October 21, 2012 Meeting


<toddc2> Welcome to AZLOCO IRC Meeting Please sign in with a +1
<spinrage> +1
<toddc2> +1
<Wee_Ericcc> +1
<Dazed_75> +1
<toddc2> Team web site http://azloco.com/
<toddc2> Team wiki site https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam
<toddc2> Team membership http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=445980
<toddc2> Feel free to make comments and add input to our meeting at anytime.
<toddc2> some of us are in azlocobbb.banditti.com if you want to see us or talk to us
<MikeofMany> +1
<toddc2> Anybody here that is new tonight?
<toddc2> "Read my lips... No new WINDOWS!"
<dennisk> +1
<toddc2> UBUNTU NEWS
<toddc2> over to Dazed_75 for the news
<Dazed_75> How to use Glx-Dock/Cairo Dock on Ubuntu 12.94
<Dazed_75>     http://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-use-glx-dock-cairo-dock-on-ubuntu-12.04
<Dazed_75> Ubuntu 12.10: 32 bit vs 64 bit Performance
<Dazed_75>     http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=ubuntu_1210_3264&num=1
<Dazed_75> Intel's Linux driver continues to be the most popular
<Dazed_75>     http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=MTIwNjU
<Dazed_75> How to add other timezones to Ubuntu's clock applet
<Dazed_75>     http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/10/how-to-add-other-timezones-to-ubuntus-clock-applet
<Dazed_75> How to mount partitions automatically on startup in Ubuntu Linux
<Dazed_75>     http://ubuntuportal.com/2012/05/heres-two-methods-to-mount-automatically-ntfs-drive-in-ubuntu-12-04.html
<Dazed_75>     http://www.webupd8.org/2011/11/how-to-mount-partitions-automatically.html
<Dazed_75> Raspberry Pi gets it memory doubled
<Dazed_75>     http://www.h-online.com/open/news/item/Raspberry-Pi-gets-its-memory-doubled-1729489.html
<Dazed_75> Infinity - A stunning theme for Conky on Ubuntu, Linux<int, & Fedora
<Dazed_75>     http://www.unixmen.com/infinity-a-stunning-theme-for-conky-ubuntu-linuxmint-fedora/
<Dazed_75> More about shell script: Adding conditions and GUI
<Dazed_75>     http://maketecheasier.com/more-about-shell-script-adding-conditions-and-gui/2012/10/16
<Dazed_75> ASUS announce 2 new Windows 8 Laptops, Both available with Ubuntu
<Dazed_75>     http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/10/2-new-asus-new-windows-8-laptops-available-with-ubuntu
<Dazed_75> Ubuntu 12.10 released
<Dazed_75>     http://www.extremetech.com/computing/138085-ubuntu-12-10-released-quantal-quetzal-now-with-extra-cloud
<Dazed_75>     http://betanews.com/2012/10/18/ubuntu-12-10-quantal-quetzal-is-released/
<Dazed_75>     http://www.zdnet.com/ubuntu-linux-12-10-review-better-but-slower-7000005948/
<Dazed_75> How to upgrade from 12.04 to 12.10
<Dazed_75>     http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/10/how-to-upgrade-ubuntu-12-04-to-ubuntu-12-10
<Dazed_75> How to disable the Amazon Search Ads in Ubuntu's Unity Dash in several ways
<Dazed_75>     http://www.howtogeek.com/126995/how-to-disable-the-amazon-search-ads-in-ubuntus-unity-dash
<Dazed_75> Download the Ubuntu 12.10 Manual now
<Dazed_75>     http://news.softpedia.com/news/Download-Ubuntu-12-10-Manual-Now-300196.shtml
<Dazed_75>     http://ubuntu-manual.org/
<Dazed_75> Manage planned tasks on Linux with the command "at"
<Dazed_75>     http://linuxaria.com/howto/manage-planned-tasks-on-linux-with-the-command-at?lang=en
<Dazed_75> Lightworks Linux Developers Story
<Dazed_75>     http://opensource.com/business/12/10/lightworks-linux-developers-story
<Dazed_75> How to use different desktop environments in Ubuntu
<Dazed_75>     http://maketecheasier.com/use-different-desktop-environments-in-ubuntu/2012/10/18
<Dazed_75> 8 New features in Ubuntu 12.10, Quantal Quetzal
<Dazed_75>     http://www.howtogeek.com/127061/8-new-features-in-ubuntu-12.10-quantal-quetzal
<Dazed_75> VirtualBox 4.2.2 maintenance releases quashes bugs and ...
<Dazed_75>     http://betanews.com/2012/10/19/virtualbox-4-2-2-maintenance-release-squashes-bugs/
<Dazed_75> Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quetzal Post Installation guide
<Dazed_75>     http://www.my-guides.net/en/guides/linux/375-ubuntu-1210-quantal-quetzal-post-installation-guide
<Dazed_75> Ubuntu 12.10 Review -- Linux User's biggest ever super test
<Dazed_75>     http://www.linuxuser.co.uk/features/ubuntu-12-10-review-linux-users-biggest-ever-super-test
<Dazed_75> Ubuntu Tweak stops development
<Dazed_75>     http://www.thepowerbase.com/2012/10/ubuntu-tweak-stops-development-claims-no-longer-free/
<Dazed_75> Mark Shuttleworth tires of critics, moves key Ubuntu development out of public eye
<Dazed_75>     http://techcrunch.com/2012/10/18/canonical-ceo-mark-shuttleworth-tires-of-critics-moves-key-ubuntu-developments-out-of-public-eye/
<Dazed_75> Ubuntu running on a Nexus 7 tablet
<Dazed_75>     http://www.my-guides.net/en/news/47-linux/378-ubuntu-running-on-nexus-7-tablet
<Dazed_75> Back up Linux to Box[.com]
<Dazed_75>     http://maketecheasier.com/back-up-linux-machine-to-box/2012/10/20
<Dazed_75>     https://www.box.com/
<Dazed_75> Xubuntu 12.10 released with Xfce 4.10 [screenshots, video]
<Dazed_75>     http://www.webupd8.org/2012/10/xubuntu-1210-released-with-xfce-410.html
<Dazed_75> and that's it folks -- ho[e eveyone saw something useful for them
<toddc2> Thanks Dazed_75 for the news tonight!!!
<toddc2> I have a few more to add!!
<toddc2> Ubuntu Linux Bets Big on ‘DevOps,’ ARM Servers
<toddc2> http://www.wired.com/wiredenterprise/2012/10/ubuntu-bets-long-on-devops-arm/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+wired%2Findex+%28Wired%3A+Top+Stories%29
<toddc2> 10 reasons why Ubuntu 12.10 desktop blows away Windows 8
<toddc2> http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/10things/10-reasons-why-ubuntu-1210-desktop-blows-away-windows-8/3459
<toddc2> How To Install Additional Drivers In Ubuntu 12.10 [Quick Tip]
<toddc2> http://itsfoss.com/how-to-install-additional-drivers-in-ubuntu-12-10-quick-tip/
<toddc2> TEAM NEWS
<toddc2> 12.10 DVD's have been ordered!!
<toddc2> no idea when they will show up but ussually fast
<toddc2> JOB LIST
<toddc2> Senior Network Engineer at our Teams Data center they have several openings to fill
<toddc2> jobs@oneneck.com
<toddc2> Customer Service Engineer
<toddc2> mike@nextstepsystems.com
<toddc2> linux Admin/Engineering Manager
<toddc2> eric@aztechfinders.com
<toddc2> Xen API implementation
<toddc2> tb9qt-3321303707@job.craigslist.org
<toddc2> Computer Technician
<toddc2> http://www.datadoctors.com/jobs/index.cfm?JobID=41
<toddc2> Sys Admin for LAMP Stack
<toddc2> rfbkg-3336301777@job.craigslist.org
<toddc2> AIX / SAN / TSM Specialist
<toddc2> Mail resume to M. Simo, Nestle USA, Inc., 800 North Brand Blvd., Glendale, CA 91203. Reference Job Code ASTS
<toddc2> Systems Administrator
<toddc2> 7kjfw-3324666671@job.craigslist.org
<toddc2> Jr. Network Engineer (Tempe, AZ)
<toddc2> https://home.eease.adp.com/recruit2/?id=2544021&t=1
<toddc2> UBUNTU HOUR
<toddc2> Thursday October 25 is the next Ubuntu Hour at Extreme Bean in Tempe southern and McClintock
<toddc2> http://xtremebeancoffee.com
<toddc2> this a 1-2 hour social hour to meet new/old users and chat about linux and open source. Stop by and say hi!!
<toddc2> UAT is unable to host our Nov 3 installfest and  we have had to cancel it for November
<toddc2> Azloco/plug Desktop Emphasis installfest is December 1  at UAT 10am to 4  PM 2625 W Baseline Rd 85283 Tempe across from Fry's Electronics 10AM to 4M 2625 W Baseline Rd 85283 Room 245 48st and Baseline Rd enter from the center corridor front building.
<toddc2> If you have time or want to meet any of us or have problems feel free to show up.
<toddc2> The Nov Tagcose class is canceled
<Wee_Ericcc> How did the xubuntu installs go yesterday?
<toddc2> The next Server Emphasis Installfest will be Saturday October 20 at UAT  10AM to 4M 2625 W Baseline Rd 85283 Room 208 across the street from Fry's Electronics enter from the center corridor front building we will do desktops/laptops as time permits
<toddc2> Kubuntu
<toddc2> For more info see
<toddc2> AzloCo.com calender at http://www.azloco.com/?q=node/28
<Dazed_75> Wee_Ericc: we did not install any xubuntus
<Wee_Ericcc> Sorry, i ment Kubuntu
<Dazed_75> We did two Kubuntus and an Ubuntu but all were 11.10 because of 12.04+ requiring PAE
<Dazed_75> We tried a non-PAE mini iso unstall but it failed
<toddc2> Ubuntu offers free online training several time a year
<toddc2> use the program Lernid or #ubuntu-clasroom in IRC freenode
<toddc2> Ubuntu Open Week will be October 24-26 this week
<toddc2> Wednesday, October 24
<toddc2> 3:00pm Ubuntu News Team
<toddc2> 1:00pm Ubuntu Development Team
<toddc2> 4:00pm Kubuntu Team
<toddc2> 4:30pm Lubuntu Team
<toddc2> 5:00pm Xubuntu Team
<toddc2> 5:30pm Ubuntu Studio Team
<toddc2> Thursday, October 25
<toddc2> 10:00am Ask Mark!
<toddc2> 1:00pm Ubuntu Translations Team
<toddc2> 2:00pm Ubuntu Quality Assurance Team
<toddc2> 3:00pm Ubuntu LoCo Teams
<toddc2> 4:00pm Ubuntu Women Team
<toddc2> 5:00pm Ubuntu Accomplishments Team
<toddc2> Friday, October 26
<toddc2> 1:00pm Ubuntu IRC Team
<toddc2> 2:00pm TBD
<toddc2> 3:00pm Ubuntu Desktop Team
<toddc2> 4:00pm Ubuntu Manual Team
<toddc2> 5:00pm Ubuntu Masters Of The Universe
<toddc2> please verify times as I have been wrong before
<toddc2> http://people.ubuntu.com/~nhandler/classroom.html
<toddc2> xHans if you are here do you have any news for us?
<toddc2> Deveolper Meeting Thursday November 1
<toddc2> University of Advancing Technology, 2625 West Baseline Road Tempe AZ 85283. This is close to the US 60 and Interstate 10 by Fry's Electronics. Meetings are held in room 245.
<xHans> nope, nothing this week
<toddc2> ok thanks
<toddc2> that is all I have any questions or comments or other news or ideas?
<toddc2> Wee_Ericcc: more classes for you!!!
<dennisk> Chris Lewis will be teaching a Linux security course in the Spring at MCC. Should be excellent!
<toddc2> cool keep us updateded
<Wee_Ericcc> YES cant wait
<Wee_Ericcc> if i can say anything about Chris Lewis, he really knows how to teach what he knows

Parent pages: ArizonaTeam/Meetings ArizonaTeam


ArizonaTeam/Meetings/October 21, 2012 Meeting (last edited 2012-10-22 04:25:31 by 173-19-32-144)