March 11, 2012 Meeting
Sunday 02 Msrch 2025 |
[22:00] toddc Welcome to AZLOCO IRC Meeting Please sign in with a +1 [22:00] toddc +1 [22:00] toddc Feel free to make comments and add input to our meeting at anytime. [22:00] toddc Siph0n: join now! [22:00] Siph0n +1 [22:01] toddc I will also be in tonight if you want to talk or see me. [22:01] toddc UBUNTU NEWS [22:01] toddc Government use of Ubuntu [22:01] toddc [22:01] toddc Ubuntu Used in Dr Who [22:01] toddc [22:02] toddc New Dr Who Game Works in WINE [22:02] toddc [22:02] toddc This T.A.R.D.I.S. Mini-ITX PC CASE Demands an OS Befitting the Doctor [22:02] toddc [22:02] toddc Locally Integrated Menubar Won't Land in 12.04 but Could Resolve Global [22:02] toddc Menu Dislike for Some [22:02] toddc [22:02] toddc [22:03] toddc How to Dual Boot Android-x86 and Ubuntu [22:03] toddc [22:03] toddc How to Manage Files from the Linux Terminal [22:03] toddc [22:03] toddc How to Install the Lightweight LXDE Desktop on Ubuntu [22:03] toddc [22:03] toddc How to make Simple Graphical Shell Scripts with Zenity on Linux [22:03] toddc [22:04] toddc Official XBMC Remote for Android (could even re-purpose an old Android [22:04] toddc phone) [22:04] toddc [22:04] toddc Have You Taken the Ubuntu User Survey? [22:04] toddc [22:04] toddc [22:04] toddc Help Ubuntu Decide Multi-Monitor Launcher Use in 12.04 [22:04] toddc [22:04] toddc [22:04] toddc Ubuntu 12.04 .ISO Will Remain CD Sized [22:04] toddc [22:04] toddc [22:05] toddc Jupiter Applet Ported to Python, Gets Ubuntu Indicator Support [22:05] toddc [22:05] toddc [22:05] toddc Kubuntu 12.04 Alpha 2 (not quite up to date but interesting) with KDE [22:05] toddc Plasma Netbook [22:05] toddc [22:05] -->| Dazed_75 ( has joined #Ubuntu-US-AZ [22:05] toddc The Kubuntu Commitment [22:05] toddc [22:06] toddc nice of you to join us Dazed_75 [22:06] toddc Medibuntu Repositories Available for 12.04 LTS Precise Pangolin [22:06] toddc [22:06] Dazed_75 Sorry, was working on getting my mic working for BBB [22:07] toddc Unsettings: Tool to Disable Global Menu, Overlay Scrollbars and Tweak Unity [22:07] toddc [22:07] toddc [22:07] toddc WINE 1.4 Stable Released and Ready for Ubuntu [22:07] toddc [22:07] toddc [22:07] toddc Linux Mint 12 LXDE Version Released [22:07] toddc [22:07] toddc [22:07] toddc Ubuntu now unofficially available for the Motorola Droid 4 [22:07] toddc [22:07] toddc What Ubuntu Can Take Away From The Raspberry Revolution [22:07] toddc [22:08] toddc Thank you Dazed-75 for the news tonight!! [22:08] toddc any comments so far? [22:08] toddc TEAM NEWS [22:08] toddc If you would like a email address please contact me at [22:08] toddc Tucson Installfest is on hold for a bit, We lost several locations so we will start in again after [22:08] toddc ABLEconf march 24 [22:09] toddc JOB LIST [22:09] toddc Systems Administrator $28hourly [22:09] toddc [22:09] toddc Information Security Analysts (Phoenix) [22:09] toddc [22:10] toddc Sr. Systems Operation Engineer Scottsdale [22:10] toddc [22:10] toddc TEMPE SERVER INSTALLFEST [22:10] toddc The server installfest on march 17 has been canceled due to st patrick's day [22:11] adrenaline_ +1 [22:11] toddc hi adrenaline_ [22:11] adrenaline_ Hello [22:11] toddc TEAM SERVER NEWS [22:12] toddc thanks to Eric for updating the stie to 0.8-3 it really works great with a lot of new features but will need a web designer to complete the upgrade and customize the API's so we need a volunteer if someone would like to take it on please let me know [22:12] xHans toddc: could have just restricted it to installing on green machines [22:12] adrenaline_ I am catching up [22:13] toddc lol !had to think for a minute [22:13] Dazed_75 xHans is cute as usual [22:13] xHans toddc: you're welcome [22:13] toddc UBUNTU TRAINING [22:13] xHans Dazed_75: danke [22:13] Dazed_75 We could use someone in the Tucson area to work on arrangements for an Installfest. The young man who was doing it is back in the hospital. [22:13] Dazed_75 Please contact Todd or myself for information. [22:14] toddc Introduction to being an IRC Operator [22:14] toddc #ubuntu-classroom on monday [22:15] toddc for more info [22:15] toddc FUTURE EVENTS [22:15] toddc is March 24 and we need a some help we will be running our Big Blue Button server in up to three classrooms and a booth so I will need some help with that and it will be easy to do the BBB and or the booth. [22:15] toddc I am planning on placing a projector or large monitor at the booth running BBB and if time permits making a Ubuntu demo slide show so if anyone has a few minutes we could use your help!! [22:15] toddc [22:16] toddc I did enlist my wife for part of the day [22:16] toddc ETA for my rasberry PI is 4/23 and as soon as it shows we will be setting up a few events test/break it in and see what it can do! Any all ideas for projects are welcome [22:17] toddc that is all I have any questions or comments or other news or ideas? [22:17] toddc xHans would you like the floor? [22:18] xHans soitanly [22:18] xHans got quite a few things tonight [22:19] |<-- Siph0n has left freenode (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) [22:19] xHans Snort and Nagios InstallFest this Tuesday from HeatSyncLabs [22:19] xHans [22:20] xHans ABLEconf conference call planning meeting this Wednesday at 19:00 [22:20] xHans [22:21] xHans GNU/Linux security class starts a week from Monday at Mesa CC [22:21] xHans contact me if you're interested in taking the 8 week class [22:21] -->| [R] (~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #Ubuntu-US-AZ [22:21] xHans [22:21] xHans[]=4122&start_hour=any&end_hour=any&instructors= [22:21] -->| Siph0n ( has joined #Ubuntu-US-AZ [22:22] xHans there are other GNU/Linux classes starting in the next couple of weeks [22:22] xHans [22:22] xHans ABLEconf in person meeting a week from Tuesday, before the Stammtisch [22:22] xHans 18:00 at Iguana Macks in Chandler [22:22] xHans before the Stammtisch [22:22] xHans [22:23] xHans Free Software Stammtisch a week from Tuesday after the ABLEconf planning mtg [22:23] xHans 19:00 at Iguana Macks in Chandler [22:23] xHans [22:23] xHans ABLEconf 2012 is two-weeks from yesterday [22:23] xHans registration is open, sign up now [22:23] xHans [22:23] xHans half-price student registration is available [22:23] xHans [22:23] xHans lunch will probably ( still working out details ) be from the Duck and Decanter [22:23] xHans keynote announcement will be in the next few days [22:23] xHans [22:24] xHans breathes [22:24] xHans and that's it for this week [22:24] toddc xHans: are your fingers bleeding? [22:25] toddc any questions or other comments? [22:25] xHans toddc: almost [22:25] Dazed_75 none from me [22:25] toddc Thanks xHans for keeping us up to date on Plug events and [22:25] toddc if there is nothing else? [22:26] toddc Thanks for coming tonight. I will be here a while if anyone needs help or has a question
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ArizonaTeam/Meetings/March 11, 2012 Meeting (last edited 2012-03-12 04:37:43 by 173-16-165-112)