04:01 <wmack> +1

 04:01 <toddc> +1

 04:01 <MajB> Hello Ryan_

 04:01 <Ryan_> Hey

 04:01 <toddc> Some of us are in http://bbb.azloco.net if you want to see us or talk to us

 04:01 <toddc> Team Website is http://azloco.org/

 04:01 <toddc> IRC stats http://www.azloco.com/~ircstats/

 04:01 <toddc> Team membership http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=445980

 04:01 <toddc> http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-az

 04:02 <toddc> Team events portal http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-arizona/

 04:02 <toddc> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam

 04:02 <toddc> https://www.facebook.com/UbuntuAZTeam

 04:02 <az_fox> +1

 04:02 <toddc> https://www.meetup.com/Ubuntu-Arizona/

 04:02 <toddc> Feel free to make comments and add input to our meeting at anytime.

 04:02 <toddc> Anyone that would like to contribute to the weekly news items may add them to this list

 04:02 <toddc> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GWAvccPcqzG3CqhAyQ-7LmQ-lIy5F2taNPpxuAVIrzk/edit?usp=sharing

 04:02 <toddc> lets start with the news

 04:03 <toddc> stephenm will be bring us the news tonight! All the way from TX

 04:03 <stephenm> One second

 04:04 <MajB> Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver) Will Ship with XOrg by Default, Says Canonical

 04:04 <MajB> http://news.softpedia.com/news/ubuntu-18-04-lts-bionic-beaver-will-ship-with-xorg-by-default-says-canonical-519564.shtml

 04:04 <stephenm> Sorry was talking with family.

 04:04 <stephenm> Ok the news starts out as somewhat global and then gets more specific.

 04:05 <stephenm> This Week in Open Source News: The Linux Foundation Launches Networking Fund

 04:05 <stephenm> https://www.linux.com/blog/2018/1/week-open-source-news-linux-foundation-launches-networking-fund

 04:05 <stephenm> Migrating to Linux: The Command Line

 04:05 <stephenm> https://www.linux.com/blog/learn/2018/1/migrating-linux-command-line

 04:05 <stephenm> Securing the Linux filesystem with Tripwire

 04:05 <stephenm> https://opensource.com/article/18/1/securing-linux-filesystem-tripwire

 04:05 <stephenm> Subgraph: This Security-Focused Distro Is Malware’s Worst Nightmare

 04:05 <stephenm> https://www.linux.com/learn/intro-to-linux/2018/1/subgraph-security-focused-distro-malwares-worst-nightmare

 04:06 <stephenm> Enables Server Setup and Boot with a Linux Kernel

 04:06 <stephenm> https://www.linuxfoundation.org/blog/system-startup-gets-a-boost-with-new-linuxboot-project/

 04:06 <stephenm> Finding vulnerable open source packages

 04:06 <stephenm> https://www.oreilly.com/ideas/finding-vulnerable-open-source-packages

 04:06 <stephenm> How We Built an Intrusion Detection System on AWS using Open Source Tools

 04:06 <stephenm> https://medium.com/@samuelabiodun/how-we-built-an-intrusion-detection-system-on-aws-using-open-source-tools-8b755e965d54

 04:06 <stephenm> Meltdown and Spectre fallout leads to first RC9 of a Linux Kernel since 2011

 04:06 <stephenm> https://www.theinquirer.net/inquirer/news/3024965/meltdown-and-spectre-fallout-leads-to-first-rc9-of-a-linux-kernel-since-2011

 04:06 <stephenm> AWS Lambda and the Spectrum of Compute

 04:06 <stephenm> https://redmonk.com/fryan/2018/01/17/aws-lambda-and-the-spectrum-of-compute/

 04:07 <stephenm> General Data Protection Regulation: A Checklist to Compliance

 04:07 <stephenm> https://www.insight.com/en_US/learn/content/2018/01182018-general-data-protection-regulation-a-checklist-to-compliance.html

 04:07 <stephenm> Linux Kernel Developer: Julia Lawall

 04:07 <stephenm> https://www.linuxfoundation.org/blog/linux-kernel-developer-julia-lawall/

 04:07 <stephenm> Sorry for the sort list but that's what I have tonight.  Back to you MajB.

 04:07 <stephenm> short

 04:08 <toddc> Great job stephenm!

 04:08 <MajB> Mycroft Mark II: The Open Source Answer to Amazon Echo and Google Home That Doesn't Spy on You

 04:08 <MajB> https://itsfoss.com/mycroft-mark-2/

 04:08 <MajB> Thank you stephenm

 04:08 <toddc> Is there any other news we missed?

 04:08 <toddc> Canceled meetings and events. In the near future?


 04:09 <MajB> AZLOCO meeting 01 April                   (Easter)

 04:09 <MajB> AZLOCO meeting 13 May                     (Mothers Day)

 04:09 <MajB> AZLOCO meeting 27 May                     (Memorial Day week-end)

 04:09 <MajB> AZLOCO meeting 02 September               (Labor Day week-end)

 04:09 <MajB> AZLOCO meeting 11 November                (Veterans Day)

 04:09 <toddc> We have a team projects if anyone would like to take on a project

 04:10 <toddc> Team Projects Page

 04:10 <toddc> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/TeamProjects

 04:10 <toddc> LINUX QUOTES/JOKES

 04:10 <toddc> What was Forrest Gump's email password?

 04:10 <toddc> 1forrest1

 04:10 <toddc> Q: Why did the computer go to the dentist?

 04:11 <toddc> A: Because it had Bluetooth.

 04:11 <toddc> Q: What will my computer printer warranty cover?

 04:11 <toddc> A: Your mouse pad.

 04:11 <toddc> Local linux Jobs

 04:12 <toddc> PYTHON WEB DEVELOPER  (Tempe)

 04:12 <toddc> https://www.virtra.com/careers

 04:12 <toddc> Linux admin at Wellsfargo

 04:12 <toddc> The recruiter is Bryce Johnson (480) 258-4823

 04:12 <toddc> Canonical has 33 open positions

 04:12 <toddc> http://www.canonical.com/careers/all-vacancies

 04:12 <toddc> Runs LINUX

 04:12 <toddc> Tiny industrial temperature module runs Linux on a Zynq-7000

 04:12 <toddc> http://linuxgizmos.com/tiny-industrial-temperature-module-runs-linux-on-a-zynq-7000/

 04:12 <toddc> Spot Light

 04:13 <toddc> Hands-on Test of Windows Subsystem for Linux

 04:13 <toddc> https://www.linux.com/news/hands-test-windows-subsystem-linux

 04:13 <toddc> UP COMING EVENTS is brought to us by MajB tonight!

 04:13 <MajB> AZLOCO Events and Activities:

 04:13 <MajB> Detailed information with map locations can be found on our web site http://azloco.org/node/28

 04:13 <MajB> 01 February,  Tempe Ubuntu Hour, 1900-2000, Xtreme Bean, 1707 E. Southern Ave., Tempe.  Come out and meet us or ask questions and learn Linux open source or just hang for a bit with other users.

 04:14 <MajB> 03 February,  AZLOCO/PLUG Installfest/Linux Workshop, 1000-1600,  University of Advancing Technology, 2625 W. Baseline Rd. Tempe.  Anyone can attend.  All are welcome.  We can install most Linux distributions on personal computers, servers, routers, Raspberry Pi's or almost anything running that Linux can run on.  We are also happy to guide you through fixing problems, answer your questions or simply discuss Free and Open Source Software.  Bring your p

 04:14 <MajB> 17 February,  AZLOCO/PLUG Installfest/Linux Workshop, 1000-1600,  University of Advancing Technology, 2625 W. Baseline Rd. Tempe . Anyone can attend.  All are welcome.  We can install most Linux distributions on personal computers, servers, routers, Raspberry Pi's or almost anything running that Linux can run on.  We are also happy to guide you through fixing problems, answer your questions or simply discuss Free and Open Source Software.  Bring your p

 04:14 <MajB> 22 February, Sierra Vista Ubuntu Hour, 1800-1900, Schlotzsky's Cafe, 3900 Fry Blvd., Sierra Vista.  An hour to take time out of your busy schedule to relax, have a cup of coffee, talk about Ubuntu, Linux, and FOSS, and perhaps discover a different operating system for your personal computer that is free to download, free to install, free to use, and free to change to meet your own personal desires.

 04:14 <MajB> 22 February, Tempe Ubuntu Hour, 1900-2000, Xtreme Bean, 1707 E. Southern Ave., Tempe.  Come and meet us or ask questions and learn Linux open source or just hang for a bit with other users.

 04:14 <MajB> That is all

 04:15 <toddc> xHans would you like to do the Plug news and events?

 04:16 <MajB> AZ LUG Activities.

 04:16 <MajB> Detailed information for each LUG activity with map locations can be found at  http://www.azloco.org/node/225

 04:16 <MajB> Phoenix2600 meeting on 02 February 6-9 pm.  Lux Coffee, 4400 N Central Ave, Phoenix, AZ.  http://phx2600.com/

 04:17 <MajB> Phoenix Linux User Group (PLUG) meeting on 8 February 7-10 pm.  Desert Breeze Substation, 251 N. Desert Breeze Blvd., Chandler AZ.   Various topics ranging form beginners to advanced, user to administrator.  http://phxlinux.org/

 04:17 <MajB> Cochise Linux User Group meeting on 14 February 5-6 pm.  University of Arizona South, Sierra Vista campus, 1140 Colombo Ave., Sierra Vista AZ.  http://cochiselinuxusergroup.org/calendar/

 04:17 <MajB> Sunland Linux   User Group (SLUG) meeting on 14 February 6-8 pm.  Sunland Village East, The Computer Club Training Facility, 2145 S. Farnsworth Dr., Mesa AZ.   http://www.svecc.com/SLUG/slug.htm

 04:17 <MajB> PLUG security Class on 15 February 7pm.  Desert Breeze Substation, 251 N Desert Breeze Blvd

 04:17 <MajB> Chandler, AZ.  Shopping safely and protecting your accounts.  You are invited to attend this event if you are interested in cyber security and wish to have an opportunity to learn about digital security as well as related hardware and software.  http://phxlinux.org/

 04:17 <MajB> Free Software Stammtisch – East Valley – PLUG social gathering on 20 February 7-10 pm.  Boulders on Southern, 1010 W. Southern Ave., Mesa AZ.   Please come and join us for some good conversation over good food and drinks, which are both optional... Friends and family are all welcome.  Come see where the conversation leads this time, it doesn't just stick exclusively with Linux.  Us Linux geeks are interested in all sorts of things tech, so the conv

 04:17 <MajB> http://phxlinux.org/

 04:18 <MajB> Cochise Linux User Group meeting on 24 February, 1-3:45 pm.  Sierra Vista public library conference room, 2600 E. Tacoma St. Sierra Vista AZ.  http://cochiselinuxusergroup.org/calendar/

 04:18 <MajB> Tucson Computer Society, Linux Special Interest Group meeting on 25 February 3-5 pm.  Adam D. Technology, 71 W. Jacinto St., Tucson, AZ.  http://www.aztcs.org/sigs/linux.shtml.

 04:18 <MajB> That is all that I have

 04:18 <toddc> Thank you MajB !

 04:18 <toddc> FUTURE EVENTS

 04:18 <toddc> Any thoughts on other events or projects???

 04:19 <MajB> 08-11 March 2018, ScaLE

 04:19 <MajB> Pasadena Convention Center

 04:19 <MajB> Pasadena, CA

 04:19 <MajB> https://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale/16x/cfp

 04:19 <MajB> 24-25 March 2018, Libre Planet 2018

 04:19 <MajB> Cambridge, MA

 04:19 <MajB> https://www.libreplanet.org/2018/

 04:20 <toddc> great meeting tonight that is all I have anyone have anything else?

 04:20 <MajB> Not here

 04:21 <toddc> Thanks for coming here tonight I will be here for a while if you have any questions

 04:21 <toddc> #endmeeting

Parent pages: ArizonaTeam/Meetings ArizonaTeam
