June 19, 2016 Meeting
Sunday 06 April 2025 |
== Meeting information == * #Ubuntu-US-AZ Meeting, 20 Jun at 04:00 — 04:31 UTC * Full logs at [[http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-us-az/2016/ubuntu-us-az.2016-06-20-04.00.log.html]] == Meeting summary == ''LINK:'' http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-az ''LINK:'' http://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/category-definition-for-ubuntu-arizona/1209 ''LINK:'' http://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam ''LINK:'' https://www.facebook.com/UbuntuAZTeam ''LINK:'' http://www.ted.com/talks/tristan_harris_how_better_tech_could_protect_us_from_distraction ''LINK:'' http://allrecipes.com/recipe/236517/jalapeno-bacon-cheddar-deviled-eggs/?src=VD_Summary ''LINK:'' https://www.linux.com/blog/week-linux-news-oss-opportunity-new-grads-why-cloud-foundry-gaining-traction-more ''LINK:'' http://thevarguy.com/open-source-application-software-companies/do-we-need-more-open-private-decentralized-internet ''LINK:'' https://www.linux.com/blog/what-devops-michael-ducy-explains ''LINK:'' http://www.informationweek.com/big-data/software-platforms/9-tech-giants-embracing-the-open-source-revolution/d/d-id/1325872? ''LINK:'' https://www.linux.com/news/3-trending-networking-skills-employers-look-open-source-pros ''LINK:'' http://siliconangle.com/blog/2016/06/17/containers-are-on-fire-as-enterprises-ramp-up-adoption/ ''LINK:'' https://www.linux.com/news/looking-new-devops-gig-take-fast-track-these-training-opportunities ''LINK:'' https://www.linux.com/learn/lock-your-untrusted-applications-firejail ''LINK:'' https://www.linux.com/learn/how-control-cnc-machine-your-linux-desktop ''LINK:'' http://www.networkcomputing.com/data-centers/best-linux-command-line-tools-network-engineers/825641447 ''LINK:'' https://www.linux.com/NEWS/3-REASONS-IBM-PARTICIPATES-LINUX-FOUNDATION-PROJECTS ''LINK:'' http://k8s.uk/kubectl-vs-http-api.html ''LINK:'' http://www.infoworld.com/article/3085142/application-development/git-29-improves-submodules-diff-readability.html ''LINK:'' https://www.linux.com/news/devops-students-learn-value-uptime-3-am-calls ''LINK:'' http://www.securityweek.com/network-security-unknown-unknowns ''LINK:'' https://www.linux.com/learn/make-peace-your-processes-part-1 ''LINK:'' https://www.linux.com/learn/make-peace-your-processes-part-2 ''LINK:'' http://www.infoworld.com/article/3083352/it-management/chefs-habitat-puts-the-automation-in-the-app.html ''LINK:'' http://www.techrepublic.com/article/5-reasons-why-virtualbox-has-a-place-in-the-data-center/ ''LINK:'' http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2016/06/the-xps-13-de-dell-continues-to-build-a-reliable-linux-lineage/ ''LINK:'' http://www.linuxinsider.com/story/New-Linux-Lite-Is-a-Powerhouse-Distro-in-Disguise-83606.html ''LINK:'' http://venturebeat.com/2016/06/16/snaproute-apple/ ''LINK:'' http://www.canonical.com/careers/all-vacancies ''LINK:'' https://jobs.lever.co/cybersponse/ad3b3eb9-0a2e-47a2-92b3-c37ded9ae85f ''LINK:'' https://jobs.lever.co/cybersponse/e84059dd-50a0-48e4-bc05-3b64ad8d7742 ''LINK:'' http://newton.newtonsoftware.com/career/JobIntroduction.action?clientId=8a78826751d3645501520f29060908b8&id=8a78844954cc8eca0154d006b6571b31&source= ''LINK:'' https://theintercept.com/2016/06/17/ex-white-house-officials-criticize-vague-rules-around-disclosure-of-hacking-tools/ ''LINK:'' http://newton.newtonsoftware.com/career/JobIntroduction.action?clientId=8a78826751d3645501520f29060908b8&id=8a7880ec548eb5df0154a5d9dc6c0e2a&source= ''LINK:'' https://www.fireapps.com/job-detail/?id=592 ''LINK:'' http://www.multichannel.com/news/technology/cox-double-ultimate-speeds/391744# verify dates on http://ubuntuonair.com/calendar/ but often not updated till the event starts http://ubuntuonair.com/ http://ubuntuonair.com/calendar/ Where #ubuntu-on-air on irc.freenode.net (map) Juju Office Hours Where #juju on irc.freenode.net (map) Description Join members of the Juju team during our office hours, where we make ourselves availabl == Vote results == == Done items == * (none) == People present (lines said) == * Ron_A (74) * stephenm (41) * MajB (38) * toddc (16) * xHans (10) * dennisk (8) * Karatekid (6) * meetingology (3) * wmack (3) * billhamm (2) * Don_G (2) * mark91 (1) * Yorokobi (1) * flakeparadigm (1) * nhasian (1) == Full Log == 04:00 <MajB> #startmeeting 04:00 <meetingology> Meeting started Mon Jun 20 04:00:46 2016 UTC. The chair is MajB. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. 04:00 <meetingology> 04:00 <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick 04:00 <Ron_A> I want to start by saying that I enjoyed getting to see everyone at the installfest. 04:01 <stephenm> +1 04:01 <Ron_A> Happy Father’s Day to all the Fathers and those who are a strong paternal influence. 04:01 <wmack> +1 04:01 <Yorokobi> +1 04:01 <Don_G> +1 04:01 <toddc> we made Ron_A work 04:01 <Ron_A> Join us on http://bbb.azloco.net if using firefox please ask for help to add flash support to your system 04:01 <toddc> +1 04:01 <dennisk> +1 04:01 <MajB> +1 04:01 <Ron_A> Welcome to AZLoCo IRC Meeting Please sign in with a +1 04:01 <Ron_A> +1 04:02 <Ron_A> Stardate 94069.95 04:02 <MajB> +1 04:02 <mark91> +1 04:02 <Ron_A> Team Website is http://azloco.org/ 04:02 <toddc> time flies 04:02 <Don_G> +1 04:02 <Ron_A> IRC stats http://www.azloco.com/~ircstats/ 04:02 <Ron_A> Team membership http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=445980 04:03 <Ron_A> http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-az 04:03 <Ron_A> Team events portal http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-arizona/ 04:03 <Ron_A> http://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/category-definition-for-ubuntu-arizona/1209 04:03 <Ron_A> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam 04:04 <Ron_A> https://www.facebook.com/UbuntuAZTeam 04:04 <Ron_A> Feel free to make comments and add input to our meeting at anytime. 04:04 <Ron_A> Not open source, but I found some interesting ideas presented here 04:04 <Ron_A> http://www.ted.com/talks/tristan_harris_how_better_tech_could_protect_us_from_distraction 04:05 <Ron_A> Let’s start with the news!! 04:05 <Ron_A> LINUX NEWS 04:05 <Ron_A> The news is for beginner to expert users pick and choose what to read test and try! 04:05 <Ron_A> We will start with BACON. 04:05 <MajB> We want Spam 04:05 <Ron_A> http://allrecipes.com/recipe/236517/jalapeno-bacon-cheddar-deviled-eggs/?src=VD_Summary 04:06 <Ron_A> stephenm has some of the news, if would be so kind. The screen is yours. 04:06 <Ron_A> stephenm: 04:06 <stephenm> thank you Ron_A 04:06 <stephenm> This Week in Linux News: OSS Opportunity For New Grads, Why Cloud Foundry is Gaining Traction, & More 04:06 <stephenm> https://www.linux.com/blog/week-linux-news-oss-opportunity-new-grads-why-cloud-foundry-gaining-traction-more 04:06 <stephenm> Do We Need a More Open, Private, "Decentralized" Internet? 04:06 <stephenm> http://thevarguy.com/open-source-application-software-companies/do-we-need-more-open-private-decentralized-internet 04:06 <stephenm> What is DevOps? Michael Ducy Explains 04:06 <stephenm> https://www.linux.com/blog/what-devops-michael-ducy-explains 04:07 <stephenm> 9 Tech Giants Embracing The Open Source Revolution 04:07 <stephenm> http://www.informationweek.com/big-data/software-platforms/9-tech-giants-embracing-the-open-source-revolution/d/d-id/1325872? 04:07 <stephenm> 3 Trending Networking Skills Employers Look for in Open Source Pros 04:07 <stephenm> https://www.linux.com/news/3-trending-networking-skills-employers-look-open-source-pros 04:07 <stephenm> Containers are on fire as enterprises ramp up adoption 04:07 <stephenm> http://siliconangle.com/blog/2016/06/17/containers-are-on-fire-as-enterprises-ramp-up-adoption/ 04:07 <stephenm> Looking for a New DevOps Gig? Take the Fast Track with These Training Opportunities 04:07 <stephenm> https://www.linux.com/news/looking-new-devops-gig-take-fast-track-these-training-opportunities 04:07 <stephenm> Lock Up Your Untrusted Applications in Firejail 04:07 <stephenm> https://www.linux.com/learn/lock-your-untrusted-applications-firejail 04:08 <stephenm> How to Control a CNC Machine from your Linux Desktop 04:08 <stephenm> https://www.linux.com/learn/how-control-cnc-machine-your-linux-desktop 04:08 <stephenm> Best Linux Command-Line Tools For Network Engineers 04:08 <stephenm> http://www.networkcomputing.com/data-centers/best-linux-command-line-tools-network-engineers/825641447 04:08 <stephenm> 3 Reasons IBM Participates in Linux Foundation Projects 04:08 <stephenm> https://www.linux.com/NEWS/3-REASONS-IBM-PARTICIPATES-LINUX-FOUNDATION-PROJECTS 04:08 <stephenm> Kubectl vs HTTP API 04:08 <stephenm> http://k8s.uk/kubectl-vs-http-api.html 04:08 <stephenm> Git 2.9 improves submodules, diff readability 04:08 <stephenm> http://www.infoworld.com/article/3085142/application-development/git-29-improves-submodules-diff-readability.html 04:09 <stephenm> DevOps Students Learn the Value of Uptime With 3 a.m. Calls 04:09 <stephenm> https://www.linux.com/news/devops-students-learn-value-uptime-3-am-calls 04:09 <stephenm> Network Security: The Unknown Unknowns 04:09 <stephenm> http://www.securityweek.com/network-security-unknown-unknowns 04:09 <stephenm> Make Peace With Your Processes: Part 1 04:09 <stephenm> https://www.linux.com/learn/make-peace-your-processes-part-1 04:09 <stephenm> Make Peace With Your Processes: Part 2 04:09 <stephenm> https://www.linux.com/learn/make-peace-your-processes-part-2 04:09 <stephenm> Chef's Habitat puts the automation in the app 04:09 <stephenm> http://www.infoworld.com/article/3083352/it-management/chefs-habitat-puts-the-automation-in-the-app.html 04:09 <stephenm> sorry no comment from me tonight about news articles 04:10 <Ron_A> Some of those look really interesting Thanks stephenm 04:10 <toddc> nice stephenm ! 04:10 <stephenm> welcome 04:10 <Ron_A> 5 reasons why VirtualBox has a place in the data center 04:10 <MajB> Good job stephenm 04:11 <Ron_A> http://www.techrepublic.com/article/5-reasons-why-virtualbox-has-a-place-in-the-data-center/ 04:11 <Karatekid> I tried Firejail not long ago. It's very easy to set up but for some reason it wiped out all customizations for Firefox. Had to reinstall all plug-ins, all settings. 04:11 <stephenm> last data center I was at we just KVM 04:11 <Ron_A> The XPS 13 DE: Dell continues to build a reliable Linux lineage 04:11 <Ron_A> http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2016/06/the-xps-13-de-dell-continues-to-build-a-reliable-linux-lineage/ 04:11 <Ron_A> OnePlus 3 to Become an Unofficial Ubuntu Phone, Development Will Start Soon http://linux.softpedia.com/blog/oneplus-3-to-become-an-unofficial-ubuntu-phone-development-will-start-soon-505299.shtml 04:12 <Ron_A> Linux Lite Is a Powerhouse Distro in Disguise 04:12 <Karatekid> I'm keeping an eye out for that one! Thx Ron! 04:12 <Ron_A> http://www.linuxinsider.com/story/New-Linux-Lite-Is-a-Powerhouse-Distro-in-Disguise-83606.html 04:12 <Ron_A> Former Apple Engineers Launch SnapRoute, An Open-source Networking Startup, Out of Stealth 04:12 <Ron_A> http://venturebeat.com/2016/06/16/snaproute-apple/ 04:12 <dennisk> XPS13 - Great laptop! Bought it from Dell with 14.04 LTS pre-installed. 04:12 <Ron_A> LINUX QUOTES 04:13 <Ron_A> I've run DOOM more in the last few days than I have the last few months. I just love debugging ;-) 04:13 <Karatekid> Just a heads up: https://www.grahamcluley.com/2016/06/telegram-bug-allows-attackers-crash-devices-jack-phone-bills/ 04:13 <Ron_A> Linus Torvalds 04:13 <Ron_A> JOB list 04:13 <toddc> good add Karatekid 04:13 <Ron_A> 35 current canonical Jobs today 04:13 <Ron_A> http://www.canonical.com/careers/all-vacancies 04:14 <Ron_A> IT Ops Admin 04:14 <Ron_A> https://jobs.lever.co/cybersponse/ad3b3eb9-0a2e-47a2-92b3-c37ded9ae85f 04:14 <Karatekid> I read a dozen security websites daily. Need to know security vulnerabilities I'm your guy. 04:14 <Ron_A> Back End Developer 04:14 <Ron_A> https://jobs.lever.co/cybersponse/e84059dd-50a0-48e4-bc05-3b64ad8d7742 04:15 <MajB> This guy is a keeper 04:15 <Ron_A> Software Engineer Integrate (Advertising Technology / Marketing Automation) 04:15 <Ron_A> http://newton.newtonsoftware.com/career/JobIntroduction.action?clientId=8a78826751d3645501520f29060908b8&id=8a78844954cc8eca0154d006b6571b31&source= 04:15 <Karatekid> https://theintercept.com/2016/06/17/ex-white-house-officials-criticize-vague-rules-around-disclosure-of-hacking-tools/ 04:15 <Ron_A> Sr. Software Development Engineer Integrate (Advertising Technology / Marketing Automation) 04:15 <Ron_A> http://newton.newtonsoftware.com/career/JobIntroduction.action?clientId=8a78826751d3645501520f29060908b8&id=8a7880ec548eb5df0154a5d9dc6c0e2a&source= 04:16 <Ron_A> systems Administrator Scottsdale 04:16 <Ron_A> https://www.fireapps.com/job-detail/?id=592 04:16 <Ron_A> Linux Training 04:16 <Ron_A> http://www.multichannel.com/news/technology/cox-double-ultimate-speeds/391744# verify dates on http://ubuntuonair.com/calendar/ but often not updated till the event starts http://ubuntuonair.com/ http://ubuntuonair.com/calendar/ Where #ubuntu-on-air on irc.freenode.net (map) Juju Office Hours Where #juju on irc.freenode.net (map) Description Join members of the Juju team during our office hours, where we make ourselves availabl 04:17 <Ron_A> on what’s going on in the land of Juju, and walk you through anything you might need help for. 04:17 <Ron_A> xHans would you like to do the Plug news and events? 04:17 <xHans> ja, danke 04:17 <xHans> Tuesday is this month's Free Software Stammtisch 04:17 <xHans> we will have a follow up to games night @ PLUG by inviting everyone to bring in Free Software related games for use at Stammtisch 04:17 <xHans> we will also be having family night @ Stammtisch starting at 18:00 04:18 <xHans> please bring the entire family to enjoy and evening at Stammtisch 04:18 <xHans> Family and Gaming Night @ 18:00 - https://plus.google.com/events/clakfrfu00lfedj9jbnla5b7j2s 04:18 <xHans> Stammtisch @ 19:00 - https://plus.google.com/events/cdnbcpsl2taasnopbon8nkc03h8 04:18 <xHans> next month's PLUG presentation will be resume writing and software defined networking 04:18 <xHans> September is cloud computing 04:18 <xHans> that's it, thanks 04:18 <toddc> welcome billhamm 04:18 <Ron_A> Thank you xHans for all the assistance and plug events 04:18 <MajB> Hi billhamm 04:18 <dennisk> billhamm: Hi Bill 04:19 <Ron_A> FUTURE EVENTS 04:19 <billhamm> Hello everyone 04:19 <Ron_A> Any thoughts on other events or projects??? 04:19 <Ron_A> Hi billhamm 04:19 <Ron_A> Rex would you like to do the events now? 04:19 <toddc> dennisk: may have some news also 04:19 <MajB> Si 04:19 <dennisk> I think I have two students here tonight. 04:19 <toddc> welcome all 04:19 <Ron_A> billhamm: sign in with a +1 04:20 <flakeparadigm> +1 04:20 <nhasian> +1 04:20 <MajB> AZLOCO Events and Activities: 04:20 <MajB> Detailed information with map locations can be found on our web site http://azloco.org/node/28 04:20 <billhamm> ok I forgot to do that 04:20 <MajB> 23 June, Sierra Vista Ubuntu Hour, 1800-1900, Schlotzsky's Cafe, 3900 Fry Blvd., Sierra Vista. An hour to take time out of your busy schedule to relax, have a cup of coffee, talk about Ubuntu, Linux, and FOSS, and perhaps discover a different operating system for your personal computer that is free to download, free to install, free to use, and free to change to meet your own personal desires. 04:20 <MajB> 23 June, Tempe Ubuntu Hour, 1900-2000, Xtreme Bean, 1707 E. Southern Ave., Tempe. Come out and meet us or ask questions and learn Linux open source or just hang for a bit with other users! 04:21 <MajB> 02 July, AZLOCO/PLUG Installfest/Linux Workshop, 1000-1600 University of Advancing Technology, 2625 W. Baseline Rd., Tempe. CANCELLED. 04:21 <toddc> cancwlled 04:21 <MajB> Notice the CANCELLED 04:21 <toddc> yes 04:21 <MajB> 07 July, Tempe Ubuntu Hour, 1900-2100, Xtreme Bean, 1707 E. Southern Ave., Tempe. Come out and meet us or ask questions and learn Linux open source or just hang for a bit with other users. 04:22 <MajB> 16 July, AZLOCO/PLUG Installfest/Linux Workshop, 1000-1600 University of Advancing Technology, 2625 W. Baseline Rd., Tempe. Anyone can attend. 04:22 <MajB> All are welcome. We can install most Linux distributions on personal computers, servers, routers, raspberry pi's or almost anything running that linux can run on. We are also happy to guide you through fixing problems, answer your questions or simply discuss Free and Open Source Software. Bring your personal projects, help others with theirs, spend time assisting with installations or problem solving, or spend some time talking a 04:22 <MajB> That will be all of our events 04:22 <Ron_A> Welcome to the students 04:22 <Ron_A> Thank you Rex 04:22 <MajB> Would you like the other LUG events 04:23 <Ron_A> Does anyone esle have anything? 04:23 <MajB> Yes 04:23 <Ron_A> You can do it 04:23 <MajB> Thank you 04:24 <MajB> AZ LUG Activities. 04:24 <MajB> Detailed information for each LUG activity with map locations can be found at http://www.azloco.org/node/225 04:24 <MajB> Cochise Linux User Group meeting on 25 June 2-3:45 pm. Sierra Vista Public Library, conference room, 2600 E. Tacoma St., Sierra Vista AZ. 04:24 <MajB> Tucson Computer Society, Linux Special Interest Group meeting on 26 June 3-5 pm. Adam D. Technology, 71 W. Jacinto St., Tucson, AZ. 04:25 <MajB> Phoenix2600 meeting on 01 July 6-7 pm. HeatSync Labs, 140 W. Main St., Mesa AZ. 04:25 <MajB> Flagstaff Linux User Group Denny's 4650 N Highway 89 C-32, Flagstaff, AZ (I do not have a current meeting date or time for this Group) 04:25 <MajB> Cochise Linux User Group meeting on 13 July 5-6 pm. University of Arizona, Sierra Vista campus, room C165A, 1140 Colombo Ave., Sierra Vista, AZ. 04:25 <toddc> I think it was a one time only 04:26 <MajB> Sunland Linux User Group (SLUG) meeting on 13 July 6-8 pm. Sunland Village East, The Computer Club Training Facility, 2145 S. Farnsworth Dr., Mesa, AZ. 04:26 <MajB> Linux User Group of Yavapai Countu (LUGY) (social gathering) on 12 July 6:30-9:30 pm. the Barley Hound, 234 S. Cortez St., Prescott, AZ. 04:26 <toddc> carpool? 04:27 <MajB> The Flag Group may have been a one time thing but I will continue to attend to get info 04:27 <MajB> That is all I have Ron_A 04:27 <Ron_A> Thank you MajB 04:27 <wmack> thanks MajB! 04:27 <Ron_A> Does anyone esle have anything? 04:27 <dennisk> 3 items - Teaching a basic intro to computers course this summer. Students found themselves in front of Unity and KDE this week. No problem for these newbies. 04:28 <MajB> Excellent 04:28 <toddc> good news 04:28 <dennisk> Good intro to Bitcoin and the Blockchain at http://bitcoinproperly.org/. 04:28 <toddc> I may need that soon 04:28 <MajB> :-D 04:28 <dennisk> Also, turtl.it is an open source replacement for Evernote with encryption. 04:29 <dennisk> Check it out. very well done. 04:29 <Ron_A> Great info dennisk thanks 04:30 <Ron_A> Good meeting, thanks to all that contributed 04:30 <MajB> No Linux quote or joke from the land of fruits and nuts 04:30 <wmack> thank you Ron_A for great MC! 04:30 <Ron_A> you missed it 04:30 <MajB> Good job Ron_A 04:30 <toddc> toddc feels not needed! 04:30 <MajB> I miss a lot 04:30 <Ron_A> LINUX QUOTES I've run DOOM more in the last few days than I have the last few months. I just love debugging ;-) Linus Torvalds 04:31 <Ron_A> There it is again for the slow 04:31 <Ron_A> thanks wmack 04:31 <Ron_A> thanks MajB 04:31 <toddc> thanks everyone great meeting! 04:31 <Karatekid> toddc I was told that you had spare computers you were either giving away or selling. Was looking for a spare machine to work with. 04:31 <Ron_A> end meeting please
Parent pages: ArizonaTeam/Meetings ArizonaTeam
ArizonaTeam/Meetings/June 19, 2016 Meeting (last edited 2016-06-20 04:53:02 by tcole3737)