September 16, 2012 Meeting
Sunday 02 Msrch 2025 |
21:00 < toddc> Welcome to AZLOCO IRC Meeting Please sign in with a +1 21:00 < toddc> +1 21:00 < Yorokobi> +1 21:00 < Rich_> +1 21:00 < spinrage2> +1 21:00 < Guest96619> +1 21:00 < toddc> Team web site 21:00 < toddc> Team wiki site 21:00 < toddc> Team membership 21:01 < NeoNetNinja> +1 21:01 < toddc> Feel free to make comments and add input to our meeting at anytime. 21:01 < toddc> some of us are in if you want to see us or talk to us 21:01 < toddc> Anybody here that is new tonight? 21:02 < toddc> Fatal Error: Found MS-Windows System -> Repartitioning Disk for Linux... 21:02 < Yorokobi> Is that address correct? 21:02 < toddc> yes it is 21:02 < Yorokobi> OpenDNS doesn't like it. 21:02 < Yorokobi> FWIW 21:03 < toddc> 21:03 < Yorokobi> ah, one too few 'b's 21:03 < toddc> does need adobe flash :( 21:03 < Yorokobi> (in the original) 21:03 < toddc> edited and noted thanks 21:03 < toddc> UBUNTU NEWS 21:04 < toddc> Linux Users Targeted by Password Stealing 'Wirenet' Trojan 21:04 < toddc> 21:04 < toddc> Lightworks for Linux Alpha Due at End of October 21:04 < toddc> 21:04 < toddc> Integrate Google Services Into the Linux Desktop 21:04 < toddc> 21:05 < toddc> Cleopix: a Simple Screenshot Tool for Ubuntu 21:05 < toddc> 21:05 < toddc> Making Lists in Scribus 21:05 < toddc> 21:05 -!- Guest96619 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 21:05 < toddc> Emmabuntus 2: An All-Inclusive French Distro Based on Ubuntu 21:05 < toddc> 21:06 < toddc> Five New Unity 4 Games Will Come to Linux 21:06 < toddc> 21:06 < corburn> +1 21:06 < toddc> Ubuntu One Music Store Launches On;ine 21:06 < toddc> 21:06 < toddc> Meet the NexPhone: a Potential Ubuntu Based Smartphone, PC, Tablet and Laptop in One 21:06 < toddc> 21:06 -!- spinrage2 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 21:07 < toddc> Cross Platform Video Editor Avidemux Reaches Version 2.6 - Install It in Ubuntu 12.04 21:07 < toddc> 21:07 < toddc> August's Ubuntu App Chart Lacks Ubuntu Showdown Entries - But Why? 21:07 < toddc> 21:07 -!- dennisk_ [4402d1e2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #Ubuntu-US-AZ 21:07 < toddc> Using Clonezilla: Beginner and Advanced Approaches 21:07 < toddc> 21:08 < toddc> Intel Wants to Do Away With Password By Using Your Palm Print 21:08 < toddc> 21:08 < toddc> 21:08 < toddc> 21:08 < toddc> How to Enable 3D Acceleration and Use Windows Aero in VirtualBox 21:08 < toddc> 21:08 -!- spinrage [] has joined #Ubuntu-US-AZ 21:09 < toddc> Use a Kindle as a Monitor for You Raspberry Pi 21:09 < toddc> Use a Kindle as a Monitor for You Raspberry Pi 21:09 < toddc> 21:09 < toddc> Use Evernote In Ubuntu with Everpad and with Unity Integration 21:09 < toddc> 21:09 < toddc> 21:09 < toddc> Ubuntu Gnome Remix 12.10 Alpha 2 Available for Download 21:09 < toddc> 21:09 -!- Siph0n [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 21:10 < toddc> VirtualBox 4.2.0 Released with Support for Drag'n'Drop from Host to Linux Guests and More 21:10 < toddc> 21:10 < toddc> Intel's Upcoming Atom Chip Will Not Support Linux 21:10 < toddc> 21:10 < toddc> 12.10 News 21:10 < toddc> 21:10 < toddc> 21:10 < toddc> 21:11 < toddc> Thanks Dazed_75 for the news tonight!!! 21:11 < toddc> I have a few more to add!! 21:11 -!- spinrage1 [] has joined #Ubuntu-US-AZ 21:11 < toddc> Canonical Ubuntu management tool gets hefty upgrade 21:11 < toddc> 21:11 < toddc> Serving CGI Scripts With Nginx On Ubuntu 12.04 21:11 < toddc> 21:12 < toddc> In Spain, Hundreds of Thousand of Students Get Ubuntu Access 21:12 < toddc> 21:12 < toddc> any one else ave any other news?? 21:13 < toddc> JOB LIST 21:13 < toddc> Systems and Network Administrator Linux and windows 21:13 < toddc> 21:13 < toddc> Senior Systems Engineer SecureNet Payment Systems 21:13 < toddc> Apply Now: 21:14 < toddc> Systems Monitoring Administrator II 21:14 < toddc> 21:14 < toddc> VMAX Engineer 21:14 < toddc> 21:14 < toddc> Senior Network Engineer at our Teams Data center they have several openings to fill 21:14 < toddc> 21:14 < Yorokobi> Here's one someone emailed me about (System Administrator): 21:15 < toddc> Cool thanks 21:15 < toddc> UBUNTU HOUR 21:15 < toddc> Thursday September 27 is the next Ubuntu Hour at Extreame Bean in Tempe southern and McClintock 21:16 < toddc> 21:16 < toddc> this a 1-2 hour social hour to meet new/old users and chat about linux and open source. Stop by and say hi!! 21:16 < xHans> - web programmer 21:16 < toddc> added to my list thanks 21:16 < toddc> TEMPE INSTALLFEST 21:17 < toddc> Azloco/plug Desktop Emphasis installfest is October 26 at UAT 10am to 4 PM 2625 W Baseline Rd 85283 Tempe across from Fry's Electronics 10AM to 4M 2625 W Baseline Rd 85283 Room 208 48st and Baseline Rd enter from the center corridor front building. 21:17 < toddc> We had a great installfest last month and helped install or fix 7-8 new users Thanks for all the extra help from those that showed up to help. Don, Tammy, Dennis, Eric, Jason and Paul and every-one else 21:18 < toddc> we are looking a new larger room to hold more people 21:18 < toddc> UAT is unable to host our Nov 3 installfest and we are looking for a alternate location for that date 21:18 < toddc> If you have time or want to meet any of us or have problems feel free to show up. 21:18 < toddc> TEMPE SERVER INSTALLFESTS 21:19 < toddc> Tagose planning and development meeting on October 13 10am-4 pm 2625 W Baseline Rd 85283 Room 208 across the street from Fry's Electronics 21:19 < toddc> The next Server Emphasis Installfest will be Saturday October 20 at UAT 10AM to 4M 2625 W Baseline Rd 85283 Room 208 across the street from Fry's Electronics enter from the center corridor front building we will do desktops/laptops as time permits 21:19 < toddc> For more info see 21:19 < toddc> calender at 21:19 < toddc> TEAM SERVER NEWS 21:19 < toddc> Work continued on the proxmox server and set up vpn services but have determined that we have hardware issues the current mother boad only supports 2 gb of ram and we top out when running 4 machines, we have several members willing to donate MB and Power supplies and will discuss other options like pass a pot to raise a few $ or ask around for hardware donations.Neo 21:20 < toddc> FUTURE EVENTS 21:20 < toddc> We will do a 12.10 Release party October 18 on the 20th at the server installfest!!!! 21:21 < toddc> that is all I have xHans would like to take over? 21:22 < xHans> just one thing 21:22 < xHans> Free Software Stammtisch this Tuesday 21:23 < xHans> 21:23 < xHans> and a reminder that the SCaLE call for proposals has opened 21:23 < xHans> someone else can pull that url as I have to get someone back to bed :) 21:24 < dennisk> 21:24 < toddc> 21:24 < toddc> Deveolper Meeting Thursday October 4 21:24 < toddc> University of Advancing Technology, 2625 West Baseline Road Tempe AZ 85283. This is close to the US 60 and Interstate 10 by Fry's Electronics. Meetings are held in room 245. 21:24 < toddc> xHans Thanks for keeping up to date on plug/training events 21:24 < toddc> that is all I have any questions or comments or other news or ideas? 21:25 < NeoNetNinja> 21:25 < toddc> projects thoughts ect 21:25 < dennisk> FYI: If you have an edu email address (and you do if you every went to a MCCCD college) SCaLE is 1/2 price. 21:25 < NeoNetNinja> Things are in the works for a weekly meeting here in Tucson... 21:26 < NeoNetNinja> I contacted the potential meeting place and am waiting to hear back. 21:26 < toddc> cool is the location lock in yet? 21:26 < toddc> ahh 21:26 < NeoNetNinja> More info to come soon. 21:26 < NeoNetNinja> kinda 21:26 < toddc> glad to hear that is started 21:27 < xHans> NeoNetNinja: excellent news 21:27 < NeoNetNinja> yes, thanks 21:27 < toddc> now we need the west side and north to get started :) 21:27 < NeoNetNinja> The location is nice and its not that far from I-10 21:27 < NeoNetNinja> The have lots of room... 21:28 < NeoNetNinja> for a coffee shop 21:28 < toddc> are you still thinking weekly or monthey? 21:28 < NeoNetNinja> and plenty of outlets, tables etc 21:28 < NeoNetNinja> weekly would be nice 21:28 < NeoNetNinja> imo 21:28 < NeoNetNinja> Even if I'm the only one 21:28 < NeoNetNinja> It will give anyone a place that is already setup 21:28 < NeoNetNinja> etc 21:28 < NeoNetNinja> should be fun! 21:29 < toddc> cool good luck and keep us up on needs and attandence 21:29 < NeoNetNinja> great, thanks sounds good. 21:29 < NeoNetNinja> will do. 21:30 < toddc> if there is nothing else? 21:30 < toddc> Thanks for coming tonight. I will be here a while if anyone needs help or has a question
Parent pages: ArizonaTeam/Meetings ArizonaTeam
ArizonaTeam/Meetings/September 16, 2012 Meeting (last edited 2012-09-17 04:51:15 by tcole3737)