July 02, 2023 Meeting
Sunday 02 Msrch 2025 |
== Meeting information == * #Ubuntu-US-AZ: AZLoCo meeting, started by toddc, 03 Jul at 03:59 — 04:16 UTC. * Full logs at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-us-az/2023/ubuntu-us-az.2023-07-03-03.59.log.html == Meeting summary == * ''LINK:'' http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-az (toddc, 04:01) * ''LINK:'' http://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam (toddc, 04:01) * ''LINK:'' https://www.facebook.com/UbuntuAZTeam (toddc, 04:01) * ''LINK:'' https://www.cafepress.com/azloco (toddc, 04:01) * ''LINK:'' https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/TeamProjects (toddc, 04:02) * ''LINK:'' https://docs.google.com/document/d/19ti1e1VXnEle3-wZQDhADbJJIOlwG6acyrF3IiBewqc/edit? (toddc, 04:03) * ''LINK:'' https://www.linuxlinks.com/koodo-reader-ebook/ (stephenm, 04:03) * ''LINK:'' https://www.libreofficehelp.com/horizontal-lines-libreoffice-openoffice/ (stephenm, 04:04) * ''LINK:'' https://www.linuxlinks.com/festival-music-player-special-interface/ (stephenm, 04:04) * ''LINK:'' https://www.linuxtechmore.com/2023/06/what-are-the-best-open-source-fonts.html (stephenm, 04:04) * ''LINK:'' https://www.tecmint.com/check-user-in-linux/ (stephenm, 04:04) * ''LINK:'' https://www.tecmint.com/linux-terminal-emulators/ (stephenm, 04:05) * ''LINK:'' https://www.linuxtechmore.com/2023/06/what-are-the-best-open-source-fonts.html (stephenm, 04:05) * ''LINK:'' https://9to5linux.com/new-tuxedo-infinitybook-pro-16-linux-laptop-gets-nvidia-rtx-4000-series-gpus (stephenm, 04:05) * ''LINK:'' https://www.libreofficehelp.com/add-borders-libreoffice-openoffice/ (stephenm, 04:05) * ''LINK:'' https://www.theregister.com/2023/06/23/open_source_licenses_ai/ (stephenm, 04:05) * ''LINK:'' https://www.tecmint.com/eclipse-install-ubuntu/ (stephenm, 04:06) * ''LINK:'' https://www.debugpoint.com/best-gtk-themes/ (stephenm, 04:06) * ''LINK:'' https://9to5linux.com/nitrux-2-9-released-with-new-upgrade-tool-latest-kde-software-and-much-more (stephenm, 04:06) * ''LINK:'' https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-backup-your-git-repositories-with-gickup (stephenm, 04:06) * ''LINK:'' https://www.tecmint.com/remember-linux-commands/ (stephenm, 04:06) * ''LINK:'' https://linuxstans.com/bash-cheat-sheet/ (stephenm, 04:07) * ''LINK:'' https://www.tecmint.com/linux-cheat-command/ (stephenm, 04:07) * ''LINK:'' https://www.tecmint.com/create-network-bond-bridge-in-ubuntu/ (stephenm, 04:07) * ''LINK:'' https://www.tecmint.com/powerline-plugin-for-vim/ (stephenm, 04:07) * ''LINK:'' https://www.linuxlinks.com/machine-learning-linux-audiocraft-audio-processing-generation-deep-learning/ (stephenm, 04:08) * ''LINK:'' https://www.linuxtoday.com/developer/nvk-update-enables-new-extensions-conformance-status/ (stephenm, 04:08) * ''LINK:'' https://www.techrepublic.com/article/how-to-view-your-ssh-keys-in-linux-macos-and-windows/ (stephenm, 04:08) * ''LINK:'' https://www.sofmen.com/ (toddc, 04:11) * ''LINK:'' https://canonical.com/careers/all? (toddc, 04:11) * ''LINK:'' https://www.amazon.jobs/en/job_categories/software-development (toddc, 04:12) * ''LINK:'' https://canonical.com/blog/ubuntu-core-an-immutable-linux-desktop (toddc, 04:13) * ''LINK:'' https://www.azloco.org/arizona-lugs/. Recommend that you go to the individual LUG’s web site and or contact them for the latest up to date information on their activities because of the Covid-19 situation. (MajB, 04:15) == People present (lines said) == * toddc (55) * stephenm (48) * MajB (25) * meetingology (2) == Full log == 03:59 <toddc> #startmeeting AZLoCo meeting 03:59 <meetingology> Meeting started at 03:59:38 UTC. The chair is toddc. Information about MeetBot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology 03:59 <meetingology> Available commands: action, commands, idea, info, link, nick 04:00 <toddc> Welcome to AZLoCo IRC Meeting Please sign in with a +1 04:00 <MajB> +1 04:00 <stephenm> +1 04:00 <toddc> +1 04:00 <toddc> Stardate 101098.73 04:00 <toddc> Some of us are in http://bbb.azloco.net if you want to see us or talk to us 04:01 <toddc> Team Website is http://azloco.org/ 04:01 <toddc> IRC stats http://www.azloco.com/~ircstats/ 04:01 <toddc> Team membership http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=445980 04:01 <toddc> http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-az 04:01 <toddc> Team events portal http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-arizona/ 04:01 <toddc> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam 04:01 <toddc> https://www.facebook.com/UbuntuAZTeam 04:01 <toddc> Team swag can be got at 04:01 <toddc> https://www.cafepress.com/azloco 04:02 <toddc> We have a team projects if anyone would like to take on a project 04:02 <toddc> Team Projects Page 04:02 <toddc> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/TeamProjects 04:02 <toddc> Feel free to make comments and add input to our meeting at anytime. 04:02 <toddc> Today is also WORLD UFO DAY 04:03 <toddc> Anyone that would like to contribute to the weekly news items may add them to this list 04:03 <toddc> https://docs.google.com/document/d/19ti1e1VXnEle3-wZQDhADbJJIOlwG6acyrF3IiBewqc/edit? 04:03 <toddc> lets start with the news 04:03 <toddc> stephenm will be bring us the news tonight! 04:03 <stephenm> news is random tonight 04:03 <stephenm> Koodo Reader: All-in-One Ebook Reader 04:03 <stephenm> https://www.linuxlinks.com/koodo-reader-ebook/ 04:04 <stephenm> 2 Ways to Draw a Horizontal Line in LibreOffice & OpenOffice 04:04 <stephenm> https://www.libreofficehelp.com/horizontal-lines-libreoffice-openoffice/ 04:04 <stephenm> Festival is a Music Player with a Special Interface 04:04 <stephenm> https://www.linuxlinks.com/festival-music-player-special-interface/ 04:04 <stephenm> What are the best open-source fonts (sources & families)? 04:04 <stephenm> https://www.linuxtechmore.com/2023/06/what-are-the-best-open-source-fonts.html 04:04 <stephenm> 12 Ways to Find User Account Info and Login Details in Linux 04:04 <stephenm> https://www.tecmint.com/check-user-in-linux/ 04:04 <stephenm> 22 Best Terminal Emulators for Linux Desktop in 2023 04:05 <stephenm> https://www.tecmint.com/linux-terminal-emulators/ 04:05 <stephenm> What are the best open-source fonts (sources & families)? 04:05 <stephenm> https://www.linuxtechmore.com/2023/06/what-are-the-best-open-source-fonts.html 04:05 <stephenm> TUXEDO InfinityBook Pro 16 Gets NVIDIA RTX 4000 Series GPUs 04:05 <stephenm> https://9to5linux.com/new-tuxedo-infinitybook-pro-16-linux-laptop-gets-nvidia-rtx-4000-series-gpus 04:05 <stephenm> How to Add Borders in LibreOffice and OpenOffice Writer 04:05 <stephenm> https://www.libreofficehelp.com/add-borders-libreoffice-openoffice/ 04:05 <stephenm> Open-Source Licenses Need to Evolve to Deal With AI 04:05 <stephenm> https://www.theregister.com/2023/06/23/open_source_licenses_ai/ 04:06 <stephenm> How to Install Eclipse IDE in Ubuntu, Debian, and Linux Mint 04:06 <stephenm> https://www.tecmint.com/eclipse-install-ubuntu/ 04:06 <stephenm> 15 Best GTK Themes for Ubuntu and Other Distros 04:06 <stephenm> https://www.debugpoint.com/best-gtk-themes/ 04:06 <stephenm> Nitrux 2.9 Brings New Upgrade Tool, Latest KDE Software, More 04:06 <stephenm> https://9to5linux.com/nitrux-2-9-released-with-new-upgrade-tool-latest-kde-software-and-much-more 04:06 <stephenm> How to backup your git repositories with gickup 04:06 <stephenm> https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-backup-your-git-repositories-with-gickup 04:06 <stephenm> 6 Useful Tools for Remembering Linux Commands Forever 04:06 <stephenm> https://www.tecmint.com/remember-linux-commands/ 04:07 <stephenm> Basic Bash (CLI) Cheat Sheet 04:07 <stephenm> https://linuxstans.com/bash-cheat-sheet/ 04:07 <stephenm> The Ultimate Linux Commands Cheat Sheet for Beginners, Admins 04:07 <stephenm> https://www.tecmint.com/linux-cheat-command/ 04:07 <stephenm> Beginner’s Guide to Creating a Network Bond, Bridge in Ubuntu 04:07 <stephenm> https://www.tecmint.com/create-network-bond-bridge-in-ubuntu/ 04:07 <stephenm> Powerline Adds Statuslines and Prompts to Vim and Bash Shell 04:07 <stephenm> https://www.tecmint.com/powerline-plugin-for-vim/ 04:07 <stephenm> Machine Learning in Linux: Audiocraft – audio processing and generation with deep learning 04:08 <stephenm> https://www.linuxlinks.com/machine-learning-linux-audiocraft-audio-processing-generation-deep-learning/ 04:08 <stephenm> NVK Update Enables New Extensions, Conformance Status 04:08 <stephenm> https://www.linuxtoday.com/developer/nvk-update-enables-new-extensions-conformance-status/ 04:08 <stephenm> How to View Your SSH Keys in Linux, macOS and Windows 04:08 <stephenm> https://www.techrepublic.com/article/how-to-view-your-ssh-keys-in-linux-macos-and-windows/ 04:08 <stephenm> That's all the news I have for tonight 04:08 <MajB> Thanks stephenm 04:08 <toddc> Great job stephenm! Thank You 04:08 <stephenm> welcome 04:09 <toddc> Is there any other news we missed? 04:09 <toddc> We are still getting lots of hits on azloco.org since we started posting articles and would like to continue to add articles. 04:09 <toddc> See any administrator for access to the blogs and any that should be moved to the front page let us know about it. 04:09 <toddc> LINUX QUOTES/JOKES 04:09 <toddc> My buddy Linux would always lead the lineup with a bunt and steal second shortly after. And no matter how bad I wanted to swing for the fences, if the batter before me didn't make first; coach would turn to me and say...??? 04:10 <toddc> UBUNTU. 04:10 <toddc> I created a Linux background process for the Message Analysis Test Tool. 04:10 <toddc> I call it the MATT DAEMON!!! 04:10 <toddc> At a computer users' group, a guy was complaining that his Linux-loving girlfriend refused to do Windows. 04:11 <toddc> My son asked me this morning why our 10 year old dog is no good with Linux. Then he explained to me that "you can't teach an old dog Gnu tricks." 04:11 <toddc> Local linux Jobs 04:11 <toddc> software dev 04:11 <toddc> https://www.sofmen.com/ 04:11 <toddc> Canonical has 103 open positions 04:11 <toddc> https://canonical.com/careers/all? 04:12 <toddc> AWS Arizona jobs 549 local open jobs 04:12 <toddc> https://www.amazon.jobs/en/job_categories/software-development 04:12 <toddc> ECD Systems LLC in Tempe has several level 2 Data center support lobs 04:12 <toddc> Operational Support Associates 04:12 <toddc> www.pdworkforce.com 04:12 <toddc> Spot Light 04:13 <toddc> Ubuntu Core as an immutable Linux Desktop base 04:13 <toddc> https://canonical.com/blog/ubuntu-core-an-immutable-linux-desktop 04:13 <toddc> If you would like a NextCloud account on the team server contact any team admin 04:13 <toddc> are there any cancelled events? 04:13 <toddc> UP COMING EVENTS is brought to us by MajB tonight! 04:14 <MajB> Upcoming Events 04:14 <MajB> AZLOCO Events and Activities: Because of the Covid-19 virus, many events are being held virtually on Big Blue Button, https://bbb.azloco.net . 04:14 <MajB> Detailed information with map locations can be found on our web site https://www.azloco.org/az-team-calendar/. 04:14 <MajB> 06 July, Virtual Tempe Ubuntu Hour, 1900-2000, On line on Big Blue Button, https://bbb.azloco.net, Come out and meet us or ask questions and learn Linux open source or just hang for a bit with other users. 04:14 <MajB> 13 July, Sierra Vista Ubuntu Hour, 1800-1900, Schlotzsky's Cafe, 3900 Fry Blvd., Sierra Vista. An hour to take time out of your busy schedule to relax, have a cup of coffee, talk about Ubuntu, Linux, and FOSS, and perhaps discover a different operating system for your personal computer that is free to download, free to install, free to use, and free to change to meet your own personal desires. 04:14 <MajB> 13 July, Virtual Phoenix Ubuntu Hour, 1900-2000, On line on Big Blue Button https://bbb.azloco.net Learn about Linux operating systems or discuss your problems and questions with Linux users. Everyone is welcome. 04:14 <MajB> 15 July, Virtual AZLOCO/PLUG Linux Workshop, 1000-1600, On line on Big Blue Button, https://bbb.azloco.net Anyone can attend. All are welcome. We can install most Linux distributions on personal computers, servers, routers, Raspberry Pi's or almost anything that Linux can run on. We are also happy to guide you through fixing problems, answer your questions or simply discuss Free and Open Source Software. Bring your personal p 04:14 <MajB> rojects, help others with theirs, spend time assisting with installations or problem solving, or spend some time talking about Linux. 04:15 <MajB> 16 July, AZLOCO Team meeting, 2100-2130, On line on IRC channel #ubuntu-us-az 04:15 <MajB> 27 July, Virtual Tempe Ubuntu Hour, 1900-2000, On line on Big Blue Button, https://bbb.azloco.net, Come out and meet us or ask questions and learn Linux open source or just hang for a bit with other users. 04:15 <MajB> AZ LUG Events and Activities: 04:15 <MajB> Detailed information for each LUG activity with map locations can be found at 04:15 <MajB> https://www.azloco.org/arizona-lugs/. Recommend that you go to the individual LUG’s web site and or contact them for the latest up to date information on their activities because of the Covid-19 situation. 04:15 <MajB> Many events are being held on line. 04:15 <MajB> Phoenix Linux User Group https://phxlinux.org 04:15 <MajB> Until further notice all PLUG events are being conducted on line. See the PLUG website. 04:15 <MajB> Monthly Meeting 13 July, 1900-2200 (second Thursday of each month) 04:15 <MajB> Free Software Stammtisch 18 July, 1900-2200 (third Tuesday of each month) 04:15 <MajB> Sunland Linux User Group https://svecc.com/groups/linux 04:15 <MajB> Monthly meeting 12 July, 1800-1930 (second Wednesday of each month), Location: Training Room, Sunland Village East Computer Lab, 2145 S Farnsworth, Mesa 04:16 <MajB> Cochise Linux User Group https://cochiselinuxusergroup.org/calendar 04:16 <MajB> Monthly Meeting 25 July, 1700-1830 (fourth Tuesday of each month), Location: Warrior Healing Center, 1838 Paseo San Luis, Sierra Vista 04:16 <MajB> That is all I have 04:16 <toddc> FUTURE EVENTS 04:16 <toddc> Any thoughts on other events or projects Questions ??? 04:16 <toddc> great meeting tonight that is all I have anyone have anything else? 04:16 <toddc> Thanks for coming here tonight I will be here for a while if you have any questions 04:16 <toddc> #endmeeting Generated by MeetBot 0.4.0 (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology)
Parent pages: ArizonaTeam/Meetings ArizonaTeam
ArizonaTeam/Meetings/July 02, 2023 Meeting (last edited 2023-07-03 04:22:01 by tcole3737)