July 19, 2015 Meeting
Sunday 02 Msrch 2025 |
== Meeting information == * #Ubuntu-US-AZ: AZLoco meeting, 20 Jul at 03:58 — 04:28 UTC * Full logs at [[http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-us-az/2015/ubuntu-us-az.2015-07-20-03.58.log.html]] == Meeting summary == ''LINK:'' http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-az ''LINK:'' http://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/category-definition-for-ubuntu-arizona/1209 ''LINK:'' http://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam ''LINK:'' https://www.facebook.com/UbuntuAZTeam ''LINK:'' http://www.tecmint.com/execute-php-codes-functions-in-linux-commandline/ ''LINK:'' http://fossforce.com/2015/07/using-new-iproute2-suite/ ''LINK:'' http://www.itrunsonlinux.com/hardware/wetek-openelec-linux-media-player/ ''LINK:'' http://www.ubuntugeek.com/guide-to-kde-the-other-linux-desktop.html ''LINK:'' http://www.linuxjournal.com/content/one-port-rule-them-all ''LINK:'' http://www.geeky-gadgets.com/pidrive-a-low-power-raspberry-pi-msata-solid-state-disk-ssd-14-07-2015/ ''LINK:'' http://www.datamation.com/open-source/gnome-vs-kde-usability-vs.-options.html ''LINK:'' https://www.linux.com/learn/tutorials/840071-give-your-raspberry-pi-night-vision-with-pinoir-camera-and-ir-light/ ''LINK:'' http://opensource.com/business/15/7/why-you-should-update-your-job-skills ''LINK:'' http://princessleia.com/journal/?p=10418 ''LINK:'' http://www.tecmint.com/linux_logo-tool-to-print-color-ansi-logos-of-linux/ ''LINK:'' http://www.tecmint.com/manage-linux-filenames-with-special-characters/ ''LINK:'' https://keybase.io/ ''LINK:'' http://news.softpedia.com/news/ubuntu-mate-gets-another-hardware-deal-will-power-the-librebox-mini-pc-485967.shtml ''LINK:'' http://linuxg.net/install-indicator-stickynotes-on-ubuntu/ ''LINK:'' http://itsfoss.com/greek-town-livadeia-kicks-microsoft-office-libreoffice/ ''LINK:'' http://itsfoss.com/linux-trivia-quiz-one/ ''LINK:'' http://news.softpedia.com/news/buying-a-meizu-mx4-with-android-to-flash-ubuntu-is-not-a-good-idea-485495.shtml ''LINK:'' http://www.linuxjournal.com/content/code-boot-camp-underprivileged-kids ''LINK:'' http://media-opensource.blogspot.com/2015/06/why-cant-i-connect-1110-released.html ''LINK:'' http://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2015/07/ubuntu-pc-maker-system76-abandons-flash-says-its-too-dangerous/ ''LINK:'' https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/TeamProjects ''LINK:'' http://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/new-team-banner-ubuntu-brand-guidelines/2169 ''LINK:'' https://tempe.from-az.net:8081/public.php?service=files&t=a7c7bd46b2b040a22dc7e4cb802607d9 ''LINK:'' https://jobs.insight.com/ ''LINK:'' https://www.governmentjobs.com/jobs/1188108/police-web-application-developer ''LINK:'' http://www.canonical.com/careers/all-vacancies ''LINK:'' http://www.limelight.com/company/careers/ ''LINK:'' http://stretchinternet.com/careers/ ''LINK:'' http://www.usanetwork.com/mrrobot/videos/eps10hellofriendmov ''LINK:'' http://www.aegisub.org/ ''LINK:'' http://xtremebeancoffee.com this a 1-2 hour social hour to meet new/old users and chat about linux ''LINK:'' http://ubuntuonair.com/ ''LINK:'' http://ubuntuonair.com/calendar ''LINK:'' http://www.LuftHans.com/Free_Software_Stammtisch ''LINK:'' https://www.socallinuxexpo.org/blog/scale-14x-registration-now-open ''LINK:'' https://www.socallinuxexpo.org/blog/scale-14x-call-papers-opens-june-10 == Vote results == == Done items == * (none) == People present (lines said) == * toddc (146) * xHans (16) * hippyjake (5) * stephenm (5) * collie (3) * MajB (3) * meetingology (3) * wmack (3) * hobbet1 (2) * PirateP (1) * pavlos (1) * Tuxmann (1) * julian1 (1) == Full Log == 03:58 <toddc> #startmeeting AZLoco meeting 03:58 <meetingology> Meeting started Mon Jul 20 03:58:35 2015 UTC. The chair is toddc. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. 03:58 <meetingology> 03:58 <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick 03:59 <wmack> hello collie 03:59 <wmack> long time no see 03:59 <collie> hi! :) 03:59 <stephenm> you're still alive collie 03:59 <collie> work is killing me :( 04:00 <stephenm> very sad 04:01 <toddc> Welcome to AZLoCo IRC Meeting Please sign in with a +1 04:01 <Tuxmann> +1 04:01 <toddc> +1 04:01 <wmack> +1 04:01 <collie> +1 04:01 <hippyjake> +1 04:01 <stephenm> +1 04:01 <hobbet1> +1 04:01 <MajB> +1 04:01 <pavlos> +1 04:01 <toddc> Star Date 93150.65 04:01 <toddc> Some of us are in http://bbb.azloco.net if you want to see us or talk to us 04:01 <PirateP> +1 04:01 <toddc> Team Website is http://azloco.org/ 04:01 <toddc> IRC stats http://www.azloco.com/~ircstats/ 04:02 <toddc> Team membership http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=445980 04:02 <toddc> http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-az 04:02 <toddc> Team events portal http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-arizona/ 04:02 <toddc> http://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/category-definition-for-ubuntu-arizona/1209 04:02 <toddc> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam 04:02 <toddc> https://www.facebook.com/UbuntuAZTeam 04:02 <toddc> Feel free to make comments and add input to our meeting at anytime. 04:02 <toddc> lets start with the news!! 04:03 <toddc> The news is for beginner to expert users pick and choose what to read test and try! 04:03 <toddc> Thanks to turbidtux and programmer317 for the news. 04:03 <toddc> 12 Useful PHP Commandline Usage Every Linux User Must Know 04:03 <toddc> http://www.tecmint.com/execute-php-codes-functions-in-linux-commandline/ 04:03 <toddc> Using the New iproute2 Suite 04:03 <toddc> http://fossforce.com/2015/07/using-new-iproute2-suite/ 04:03 <toddc> Week OpenELEC Linux media player 04:03 <toddc> http://www.itrunsonlinux.com/hardware/wetek-openelec-linux-media-player/ 04:04 <toddc> Guide to KDE: The Other LINUX Desktop 04:04 <toddc> http://www.ubuntugeek.com/guide-to-kde-the-other-linux-desktop.html 04:04 <toddc> One Port to Rule Them All! 04:04 <toddc> http://www.linuxjournal.com/content/one-port-rule-them-all 04:04 <toddc> PiDrive A Low Power Raspberry Pi mSATA Solid State Disk (SSD) Kickstarter 04:04 <toddc> http://www.geeky-gadgets.com/pidrive-a-low-power-raspberry-pi-msata-solid-state-disk-ssd-14-07-2015/ 04:04 <julian1> +1 04:04 <toddc> GNOME vs KDE: Usability vs. Options 04:04 <toddc> http://www.datamation.com/open-source/gnome-vs-kde-usability-vs.-options.html 04:05 <toddc> Give Your Raspberry Pi Night Vision With the PiNoir Camera 04:05 <toddc> https://www.linux.com/learn/tutorials/840071-give-your-raspberry-pi-night-vision-with-pinoir-camera-and-ir-light/ 04:05 <toddc> Keeping skills fresh in tech pays off 04:05 <toddc> http://opensource.com/business/15/7/why-you-should-update-your-job-skills 04:05 <toddc> Ubuntu at the upcoming Community Leadership Summit 04:05 <toddc> http://princessleia.com/journal/?p=10418 04:05 <toddc> Linux_Logo – A Command Line Tool to Print Color ANSI Logos of Linux Distributions 04:05 <toddc> http://www.tecmint.com/linux_logo-tool-to-print-color-ansi-logos-of-linux/ 04:06 <toddc> How to Manipulate Filenames Having Spaces and Special Characters in Linux 04:06 <toddc> http://www.tecmint.com/manage-linux-filenames-with-special-characters/ 04:06 <toddc> Get a public key, safely, starting just with someone's social media username(s). 04:06 <toddc> https://keybase.io/ 04:06 <toddc> Ubuntu MATE Gets Another Hardware Deal, Will Power the LibreBox Mini-PC 04:06 <toddc> http://news.softpedia.com/news/ubuntu-mate-gets-another-hardware-deal-will-power-the-librebox-mini-pc-485967.shtml 04:06 <toddc> Indicator Stickynotes Is Now Available For Ubuntu 15.04, Ubuntu 14.10 And Ubuntu 14.04 Via PPA 04:06 <toddc> http://linuxg.net/install-indicator-stickynotes-on-ubuntu/ 04:07 <toddc> Greek Town Livadeia Kicks Out Microsoft Office For LibreOffice 04:07 <toddc> http://itsfoss.com/greek-town-livadeia-kicks-microsoft-office-libreoffice/ 04:07 <toddc> The Ultimate Linux Trivia Quiz [Part One] I got 90% One wrong of ten 04:07 <toddc> http://itsfoss.com/linux-trivia-quiz-one/ 04:07 <toddc> Buying a Meizu MX4 with Android to Flash Ubuntu Is Not a Good Idea 04:07 <toddc> http://news.softpedia.com/news/buying-a-meizu-mx4-with-android-to-flash-ubuntu-is-not-a-good-idea-485495.shtml 04:07 <toddc> code boot camp underprivileged kids 04:07 <toddc> http://www.linuxjournal.com/content/code-boot-camp-underprivileged-kids 04:08 <toddc> Why Can't I Connect? 1.11.0 released, Install on Ubuntu and Linux Mint 04:08 <toddc> http://media-opensource.blogspot.com/2015/06/why-cant-i-connect-1110-released.html 04:08 <toddc> Ubuntu PC maker System76 abandons Flash, says it’s too dangerous 04:08 <toddc> http://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2015/07/ubuntu-pc-maker-system76-abandons-flash-says-its-too-dangerous/ 04:08 <toddc> TEAM NEWS 04:08 <toddc> Team Projects Page 04:08 <toddc> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/TeamProjects 04:09 <toddc> hippyjake has made some new banners that follow the Ubuntu Brand Guidelines. 04:09 <toddc> http://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/new-team-banner-ubuntu-brand-guidelines/2169 04:09 <toddc> please look them over and comment and we will vote to change to one that meets the specs 04:09 <toddc> at a later meeting. 04:09 <hippyjake> also found here 04:09 <hippyjake> https://tempe.from-az.net:8081/public.php?service=files&t=a7c7bd46b2b040a22dc7e4cb802607d9 04:09 <MajB> Rah hippyjack 04:09 <stephenm> looking good hippyjake 04:09 <hippyjake> thank you 04:09 <toddc> MajB has updated the new members guide on ubuntu foums AZ page thank him please! 04:10 <toddc> It is that Time again to get AzLoCo re-approved as a Team again for another two years. MajB has 04:10 <stephenm> thx MajB 04:10 <hobbet1> thank you MajB 04:10 <toddc> completed the renewal application at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/Re-validationApplication2015 04:11 <toddc> We are scheduled to renew our team on July 21 20:00 UTC or 1 pm local at #ubuntu-meeting on 04:11 <xHans> good news 04:11 <toddc> irc.freenode.net. It will help to have as many members as possible at the meeting to show support. 04:11 <toddc> California Loco has asked if we can assist with Scale 14 on the Ubuntu booth. 04:12 <toddc> fopr those going to scale this year 04:12 <toddc> we will have more information in the next few weeks 04:12 <toddc> LINUX QUOTES 04:12 <toddc> Seen on a cubicle's whiteboard: 04:13 <toddc> # chown -R us /your/base 04:13 <toddc> I can assit that later if needed 04:13 <toddc> We are still getting lots of hits on azloco.org since we started posting articles and would like to continue to add articles. 04:14 <toddc> If you are working on a project what better to way to document it and let others know about it. 04:14 <toddc> See any team member for access to the blogs and any that should be moved to the front page let us know about it. 04:14 <toddc> JOB list 04:14 <toddc> Linux/Unix Engineer 04:14 <toddc> https://jobs.insight.com/ 04:15 <toddc> POLICE WEB APPLICATION DEVELOPER 04:15 <toddc> https://www.governmentjobs.com/jobs/1188108/police-web-application-developer 04:15 <toddc> Senior Middleware Engineer 04:15 <toddc> jwhitesides@smci.com 04:15 <toddc> 35 current canonical Jobs today 04:15 <toddc> http://www.canonical.com/careers/all-vacancies 04:15 <toddc> 5 Google Fiber jobs in phoenix AZ 04:15 <toddc> https://www.google.com/about/careers/search#t=sq&q=j&li=10&jl=33.4483771%253A-112.0740373%253APhoenix%252C+AZ%252C+USA%253AUS%253AUnited+States%253A33.69549652570098%253ALOCALITY& 04:16 <toddc> Multiple jobs at Limelight Software Engineer (Big Data) 04:16 <toddc> http://www.limelight.com/company/careers/ 04:16 <toddc> Systems Administrator 04:16 <toddc> http://stretchinternet.com/careers/ 04:16 <toddc> Runs LINUX 04:16 <toddc> Gnome and linux used in new USA network series Mr Robot 04:16 <hippyjake> Mr Robot Is awesome! 04:16 <toddc> http://www.usanetwork.com/mrrobot/videos/eps10hellofriendmov 04:17 <toddc> Weekly Desktop app Pick 04:17 <toddc> Aegisub is a free, cross-platform open source tool for creating and modifying subtitles. 04:17 <toddc> http://www.aegisub.org/ 04:17 <toddc> Spot Light 04:17 <toddc> watch amazon Prime on firefox with the following settings 04:18 <toddc> Set the user agent to 04:18 <toddc> ‘Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; de-DE) AppleWebKit/533.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) 04:18 <toddc> or chrome to 04:18 <toddc> Chrome/5.0.375.127 Large Screen Safari/533.4 GoogleTV/ 162671’ 04:18 <toddc> UP COMMING EVENTS 04:19 <toddc> Team Re-Verification Tue, July 21, 1pm – 2pm #ubuntu-meeting on irc.freenode.net. 04:19 <MajB> Be there or be square 04:19 <toddc> please be there if at all possible thanks you 04:19 <toddc> Sierra Vista Ubuntu Hour 04:19 <toddc> Sierra Vista Ubuntu Hour is Thursday July 23th. 2014 7 MST , 6PM to 7 PM 04:20 <toddc> Schlotzsky's Cafe 3900 East Fry Blvd. Sierra Vista AZ 85635 04:20 <toddc> Purpose: Come and learn about Ubuntu (a Linux Operating System) for your computer 04:20 <toddc> see http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-arizona/ for more information 04:20 <toddc> Tempe Ubuntu Hour 04:20 <toddc> Thursday July 23 at 7PM is the 2nd Ubuntu Hour at Extreme Bean in Tempe at Southern and McClintock 04:20 <toddc> http://xtremebeancoffee.com this a 1-2 hour social hour to meet new/old users and chat about linux 04:20 <toddc> and open source. Stop by and say hi!! email toddc@azloco.com for more information or http://www.azloco.org/node/28 04:21 <toddc> Linux Installfest 04:21 <toddc> Sat, August 01, 10am – 4pm University of Advancing Technology: 2625 W Baseline,Tempe, AZ 85283 04:21 <toddc> Anyone interested in learning more about open source or Linux is invited to a open workshop! 04:21 <toddc> We can just chat or we can install almost any version of Linux on your computer router or all most any device that can run on linux 04:21 <toddc> West side Ubuntu hour 04:21 <toddc> West side Ubuntu Hour will be August 05, 7pm – 9pm at Starbucks Coffee 13472 West Bell Road, Surprise, AZ 85374, USA http://www.azloco.org/?q=node/28, Arizona 04:21 <toddc> If you are interested in Linux Ubuntu or open source Stop by and say hi to some other users and find 04:21 <toddc> out who what and where and how. to install use and promote Linux and open source 04:22 <toddc> Linux Training 04:22 <toddc> http://ubuntuonair.com/calendar/ but often not updated till the event starts 04:22 <toddc> http://ubuntuonair.com/ 04:22 <toddc> http://ubuntuonair.com/calendar 04:22 <toddc> Community Team Q&A 04:22 <toddc> WhenTue, July 21, 3pm – 4pm 04:23 <toddc> Where#ubuntu-on-air on irc.freenode.net 04:23 <toddc> xHans would you like to do the Plug news and events? 04:23 <xHans> ja, danke 04:23 <xHans> July FLOSS Stammtisch is this Tuesday 04:24 <xHans> Boulders on Southern, 1010 W Southern Ave suite 1, Mesa, AZ, 85210 04:24 <xHans> http://www.LuftHans.com/Free_Software_Stammtisch 04:24 <xHans> calendar invite: https://plus.google.com/events/c3c3kgl9nnbvor0r8cbgvspmulk 04:24 <xHans> 19:00 until at least 22:00 04:24 <xHans> SCaLE has moved to Pasadena in January 04:24 <xHans> new location, same great Free Software conference 04:24 <xHans> SCaLE registration already open 04:24 <xHans> https://www.socallinuxexpo.org/blog/scale-14x-registration-now-open 04:24 <xHans> SCaLE cfp already open 04:24 <xHans> https://www.socallinuxexpo.org/blog/scale-14x-call-papers-opens-june-10 04:25 <xHans> also, Zak from the Free Software Foundation was in town and hosted a meet and greet last night 04:25 <xHans> had a good conversation with him 04:25 <xHans> and that's it for this week, danke 04:26 <toddc> Thank you xHans for all the assistance and plug events 04:26 <toddc> OTHER LUG EVENTS 04:26 <toddc> Lugy (Prescott users group) Tue, August 11, 6:30pm – 9:30pm 04:26 <toddc> Hungry Monk 218 W Goodwin St Prescott, AZ 928-237-4759 04:26 <toddc> note the new location 04:26 <toddc> FUTURE EVENTS 04:27 <toddc> Any thoughts on other events or projects??? 04:27 <toddc> any additions or things I missed? 04:28 <toddc> Thanks for comming by tonight I will be here a while if anyone has any questions 04:28 <toddc> #endmeeting
Parent pages: ArizonaTeam/Meetings ArizonaTeam
ArizonaTeam/Meetings/July 19, 2015 Meeting (last edited 2015-07-20 05:15:28 by tcole3737)